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Everything posted by Roahl

  1. Well, I visited your site -wich looks pretty nice- and have some questions; 1) I don't think it's allowed to use the logo of the tv station on a not affiliated website. Although it's obvious it isn't the official site, you can't be to carefull... 2) Why the huge gray 'banner-thing' at the bottom of the page when there's already a orange 'banner-thing' at the right side with adverts? It takes up much space that's useless to the visitor ... and it's not like this website costs you anything, right (I could be wrong here ). 3) Why does the visitor has to register to view the forum and the gallery. This is something I always get irritated about.
  2. I've just found another javascript from JavaScriptKit.com that will let the visitors search your site with Google. The code you need is here: <script type="text/javascript">[/br][br]// Google Internal Site Search script- By JavaScriptKit.com (http://www.javascriptkit.com/'>http://http://www.javascriptkit.com/ For this and over 400+ free scripts, visit JavaScript Kit- http://www.javascriptkit.com/'>http://http://www.javascriptkit.com/ This notice must stay intact for use[/br][br]//Enter domain of site to search.[/br]var domainroot="http://www.javascriptkit.com/ Gsitesearch(curobj){[br]curobj.q.value="site:"+domainroot+" "+curobj.qfront.value[/br]}[br][/br]</script>[br][/br][br]<form action="https://www.google.com/search&%2334; method="get" onSubmit="Gsitesearch(this)">[br][/br]<p>Search JavaScript Kit:<br />[/br]<input name="q" type="hidden" />[br]<input name="qfront" type="text" style="width: 180px" /> <input type="submit" value="Search" /></p>[br][/br]</form>[br][/br]<p style="font: normal 11px Arial">This free script provided by<br />[/br]<a href="http://www.javascriptkit.com/'>http://http://www.javascriptkit.com/ Kit</a></p>
  3. You have a really nice forum there. I agree with the others; a beautiful logo and forum layout. But since it's hard to review a forum by the content/quality, I'll just give my comments on the layout: I don't really like the huge banner/I don't know how to call it, that appears above the posts and beneath the menu when you view a topic. It's a waste of space, just take a look: link to a topic so you can see what I mean. I'm also not so fond on the fact that every post is shown in a some sort of box. But you probably don't understand what I mean by that, I'm to vague . Besides my negative comments, I want to wish you succes with your online community.
  4. Great site! I really like that green/black skin it has. I have only two tiny comments (wich means it's not bad at all ): The different font colors look a bit cheap (don't know how else to describe it). I also think it would be better if you place a little description of your site on the frontpage (you can place it in the welcome box) so it's immediatly clear to visitors what the website is about.Very nice banner btw!
  5. It's actually been a while since I played The Sims 2. I got it right away when it was available in stores, played it like two days and never touched it again. Altough it's a great game, some nice aspects of the first The Sims are left out; there's no real city, only lots that act like they are a "city". And where are those 'cute little' pets? I think that this version (although it's already very complex/extended) is ment to be the next 'expension pack after expension pack' game. First you pay a high price for the game, then when the expension pack comes out with cool features (that are left out in TS2 but already existed in TS) you WANT TO HAVE, you again put lots of money on the counter of your local gamestore. . .It's just the way how EA thinks about The Sims (2). There's a Dutch saying about that (don't know the English version ): Een koe uitmelken.
  6. This bit of code creates a little form on your page; 1 field where you can choose a search engine, another field where you enter the text. And ofcourse a button 'search'. The script is partly Dutch but the smart ones probably will figure it out . <script>[br]function n(naam, statnaam){[/br] top.location.href=naam;[br]}[/br]function addplus(items){[br] var plussed = "";[/br] for (var t = 1; t <= items.length; t++) [br] {[/br] if (items.substring(t-1,t) == " ") [br] { plussed+="+"; }[/br] else [br] {[/br] if (items.substring(t-1,t) == "+") [br] { plussed+="%2B"; }[/br] else [br] { plussed+=items.substring(t-1,t); }[/br] }[br] }[/br] return plussed;[br]}[/br]function doSearch(){[br] var words;[/br] words = document.searchforit.query.value;[br] var searchitems;[/br] searchitems=addplus(words);[br] var index;[/br] index = document.searchforit.service.selectedIndex;[br] var site;[/br] site = document.searchforit.service.options[index].value;[br] site+=searchitems;[/br] if (notEmpty(searchitems)) [br] {[/br] n(site, ('searchengine' + index + '.htm'));[br] }[br]}[/br]function notEmpty(word){[/br] if (word == "" || word == null) [br] {[/br] alert("\nYou have to enter some text,\n\nbefore clicking on 'Search'"); [br] document.searchforit.query.focus(); [/br] return false;[br] }[/br] else [br] {[/br] return true;[br] }[/br]}[br][/br]</script> </font><form[br] action="javascript:doSearch();void(0)//" method="get"[/br] name="searchforit" target="_self">[br] <p><font color="#000000"><select name="service"[/br] size="1">[br] <option selected[/br] value="http://http://nl.search.yahoo.com/?fr=altavista; <option[/br] value="http://http://de.ask.com/?o=0&l=dir Jeeves</option>[br] <option value="http://nl.excite.com/search.gw?s=">Excite</option>[/br] <option value="http://http://www.hotbot.com/?mt; <option[/br] value="http://http://www.ilse.nl/?COMMAND=search_for&LANGUAGE=NL&PROFILE=st&FAMILY=no&SEARCH_FOR; <option[/br] value="http://www2.infoseek.com/Titles?qt=">Infoseek</option>[br] <option[/br] value="http://http://www.lycos.com/?adv=0&query; <option[/br] value="https://www.zoo.com/; <option[/br] value="http://http://www.mybegin.nl/search/?action=Search&cat=World%2FNederlands%2F&all=no&query; <option value="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; <option[/br] value="http://zoeken.track.nl/Raven?sm=1&st=1&pl=10&qr=">Track</option>[br] <option[/br] value="http://search.yahoo.com/bin/search?p=">Yahoo</option>[/br] </select> <br>[br] <input type="text" size="10" name="query"> <input[/br] type="button" value="Search" onclick="doSearch()"></font></p>[br] </form>[/br]</script
  7. I'm using GoLive (for easy css and creating templates), PhotoShop and notepad. I've also used 1st page for a while but switched back to notepad later.But here's another interesting question that (in my opinion) suits in here: Do you check you're carefully (?) created website in all the internet browsers (IE, Firefox, Safari etc)? I don't, but if I come across a computer with a different browser than IE, I probably would check it.
  8. I work with Adobe GoLive (wich is a really good programm btw), I don't know for certain but I think it supports PHP. Altough it's expensive software I can highly recommand it. Just as Downpour said, macromedia dreamweaver will probably suit your demands best.
  9. I do not really have a particular favorite song, so I'll list my favorite songs/music:- Two Worlds (Phil Collins)- The Pitch (from Moulin Rouge)- Your Song (Ewan Mcgregor And Alessandro S)- Where is the love (Black Eyed Peas)These are just some of my (very) long list, I wont bother you with the others .
  10. Roahl

    Bush Is Gay

    Well, I'm an outsider -do not live (thank god ) in the usa- but do know something about Bush and Kerry. If you're mad on Bush, I can understand; spending all that money on some shity war and drag some European countries with him to make it look like 'we'/the Europeans support him is crazy. Just think about something fun, like. . .eh. . .Disneyworld?? (something real American if you know what I mean. ^you've got a really good sence of humour
  11. I don't think you'll find anyone who will help you translate all your posts, may sound a bit harsh but who's willing to take the time (sorry ).You could try the following translate websites though:- https://www.freetranslation.com/- http://www.lycos.de/ (http://www.lycos.com/)- or https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl (https://translate.google.com/)The translations delivered by these websites are very basic, but it's a start. I think most people will understand what you're trying to say.
  12. To make your computer (with windows xp) start faster do one or all of the following things:- Delete from time to time all files in the Prefect directory (located in the Windows directory)- Defragment your harddisk once in a while.- Turn of System Restore.- Disable the new visual styles and use that ugly grey one from previous windows.These are not all for making windows start up faster, but also to make it run faster. You could also try to update your BIOS (I think it's called flashing?) if you do not have the latest version already. But note: don't hold me responsible for any problems whatsoever .
  13. Well, it would be cool. But what's next? Google OS? I don't think this is what Google should do. There are already so much browsers with each an other way to display webpages (wich could be kinda fun for those webdesigner geeks). There already is a toolbar wich makes a Google browser a bit useless; why install another browser when you already have one with a Google toolbar. I don't think it will be a big succes, although Google suprised me several times. . .
  14. I agree with everybode else uphere. The images are both a bit to blurry, the background however is nice/better. And do they serve a purpose or just for practise? Anyway, good job for your first ever images, keep on trying!
  15. My favorite website for tutorials: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Has also some nice tutorials for adobe products. But since I use Adobe GoLive, my absolute favorite is http://www.golivecentral.com/. A really helpfull site.
  16. It's indeed a nice and (pretty) good poem. And what I like about it, it has some meaning. Not some text just made to write something. . .if you know what I mean
  17. What the ..! Are those two thingies ice cubes? Creative idea, but if I might add; if you'd took the photo a little further away from the subject (the molten ice cubes) and made it sharp/not blurry like now, it could be a great photo!
  18. That's .... that's .... really, REALLY GOOD for a 13 year old!I just wanted to say: nice job! BTW, is that you on the background singing? Fun flash film, fun website. Wish I was that funny
  19. The green - gray layout is indeed very cool. The only think that I do not really like is the long 'navigation' bar, wich can not even be used for navigating btw. But overall your website is nice, easy to read and navigate.
  20. I've installed sp2 yesterday, and I'm all up and running again. The software I re-installed (I used a full windows xp with sp2 install cd, first formatted my C drive) don't show any problems. There's a list of programs that won't work correctly with sp2 on the microsoft website, wich I checked before installing sp2. Most programs can be fixed with a patch. The "improved" windows firewall was giving some problems though thus I disabled it and installed ZoneAlarm firewall. I don't think you have to worry much about a crashed system, It's just a bit of software, what can go wrong. . . . . .
  21. Most people that are very familiar with a computer will use a pop-up blocker indeed, but people who barely understand a computer but do use it to surf te web and stuff don't even know (that's what I think) what a pop-up blocker is. So when pop-ups are used on a site like this (with lot's of "nerds"/people who are very familiar with a computer) it's not even worth it, because most of them are blocked. Above all, pop-ups lower the chance that a visitor will ever return.
  22. I found Xisto on the same website. There are lots of free webhosts listed there, but none seemed as good as this one. The reviews were really good, so I thought, let's give it a try. Everyone is very positive about it so..
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