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Posts posted by Taupe

  1. i heard when internet explorer 7 comes out, it will be better than firefox

    IE developers don't plan to make it better than Firefox

    where can i change firefox soruce code ?


    Will someone help me with Firefox???

    Just use KM, or open a new thread to clearly expose your problems

    hen how 'bout reopening tabs you have already closed. That's something no one gives. It can re-open accidentally closed tabs by and also reopen the last tabs that were open. Good enough? Which broweser can boast this??

    Well, Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox, Opera too I think.

    It can block pictures, flash, videos, sounds, scripts, Java applets, activex

    Can you tell me what happen when you visit this test page with Maxthon ?

  2. Taupe, it's Simple and for Beginners.

    Then you failed....

    First : it's not simple. It would has been simpler to teach CSS instead of this huge list of useless tags.

    Second : it's for beginners you said, so why do you teach them *BLEEP* ? They won't be able to realise that you were wrong, and they'll keep those bad habits for a long time...

    p.s. these tags aren't depreciated


    Yes they are. Please, please, read the specs before posting...

  3. No : IPv6 is already used (throught the 6Bone, and encapsulation in subnets not uptodate).The main features of IPv6 (except the number of IP) are extensibility of headers, integration of IPSec, and IP Multicast.In 5 or 10 years, all internet will be IPv6 compliant (the US goverment gave the dead-line of 2008 for USA)

  4. Since it's dynamic, I can't gess how you want to build it (are posts in a database, in which tables...)


    This is my own code, you should adapt it easyly

    header('Content-Type: application/xml; charset=iso-8859-15');$root=preg_replace("/(^.*\/).*$/","$1",(preg_match("/^\//",$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])?('http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']):'').$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);echo '<'.'?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-15" ?'.'>';$i=0;$link = mysql_connect(SERV, LOGIN, MDP);if($link)	{mysql_select_db(DB);$result = mysql_query ('SQL QUERY');if($result)	{	$item='';$ch=array();//generate the list of items	while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result))  {  $linkurl=$root.'agenda.php?a='.$row['id'].'#a'.$row['id']; // the item's link  $item.='<item xlink:type="simple" xlink:show="replace"  xlink:href="'.$linkurl.'" rdf:about="'./*the Item's URI */.'">';  $item.='<title>'.cl($row['titre']).'</title>';  $item.='<link>'.$linkurl.'</link>';  $item.='<dc:date>'.date("Y-m-d",$row['date']).'</dc:date>';  $item.='<description>'.cl($row['text']).'</description>';  $item.='<dc:creator>'.cl($row['posteur']).'</dc:creator>';  array_push($ch,$the_Item_URI);  $item.="</item>\n";  }?><rdf:RDF  xmlns:rdf="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;  xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:ical="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; xmlns:foaf="http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/"     xmlns:xlink="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; xmlns="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/" xml:lang="fr" xml:base="<?php echo $root; ?>"><channel  rdf:about="<?php echo $root.'agenda.php'; ?>"><title><!-- Your title --></title><link><!-- your link --></link><description><!-- your description --></description><dc:language>en</dc:language><items><rdf:Seq><?phpfor($i=0;$i<count($ch);$i++)	{echo '<rdf:li rdf:resource="'.$ch[$i].'" />';	}?></rdf:Seq></items></channel><?phpecho $item;?></rdf:RDF><?php	}}?>
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