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Everything posted by Roly

  1. College time here depends on what career you're going for too. Like if you're want to be a doctor or lawyer you will probably spend like 8 years in college.
  2. When I first started making my site I didn't know PHP, hell I didn't even know HTML. I used Front Page >_> yeahh.... So later I wanted to make my website private so I searched for a way to add a password to it. I found a site with Javascript scripts and tried one after another on my site. Later I realised Javascript wasn't the answer, some people have Javascript disabled and it's too easy to bypass anyway. So I researched some more. There was this option in my cPanel that made it so it protected a folder and I could add users with passwords so only they can access it. That was called .htaccess so I used it for a while.But then I really wanted to learn how other sites did it with all their users and stuff. A site I visited used ASP for their message boards so I decided to learn ASP. I was having a really hard time with this programin language, not many hosts had it and not a lot of people could help me with it. I found out that most people and hosts use PHP, they said it was the leading hosting language. So I switched to PHP, it's really great. About 3 months later even the message boards that used ASP switched to PHP.So I searched google to find some scripts that will make my site private and only allow a few users. Now this is where I learn more PHP, I edit the scripts to fit my situation and try it out. I learn a lot and soon add and edit a lot of scripts like a poll script. Later I update my whole site to MySQL. It was faster and easier to handle, easier to add and edit users and all that junk.So I guess the best way to learn your PHPs is to go open a PHP file, edit it, and see what happens.
  3. I've never had a firewall before. I am thinking of trying out Zone Alert. Been hearing good stuff about it. I don't know what exactly is suppose to do though, does it hide your IP from people who ping you or limit your upload speed?
  4. To avoid getting viruses, trojans, and spyware use Firefox. https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/?utm_source=getfirefox-com&utm_medium=referral
  5. You can also use the link tag to link to an external style sheet<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="default.css" />In the default.css file you put the CSS code.
  6. You can't.Seriously, new moderators are only chosen a few times a year, and the minimum requirements for applying are very steep. Even so, many apply, but only a few are selected. If you seriously want to be a moderator, you'll need to be an active, TOS-following board user for well over a year to even be considered. Pestering the current moderators or administrators to become a moderator essentially guarantees that you won't be selected.
  7. Roly


    Everyone uses google ads now. When I first heard about it I was thinking of adding them to my site because I used to pay $10 per month and I was younger I didn't have that much. But I never did and I'm glad >_>I'm sure that are other ways to make money. Like advertising your referal links in your site.
  8. Roly

    Your Hobby

    Web Design:This includes making sites, helping other with their programing problems, making useful internet tools. I was thinking of making an email spammer, where you enter and email and it gets signed up to many offers, it just get spammed. I also look for many ways to h4x. Me and a friend already found a firefox exploit, well it works in all browsers.School:I like school and I am not just saying this 'cause I'm in denial. I like the girls here because they're really hot.TV:I watch a lot of TV, mainly cartoons and movies. Yeah I like cartoons >_> and I like some humor/action movies. I also look at MTV sometimes too.
  9. I do what you do, send the MINE type application/xhtml+xml to browsers who support it but I've never had your problem. Or I've never noticed it before o_O
  10. Roly

    New Php Forums!

    I don't like any forums that are like that. I made my own, then took them down because everyplace now has a forum and it's getting very annoying.
  11. I wasn't really paying attention to it, not too much into football. How many times have the Patriots won? 4 times?
  12. Arizona. Dumb desert always getting hot and such...
  13. SOLUTION: get your own toiletFemales here never complains when I leave the toilet seat up. I've taken a dump with the toilet seat up too and it's not bad at all.
  14. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ^ new site with tutorials on anything, it currently has about 10 right now though
  15. I never used frames for navigation before I started using PHP.
  16. I saw that on the google 60 minutes video.
  17. Roly


    Get banner ads. everyone has a pop up blocker these days you won't make any money.
  18. I did all that. IE is still there.
  19. Could be spyware.Search for ad-aware and spybot on google and install those.
  20. How'd you delete IE? o-O you can't do that believe I've tried it stays there forcefully if you use Windows.
  21. I know this isn't the SQL forum but MySQL is used in PHP. I get an error Query: SELECT COUNT(users.*), COUNT(guests.*) FROM users INNER JOIN guests ON users.code != '' AND users.last_active >= 1106971028 AND guests.time >= 1106971028 AND users.last_ip != guests.ip Error#1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '*), COUNT(guests.*) FROM users INNER JOIN guests ON users.code
  22. Umm I'll take practically anything you can offer lol I'm cheap I know. Just PM me. If you do wanna learn PHP, here's a site I always go to http://php.net/ It has documentation and information on all the functions and syntax. I've learned everything from that site and from scripts I have downloaded, edited, and uploaded just to see what happens. I think that's the best way to learn, to actually code or at least edit a piece of code and see what happens.
  23. First I saved them on notepad, my format: http://somesite.com/ username password Yeah complicated I started going to many different places. My site alone is 4 accounts and passwords, Xisto is one. I go to many other boards but only record the passowords for the most important ones and the ones I like. I had a problem with notepad, bad format. So then I started recording them in Excel >______________> yeah I understand it better.
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