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Posts posted by Final)arkJon

  1. It is Gmail's first year, although they are still in Beta version, and they are giving us more storage space for our Gmails. On their "What's new" page it says that are giving another gigabyte to us and planning to go beyong that amount. although I only got 508 megabytes on my Gmail.


    And they now have Rich text Formatting, which means we can now add colors to out texts, add bullets, as well as highlight words. but i still can't see the icons for that, they say that RTF is not available for the BASIS HTML view, but i am on the standard mode.


    You are currently using 0 MB (0%) of your 2051 MB.


    WTF ^^^^^^



    Used to say


    You are currently using 0 MB (0%) of your 1000 MB.

  2. Ok i wana sell these on ebay, theres a gameboy pocket, color, and advance. i have 5 game boy games which include, Pokemon blue, Pokemon silver, Tetris, Pac Man, The river king.

    i also have 3 advance games which include mario cart, f-14 tomcat, and advance wars. i have 2 transfer cables, 2 recharge batteries, and a light. I also have a grip thing, a hard travel case, a power supply, and a soft small case.

    I have a couple different ways i can sell this stuff... first off i can sell it all together (how much idk u tell me) or individualy.

    All together pic-

    Induvidual pics

    gameboy orginals-


    also i dont know what i should do so please give advice. i also was thinking about bidding the tetris or pacman bc there very very rare... any price ideas id like um...

  3. -The Free Games(Forever/Beta)-


    --ROSE Online--(Open Beta)



    Gravity's new global game. The graphics of Rose Online are amazing if you are into the whole anime MMORPG thing. It also has a few features not used in other MMORPGs, such as cart driving and Castle Gear(robot you control). This game is really fun at the start, but can get really repetative if you don't pace yourself with the leveling.

    (8.5 out of 10)


    --Maple Story--(Free forever)



    A game made by Nexon. Maple story features a whole new type of MMORPG, its a 2D platformer. Its really fun and interesting at first but then gets EXTREMELY repetative. Not to mention frustrauting, when you die you lost 10% of your exp, which can take you a long time at a high level.

    (7 out of 10)


    --Conquer Online--(Free forever)


    I can't write much of a review for this game, I got it and after 20 minutes uninstalled it, not to say it was bad I just had a bad experience. It has a guild system and large-scale city battle events, or so they say. :)

    (? out of 10)

    agent00x gives it a (7 out of 10)


    --Knight Online--



    What to say about this game... Knight Online is a decent game to be free, but I would never pay for this game. It does not have any features that really stand out. Nice graphics though.


    (6 out of 10)



    --Xiah--(Free Forever)



    Never played this one but it looks pretty good, graphics are kinda blocky but it is free...

    (? out of 10)


    -->jadilus' review: Alright then after playing Xiah for about an hour I am pleasantly surprised. The graphics remind me very much of Priston Tale, maybe a little better, maybe a little worse but they are decent none the less. Gameplay I was pleased to find very fun. Although it is simple hack and slash the graphics for slashing and killing are bright and fun to look at. So far their are only four classes:Swordsman, Warrior, Mage, and Ghost Fighter or something like that. I have only tried Swordsman and he has been fun so far. Each class gets their own set of skills that can be used at different levels. But what stood out the most to me was the quest system. You dont go find a person and they give you a quest, quests randomly ((or so I think)) are made avaliable to you according to your level. Although most of the quests are Hunting quests that is what most quests are in all games...The monsters you hunt are interesting and unique. You dont have to hunt little sissy rabbits or turtles at the start like you would in other games. The only thing I disliked was that it was a bit empty, atleast in the newb zone. I think it would be more fun if more people joined. So my overall rating would be a 7/10. If any of you decide to play let me know and we can party or something This concludes Jadi's mini review on Xiah.


    --ASDF Hoverboard--(Free forever w/ payment options)



    A anime styled racing game. Great game, really good time waster, its the kinda of game you play for like 1 hour a day and it will stay fun for a long time, though playing this game too much will result in boredom. (7.5 out of 10)


    --Do Online--(Free forever, I think)



    Another of those Anceint Chinese story based MMOs. Graphics pretty good for free, small community. Never played though.

    (? out of 10)


    --Eternal Lands--(Free forever)



    Really cool game its like the new runescape with new features. The graphics may not be the best but its a good free MMORPG. Your can summon animals, harvest, and manufacture stuff.

    (6.5 out of 10)


    --Gekkeiju Online--



    An anime styled MMORPG, not made by any big company, but by volunteers. This game... I donno but I just did'nt like it, maybe the movement wasn't smooth enough for me but you can try it out.

    (4 out of 10)


    --Mu Online--(free forever, I think)



    Its kinda like the Diablo 3 we've all been waiting to come out. Decent game, kinda old now, but still fun consideriing it free. Has a combination of 100,000 items, and real weather effects, plus solid gameplay.

    (6.5 out of 10)



    --Sherwood--(Free Forever)



    3D MMORPG, just found it today. :) Have nothing to say but looks amazing for a non-client game. No download required. Havn't accually run the game donno if works or not.

    (? out of 10)

    Pez's review: (6 out of 10)





    Never played it, its not very popular. Heard people had download issues.

    (? out of 10)


    --Kal Online--(Free Forever, I think)



    Never played but looks pretty darn good.

    (? out of 10)

    Soul_Lancer's score:(7 out of 10)



    -Daimonin--(Free Forever)



    Cool isometric game, worth checking out. Easy system requirements for those on their pentuim2's. :P

    (6 out of 10)


    -Endless Online--(Forever Free)



    A clone of Dark Ages. Being a fan of Dark Ages and NexusTK, I think this game is really cool, but last I checked(5 months ago) there still was no leveling system. There might be one now, its really worth checking out.

    (7.5 out of 10)





    Weird game, isometric MMORPG where you are an animal. I played it 2 years ago and did'nt like it very much, might have improved over those 2 years but i doubt it. You might like it.

    (4 out of 10)


    --Monster & Me--(Forever Free)<not sure about this, they might have changed policy.



    Really cool game, if its still free, try it. If you ever played Fairyland its alot like that. If you never played Fairyland: M&M is a turn based MMORPG, where you get to train yourself and pets who battle with you. Its kinda like pokemon, except the trainer accually does something instead of yelling commands.

    (7.5 out of 10)



    --Free World--



    You gotta get in closed beta still i think. Graphics engine got a major overhaul, looking really nice now. As for gameplay, I played the old engine and it was kinda poor, and horrible character customization, all you could basicly be was an old man, but thats fixed now i think. Worth signing up for closed beta.

    (8 out of 10)





    This is an AWESOME game. Its like a online anime Worms, no other way to explain it, excellent time waster. Just don't play too much because it will get boring then. Theres also a hacking problem, but if you can overlook that its really fun.

    (8.5 out of 10)


    -Rubies of Eventide--(Forever Free)



    I had trouble running this game, but I heard its a really good game, nice graphics too.

    (7.5 out of 10)



    --Aspereta--(Free/Open Beta?)



    Game like Dark Ages, I heard it was goign to go P2P in the future, i'm not sure if thats true. Really well designed and balance. Worth checking out.

    (7.5 out of 10)



    --Gate to Heavens--(Open Beta)



    Good game, with solid gameplay, and good graphics. Lineage 2 wannabe. :D (anime styled)

    (8 out of 10)


    --Battle Position--(Open Beta)



    Not a bad game but gunbound is still its superoir. Its an action platformer, whith guns, robot suits, and explosions. :P

    (7 out of 10)


    --Puzzle Pirates--(Not sure but I think theres a payment option and a free option, payment gets ships and stuff though.)



    A pirate puzzle/MMO. Have a band of pirates with freinds, save up for a ship, look for treasure! You have to preform a bunch of minigame puzzles when you are on your pirate ship to make it go faster. And when you encounter another ship in sea you have to duel them in this tetris styled fashion. I used to play this game a long time ago, its great!

    (8 out of 10)


    --Shot Online--(Open Beta/Possiblely free Forever)



    Online anime-styled golfing game. Never played.

    (? out of 10)


    --Legend of Mir3(Free Forever version) thx Terrin



    The free version of Legend Of Mir 3. Very popular game in asia not so much here, still worth checking out.

    (7 out of 10)


    --Outpost--(Open Beta)



    A third person shooter/mmorpg. This game is kinda like MMORPG, because you have to buy new equipment, and kill NPCs for exp, and the servers are not player based like most shooters. I tryed it early Open Beta and it was cool and all but lag was HORRIBLE. Maybe its fixed now, worth a look.

    (5 out of 10)Just because of lag


    --Survival Project--(One version is free forever)


    http://www.design.com.my/ Free Forever-


    An anime styled action RPG dungeon crawler kinda game. Its not really a MMORPG, you make a room for people(like 6 people) to join and get through a bunch of level, gets boring really fast, you have to buy new upgrades through some sort of card system. I did'nt like it maybe you will.

    (4.5 out of 10)




    -Still not done, theres more to come in the following days.


    Notice from snlildude87:
    Any member caught quoting this post unnecessarily and responding with a one-liner will receive a warning! If you need to talk about a particular game in the list, only quote that game! Delete all the other games.

    Thank you.

  4. I was wondering how do these babys compare to other pocket pcs? is it possible to use them for video or mp3 bc i was gona get an ipod but i might just get one of these babys. look at them at http://www.dell.com/en-us/ and tell me what you think bc im not sure to get one or not. please please tell me your grreat opinion, i need um bc im not just gona spend 300 bucks on nothing! so thanks in advance and i want one so bad now!

  5. wow this was on abc or something and id thought i share it with you. well knowing me i did the math... if you were to buy 400 dollars worth of microsoft stock only 15 years ago you would have 1,000,000 dollars today that is just amazing. also 2 years ago kmarts stock was at 5 dollars, now its at like 90 or higher. i just keep thinking i am so freaking stupid i could be such a rich man right now if i woulda bought that crap! omg lol grrr.. it can be risky tho

  6. its ez just go to search, then search for just FireFox, and delete every file you see? ok---If it doesnt make sense pm me, but to me its simple as a cow!

    Notice from moonwitch:
    The repeating of the word "freakin" is completely unneccesary. Also the "MOO" redundant.... People have given this user the same piece of advice in a far more respectful and polite manner. I have editted your post. There's no need to repeat the same word to gain credits.

  7. ok thanks for the imput, i may not buy one soon but i have seen much interest in them. In my understanding, you can go on pocket ie, outlook, exel, and word. please tell me if i am wrong because it is to my understanding of this. Can i also listen to mp3s and watch videos with this one, Is the software already on it? that would be really cool. anyway thx for the reply and plz answer my few ez q's

  8. Ok i found this mp3 encloser 2.5" thing for a porable hard drive. Are they good for mp3 ing? Also i really need a 2.5 inch drive thats under 50 bucks and hopefully 4 gig.... if anyone can show me a decent hard drive that i desprately need plz show me bc i never new i needed a special hard drive for this. If anyone knows a really good mp3 hard disk case plz telll me also, not trying to go to expensive so pleaze stay under 100

  9. I looked on newegg and etc and found the dell pdas to be the best price for comparible specs to a 400 dollar one on newegg.

    anyway here it is


    now i have this 35 dollar coupon so i get 35 off. anyway it has 802.11b wireless. will that work with my Wgrt54 (my linksys wireless router 54g)
    or not.... i think it can becasue that is just B at 11mbps right? bc i think it supports it, tell me if im wrong.

  10. Before i might of mentioned a forum that was used with a crappy myfreebb site, but now we got the real thing. i am going to get a domain name very very soon so please wait! PLEASE JOIN MY CLAN ahha go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It will be awsome. i am so glad Xisto helped be set up that stuff, especially with the database etc etc! anyway thx to all and please join my clan.When you register at the forums, please use your gamertag as your name! I am hoping this will be Trap17s halo 2 clan! Admins if you want to make a section that would be awsome, but i would like to take the pressure off you and we will soon have a Xisto HALO 2 CLAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay

  11. Ok this ain't mah work and I'm not takeing credit for this at all! Just I alwayz see people post stuff bout changeing there i/p and I came across this...Changing IP AddressesI. AboutThis tutorial will teach you how to change your ip address to any other one on your ip range instead of having your DHCP Server pick one for you. This is very usefull because you can change your ip when you are getting DDoS'ed or if you wish to piss off someone running a webserver (or other service) on your ip range, it is also usefull to get around a bans as long as the ban only covered your ip not your whole ip range.As usualy anything illegal you do while reading this tutorial or after reading this tutorial is not my fault, your actions are your own so don't blame me. I do not claim that the things I teach are legal, so concider that everything i mention here is illegal if you are not sure your self.II. Needed InformationBefore you can change your ip you need some information. This information includes your ip range, subnet mask, default gateway, dhcp server, and dns serv.1. Getting your IP range - Getting information about your ip range is not difficult, I recomend using Neo Trace on your own ip. But for our test just look at your ip address, say it's you can definetly use the ip's found between < [new ip] <, dont use x.x.x.1 or x.x.x.255. To find your ip simply open a dos/command prompt window and type ipconfig at the prompt, look for "IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . : x.x.x.x".2. Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, DHCP Server - These are very easy to find, just open a dos/command prompt window and type 'ipconfig /all' without the ' '. You should see something like this.Windows IP ConfigurationHost Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : My Computer Name HerePrimary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : UnknownIP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : NoWINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : NoEthernet adapter Local Area Connection:Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : xxxx.xx.xDescription . . . . . . . . . . . : NETGEAR FA310TX Fast Ethernet Adapter (NGRPCI)Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XXDhcp Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : YesAutoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : YesIP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . : 24.xxx.xxx.xxSubnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . : Gateway . . . . . . . . . : 24.xxx.xxx.xDHCP Server . . . . . . . . . . . : 24.xx.xxx.xxDNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . : 24.xx.xxx.xxx24.xx.xxx.xx24.xx.xxx.xxxLease Obtained. . . . . . . . . . : Monday, January 20, 2003 4:44:08 PMLease Expires . . . . . . . . . . : Tuesday, January 21, 2003 3:43:16 AMThis is all the information you will need for now, I sugest you either keep your dos/command prompt window open or copy & paste the information somewhere, to copy right click the window and select text and click once.III. Changing your IP AddressTo change your ip address first pick any ip you like out of your ip range and remember it or write it down. It is usualy a good idea to make sure the ip is dead (except for what we are going to do later on) so just ping it via "ping x.x.x.x" and if it times out then you can use it. Now go to My Computer, then Control Panel. In Control Panel select Network Connections and pick your active connection, probably Local Area Connection or your ISP name. Open that connection by double clicking on the icon in Network Connections, then select Properties under the General Tab. In the new window that pops up select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click properties, it's under the general tab. In this new window select the General tab and choose "Use the following IP address" and for the IP address enter the ip you would like to use (the one you picked from your subnet earlier) and for the Subnet Mask enter the subnet mask you got when your ran ipconfig /all, same goes for the Default Gateway. Now select "Use the following DNS server addresses" and enter the information you got earlier. Now just click OK. Test that it worked, try to refresh a website and if it works you know everything is okay and you are connected. To make sure the change worked type ipconfig agein and the ip address should have changed to your new one.IV. DDoS & DoS ProtectionIf your firewall shows that you are being ddosed, this is usualy when you are constantly getting atempted UDP connections several times a second from either the same ip address or multiple ip addresses (ddos), you can protect your self by changing your ip address via the method i described aboveV. Webservers & Other ServicesIf you know someone on your ip range is running a webserver and he or she has pissed you off or you just like messing around you can "steal" their ip address so any dns going to that ip will show your site instead because you would be running a webserver your self.To "steal" an ip is to basicaly use the changing ip address method above and picking an ip that someone that is running a webserver has in use. Often you will be able to keep that ip at least for some time, other times you wont be able to use it so just keep trying untill it works. You your self will need to have a web server on the same port with your message. You can do this with other services too. You can also DoS or DDoS the ip address you are trying to steal to kick him off the net, but I dont recomend as its pretty illegal, your isp will get pissed and feds may go ape-sh*t.

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