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Posts posted by anwiii

  1. again they are doing strange things to my account. i just recently recieved an email...

    This is to confirm that we have received a Forgot Password request for your Account *******@********.com from the IP Address . We have created a temporary password listed below which will work for the next 3 days. You can use this to login to your interface.

    now pardon me, but i never reuested any password reset. the ip is from a certain section in india so i am assuming someone tried to reset my account. it's just the lack of stupidity on their part when they mess with my hosting without telling me and now messing with my password to login for support.

    if this is a bug, then you guys really need to fix it. i tried logging in and my password still works. go figure. in any case, i don't like people messing with my accounts without my knowledge. that is VERY SHADY BUSINESS. this message came right after i entered a support ticket

    which is another thing. my dns records aren't even propogating. they should have propagated my now. no doubt it's from xisto's side of things as usual that they are making it very difficult to change dns records. so first my websites, and then my domains, and now fish activity regaurding my account coming from india. what's next xisto?

  2. this is one of the most absurd threads i ever read but evidently there are poeple out there that think the human race should be destroyed. if i know anything about nature, it's that nature find a way to survive. for example, you can burn down a whole forest and it will rejuvenate. look at yellowstone nation park when several fires were started at the same time by bolts of lightening. when let them burn for a while but decided to try and put the fire out when it was getting too close to civilizatons(lodges and campgrounds). i remember hiking through there a year later. everything was black with absolutely no plant life. a couple years later, there was plant life and trees were beginning to grow normally again. nature has it's cycles and when there is desruction, it will find away to survive. we don't have to kill off a species for the earth to survive. that is ridiculous thinking. all we have to do is let mother nature do it's thing. if we continue to use up natural resources the way we are, we aren't going to evolve the same way and it will be harder to survive. eventually, when nature itself limits the human race, the resources will become more abundant. by that time, we will have learned to survive without wasting and using up our resources to be able to thrive longer than beforeand religion has to do with science being limited? how is a belief limiting science? i don't get it. scientists don't use religion(a belief or opinion) to prove or disprove anything.the is someone who comments that someone should pull the trigger for a nuclear war. what is this?!? obviously this person thinks that starting over will help. it's true that a lot of people pull together in disasterous times, but then there are a lot of people who use it as an excuse to riot, steal, and pillage. forefully killing people will NEVER be the answer to any problem. if nature feels we need to limit human production, nature will NATURALLY limit human production.most of the people who posted in this thread probably don't even believe in life after death. they believe in science more than religion or any belief system of thinking. if this is true, then why do they care so much about the earth when they don't believe they will be returning? because it's politically correct now? this whole thread is a joke.anyone who believes the human race should be forcefully killed off, do me a favor, kill yourself first. that would be a good start before trying to say other innocent people should die before you.... what a bunch of morons

  3. that's a lot of positive talk about a goat. all i know about them is that when i was at a petting zoo once when i was little and feeding the other animals, a goat was feeding on my shirt and destroyed it.never had goat milk, but willing to try it. eat a goat? no thanks, but if the opportunity arose, i guess i would have to try it once.congrats to eza for posting that wasn't spam like except the video. we are talking about domesticated goats. not wild goats. i think goats are ornery whether domesticated or wild. they are more independent than a cat

  4. i couldn't open the photo, but if a friend sent it to you, they were obviously there and they know more about the intentions of both of them. that statement can be decieving though because it also depends on whether it was a guy or girl who sent it to you. if it was a guy, there could be a chance he wants to break you two apart if he likes you. if it was a girl, then maybe there is more than meets the eye to the photo.

    in any case, i would confront him and the sooner the better. but be polite and civil. the longer you wait, the longer you will stew over this and not trust him where YOU will be at fault because you will always be looking for any little signs of him cheating which may go as far as stalking his activities. believe me....you don't want to go there. that negative energy is a relationship breaker. you either have to have trust and be open in communication, or you don't have a relationship at all.

    please ask him about the photo. he has to know someone took a picture or at the very least, he knows he was around people YOU know and anything he did that was not good would get back to you.

    this whol post is just thinking out loud here trying to think of all the possibilities without looking at the photo.

    it could just be innocent flirtations. maybe she had her arm draped over his leg and he was just being polite rather than rude. who knows. i know this happened to me once but nobody took a picture of it. my wife was there and i had to slap this woman's arm several times to get it off me.

    the most important thing is YOUR boundaries though. if you find it offensive or borderline cheating, then you need to be open about it. find out what went on and why she had her arm around his leg when sitting next to eachother. your boyfriend should respect your boundries. at the same time, you should understand that some guys are more open than other people.

    a little innocent attention never hurt anyone as long as it was innocent. sometimes when the significant other is away, they miss them so much they feel alone and need that attention. i dunno......

    in any case, don't hide anything from eachother. that is a no no in a relationship. ask him about the photo, get to the bottom of things, and then decide for yourself if you found it offensive. if you did, let him know so he knows not to do that again or you will not want to be in a relationship like that.

    Hello everyone...I hope you can help me analyze this photo. My boyfriend and I live together but while I was out of town last month, apparently he went to a beach party and I found this picture of him with another girl. They look a little too close, he and the blond, and her arm is draped around his leg.... Am I paranoid or does it look like something is going on between them? My boyfriend doesn't know I got the photo, I got it from someone else. Should I ask him about it? Or am I being paranoid and they are just being innocently friendly? Thanks!

  5. in my opinion, the two major differences is in the quality of education you can get in a private school, and the quality of diverse cultures you can find in the public school system. for the most part, i am against sending children to private schools. although the children may get a better education through books, it's not the real world. some of it is just too fake too me as mrdee points out. i am not a teacher, but i am not blind either.in a public school, the quality of education suffers, but the kids get to interact in a more real world environment to prepare the average person in their future endevours. they get to interact with people from different cultures and ways of life(some bad, some good) and it's a learning experience in it's own right to be able to take that and be able to get a long with all sorts of people down the road which i believe is more beneficial for personal growth and unbias and prejudice. there are exceptions though depending on the private school.my neice went to private school in grade school and high school. nothing wrong with it. they prepare you better for college and some universities do prefer certain private schools over public schools so getting in after applying is much easier. i think the private high school though put too much pressure on her. she wouldn't say it, but i felt it given her true nature. she gave it her best and survived it and came out pretty good making a lot of friends and even friends with different cultures, backgraounds and traditions. some of the public school system ARE bad though but not bad enough to sacrifice a real life learning environment(in my opinion). the students will still study or not study and get whatever grades they woulda gotten(whether in public or private school)and will still have the same advantage of getting in to a university even if it's a 2-year community college with the ability to transfer to a larger university if the grades dictate the transfer.one other thing i don't like about private schools is that it puts pressure on the kids. the parents are paying thousands of dollars so the child feels pressure to perform in school which will be harder for a kid to just be a kid while they still have a chance.the best scenario is to go to public school for a couple years or private school for a couple years, and then switch to get the best of both worlds. the only problem with that is that once you switch schools, you have to leave all the friends you made and start all over again at a band new school where nobody knows you and would be harder to adapt.so given all the scenarios i can run through my head, if the kid isn't going to be some hot shot attorney or doctor or find some place in government where you would need top level education and strict discipline in order to achieve success in certain fields, i say public school is the way to go. there is no doubt in my mind about it...even if the level of education suffers because it's not going to suffer THAT much to where the kid can't get a higher learning education by attending a university after graduation. what is high school? math, english, science, etc.... most of which you only need a basic level of knowledge. it's just supposed to make a person more well rounded. you hardly use the english and the math and the science you were taught in every day life. just the basics. who uses chemestry and physics after they graduate? hardly ANYONE except those pursuing a field that requires those classes(not many).anyway, that is my opinion and i am sticking to it....EDIT: i forgot to talk about home schooling. it has it's place for some people. some people cannot adapt to regular schools so the proper alternative would be to home school. it's not for everyone however and there are disadvantages. it's for those with disabilities and people who have a hard time adapting or keeping up with the average student. the disadvantages would be that the kid doesn't interact with kids his own age and doesn't get to befriend people they would normaly do if in a regular classroom envirmonment. i think part of everyone's nature is to interact with people in their own way so depriving children of that is not good. it can leave an empty feeling in a child. the other disadvantage is that a child would not normally get a well rounded education if home schooled and the quality would be less. so it's my opinion that nobody should be home schooled unless a child is disabled or a child is having trouble keeping up with the average students. to force them to attend that type of environment can do more harm than good. it can promote low self esteem and depression and anxiety. the best solution would be to home school. it's a better environment for the child in the long run. the non interaction with other children can be made up for by signing up the child to youth groups and camps and summer programs.

  6. love those hatchings. when i moved to missouri, i went to the state fair in sedalia. it was cool because they put eggs that are almost ready to hatch in the front of one of the overheads and also a section of new borns. it was really cool to see the eggs move and see beaks popping out of them. it reminded me of my kindergarten teacher who kept her hen outside our classroom every day and we got to see first hand how a hen lays eggs to the moment the chicks hatch. this was in los angeles county mind you. not a good ol' boy state. it's really fun when i can experience something new that triggers old memories.i don't really like reading about eating chicken in the next paragraph hahaha but i guess that's what we do....

  7. you are actually 100% wrong. do your homework before making banket statements about scams when it ruins the reputation of legit businesses. i don't know if this one will be around a while, but there are a lot of bigger websites that are solely for cpa offers and have been is business for quite some time. if you got scammed, maybe you should put the website where you got scammed. don't just say all of them are scams. i thought you wanted to clean this place up, not promote lies. think before you speak, doc.....scams aren't new to the internet. some people will set up a site for 6-8 months and promote it heavily and walk away with the money you earned or money you sent in for something that you didn't get. it's hard to tell which sites will do this. one of the key factors to look at though is the website itself. is it professional looking? does it look like it took a lot of time to make it and set it up? the more hard work that seems to go in to a project, the less likely it is a scam. so people should just use some common sense. if people don't have common sense? then it gives me and other poeple an excuse to laugh at those people.

  8. i admire your enthusiasm. it starts with a good admin team to moderate the moderators though. we don't have that base foundation. then we need good moderators. out with the old and in with the new. we don't have that either. lastly, we need contributors. we had that but it is fading faster that a fly can land on poop.i hear ya though. those categories that don't interest you, interest other people so they shouldn't be disgarded. this is a general forum. just post in the areas of your interest like everyone else :)i don't know how much luck you will have changing Xisto, but i support ya none the less.

  9. really? and how would you sentence a jaywalker who acidently made a car swerve, hit a pole and kill the person inside the car?you brush up on your english and should look in to going to medical school here in the u.s.. some of our programs here are top notch....that is if you're qualified to get in.think back when you were 12. do you remember what you were doing? how many 12 year olds have murdered someone? do you know? the boy was 12. i don't condone what he did, but he is young enough to be rehabilitated. his grandparents wouldn't have even lived 30 years more. this isn't a life for a life. the punishment doesn't even fit the crime LOGICALLY.it's easy to pass judgement without looking at the facts. you are just one of a few that have proved my point in this case. when we are adults, know right from wrong, should be acountable for our actions, and sane, sure....let's give those guys 30 years. when i kid does it, it's just as bad, but you're taking away a childs life for 30 years. why was he even born? this is an attempt to control and OWN people by the countries government. the more sentences they make like this one, the more the government has control over the people through the precedence of past court cases. next thing you'll know, they will start sending 5 year olds to jail because they crossed the street illegally when the parents weren't watching them, making a car swerve, hitting a pole, and killing the driver.use your brain. especially if you're gonna be treating people and helping them.

  10. that's nice, but my topic is still not approved under web design.report posts? not a chance. i have other plans for this place soon. i consider it a personal attack on me when my hosting and all my sites get moved to another server without warning and NONE of them load and it takes 5 days after writing a support ticket to get some sort of legit response. naw. i don't think i will be helping this place any longer. i will bite my time and welcome all the spam that comes in nowin fact, i don't care if any of my posts are approved anymore. i am only here for one purpose now and that's to warn other people about this place and point the in a more appropriate direction

  11. ok. while the little kiddies at xisto are napping and not doing anything productive, i decided to to a little trouble shooting.

    the biggest problem is from the server right now. it is not recognizing ANY of my websites and giving this error...

    ForbiddenYou don't have permission to access / on this server.
    Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

    i think this either has to do with permissions or something is turned off when it should be turned on. i checked to see if my files were transfered correctly to the new server and it seems they where. i created a recent backup but i doubt this is the problem and will wait until the people at xisto google the fix for this because i am sure they are too stupid to figure it out on their own.

    additionally, there is a problem recognizing the php code that is embedded in my html document. as a last resort, i changed my html page to php and it all loaded correctly except for the embedded php code. onlinecheapo is my MAIN domain attatched to my hosting account(not an addon). so i DID manage to load it with the exception with the php code, but all my addon domains wont load at all and give the above error. this is no doubt a server related issue

    the strange part is that i am able to load onlinecheapo in internet explorer(but NOT firefox which tells me THAT problem might be related on my end. but how can it be related on my end when it was working perfectly before and i haven't touched one bit of code?!? firefox wants to try and download my source code and thinks my index file is downloadable. i did download it and it gives the filename "i223whT0.part". internet exporer doesn't do this. it just loads the site without the php code.

    i wrote a support ticket the other day and they told me everything was fine on their end. my rankings have now dropped and my google adsense is showing server ads.

    i recently upgraded my hosting account a few months ago because i knew i was planning on adding a bunch of domains to my account and needed the databases too. these *BLEEP*ers never even notified me that my site was being transferred! it seems like i was used as a guinae pig to test out a new server which isn't even added to their server status site yet at https://support.xisto.com/serverstatus.php my new server name is siva or something. i googled it and it seems as though it's named after a hindu god. if that's the case, i have lost all respect for the hindus and their gods. one thing i DID notice is that for some reason, my control panel loads faster now haha.

    before, i didn't care about mycents really, i just cared that my hosting was safe. turns out it isn't. there was no excuse for not notifying me of this hosting transfer to another server. absolutely none. because nobody else is complaining, it seems like i was the only one affected....thus the guinae pig statement earlier. plus, i am not at the $2 level hosting. why move me? why use me as a guinea pig? use those other people who haven't even made a website for their hosting yet.

    all i know is i am downgrading my account. i can't pay for this service. xisto just lost A LOT of business with me by doing this because i have been planning some major business decisions recently. and i wont rest until everyone knows how bad xisto is. there is no way i am going to let innocent people think they have a quality service with xisto only to get screwed by them. forget about hosting with them for any kind of business needs. they are WAY too unreliable. granted, i am on a shared hosting account, but was going to be purchasing a vps soon with them soon. scratch that now. they don't even work on the weekends!

    why i have to try and trouble shoot their own mistakes is beyond me.....

  12. why don't you just keep this account and just write a support ticket to cancel your hosting? that way, you aren't using up your credits for hosting and can keep your domain or domains that you have already registered. are you planing on hosting a website on your domain through another hosting provider or you just want to park it?if you want to go the long route, you can do what you mentioned. create another account, write a support ticket with your old account to transfer the domain to your new account. then tell them to close your old account close your old account. if you have any mycents or credits in reserve, you might lose them unless they allow you to transfer the credits. but from what i understand, we aren't allowed to do that.

  13. knowledge sutra SUCKS and so do the admins and mods. this place isn't for knowledge anymore. it's for spam to hide the good posts and it's for people who think they are going to get some kind of free quality hosting from xisto.this place is just lousy. i am sorry but this place is crap. you can't count on anyone here anymore. look at all the spam that doesn't even get deleted and unnoticed every day? i could report posts all day long and there would still be spam here.it's a sad case when peoples threads don't even get approved on a regular schedule while spam gets through immediately!this place has turned in to a garbage dump. move this to vent or keep it here. i don't give a *BLEEP*

  14. Regarding the pictures, I would think (assume) they are fake, or maybe a bug (pretty far stretched, though). If not altered and without bug, I don't know. The reason I assume they are fake first is because I have seen fake pictures like those. I can't really examine them either, since they are so small. So now, I don't know.

    there you go. we started on the wrong foot as i knew we would. this is why i know this is going to take a while. your mind isn't able to adjust to certain ways of thinking. i had told you to assume certain things before answering the question even if the assumptions are incorrect. if we can't get through the first question here, then i cannot continue forward. all you have to do in answering questions is read the question carefully, and answer it in the form i laid out.

    now obviously you will have questions when answering the questions. too bad for you. i will not explain my questions because it might influence you to answer in a different way you would not normally answer. i would never ask you to give out a credit card # or anything personal like that where someone can take over your identity. i will answer questions about who you are and the experiences you've lived without limitations.

    i may not be able to prove things the way YOU want me to, personally, i don't care, but with logic and deductive reasoning, i will be able to prove SOME things which WILL make you think differently about this topic and the way i went about expression my own opinions and even facts that you tried to discredit becausse it's more in your nature to discredit that think on the lines of of how you go about asking questions and piecing things together in your own life

    there will be no debate or assuptions for now. it will just be me asking questions, and you answering them(wether your answers are right or wrong are irrelevant) with as much knowledge and fact you have inside yourself to answer them about yourself. you know yourself better than anyone, so it's important to be as truthfull as possible or this project and experiment wont work.

    i am glad you are agreeing to this. because in fact if i don't make a dent in you, i will have made a dent in others so not all will be lost. i have to find out how stubborn you are and how fixed you are in your one way thinking first though. my first question was was a test to that. you didn't see the whole question. if you did, you ignored a major part of the question. it was a very simple question too.

    the only reason why i am explaining THAT question is to start on the right foot so you know exactly what i want and need from you later on down the road. now, please reread the question and answer it as i have laid it out please :)

  15. 5. The only limits I required were the ones I mentioned in my opening post. I simply asked the debaters to follow a rational path to argue their points of view.

    bani, i stated in my last post how your limits aren't rational at all. limits create prejudice and subjective thinking. my experiences in life are facts bani yet i will always be unable to prove them to you. you want people to be able to prove things to you except when someone has a closed mind, it's impossible to prove anything to anyone. i can say the sky is blue, but you could still probably hold up a good debate in why you think the sky is pink. it's an endless cycle unless why can use our own experiences. from my own experiences, there is a logical deduction. almost like putting pieces to a puzzle together yet you don't want to use those pieces. why? because you would rather believe in nothing rather than something when you feel life holds no purpose.

    i didn't use you in an example because i feel it's appropriate to ask a person first since most people like to keep SOME things private about themselves. as far as me saying you get depressed easily, i am going back to a post you made a while back that didn't give any clues to your depression. most people DO create their own depression bani. that is not a secret in this lifetime. that's why counseling or doing things like writing, walking, excersizing, and other things are able to help people with their depression. if people refuse to help themselves, then they will just stay depressed. some people are unable to do this. but i have given you my reason for the comment. it was based on what you have already said publically. what i was talking about are asking you specific questions to use you as an example to prove my point that you aren't qualified to even give an opinion on this subject, AND that you are wrong in your general opinion. i can prove it using your own words but i would have to ask you to be completely honest and no beating around the bush. what i mean by beating around the bush is that you said you don't get depressed often when in fact, it is natural to get depressed often. some people just choose not to dwell in it more than others. there are a lot of things that depress people every day in life. the people who DON'T get depressed are the ones i actually worry about more because there is something inside them that is blocking the natural ability to care about things in this world to prevent them from getting depressed.

    i know exactly what i am asking of you when i asked to use you as an example bani. that's why asking your permission first is appropriate. i want to stress this part because you made it look like i said one thing and done another like a hypocrite or i was ignorant in my thinking when i posted what i did.

    i am never ignorant when it comes to subjects like this. at least less ignorant than others as i have experienced a lot more than others in a deep sense of reality that very few people travel in this life. once you say we can use you as an example though, i don't want to be in the middle of things and then have you chicken out so if you do say yes, i want you to know exactly what it will entail. it will entail everything personal about yourself with no restrictions. this is the only way i will able to prove something to you bani. talking general talk like everyone is the same is pointless because everyone is different. this is proven by the fact that we all "choose" different paths in life. the reason for this as i will prove later on, is that we all have a purpose in life and most everyone is born with one. not to just wonder around endlessly not knowing what to do with our lives and NOT just by our learned experiences or guidance from our parents, teachers, or peers.

    also, before you answer my questions about yourself, i need you to think of the true answer. i know it will be hard for you at first because you said you don't get depressed easily when i know you do. you are just labeling depression in a different way than i am to say you don't. it doesn't make you wrong, and it certainly doesn't make me wrong either. all we are going to do is base everything on what you tell me and i am sure i will have to clarify a lot of your answers so this may take a while. but since you started this thread and i am assuming you want some true answers, then we can do this by using you as an example. i will start by asking very easy and basic questions. most of which i probably already know the answers to. i need to prime you so you can be more open about more deeper things that you don't think about too much in your own life later on. in the end, you will have come to realizations you didn't know before and parts of the way you think right now will change. that i can promise you. i do have to ask questions though. me just telling you things i can't prove will be a basis of argements which will be unproductive right now. i just want facts or facts that you THINK are facts pertaining to your own life.

    so now that you know what my purpose is, are you game? you're not going to chicken out later and able to handle this method? if you are willing, we can start in my next post.

    in the meantime, recheck my facebook profile and check those picture i took on a dark night. and answer me one question for now....

    if and only if i took those pictures, if and only if, saved those pictures, if and only if i never altered those pictures in any way, if and only if they weren't altred by anyone else, if and only if my camera usually takes clear and crisp pictures without any distortions...the question is....

    what would you think about the pictures that you wouldn't have thought before? you know what pictures i am talking about, correct? they are my graveyard pictures i have only recently shared publically. use my conditions i set before you answer even if you feel the conditions didn't exist.

    this is a good question to ask first which doesn't really have to do with you directly until i get the ok from you that we can move forward in talking about you directly.

  16. i need someone who is knowledgeable on creating word press themes. the theme i have in mind is a very very simple theme. not much to it, and i prefer it to be a wordpress theme. the catch is that i don't want it to look like a blog.with that said, i have an image i can upload through email which i want duplicated. it's a simple theme with a header and sub header below it, the pages will be below the sub header and the theme is two columns. pretty basic but like i said, i don't want the content to look like a post and i need room for a couple other things like images but it's VERY basic.i can't pay ya, but will be willing to trade seo services or i can just owe ya one, or you can help out for free because you're just that type of person. either way is fine with me. i would need it asap.i have already spoken to a friend of mine, but this person doesn't log on very often anymore so i don't know if this person is up for it or has the time to do it under the time frame i need it by so this post is my backup :)

  17. i think mandla and missy are both not talking objectively and just talking through their own learned experiences.mandla- you made very little sense except to acknowledge peer pressure. sure it can be an influence when you a teenager, but as we get older, we start to realize how peer pressure influenced our lives negatively, ultimately making us stronger to fight more for who we are and what we want to stand up against.missy- guys may have cheated on you in the past, but that isn't the root of the problem here. it's your inability to make wise choices for your own self. if you are going to be with a guy for any reason but the RIGHT reason, then they are not going to take you seriously. you have made a choice every single time to be with certain guys. you allowed certain types of guys in to your life for a reason. thinking you know how guys act just based on your inability to make smart decisions is not going to get you very far.bani- a agree with you. the best way to get to the bottom of things is to ask a cheater directly why they cheated. and you are right. they WILL lie. they are unreliable. that's why they cheat.now to answer mandla's question who i would choose to be with on a deserted island? i would try to get some three way action.....but that's just me...

  18. this is where you are 100% wrong in your thinking bani. this is going to create confusion for you to seek out truth unless you are arguing just for the sake of arguing. please don't turn in to truefusio. i hope i didn't offend him by saying that. all i mean is that although arguements and debates are good, there is a line drawn when balance can become comromised.

    why are you wrong? harlot was right in a way. depression is a major cause. but depression isn't the key to is. depression is just the result of why someone feels unfulfilled. if we are constructed to live, then there would be no unnatural deaths yet we face unnatural deaths every day. MY whole basis of arguement relies on the FACT that i know life holds a purpose and people in it hold a unique and specific purpose for their own fulfillment. just because you don't know this fact doesn't make it untrue. even if life held no purpose, that in itself would make it relevant to this conversation.

    you ever think that it's not that people want to avoid death, but rather people want to avoid life? most people who commit suicide don't really want to die, they just want to avoid life....THEIR life. their unique situations that lead them to be suicidal.

    you can't talk about life and death and LIMIT how we talk about it. that limited thinking will get you nowhere. there are no RULES to life and death except natures ways of controlling it and the purpose we were all born to live through or be unfulfilled.

    although in life, it takes years til death where we gain the knowledge we have which we wouldn't otherwise have if we had died sooner, but ever child is born with knowledge bani. morals can be learned, yes. in a way you are right when you say morals or values are just an opinion. but that is on the surface. when we are born, we have knowledge through our spirit and soul. a way of life that is innocence. in some ways, that is the true guide to morals and values. not what is learned. birth is a part of those morals and values we take with us until we are guided differently or guided in a way that supports our natural ways from birth. you say a purpose to me is irrelevant. i say death is irrelevant because death is a part of life and the cycle of life and you can only be reborn through "death" as you call it.

    i am not going to play by your rules anymore bani. they are for the weak and the ignorant. people who create limitations on others are people who want other to play by their own rules so they can guide them towards the same limited mindset. i am not really a believer in that but i gave it a shot. from now on, there are no rules to this thread. if there still are, i will be the first to break them :)

    also, since you started this thread, i feel a need to use you and your life as an example to prove my points. you would be a classic example because you feel life holds no purpose, and you also get easily depressed which is an attribute directly related to suicide for most people. let me know if your game. it's one thing to talk in general and get nowhere. it because easier to talk and debate over when we can use a live example under specific circumstances. with that said, don't assume you have all the answers. if you did, you wouldn't have asked your original question. the reason you feel life holds no purpose is directly related with you looking for answers in all the wrong places. i for one believe that for every question, there is a truth....or an answer.

    we aren't constructed to live. we are constructed to survive there is a big difference. living however is a choice after we are born when we get old enough to know how to kill ourselves. if we choose to live, it's because we were cinstructed to survive. but i do like how you said we are constructed to live because i know you can't mean physically. you had to mean it towards our mental state.

    so knowing we are contrusted mentally a certain way which gives us strength to live, where do you think that comes from? don't tell me it's because people enjoy living. lets really get to the nuts and bolts of it, shall we?

    Our species has survived because we are constructed to live. Whether or not life has a purpose is irrelevant. We enjoy living, we want to avoid death.

  19. that's funny that you can talk about their cons and not talk about yours. you seem immature to me and it seems you feel more secure when a man is around to take care of you when maybe you can't take care of your own self.i never knew childish and playfull is a con in people though. let me give you some good advice that i am sure you will not take, but it's worth stating anyway. drop both of them. you aren't ready for a relationship. the first one you are using selfishly. the second one you just want to have fun with but could never be fullfilled fully with. so yes, drop both of them. what you are experiencing isn't love. it's a strong feeling and emotion, but it's not love. i would bet you don't even love yourself or even know what true love is right now.it's important to realize this so you'll be stronger for it in the future. you don't need a guy in your life. sounds like you need to be there for yourself and your child who you had irresponsibly and is now without a father even though this other guy stepped up and is trying to be a father figure.so personally, i think you need a break from guys right now. yea, they can give you what you need in the short run sometimes, but ask yourself if you can ever be truely fullfilled with them. doesn't sound like you can be. you owe it to yourself to be strong and guide you and your child correctly in life or suffer the consequences later when you will eventually end up with nothing to show for the choices you made todaya little pointer on true love. true love doesn't see the cons in a person. actually, they see differences, but they are willing to overlook those differences and not mention them because they are irrelevant where true love is. there are other reasons why i know you aren't fully IN love with these two guys and i have stated it indirectly earlier. once you can take care of yourself and your child and follow your dream, then someone can love you for who you are. it starts with you. guys should not be a filler in your life just because you feel you need them for one reason or another.hope this helps. i doubt it will though. you need some true soul searching before you will ever be ready for a commited relationship. i don't feel you will be taking this advice, but i hope you do. you sound young enough to start with a clean slate and deal with the past problems you have faced to move forward. don't wait too long to change though. life is funny where it can seem like your trapped with no way out sooner or later....

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