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Everything posted by DMA

  1. i have no idea what a ups is, but that is causing the colour problems on your monitor. make sure you dont have anything non computer related plugged into the outlet that the computer is using, and there are no electronic devices taht could cause interference near the computer and monitor.
  2. well you could break many different bones in your body while playing soccer... or this could happen to you. http://arb9.com/ dunno what the hell is up with that though, have you broken any bones in your body before, odomike?
  3. i just use firefox, and i downloaded the allow right click extension... so i can always beat those lame scripts... and i didnt need that extension anyways... since i always have javascript disabled on my firefox.
  4. The last movie i was was of mice and men. we read the book for no reason in this lit and comp class... the teacher must think we are retarded... its like 6th grade reading level... and after that we watched the movie to go along with the book...
  5. lol that was pretty funny. keep up the good work zenchi. who are you voting for?i dont think im going to vote...vote or die i chose ... neitheri should start teh dont vote and win campaign
  6. i would sign up, but you are basically just using this to spam a refferal link. what all do you need to do to get one of those pvps? is it just like the freeipods deal? complete an offer reffer some people and then get them to complete an offer and they send you the gift...
  7. Sure...soccer is a real kool game. Even though i do not play soccer cos of the injuries one can sustain from it, I still like and enjoy watching it. ... thats just sad. not that many people get hurt from it. i play soccer nearly every day of my life. I have only been injured once in all my time playing, but it was from overuse, not reckless play. i have gotten in a few fights in my days of playing soccer, but ive only gotten 4 red cards.
  8. Pls shar 2 me what u can dohow long u ben sk8 ingfor about half a yearYour worst bailcrushed my balls on a railEvery thing u have dun even if its just a olia Pls let me no i relly want 2 seekickflip, double kickflip, walk the dog, 540, pop shove it, and i can do a lot of sweet manuals, and i cant think of all the grinds in can do.I can olia 50-50 bord slid kick flip( some days) pop-shovetShovetam a lil new at it so am not 2 good
  9. Who's website is kulune's? i went there and it was in japanese.i thought the trap 17 terms of agreement or use or whatever there is said that your sites had to be in english, or am i wrong?
  10. when are you going to know if there is something messed up with you or something... i just remember you said something about some spinal fluid leakage or something... how does that happen? how do you get a spinal fluid leak...
  11. DMA

    Favorite Songs

    What's your favorite artist? NasYour favorite song? Made you LookAnd your favorite album? IllmatikIm into hip hop if you couldnt tell. but i enjoy some rock as well.
  12. thats still in a while, but i think one of the european teams will take it. but brazil, france, south korea, and a lot of other countries look good right now. but take into concideration that this is in 2 years... the teams will change a lot by then... so its hard to make any sort of prediction as of now.
  13. if you need a free asp host, then try searching for that on google. i dont understand what you mean, uploading an asp file is the same as uploading just about any other kind of file, there is nothing different between them.
  14. red hat is best for servers, and slackware is best for desktops. slackware has very little on its operating system so it runs very fast. red hat is good, but on the contrary unless you download it, you have to pay for it.
  15. just install apache on your pc, and put the files you want to test in the directory in apache that is set aside for the files you want on the net. then make sure you have php installed on your pc and you should be all set.
  16. if its google, you have to wait for crappy googlebots to view your site and save craploads of pages from your site to its cache. it should be instant imo, should just go right in the database and be all set. but they most likely review the added sites as well.
  17. i dont understand. what is it? i stand alone search program? or something you open in your internet browser? i dont want to download it now becuase my bandwidth is gone for some reason, but i will check that out sometime soon.
  18. i might buy it for pc, but im not very hyped up about grand theft auto san andreas. does anyone know when it is getting released for pc? thats what i did with vice city, i have ps2, but i never get to play it so i would prefer to own a pc version.
  19. my dad installed zone alarm on all the computers in our house. i tried to uninstall zone alarm from my comp but it was a peice of *BLEEP*. every time i restarted my comp after uninstalling it from my computer, it was some set up zone alarm screen. so i deleted the zone alarm directory from my hard drive. now when i start up my comp i get some stupid error saying it cant find some file like sone alarm.ink or something. i know have sygate installed on my computer.
  20. the psp is supposed to have graphics nearly equal to that of a ps2? thats crazy. i thought n gage was good. i mean thats one sweet taco. for some reason when i went to gamestop i was playing an ngage in there, and since the game in the ngage was fifa for the ngage, im a soccer fan so for some reason i couldnt stop playing that ngage.
  21. is there any way to see all the posts i have made here? i wanted to see if there was a response to one of my posts and i cant seem to find it.
  22. gamefreaksl which hosting option are you using for your site right now? cant you just ask for an upgrade when you get enough posts for the 2 or 3 gig bandwidth hosting packages? i dont see how your site uses that much bandwidth, other than the flash games maybe, but are those stored on your site or do you just use embed tags and have the source as the place where you got the games?
  23. DMA


    i would definitely prefer an ipod over an iriver any day. i own an ipod and an iriver, and the ipod beats the iriver any day. the ipod isnt that fragile, it has a thick plastic cover and the backing is some kind of metal so unless you are retarded and drop it, it can withstand a lot of wear and tear.
  24. how much would all that cost in usd i wonder... yet i feel you made this topic just to make me feel bad or something. thats a really good heatsink if you are interested in overclocking.
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