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Posts posted by Taupe

  1. GNU/Linux is perfect for a home PC. I use it for 2 years and a half.
    There are many distribs (like Ubuntu, Mepis) which are more easy to install than every Windows
    No need to know UNIX command for a long time....

    Could any Linux users recommend me some first-person shooters built for Linux? I only had partial sucess running Half-Life under WINE.

    You should try Enemy Territory

  2. isnt rss 2.0 good enough

    No : RSS 2.0 is called in the RSS world "the RSS tag soup".

    It isn't in RDF (so can't be used by semantic web agents), it doesn't support namespaces (so can't be extended), it has different specs with contradictions between them (and nothing to choose what to use)..

    It's really the worst choice.

  3. Firefox fails with some types of popups. Our ad network, Realtechmedia started serving popups within the banners by mistake and all of them were successfully delievered :-S

    Have you got a test case ?I'm sure that with a well-configured browser, the popups won't be delievered...

  4. It may have gotten further in some places, but it has horrible bugs in others. As far as I have been able to find out at least.


    Quirksmode.org lists quite a lot of DOM bugs for Explorer for Mac where Explorer for Windows doesn't have errors. It also has a host of CSS problems, as you can see with a quick google.

    Yes IE/Mac has bugs that IE/win has not, but there are much more bugs of IE/win that aren't with IE/Mac.

    All web developers know that tasman engine is far better than trident.

    If you want tables of comparaison, look at this one for example...

    One could add that IE/Mac support PNG, whereas IE/win can't render alpha-transparency...

    Search a bit more on google with tasman trident standards...

  5. oh well, Anyways, Firefox is much better than Mozilla, becuase, for one thing, it's currenltythe newest verion of the browser that the mozilla team is releasing, this means that the coding and other features are most up-to-date than the other ones.

    You're absolutly wrong : Mozilla Firefox 1.0 is more than 6 months behind Mozilla 1.8a6.

    The 1.8 branch adds many new features and improvements (like speed). The 1.7 branch (used by Mozilla Firefox 1.0) is really old...

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