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Posts posted by Mich

  1. As for a banner, perhaps something like this will do the job? (Probably looks a bit familiar :huh:)

    Posted Image

    Hey, I really like the font you used. What is it? That is cool. I am not familiar with imageshack. Will take a visit over there and look around. Meanwhile, Thanks for the sample. Will probably use it, if you don't mind, to start with.


    hey nice site.. jus have some objections like the background and layout.. i like stuff that has a good structure, background, colour scheme and etc.. yu jus need to sort out the background and layout.

    Just what makes a good background and layout? Please go into more detail about what you mean. I guess I am a little dense.

  2. By the way, if you're interested my site has a free banner rotation service for graphics related sites like yours. The banners are averaging 1500+ views a month, which can only help to promote your site.

    I am back from my vacation and need to design a banner that meets your specifications. I have already put a banner/link on my banner exchange page to your site. Any suggestions for a nice banner for mine? My sig is the only one I have at the moment. Will you be hotlinking to the banner or downloading it to your site for use? Oh and, can I change banners at a later date?

  3. Yes, this global warming is for real and we had better start listening. I have been following reports on this problem for some time now and the effect on the glaciers up at the pole is really alarming. They are disappearing. This is having a tremendous effect on the balance of nature. We are having all these world wide natural disasters as a result, in my oppinion. Consider the number of hurricanes we have had this year, just in the USA. Katrina was a warning of things to come.

  4. think of it this way..would you rather have the ads on the forums that you post on, or would you rather have them on the website you plan on making? personally i would rather have them on the forum i am posting on than at the top of every one of my pages on my website..so just be happy they are on these forums and not the website you are making..yes thay may be annoying but they keep the site running so they can offer a free service to us less fortunate people hehe!

    Me too and dido. Who wants ads on our sites. It would really mess up my graphic design web sets and I have sooo many pages. The only ads that bother me are the animated ones that take a long time to load. :rolleyes: I am on an ancient telephone line system and things can get realllly slooooow sometimes.

  5. This was my favorite site back in those days, I can't believe I still remember the name of the designer, I haven't looked at that site in years. I did just check to make sure the site still exists, though. She does the most beautiful work. Your site reminds me of hers a little bit. Marvelicious Graphics

    Thank you for the generous compliments. I have checked out your favorite and indeed like it as well. Have e-mailed asking for a link exchange. Hope it works out. One can also use the links page at that site to cruise the web for more wonderful graphic designs for homepages. Thanks again.

    PS We have exchanged links

  6. I'm not sure how common these are elsewhere but I had my first self serve check out experience a few days ago.

    It kind of looks like a checkout but with no checkout chicks :rolleyes: Anyhoo it was really fun to start with... open the bag scan a few items and then pick up the full bag to hear a voice "item has been removed from checkout, please put it back before continuing" so you put it back and scan some stuff.


    So here I have $100 worth of stuff to fit on a little rack, I got one back removed but it would not let me remove any others... it was soo frustrating hearing that woman's voice a million times!

    Then I happened to buy a knife so I had to get that checked to make sure I was old enough to buy.


    Finally I have stacked everything up in this little space and have to pay with credit card... so then that needs to get approved too.


    In theory this is a great system and i'm sure it would have been if I didn't have a whole heap of items and paid another way... there needs to be a warning about the ammount of products you can have.


    Well we had them at our K-mart for a while, but they took them out. Were more trouble than they were worth. I guess the customers were not handy enough to use them correctly.

  7. Well, it could also be your ISP.  I have dial-up, and even when I'm NOT disconnected, I get that message sometimes.  I find that it happens when there is slow communication between my computer and my ISP.  It could be other problems as well, though.  However, I'm not really noticing it that much.  Also, when it says it for me, it does it for other sites.  When it says that the server couldn't be found, did you try some other website for the same message?


    I have similar problems under the same circumstances. We don't have fiberoptics yet and that creates phone line problems. The older lines are what you call "dirty" with static etc.

    To keep from having to type everything over again, I usually highlight and copy what I have written so if the post disappears I can paste it in when I start over.

  8. anybody know what the size of a layout is so it fills the whole window.. is it 1024 x 800 or w/e it is?  i've tried it before but when i publish it, you usualy have to scroll horizontally and i dont want that.. i want it to fit perfectly on the window.. (mke my sites on photoshop)


    My book says 1006 by 732 is the average screen content size to keep from having scroll bars. Anybody else know better?

  9. Hello i'm new here i just wanted to say hello.


    Hi, dementeddemon. :) Tell us a little about yourself and what your plans are here at this site. People here are very helpful and friendly. I have only been on board a little while and have learned something new every day.

  10. Hi im Mario from Macedonia and Im really glad that I become member here  :)


    WELCOME Mario. :) Tell us about Macedonia and a little about yourself. Will u be creating a site here soon? If so, what will be the theme of your site? Mine is web set design.

  11. welcome to the forums, to the site, and to our little circle of friends!  You have no idea how pleased I am that someone as old as you (don' t take it badly, i really can word it any nicer ;P) uses a computer and actually codes! 

    No offense taken. I found it rather intimidating at first, but my daughter got me interested and I ran with it. Found it so much fun, I embraced it as a hobby. Keeps me from living at the refrigerator door. Or simply sitting and watching the boob tube.

    My grandparents (70-80y/o) still have problems with my old iMac I gave them 3 years ago.  They're afraid to close browser windows or applications, fearing they will never come back.. like a letter you throw away.  Kinda funny to watch, not fun trying to tell them how to open Word over the phone, long distance, for 4 hours while explaining terminology.  "Yea, that little folder on the screen, that's a folder.  if you doubleclick it, you can open it.  no, doubleclick.  meaning click twice.  no, faster.  you need to double click.  tap it twice fast.  what do you mean it disappeared?"  LOL!

    Well bless their hearts. So many older citizens are unwilling to give it a try. This includes my husband. And bless you for helping your grandparents to keep up their mental agility. I could never get my mother to understand that she didn't have to type as fast as the computor operated. She was very intimidated by the whole technology of it all.

    I really love your site.  It's quaint.  Something that most sites are lacking today.  reminds me of visiting grandma on holidays.  I also enjoyed reading the "born before 1945" page.  Got me laughing.


    Thank you for the compliments. It was my intent to make people feel welcome at my sites. I guess that is why the quiantness is evident. I have visited a lot of sites that are more modern in their construction, but I do favor the simple html and use of tables. I am still embarking on the adventure of learning more advanced methods of coding. However, I think that most people want their homepages to be "homier" and will find it difficult to construct such things as flash pages for their own use. Don't misunderstand me, flash is super cool, but I feel just a little complicated for the average user.

  12. P.S. never tried to scech my future web page http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/  :(


    Do you have some kind of protection set up in your cPanel to keep people from hotlinking or viewing your file contents? :( I get



    You do not have permission to access this document.


    Web Server at stopdesign.com"


    when I click on your gif link.

    wow that first site has some great websites. these people that make them must spend alot of time on them. i am currently making a website, and i have put numorous hours into and look absolutly nothin like these websites on tha link that you posted.

    Yes Zen Garden is a lovely site and has lots of sources for people. Went there yesterday myself and was really impressed.

  13. Sorry, no clue, does this happen with you too?


    I don't use the webprotection option. I find it tiring enough to enter passwords for everything else. So, I certainly wouldn't want to have to enter it twice using this option. I just wonder why you haven't gotten an answer from at least one of the mods.

  14. I just read this article by Reuters that says that some Canadian scientists tested people by showing them a website and asking them what they thought of it. They found that most people judge a website in 1/20 of a second. That really makes me nervous being a web designer because I biased when it comes to my own websites, I love them. Do you think you judge websites that quickly.


    I don't think that time span is possible either. But, I would be interested in knowing the results of this testing. Like, if they didn't like the colors, your site flunked thier test. It would be nice to know which aspects made the like list and which didn't. Might help us web designers to know which designs we have wasted our time on.

  15. When I use the webprotect feature in cpanel and then visit my site it always asks for the username and passoword twice, no matter what browser or computer I use.  Is this normal?


    I noticed this post the day you put it up. I don't know the answer, but nobody has posted one here for you. Did anybody ever answer you on this? I am curious.

  16. I love Trillian, simply because it is the only PC application where I can see my wife on her Apple...


    So Trillian gets a big thumb up. The professional one!


    I give Trillian a thumbs up also. Have been using for 3 years now and it makes it so easy for me to keep track of all my friends. They don't all use the same messenger, but I can catch them all. I have had 3 or more windows of Trillian communications having conversations with as many people at the same time without having 3 or more different programs running. Eats up your resources really quick. Multi-tasking can lock up my puter sometimes. Ugh, I need a new one. This one is 5 years old now and I am still running on Windows 98 S.
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