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Sarith Pallewela

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Everything posted by Sarith Pallewela

  1. Why don't you use VB.net? It gives you much more flexibility and a better secure connection! Just try It! O.K?
  2. Hello friend! i'm learning PHP as well! Well i did a little research and If what your interrested is in making a database managed website why dont you try http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ this site tell you from a to z how to make a really cool website using PHP and Mysql. Really i'm not joking they even tellyou how to install and configure the softwares! Why don't You try It!
  3. I thought i'd just come back and tell you that although VB is very easy to learn and to type it doesn't nesesarraly mean its a small languages for kids! Vb is as good, strong and proffetional as other language like C and some times even better than them. I mean what's better than having to just drag and drop your GUI and customize it without a single line of code aint that great! Also if anybody tells you JAVA is better than VB cause Java can run in multiple OS's. I got NEWS for you! It's true that Java is not platform dependent and that VB is. But there are many freeware that automatically convert your VB programmes to Java programmes with One click! You can get these softwares from download.com! just search for vb to java converters and there you get it! Before i leave just be sure to explore the whole world of VB. don't just stick to Internet programming or database programming! Vb has many uses including use for making security programmes internet programmes Office application interpretor and many more!!!!
  4. The earlier replys you got were absolutly true! You can actually learn VB from dummy to pro just by free tutes on the net! I know i did! Well i sujest you try http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://a1vbcode.com/ http://www.codeproject.com/ Though planetsourcecode and codeproject have tutes for other languages aswell they have more tutes for vb. a1vbcode and the btutor are fully RAW really good understandable and great vb sites!
  5. It no question! Yahoo and MSN doesn't have a chance with google! google own the best sattelites and google has a better feel and knowledge about it's customers adn last but not least we all know that if it's from google, it the BEST!
  6. I agree, you have a better chance of being indexed if you put normal name to your images ex. don't put img001 rather put hotgame.jpeg!
  7. It isn't really about the amount of cash the company pays you but you should look for ads that match the theme of your site! That way you attract more visitors, more visitors you the ads and your site looks much nicer!
  8. Some rules to Really SPEED up your web site loading speed!1.Try to limit the numbre of images2. If you can't limit the number of images, make the images .bmp or .png ect. limit the .jpg's and .jpeg's3. If your using Dreamweaver, check the default settings, because dreamweaver put in a lot of unwanted snippets to your site without even telling you.4. Make the text of your site load first and then the images! You can do this with dreamweaver5. Try to make your site look nicer with better text effects than graphic effects!Hope this helps You!!!!
  9. Hey You! It's not only in VB.Net! Even vb takes the setting from IE! Thats because the We Browser Tool we use is actually from the IE! If you wanted to make a actual new web browser it would take you years just to get the basic functions straight!But hey why don't you take a look at some more advance vb internet explorers in some source code sites (like planetsourcecode.com)
  10. Yes! you are absolutly right! Yesteday i was using Google Earth and i saw my Uncle parked car in canada! And i live in Sri Lanka! Microsoft's software don't even show any traffic!no offence Microsoft!
  11. Yes All these coding is Legel! Did'nt you know that most of the smaller search engines (i think i can't name it here) are acually getting search results from google! Yes though it seems as if they did it htem selves it's actually the same code told above! Ain't that a suprise!
  12. Well i tried my first VoIP software about two months ago and was very disappointed.I thought it was toatally free! but to my surprise i found out i have to pay to get a cal. so ever since i've loss my hope in these software!
  13. well there are alot of free web site builders given out by free web hosting services, but take my word for it. Paid softwares like dreamweaver are the best if you want to make a really good web site with cool effects!javascript:emoticon('')smilie
  14. Gmail is good but it has a wee bit of a problem. That is when you try to attach a file to the mail and the file is a exe it says that you can't attach it. Evem mdb's are un-attachable! Other than that Gmmail is good enough.
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