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Posts posted by Mich

  1. Referrals are a definate no-no. And links to Commercial enterprises are not to be used. As for Mich linking to what is essentially a personal site that offers her designs on a gratis basis, I don't think anyone minds. There are lots of other Members with siggies leading out of the Xisto Corp, but they are generally non-commercial as well. An occasional google adsense on their site, maybe, but nobody selling Used Cars and such, please.

    Hey, my site is hosted by Trap 17, isn't that within the Xisto Corp?

  2. You're talking as if all illegal immigrants dont become legal immigrants afterwards. Have you missed the part when i talked about the "wet-foot dry-foot" policy Florida has?

    Yes, :D I did see this, but since I don't agree with the policy, I chose not to take issue and cause more controversy.


    I assume you mean exception :angry:

    P.S. I wasnt off the subject. You just failed to properly define what kind of procedure, so i guess you could say, i took advantage. :angry:

    Very cleaver! Now a P.S. for you. How do you get your sig to change so often? It seems to rotate as I travel though the forum.

  3. And as for these procedures, you mean like searching and applying for a job? Making an effort to get out of bed everyday, do your stuff, and go off to work? Supporting their families when need be? And many other stuff, we ALL do?

    May I point out what should be obvious to you. You are off subject here. The subject is entering this country. These are all admirable quialities that we all should strive to have, but they have nothing to do with getting into this country. The procedures of which I speak are the procedures that one goes through to get into this country legally. If one doesn't get into this country legally, are we to overlook this just because they have these qualities? If this were the case, then we would have to overlook crimes people commit merely because they are productive citizens. This country would be in chaos in that case. Please understand, I have nothing against immigrants. My husband's father immigrated to this country in the early 1900's and became a naturalized citizen of the US. BUT he did it legally and followed all the procedures necessary to get a green card.

  4. I'm new to web design, no training or anything - just straight from my head. Thought I'd done OK for a first attempt, didn't expect it to be professional looking but then I'm not a professional. But I tried my hardest.

    As I'm learning, I'm changing things as I go on, in fact I'm working on the home page right now trying to correct the very things you suggest. The I'll look at the links page. I tell you I'm really green, I didn't think about screen resolutions. I'm also having problems with tables so please bear with me.

    Your site is excellent, I hope I get to that level some day. I have no problems at all with you collaborating with the artists involved in the site - just send emails to the address on the site and I'll forward them on. Thanks for your constructive comments, I was a bit unhappy last night after reading last comments, I felt they were a bit harsh.

    Thanks for the compliment about my site. Hey, you did a better job at your first site attempt than I did on my first one. And my site was only one page. So don't let opinions get you down. Just you keep plugging along. If others can't bear with you, let them choose not to. I caught some harsh ones about my site just recently.


    I find that using percentages works better with tables because not everybody is using the same resolution and the table will resize to fit whatever they are using. However, I have been told that tables are passe'. Oh well, they work for me. I am self taught, as well. I try to design things for the beginning site builder who probably doesn't understand all the sophisticated htmling on the net today.


    I will be in touch with you in the future about using art from your site.

  5. My family are all immigrants. They all work for a living. They all left cause their countries were too harsh. They sought a better living, and found it.

    Another thing you need to take into consideration is that these illegals are most of the time working and living as a group. This way they can gobble up all the minimum wage part-time jobs, combine their resources and survive.

    Have you ever thought about the fact that, maybe, we're working and living together as a group is cause we have no other choice? Apparently, many people dont want us here. So, it would seem LOGICAL to live and work in areas where we are actually wanted.
    I referred to "illegals" if you look closely. Are you saying you came to this country illegally? My family, although long ago, came here as immigrants also. As did all of us other than Native American Indians. My problem is with people who don't go through the proper procedures to live and work here.


    And as for Mich saying that illegal immigrants need to be sent back to where they came from, that is the epitome of American mentality. Face it, the culture and appeal of America is built on illegality and vice. Would Las Vegas be so tempting if their were no casinos and prostitutes? Back in the 1920's during Prohibition, were there not people in speakeasies brewing illegal alcohol?

    What does this have to do with coming into this country illegally? You say your family immigrated to this country, as I have stated, so did mine. But, if I am to assume your family did it legally, this is my point. I have absolutely nothing against immigrants as you seem to have interpreted. It is illegals that I have a problem with. When one does something seriously illegal in this country, they are punished. I say the punishment for entering this country illegally should be deportation.


    As to your comments about illegality and vice being "the culture and appeal of America": My, my, what a low opinion of our country you have. This country was not founded on these principals, for heaven's sake. If this is your opinion of America, then why are you so proud to be one? Try reading the Declaration of Independence and the Constitutiion. These are the principals on which this country is founded. These are the principals which should make you proud to be an American.

  6. Yea, they're gobbling them up, cause they're not filled! Where were these other people, legal citizens, when these jobs became available? Apparently, nowhere. These immigrants came here to earn a living. How does that happen? By getting hired.


    Well, it is not all that simple. Maybe the people were there looking for the jobs, but the organization hired some employment agency to do their hiring for them. Then this employment agency is working for the purpose of finding jobs for illegals. This is what happened in Michigan. A tribe of Indians in Acme, MI, bought a large hotel complex. They didn't have the knowledge to hire the employees they needed, so they contracted an employment agency to do it for them. Unfortunately, this agency had a pool of illegals to draw from and they hired them on to work for the hotel. They were eventually found out, but look at the jobs that legal citizens could have been hired for if this agency had been on the up and up. Jobs are hard to find on your own. I went through a legitimate employment agency years ago myself. So don't be too quick to condemn the legals that "weren't around". Another thing you need to take into consideration is that these illegals are most of the time working and living as a group. This way they can gobble up all the minimum wage part-time jobs, combine their resources and survive. So many employers are going to this format to save having to pay benefits. People cannot survive in today's economy in these sorts of jobs. My goodness, it takes two full-time incomes at least just to buy a house.


    Now as to the Senator's solution. Bah, Humbug. If they are in this country illegally, they need to be sent back where they came from.

  7. why would you have 3 morbid and negative choices for a name? what are you using it for? you didn't say. the name is not catchy, but if you are trying to gain your niche with all the depressed, suicidal and psychos out there, your theme might work since not alot of competition out there for those people. i hope it's for personal creations and not for business or i think the top 3 names is a lost cause. and hey....might as well add "lost cause" to your list as well! sems to fit your theme

    Yes, what are your designs intended for? This would help me make a decision about a name. Personally, I wouldn't use any from you list. :P I might make a suggestion if I knew exactly what your site will be all about. :)

  8. I have had the privilege of meeting James Earl Jones (Darth Vader) when he came to our town to promote the refurbishing of our local theater, where he got his start on the stage. He was raised in a little town east of here, Dublin, MI. He signed copies of his book "Voices and Silences" for us and did the narative for a video about our theater. It really surprised me when I realized he has blue eyes. Then in his book I found that one of his grandmothers was caucasian, Irish to be exact.


    More recently I visited with Lee Greenwood of Country Western fame; notably "God Bless the USA". He was performing at our local casino last fall. I went to school with him back in 19mmm. We talked over school times back in North Sacramento. I still have my year book that he hadn't signed, so I asked him to sign it 50 years late. He was a darling in school and still is. I also communicate by e-mail with his sister who is back in the Sacramento, CA area.


    If you visit my personal homepage site you can see pics of both of them.

    :) James Earl Jones 3rd row down; pictures I took of him.


    :P Lee Greenwood Not very flattering of either of us.

  9. Visited your site and would agree with jlhaslip on the phrase. I feel you might narrow the width of the table which is "1158" on your home/opening page. Perhaps using the 98% you have used on later pages would work better so that one doesn't have to scroll sideways to read your description of the site. Your links page has the same problem. I tried it and it looks much better. The font could be bold as well. It seems to fade some into the background. Just suggestions.


    Would it be forward of me to try to collaborate with your artists for use of some of their art pieces in my web sets? :) I have done work with others that I feel has turned out well. Check out my work at My Graphics Webpage

  10. Well, I have never been to that site, but from all the bad things I have heard about it, I wouldn't want to go there anyway. I guess with its advent, chat rooms are passe' now. It does bother me that young people find the need to use sites like that. They are in need of attention of some kind or they wouldn't. Parents need to have a closer look at what their children are doing on line. Unfortunately, private PCs in a child's room are not helping. I would suggest to a parent of today that they keep the family PC in a common room where everybody has access like the TV. :) And I used to worry about my child watching cartoons that depicted characters getting bombed or such and then returning to normal. I was worried that it would plant the idea that bombing or shooting people was not injurious. How much the world has changed over the years. It is frightening. I am certainly glad I don't have to raise a child in today's society. It is a much more difficult job than when I raised mine.

  11. I posted the following in the

    The So Called "vent"...

    Yeah, ok. pinned topic

    on Wed night and got absolutely no response. Now I have quoted it so my opinion is registered in this topic where it might get noticed.

    Hey, you tell us to watch our language and then you come up with a title like this:

    Trapped In *BLEEP*! [TIS] (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) *NEW!*

    Isn't this a double standard? If I use the word *BLEEP* in my posting it gets bleeped out. See what I mean? In fact now that I previewed my post I see that it even got bleeped out in the quote. Me thinks you should come up with a better forum title than this. It is very discriminating for certain persons to be able to use this kind of language when posters to the forum are not allowed the same privilege.

  12. Hi! Find3r. Welcome to Trap 17. You will come to know a lot of people here that are very helpful and give good advice. Take note of what the previous posts have said. You will be much more welcome by following the rules. Earning points is not a game, however. Posting good content is of more importance. If and/or when you get hosted, if that is your goal, you will need to be active almost daily to keep your site up. Activity in the forum assures Trap 17 that you are keeping your site up and current. Good Luck! :)

  13. Hey, you tell us to watch our language and then you come up with a title like this:

    Trapped In *BLEEP*! [TIS] (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) *NEW!*

    Isn't this a double standard? If I use the word *BLEEP* in my posting it gets bleeped out. :) See what I mean? In fact now that I previewed my post I see that it even got bleeped out in the quote. Me thinks you should come up with a better forum title than this. It is very discriminating for certain persons to be able to use this kind of language when posters to the forum are not allowed the same privilege.

  14. Whoa whoa! Don't awitch diets without your vet's consult. If you do, you may make the matter worse.

    Very good wild20. You are right. Switching diets is the worst thing you can do, especially due to the possibility of an allergy.

    You summed it up pretty well Mich, but grass will be eaten before it throws up.

    Beg to disagree with this however. Our poodle never ate grass before he regurgitated. The food just came back up after it had sat in the stomach too long. The stomach was so irritated that grass wasn't necessary to initiate regurgitation. :)

  15. Just yesterday my mom's cousin picked us up for the day to visit his house and family. When he was taking us back at around 8pm, we were stuck in a bit of traffic. I can imagine how bad it is when its around 4-5.

    Yeh, I know what you mean. We got stuck in a traffic jam south of Cincinnati, OH on I-75 for 2 hours on a Monday evening just about dark. We creeped about 1 mile during the 2 hours. People were leaving the hiway (via the shoulder) at the nearest exit because they were running out of gas. It was cold and they had to leave their cars running. We, thank heaven, had just stopped and filled up before we hit the jam. When it finally broke up the traffic just returned to normal flow, wahla. We never did find out what caused the jam in the first place. Saw no signs of any accident. When we finally got into Cincinnati we were so late into the night that we had to find a motel. Hadn't planned on stopping there because motels are so expensive in large cities, but were to tired to go as far as we had planned north of there. Asked if they knew what was up, but nobody knew anything. :)

  16. Yes, traffic is a nuisance in big cities espcially. The drivers that really get to me are the slower ones that insist on driving in the fast lane(s). Thank heaven for 6 & 8 lane highways where you can get around them. The evening traffic when everyone is going home from work is the worst. Everybody is tired from their day at work and just wants to get home. Charging in and out from one lane to another to get home 1 minute earlier isn't worth it, but there is always a few who do it. I am amazed that there are not more accidents than there are. I guess something must be said for the drivers who drive defensively like one should. They are the ones that prevent the accidents. I was born and raised in a large CA city where I found it was quicker and safer to drive the city streets home rather than the freeway. Now I live in a small community where I don't have to contend with the heavy traffic, just the lousy drivers. :)

  17. if you want hosting credits,then you should post longer and more detailed posts..tell us about yourself.what you like to do etc....make the post worth somthing...because all poeople can say now is Hi! And welcome to the forum...lol

    Yes, as Albus has said, you need to be very wordy in the forum so you earn points. Welcome, l3lackout, to Trap 17 from one of the elder memebers. You will find many helpful people here. If you need any kind of advice, feel free to request it here in the correct topic. Come back and tell us something about yourself. :)

  18. Had I not read this earlier post from you in another thread, I would have agreed with what the people who replied earlier said. It seems that this is not an isolated incident. With the school already suspicious of your activites on their network, it wouldn't surprise me at them deciding to expel you. If you get accepted back, I suggest you use the pc like most others do and stop being so curious about the network - you know what it did to the cat!

    Yeh, sounds like something more than meets the eye is going on here. jmb2006 are you giving us the whole story? If you used the school network to log onto the internet, you were in the wrong. I would interpret this to be a kind of hacking, myself. Naughty, naughty. However, I think that suspension would have been an appropriate punishment. Expelling you is a little harsh.

  19. Dog will usually regurgitate (nicer word than puke) because the food they have taken it has stayed in the stomach too long. This can be cause by something slowing down the evacuation of the stomach content. Our poodle had this problem created by a spasm in a muscle surrounding the entrance into the small intestine. It is quite correctable. The spasm is usually caused by, believe it or not, anxiety. Meds can usually do the job. Surgery may be required and somewhat expensive. But well worth checking out to save all the mess you have from what has been going on for so long.

  20. My great uncle is a devout Jew. He prays several times a day, goes to synagogue everyday, keeps strict kosher (dietary laws), and lives in what people in Minnesota affectionately call "St. Jewish Park" (which in itself is an oxymoron; Jews don't have saints) because of its high concentration of Jews. It's real name is St. Louis Park but whatever. So my great uncle Yosef recently had a pretty debilitating stroke and so he landed in the hospital. A few days ago, I went to go see him in the nursing home he was sent to. When I got there, I was completely blown away: they sent him to a Christian nursing home.


    When we left, I could actually see him crying.


    What should I do? I don't want to see my great uncle suffer like this!

    This is an outrage. Is Uncle Yosef able to speak? If he can't, somebody must speak for him. Try contacting his doctor. The nurses are probably only doing what the orders tell them to do. The doctor wrote and signed the orders as to where to send him and how he is to be treated (medically). You must find out why this is happening. Who is his guardian or next of kin? Good Luck!

  21. I saw a link at luelinks.net.

    This is short and sweet. Do tell us something about you. Welcome to the forum. There are lots of helpful people here. You should enjoy yourself.


    hopfeully you get your hosting quickly so we can see the excelent makings of your website!! enjoy this fabulious community!

    Hmm. What does Albus know about your website makings? Does he have some inside scoop about the theme and subject of your site? Let us in on that, will you? Post a url if you have something up already elsewhere so we can see what you are all about.
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