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Everything posted by MaineFishing45

  1. Ok I have some serious issue, all of a sudden the traffic jumped on my board, and the shoutobox dissappered and people were giving me these errors and stuff, so I found this message mySQL query error: INSERT INTO trap17_ipbcache_store (cs_array,cs_key,cs_value) VALUES(1,'settings','a:283:{s:7:"gl_show";s:1:"1";s:7:"gl_link";s:0:"";s:8:"gl_title";s:16:"Board Guidelines";s:13:"board_offline";s:1:"1";s:18:"show_bday_calendar";s:1:"1";s:14:"show_birthdays";s:1:"1";s:13:"autohide_bday";s:1:"0";s:13:"show_calendar";s:1:"1";s:17:"autohide_calendar";s:1:"0";s:14:"calendar_limit";s:2:"15";s:10:"start_year";s:4:"2006";s:10:"year_limit";s:1:"5";s:21:"converge_login_method";s:8:"username";s:13:"cookie_domain";s:0:"";s:9:"cookie_id";s:0:"";s:11:"cookie_path";s:0:"";s:9:"use_coppa";s:1:"0";s:9:"coppa_fax";s:0:"";s:13:"coppa_address";s:0:"";s:20:"custom_profile_topic";s:1:"1";s:14:"cache_calendar";s:1:"1";s:9:"au_cutoff";s:2:"15";s:20:"db_topic_read_cutoff";s:1:"7";s:16:"show_user_posted";s:1:"1";s:11:"no_au_forum";s:1:"0";s:11:"no_au_topic";s:1:"0";s:11:"show_active";s:1:"1";s:12:"allow_search";s:1:"1";s:11:"show_totals";s:1:"1";s:10:"load_limit";s:0:"";s:15:"min_search_word";s:1:"4";s:7:"nocache";s:1:"1";s:15:"search_post_cut";s:0:"";s:16:"short_forum_jump";s:1:"0";s:11:"time_offset";s:2:"-5";s:11:"time_adjust";s:1:"0";s:11:"clock_short";s:14:"jS F Y - h:i A";s:12:"clock_joined";s:5:"j-F y";s:10:"clock_long";s:12:"M j Y, h:i A";s:17:"time_use_relative";s:1:"1";s:24:"time_use_relative_format";s:11:"{--}, h:i A";s:8:"email_in";s:31:"webmaster@freemansca.trap17.com";s:9:"email_out";s:31:"webmaster@freemansca.trap17.com";s:11:"mail_method";s:4:"mail";s:9:"smtp_host";s:9:"localhost";s:9:"smtp_port";s:2:"25";s:18:"mail_wrap_brackets";s:1:"0";s:9:"smtp_user";s:0:"";s:9:"smtp_pass";s:0:"";s:17:"search_sql_method";s:5:"ftext";s:21:"search_default_method";s:6:"simple";s:10:"board_name";s:22:"Freeman Bulletin Board";s:9:"home_name";s:33:"Douglas S. 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M. dS, Y h:i A";s:22:"d2sbox_minimum_refresh";s:2:"15";s:22:"d2sbox_maximum_refresh";s:4:"1000";s:19:"d2sbox_showannounce";s:1:"0";s:19:"d2sbox_announcement";s:170:"Please watch the Flood Control, and the Daily Shoutlimit. I will try to correct these ASAP. So refer to posting and don\\'t make stupid shouts. And WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE.";s:16:"d2sbox_showrules";s:1:"1";s:17:"d2sbox_sbox_rules";s:538:"<b><u><center>Shoutbox Rules!</center></u></b><br />Below are listed the main rules of the Shoutbox. We cant list out every minor detail because it would take forever!<br /><ul><br /><li>Be kind to others using the Shoutbox<br /><li>Do <u>NOT</u> use inappropriate language<br /><li>Respect everyone and treat the forums with care for since it took a good amount of time to create<br /><li>Be active and have fun!<br /></ul><br />Those are just the main features.<br />Remember to abide by these so you dont get banned!";s:13:"d2sbox_showou";s:1:"1";s:17:"d2sbox_autodelete";s:1:"1";s:13:"d2sbox_addays";s:1:"1";s:17:"d2sbox_statstoday";s:1:"5";s:19:"d2sbox_statsoverall";s:2:"10";s:15:"d2sbox_shout_pt";s:1:"1";s:21:"d2sbox_shout_pt_forum";s:2:"17";s:22:"d2sbox_shout_pt_method";s:1:"2";s:23:"d2sbox_shout_pt_effects";s:1:"2";s:25:"d2sbox_shout_pt_increment";s:1:"0";s:20:"d2sbox_shout_pt_sigs";s:1:"0";}')mySQL error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 't make stupid shouts. And WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE.";s:16:"d2sbox_smySQL error code: Date: Thursday 09th of March 2006 03:31:57 PM I know is a SQL Error, but can anyone help me to figure out what to do? Sorry for the wacky scrolling over, but what else can you do? This might help you. 1) People reported that there skins went away, and then the shoutbox disappered 2) After that I tried to take it offline and it gave me that error 3) Same as above but tried to take the board offline 4) Left a message on the top exlaning some things, and then I left it alone 5) This happended all in like 5mins My site is... [link removed for protection of site] ---- Update ---- IPB WARNING [2] Division by zero (Line: 1621 of /sources/functions.php)
  2. Thank you.... thats what I have been looking for, its just details that people like me need, that aren't that advance... But did my topic get moved? Anyways, I know someone else is looking for something like this, so I will leave some links back to here. Thanks for your help. Notice from BuffaloHELP: Posts will be moved to more fitting section. This does not reflect the quality your contribution. Remember this forum is designed for search engines foremost. Please do not hijack the topic.
  3. Yep thats like me 14 years old and I know most HTML and BBCodes and stuff, but more management, you can see my topic, here it has the link and its like the exact same thing as what you want. Here is the link http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Good luck, where in the same boat.
  4. Your dead wrong You the Germans have helped behind the scenes with giving us the plans and stuff (see NYTimes.com) and that Britian has troops in the less active part, and that the Iraq Soldiers are helping too, like the 80th Training Division from Richmond, and this is about where we are from, not a War in Iraq post! Hopefully we can stick it to where we are from
  5. I really have to say that Sam2698 has had the fairest, or most honest opinion yet. I mean no biased in that.... unlike me and "labeling" private schools. But you have to choose who you are going to be with and stick to that path. Very important, or you will get sucked down the drain.
  6. Well seeing as how many people come from different backrounds, I just wanted to know where everyone is located. Due to the fact that we all are from different locations. So when I am on in the morning some people are just going to sleep. So when do you think we get the most traffic to the site, and where are people located the most, in Europe, Middle East, North America, South America, Australia? For me is the United States, the people that get critized the most, are obsessed with fighting in Iraq and military power, have a crappy President ( ) that has accomplished a lot, just not the right way, and lots of allies. Were a powerful country, with lots of allies. So good luck!
  7. Thats the phrase I was looking for someone to point out. But there are somethings about private schools that you know when you go there. I mean people aren't open to outsiders. I mean they think you are from a different country or something. And you know that they know it, when they come to your school and gloat how freaking rich they are and that your school is bad and stuff, and they snicker about what people drive to school and all that crap that no one cares about..... wake up! Well that post was a little to the extreme but it happend....
  8. Ok.. thanks. I think I will PM them or something. I sent Microscopic^earthling a PM but he has not replied? So if you could direct him here, since its his coding and stuff. See what he has to say. Thanks.
  9. Well you can see my topic here but I was wondering if anyone could or would be able to help me install this on IPB 2.0.x ? If you can and are interested, I can give you some hosting credits or place a link to your webpage on my forum or something of that nature. Just e-mail me or PM me a message. Or if anyone has any idea where I can get help with this. Thanks. (Sorry.... did not know where else to post this?? ) Notice from BuffaloHELP: Topic merged and reference URL removed.
  10. Well can I appoint someone to do it and give them hosting credits? Or can someone have m^e post here (after all its his script) or can someone tell me with a little bit more instruction?
  11. Ok.... I think I will PM m^e, and see what he has to say. I hope he does not mind or anything. But lets see what he says, and maybe I can write some tutorial on this b/c I noticed others were looking at it and wanted to add it to there bulletin boards. But I have no knowledge in PHP and CSS.
  12. You have a very valid argument with the case. I mean this is really why Church and State should be seperate. I mean extreme cases yes, but because you have sex and don't use protection, and you have a baby and don't want no.... thats your fault not the childs and you shoud put them up for adoption and stuff, not kill them off.... thats pure evil! Thats like taking this board and mass deleting members because they post in the Vent or [FIR] all the time or something stupid like that. Its something that is a personal question and is very hard to decide. And when the Supreme Court gets pressured by someone, the arguements are going to burn up and fingers will be pointed... so its only a madder of time before it ignites the battle! ------ Edit ------ Added caps, fixed spelling errors...
  13. From my point of view ( ) Public Schools Dell 600m Laptops (with blocks, and 2nd in entire US for security and management, next to NASA) Bus Transportation Different Types of Peope Poor | Middle | Rich Different Backrounds Often criticized about certian things No Fees (payed by taxes) Good schools Good programs (tech wise) Private Schools Preppy Dress Code No Laptops ( ) Mostly Rich, Upper Class Not Much Diversity More upscale food, buildings, overall aspect (due to that you pay so much $$$) Smart People that care (sorta good) Kids thats parents will buy there way through life (sometimes) Well you can see I favor public schools. Where I go to school in VA is great. We have Dell 600m's and we are the 2nd in the Nation (US) that uses as much technologly next to N.A.S.A. (space ppl). Thats crazy and I think that you should go to public and private schools and see what works the best for you. I mean I went to private and then to public, but public was fun. You meet so many people from so many diverise backrounds and you have people that care, people that slack off, so much more action. Its great. But Private is good too. You really have to balance it out. To make it work. Sorry if I offended everyone, but most of the above is true. Sorta like the firefox vs. mozilla wars that happen all over the place. Private Vs. Public!
  14. That cracked me up... I have not had any bad experiences with them (stated above) but what I don't get is that the airline companys never admit what really happens with security, money, funds, and that stuff. Because people will lose there business and stuff, but I mean if they improve there service, and improve the plains, then people will come back. Right?
  15. Ok... this might be good for you. If you like to read the news and are a informed citizen. Well then go to http://www.nytimes.com/ or https://www.washingtonpost.com/ and get an article, go to http://forums.xisto.com/.index.php and then find the forum call '[FIR] First Information Repor' or something of that nature and start a new topic and talk about the article you have read and summerize it and some things about it. Then leave the link to where you found it somewhere and let people read it, get there reactions and comment on that. Simple, Easy, Fun, Effective! ---------- Edit ---------- Fixed my color tag....
  16. Ok, one more thing. When I'm about to install this do I have to install the Invisionize version and change it with microscopic^earthling's stuff, or where do I upload this mod and stuff, or do I add it under the BBCode Manage? Can you give me any brief install or does he have a guide? Thanks.-----Edit-----Changed context, and fixed some errors
  17. Ok thanks, that makes sense because I was looking @ invisionize's mods. Thanks.
  18. We have a Dell 19" LCD and it works just fine. I mean I play games and do work. Run some webstuff. But with that and Firefox on everything looks sharper than on my school laptop. But I mean LCDs are good b/c they aren't "that" () expesive and stuff, but they do last longer than Plasmas and Plasmas break down a lot, my friends just burned out after a month and he was calling up support on it....
  19. Article found @: Click ---------------- Commentary ---------------- Since I am of the Catholic Faith ( )... I think that it was right for them to stop Abortions and such, because your taking the life of someone that is living and thats 1st Degree Murder and Manslaughter. Since I'm fromt he US there is a big debate and stuff, but whats the UK's ( ) reaction? -------- Artice -------- Well S.D. is under some pressure with people who are for abortion and against it. Some say its against there Consitutional Right to ban it, but then other say its murder of a living human being. This is what the gov. said. While the opposing team whats to veto it they need to collect 16,728 signature for it to be delayed till next November and voted on by the people. People have many diferent views on the is issue, but some say its a said day for a women and others say its a new begining for America. Article: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  20. Ok you know how the mods and admins comment on posts with the notes feature. Is that something someone has created by themselves and giving it to this BB or is it a mod/tool feature that I can get of invisionize.com? If anyone can help or give me some suggestions that would be great! Notice from BuffaloHELP: Modified title.
  21. Well since I get a dell 600m free from the school... comes with a load of blocking stuff and crap.. that they monitor us with. I think I1. Post @ Trap 172. School Work Related3. Check my forum(s) and web site4. Update my polls and survays w/ Zoomerang.como5. Anything else I feel like (Gmail, Meebo, games, fun stuff)
  22. Happened to me when I was supervising parking operations for a major church event. These stupid kids kept running in the way... then causing cars to stop abruptly and causing even more trouble by playing basketball in the middle of the main lane ! What the heck? So go over and give them a chat, and tell them to move it or lose it with the cops! So about 15 minutes later they come back and one car hits the back of another car, because they ran accross the road and caused it to stop very short.... dumb kids. So I pick up the phone and dial 911 and tell them there has been an accident @ the church and no inguries..... so two minutes after that I go over to the "Rent-A-Cop" ( ) who was sitting in his car on his phone and said So he was happy and pulls out lights and siren on and they stop and he waits with them and here comes a lot of explaining....lol
  23. Great idea man... acts like a security protection. But is there a downside on hosting it on your own website, and password protecting the area?
  24. Ok thank you. I think someone can delete this our close it, because I guess I am not asking the question the right way, I was looking for something else.
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