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Posts posted by Taupe

  1. in what way may i ask(after i started debating)?

    If you had really read the thread, you'd noticed something we call "quotes". That's really helpfull to follow a dicussion...

    Maybe you didn't know this tip, and that's why you didn't understood the thread...

    If you still consider that you're right, show me one post where I don't answser to no9t9...

    My posts were only PARTLY direct replies to you Taupe.

    Of course : you replied also to BoSZ.

    But I only quoted the parts of your posts which were answering to me.

    Even in your posts you strayed from the topic of browsers talking about saftey standards and markets (specifically the death of a product).

    Wrong : I've allways stayed in the topic : web browsers.

    → about standards : they're in the definition of a browser. So you can't talk about a browser without talking about standards

    → about markets : I've never talked about that. You seem to still have difficulties to admit that...

    You're conversation with BoSZ was off topic, but I didn't participated to it.

    Once again, read carefully the thread : maybe this time you'll realise that you misunderstood my posts...

  2. i was the one having a serious discussion[/u] with him that cleared many things , you came back after a while

    That cleary shows that you didn't read the thread, or that you've got comprehension problems (you can choose what you prefere...)

    All my posts were answers to no9t9's ones, which were answers to mines, and all in respect with the topic...

    That's how a thread works. But maybe you didn't know that.

    Now, you can keep on laughing or you can choose to open your eyes...

  3. as a matter of fact bro no9t9 is correct herewe (me and him) went off the browser subject and the major issue of our discussion and went on to more specific thing that only relate to it so please take notice of former post before you decide to use that tone on anybody

    He was answering to my post.
    You should really read totally the thread before writing such posts (especially no9t9's ones)...

    But FIrefox is a new browser, and IE has been around for a while. You think someone won't find something wrong with Firefox? Just give them time, and you'll see.

    Apache is used by 70% of webservers. But IIS has much more security holes than Apache.So security has nothing to do with age or number of users...

  4. Yeah! Unfortunately even though i've downloaded it I cannot install it onto my school thin client because iwould be thrownoff the system, but i have requested it to be made available to everyone on the network.

    While it isn't installed by your admin, you can download the zip file, and unzip it in your personnal folder (or a temp one), and use directly Firefox.

    You don't need to install it...


    (That's what we do in our school.)


  5. In case you didn't know, this discussion has gone way beyond browsers.

    In case you didn't noticed, I've only discussed about browsers.

    Maybe you should read my posts...


    If you want to write off topic, open a new thread.

    But this one is about browsers, I've answered you about browsers, and we've seen that you've got many gaps in this domain (particulary about standards...).


    So if you really think I've talked about something else than browsers, that could explain why you posted so many nonsenses

  6. I would suggest moving this topic to a more suitable place if you want to discuss it further.

    Why ? We're talking about browsers, in the software board. That's the most suitable place...If you still don't understand something, ask it here and we'll explain you...

    I usually will delete it completely and clean up my comp every couple of days for spyware and virus'.

    Well, some people don't want to format every couple of days, that's why they use a secure browser, like Firefox 1.0 which just have been released.
    All experts recommand it...

  7. Sorry, but practices only accepted by professionals does not make something a standard.

    Not accepted but decided.

    Do you understand the difference ?

    Why do you insist on placing so much weight on a "professional" opinion?

    Because it's in the definition of standards.

    How could someone who doesn't understand anything in a field define a standard ?

      I'll give you another example.  Sony came out with a video casette recorder (BETA).

    You can stop here : that was not a standard. So all your example is useless

    Professionals can only SUGGEST standards.

    No ! They write them.

    Even in safety issues, the standard does not neccessarily include the "best" and "ideal" alternative.

    In safety, something respect the standard or not. There is no alternative.

    If youre plan isn't standard-compliant, the city will reject it for its public building.

    It's just simple as it.


    You seems to still don't understand what a standard is.

    The death of a product has nothing to do with the market?

    It's never late to understand this....

  8. ehhh ....only comes out at november 9th ??
    but im using it now ... for the past few days ... and i mean firefox 1.0 final
    u can dl it now.. i dun think that u need to wait till 9th ...

    Yes, you have, because the version you're using isn't Firefox 1.0 but Firefox 1.0RC2

  9. First, in order for something to be a standard, it has to be widely accepted.  If 90% of people are not using your "defined" standard then you cannot claim to be a standard. 


    It has to be widely accepted by professionals which can understand what this standard is, and what advantages it has.


    And here, internet standards is accepted by 100% of internet actors.


    If you like example, I'll give you one.

    Imagine one standard for fire security which is to have 3 emergency exits by floor.

    If 90% of buildings in the world only has 2 emergency exits, will you still stupidly claim "No?, the standard is 2 exits, not 3 as profesionnals decided" ?

    IE is NOT DEAD because it still controls the market.

    The death of a product has nothing to do with its market.

    You should stop thinking in economic terms when we're talking about technology...


    All web profesionnals told it : IE is dead. You can't change it (only M$ can)

  10. no9t9 : BoSZ allready explained it : standard has nothing to do whith how many people implement them.

    You're just using the wrong word...


    And IE is really dead, because its developers stoped implementing technologies released more than 6 years ago.

    Do you realise what 6 years is ?

    The web is less than 15 years old !

    6 years ago, web was in the Middle Ages...



  11. but what if you want the pop up.. ie I am on a site where I have to click on certain link s that will produce a pop up that helps me get more stuff.. (no it isn't a porno site. it is hsx.com)


    so yeah I kinda don't want all pop ups blocked.

    By default, Firefox allows popups created by click.

    And of course, you can add a site to a white list were all popups are allowed...

    hmm.. firefox blocks pop-ups.

    but IE also blocks pop-ups. So what's the differences ?

    There's lots of popups which aren't blocked by IE...


    Posted Image

  12. I don't know why you guys are against using IE.

    Because as IE is deprecated, it blocks web evolution.

    It doesn't understand standards written 6 years ago (or even before), so webmaster can't use those powerfull tools if they want to keep IE visitors

    Why use windows at all?  Switch to Linux if security is important to you.

    Allready done for a long time...

    Why wouldn't you use a browser that will work with 100% of websites?

    I don't know what browser are you talking about, but IE doesn't work with modern website (because of modern standards).


    You've got to understand than IE is dead...



  13. As pbrugge I use Mplayer for video, and XMMS for audio.


    I can't understand how people can use closed-source software for there multimedia files, with all the risk of spyware sending information about what files you're playing... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png


    For movies, I use Windows Media Player 6.2 something.  It is already included in windows xp and it is very small and efficient.  The program is like 5kb.  Why download WMP Classic when it is already included with XP?

    Because we're not talking about WMP (which is closed-source and deprecated), but about a modern and free software, MPC.

    You cal also use VLC if you don't like MPC. But there isn't any other choice on win32...

  14. I see people with signatures that are images and they have a character holding a sign and it says something and it shows your IP address. How do they do that?

    They are perfectly valid images, with no script in them. The only thing to notice is that they're generated dynamically (but all it's done on server-side : you can save the image, it'll show exactly the same thing...)

    The easiest way to do this is to use PHP and the GD library.

  15. it really depends on the version of  IE6 whic  you are using. If you are using IE6 SP2 and you have all the necessary security updates installed in your computer,  then you shouldnt be afraid of viruses and ad/spywares cos everything was taken care of in those security updates.

    That's wrong.

    Even with SP2 IE has lots of security holes that allows crackers to take control of your PC, or spywares to install on it...


    Contrary to all marketing made by M$, SP2 has hudge security holes.


    Its really time to dump IE.

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