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  1. Oh interesting , how we all wonder the power of Google these days. I highly doubt it, as it just sound so unreasonable a search engine company will create world damnation. It?s true Google is indeed a lead roll search engines, and now expanding even greater, I doubt they?ll rise too high.They could most likely, if they do correctly, take over the media, or computer world. They can the Computer God, sending virus of the less deserving and making the better with more power and control. You never know what technology will be created these days, the future is too unpredictable.
  2. Dell has done it again, 500 gb, I, just have to say that?s sweet.That?ll be useful for those using limewire to get all those favorite songs, or movies. Or just those with huge anime, it?s nice.The memory doesn?t suck as well, 4gb, hmm nice stuffDimension is going to rock, It?s probably going to cost an arm and a leg, but good for computer lovers.
  3. I say, that looks quite nice.The color of red and orange really brings the best of the image.The 2nd final image looks really well, I think the 1st final image is a little, distorted, but the 2nd one looks smooth.Thanks for the tut, It can help me quite a bit in my brush less background area, as I suck a that.
  4. Well you posted in my intro, mind as well return the favorWelcome of course to the site of great free hosting.Remember the guidelines, you can?t do without them.Long posts are your object, as well as 30 posts that shouldn?t become too hard if you do it right.Join in wherever you can, maybe from your point graphical sections, to help along.Learn and have fun, yeah
  5. Damn..That?s really nice..I am totally gonna try that, I like the way you color balance both image and bg together, lol I usually don't do that. The brushes are cool, too, I?ll probably put them to use.So overall nice job and thx
  6. Wow looks pretty goodThe mood of the stock and such fits togetherI like your idea of adding a heart In the middle, with the butterfly in it, and the actually background it self surrounding the heart. It?s clever, So I say good job.
  7. Note pad, heck yeah it?s good, I use it for my php file editing. It?s a good universal file/word opener, good for editing neatly and such.You can use it for html, or php, and maybe just CSS.It?s small In size so fast to open, so it?s pretty cool
  8. OH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL!!? That is the longest word I have ever seen, I really think scientist ran out of letter combination and winged it all together to make a super mega word. Of course, thats chemical term, in real words, I think PNEUMONOULTRAMICROSCOPICSILICOVOLCANOCONIOSIS outta win it.
  9. Wow favorite color, hmm I definitely have to go with Blue.It juts looks cool (both way booyah), and it?s peaceful.You can start at the blue sky for hours, you swim in the blue sea, and well blue just looks good. lolNow if this is color combination, I wouldn't pick blue lol
  10. Collect, hell I love to do that, it just feel right.When I was younger I collected cards, yeah, the nerdy ones, yu-gi-oh and pokemon, and magic as well, It was interesting how much you can sell those things. I slowly got over that, Now I just don?t collect as much, maybe those state quarters lol
  11. What you know, I found trap 17 by Google.Not sure what page it was, most likely 3 or 4, but it was there, right in the face.I went to it actually because I had a friend use it before, back when I didn't really care too much about free hosting. I checked around it, but it seemed as though this the best place to get free hosting.
  12. It is strange, how Google can offer such a thing.I do believe because of the welfare of Google?s businesses, they indeed have more than enough. Terabytes should be no problem for them, the company offer much more than just mail, they have all it?s other services, bound to make them some sort of cash.Possibly they have every time someone clicks search, they gain a penny, ether way, they have tons of stuff. If with that money, they can buy, even create whatever, maybe they have a server that holds like, 100 terabytes, and they have maybe 1000 of them, hell I don't know, but Google is just that big.
  13. Google is indeed very interesting.It has everything you need at a click of a button, although your search?s accuracy will not always be 100%, the wide variety it too great. I use Google a lot, maybe too much? But even so at it, it?s very resourceful.As well as all the other power Google now has like the Google web accelerator, or Google earth, Google is getting bigger and more known. Hell it?s even in my Microsoft word dictionary >_> So I do believe it is a great search engine, free and reliable, although it sometimes link you to the..bad sites..
  14. Nice tutorial, it looks pretty goodI seen some of these around, they are quite interesting sigs.If you do it right, it?ll be a great brushless sig.I think you can add in maybe duplicate the layer at step 7, Gaussian blur it, and set it on overlay could make it good as well, a lot of cool things from it. So pretty cool, thanks
  15. It is interesting the choice of stocks in this tutorials, it just bring out more of it. LolAnyway, nice tutorial, It would sure bring some change in the plain average sig.It doesn?t look very hard either, so I might try doing one or 2 just to see the resultThx for it
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