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Posts posted by Final)arkJon

  1. i dont need 64bit edition xp... im on it right now! i just used regular 32 bit xp. you can use either with any athlon 64. i really dont need 120gb, to me ill never use it. it cost me about 720 bucks with shipping, so not so bad :P im mainly gaming as a standalone pc in my room... so it fits my needs perfectlytemps-(air cooling)fulll load-proc-47c mobo-33cidle-proc-40cmobo-30id say these are exellent considering air cooling with the fan/heatsink that came with the proc...

  2. your Account is related to the web site penguins.trap17.com which is working fine.


    I have checked your HostinG credits which is good. You are encouraged to stay as active as you can so that you can take a long leave in future. your activity records will help you to get approved for long vaccations and leaves.


    - OpaQue


    ok thanks it just said you will be suspended in 1 day bc it came up in my e-mail under my windows messenger screen, and bc it was urgent it remined me. so i went to Xisto (which what i was going to do) and saw that i needed some more posts. thx for your support i did post like it said :P

  3. if you want an exellent site, http://www.newegg.com/ is deffinately the cheapest and the best! ive ordered my comp off there lots of times. they are extremely cheap and good shipping always a day early. if you want to build a comp pm me bc u can give me a summary of the specs you want and ill find the products on newegg and then get you a good guide. i know many so if you have any questions or whats ^ there u let me know plz bc i like doin that stuff. its an exellent learning experince and its actually really ez. dont make it too hard on yoursellf!

  4. Hello Ppl...


    I had this serious spyware problem that was really making my purse thinner and thinner. How many times i was shocked when my ISP showed me that i was using the net when i actually wasn't


    Anyway i've used SpyRemover, and it showed me about 39 entries. I removed them.. Then certain ads continued to pop up.... So i tried another prog called Scan pyware. It gave me a blowing 486 infections with 95% of them at high risk.

    Yes i deleted them all, but still two silly ads keep showing up.


    I wanted to place the url they strike over here, but the damn ads have disapperared for the time being.

    I'll paste as soon as i catch them

    Any Advice ppl?


    heres what you need to do. it is extremely simple. actually its so simple you dont even know how simple it actually is simmply. lol anyway you need to download a good program. it is called adaware se personal edtion, google it. i gaurentee this will solve it. you just need the best there is. and trust me this is the best! if you have any more questions regaurding spyware/viruses pm me, im no newb. lavasoft is an exellent develper they also make avast antivirus. that program is el exellente!

  5. ive been suspended which is understandible. ive probly been a week or two over my vacation dates i reported. ive had the flu you see and have been terribly busy with exams at school before i got the flu, i will catch up on my posts but honestly i couldnt bare to get out of bed :P i got the worst form they say, ive had a fever of 102 for the past5 days now im sorry trap

  6. !! so anyways.... i finnally built my computer. everything is from newegg and it shipped a day early. fastest in the world. anybody whos wants help building plz post or pm me id me more that glad to help :PHere are the pimpin specs------AMD ATHLON 64 3400+ Proc.-dfi lanparty nf3 250gb mobo-1gb kinston pc3200 (400mhz) ddr ram-wd 80 gb hard drive-thermaltake sviking case( i love this one) 2x120mm fans-samsung dvd/cdrw drive-480psu-9600 all in wonder ati radeon, buying a 6600gt nvidia!its fast thats what i can say

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