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Everything posted by Roly

  1. ^ what?!? That's the beauty of it. Other web browsers come with all these things you don't need and never use. With firefox you add what you wanna add and what you are gonna use. Firefox also has many cool extension IE doesn't support. Like switch proxy, linkification, add n edit cookies, and much more.
  2. I like fall, winter, and spring. I live in Arizona so it gets really hot here in the summer, even if you go to a pool. 2 Weeks ago me and part of my family went to another city where it snows, 'caue it doesn't snow here. I touched snow for the first time >_>. It was something phenomenom to me I've never seen something like it. I was sliding thorugh it and stuff it was fun I miss it.snow > no snow
  3. Firefox will solve all your problems @_@ https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/?utm_source=getfirefox-com&utm_medium=referral http://www.stopie.com/
  4. I use Firefox all the time. Last time I used IE was last year when I was cheking how my site looked in IE. My site looked like crap in IE by the way >_>
  5. Pwned. By the way, sending many many emails at a time is against Xisto's TOS. Just telling ya if you did host it on Xisto >_>
  6. I have a question, what if we don't have a cpanel, where do we set up the cron job? This program has led me into making my own PHP cron >_> I have a MySQL table named "other" with fields "name'" and "content". if(mysql_result(mysql_query('content','other','name = \'cron\' AND content <= UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-60*60*24'), 0)){ // cron stuff goes here // Update the cron time mysql_query('UPDATE other SET content = UNIX_TIMESTAMP WHERE name = \'cron\'');} This is sort of the way my script is, it's a good script 'cause it doesn't take much time out of the user. It's in the head file so it'll get run when needed. The cron stuff gets runned every day.
  7. So how much are you paying? Can you pay with paypal? >_>
  8. I'm willing to help. I know PHP and some other languages. Seems medium easy to me.
  9. This is the way I would code your script >_> <?phpinclude 'db.php';$article=mysql_query('SELECT title, content FROM articles WHERE id = \''.$id.'\'');while ($r=mysql_fetch_array($article)) echo '<b>'.$r['title'].'</b><br /><br />'.$r['content'];?> Don't waste your time coding unessesary stuff like extra variables or two echo functions when you only need one. BTW using single quotes is faster
  10. wtf way too long a script, all that is so easy you don't even need the comments <?phpecho md5('The_Password');?>See how I did that with ONE and ONLY ONE line?
  11. I've only been to LUE for 5 minutes. It isn't that great it's just like any other social board except that users there over rate it 'cause it's "LUE".
  12. I never compare the type of music I prefer to others'.
  13. Exactly why do you want to use frames? Unless you don't have absolutely any other alternative you should use frames.
  14. I listen to Eminem mostly, it's rap. Right now I'm listening to one of his songs. Second to that I listen to artists from shadyrecords like D12. I listen to any other kind too.
  15. I was coding a spellchecker for my future boards. When I finished I encounter a message saying the pspell functions don't exist. I figured it's because it's not installed. Pspell is a library that contains many functions that help spellcheck. You can find pspell at http://aspell.net/ Instructions on how to install it and a more expanded explanation can be found here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  16. Roly


    pagination? what?
  17. Even though EE says many racial slurs I know he doesn't mean any. And I know when you say he doesn't mean it he'll say he does but he really doesn't. And he hasn't banned me from his boards and I'm always posting
  18. Not dead, contained. Who are you though? O_o I've never seen you in any spinoff.
  19. I suspect him too but I'm still not sure. When I came home that day and signed on AIM he IM'd me with ">_> lol". And I said "what?" and he didn't say anything. Then a bit later Ricapar, another user who goes here, told me what was up with my site. I go look at it and it's all changed. Tody when I went around asking Ricapar's guess was it was either silenthillfreak or easter eggs(some other dude). Silenthillfreak said Ricapar did it, and he's the one who linked me to that topic. I'm confused about silent though because lat time when he had my cPanel password he only went in there and stole all my files but he told me about it later and didn't change my password. I don't think Easter Eggs would do it because he would probably brag about it in his site's board or IM me with "Hahaha h4xx'd XDD." The best suspect is Ricapar, he's been sucking up to a faction(mainly me) I'm in since I've known him.
  20. I come home from school one day and I find my site totallu changed. I tought "wtf o_O h4xx'd?" At the time I thought "**** it" since I was kinda tired and just wanted to rest. Today I started asking and investigating who dun it. Finally someone linked me to a topic here, someone had come into my account here and posted a topic saying someone had gotten into the cpanel and requesting a password change. Luckily he didn't change this account's password. I sent a PM to an admin to straighten this out ~_~. I think I have a good idea to who did this and I think he was trying to get me pissed 'cause he didn't change the pasword here, just in the cpanel.
  21. Roly


    What's up with you? Not all of us have been in your situation. And you shouldn't take things with girls so seriously. I mean just go out with them wtf you just met her and now you almost love her? No I think you're too young for something like that and even if you were 50 you shouldn't feel like that about someone so fast. Even if you're stalking her and you think you know her and she sat beside you and then one time she hugged you and know you think she likes you. Well if you were positive she likes you you wouldn't be nervous about her not liking you.
  22. Roly


    What I said can only be classified as "ignorant" if the person who reads it says it is so and it's only ignorant to that person. I don't think you should've deleted it, I didn't break the ToS or trolled.
  23. Whoa man that was amzing O_O he had like 2 to 3 balls in each hand and he was juggling them all on the piano
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