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Posts posted by Taupe

  1. Firefox is designed for beginers, for people just switching from the deprecated IEMozilla is designed for advanced users. It as much more options and features, but that can frighten beginers.Just find in which case you are and choose the right browser.By the way, there is an intermediate level between them, still with the same render engine (Gecko) : KMeleon, but it's win32 only (it's the faster graphic browser on win32)

  2. I'm guessing you meant something like this: "In my opinion IE is good enough, unless you are using Mac OS, in which case IE isn't good enough."
    If that is what you meant, I agree with the mac bit.

    You're wrong. IE Mac is much most modern than IE win32, with more standard compliance et less bugs.
    IE Mac use the Tasman engine, whereas IE win32 use the buggy Trident engine...

  3. Why not just get on a P2P network (Like Kazaa or Bearshare or Ares) and download a program that you have to pay for then go to http://www.cracks.am/ and find the key for it so that its totally free? 

    Because the program will still remain closed source, that is full of spywares, bugs, and security issues.If you like to have a computer infested, and controled by other people, it's your problem. But most people don't...

  4. A freeware is a software you don't have to pay in order to use it.

    A free software is a software which garanties you some essential freedoms :

    - you're free to use it

    - you're free to study it and adapt it for your needs (that imply that the software must be open-source)

    - you're free to distribute it

    - you're free to distribute your modifications



    Freewares usually are closed source. And you can't modify them.

    So they're not free softwares (and users should avoid them, because for example of problems with closed formats, on dependency to an editor, of spywares...).



    You can read this page which explains this more detailled, and in a better english.

  5. Didnt you read my whole post?

    Yes, and it shows that you missed many important things. And this post confirms it

    ive used GNU as well

    That doesn't mean anything. GNU is a project, a concept, a philosophy.

    It's frigthening that you could ignore it...

    even gentoo

    Gentoo is a distribution.

    One again, you talk about things you don't understand...



    Linux is faster than Windows?, everybody admit it. If it was slower for you, it's because you use a slow DM, KDE. If you've allready used anything else, name it. Maybe there is an even heavier DM than KDE...

  6. I beg to differ on the fact that it is faster, because in all reality it is not faster, windows will run wayyyy quicker on my machine (2ghz, 512b ram) i can launch any app in a spliut second while on *nix it will take a few seconds to launch any app, games load quick on *nix tho, but the word progs and browsers dont load all that fast as compared to windows. And if you are going to try to say i should have a faster system then well that makes no sense cause if *nix is faster i shouldnt need more power but just my opinion i do howver love *nis :D i use SuSe 9.2 KDE, and i have also used Redhat9/Fedora Core 2/Gentoo.

    You've allready found the anwser : You're using KDE, which is heavy and slow.
    Use a better desktop manager, and you'll see that it's faster than Windows

    EDIT** also linux is NOT more user friendly, but then again that can vary from distro to distro but most you must know some basics or learn them and beable to use the *nix commands. Unlike windows its all point and click and the registry isnt very hard either so.

    If for you the registry isn't hard, then a 4-years-old child can use all linux commands...

    Also it doesnt have more choices for software, lots of software is only supoorted on nix because of things like Wine and Cross-over Plugins

    No : only few win32-softwares are supported with things like Wine and Cross-over.There are much more native softwares that doesn't exist on win32. That's why there si more choice of softwares for GNU/Linux...

  7. GNU/Linux is free

    GNU/Linux is open source

    GNU/Linux is lighter

    GNU/Linux is more custumizable

    GNU/Linux is faster

    GNU/Linux is more user friendly (you don't have to dig in the registry to change an option)

    GNU/Linux is much more secure

    GNU/Linux doesn't crash

    GNU/Linux has more choice of softwares (except for games)

  8. The best browser is Maxthon!

    No, it isn't :

    Maxthon is based on IE, so it has the same bugs, the sames hudge security holes, and the same problems with internet standards.

    How many times will we have to repeat it ?

    I Don't like internet explorer, but i know lots of people that use it, so, if you give a chance to the visitors to vote in internet explorer

    One thing you apparently don't know, is that people using IE don't do it by choice, but simply because they don't know that modern browsers exist. So how could they vote to a pool "What is the best browser ?" if they don't know them ?

  9. IE is crappy but its the majority and therefore is easier to make websites to suit this.

    You're wrong, that's absolutly the contrary. You can ask all webmasters they'll confirm it :

    It's much more easy to write a website for gecko browsers (like Firefox) than for the deprecated IE.

    Because Gecko understands webstandards : when you tell it something, it renders it like you want.

    But if you ask something to IE, it doesn't understand it, or it renders it stupidly...


    You can try with PNG images and alpha transparency for example...


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