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Everything posted by affhotspot

  1. i have been looking at a lot of php scripts lately and i keep seeing this script over and over again.its called "topsites". what is this "topsites" scrtipt. its in php and i m new to this stuff so i woulnt know, and non of websites offering the script actually explains what it is. this is a big forum so i thought you guys might know what it is. so if you know can you please give me a simple brief explanation of it and how it can be useful for a webmaster. i would appericate your help.thank you
  2. this program is really not worth it. i tried it and let me tell you, it sucked. that ads that it puts on your site are not even about the content on your site. its trying to be like google adsense. but its failing badly. someone should tell them. and for their support part, its even worse. you have to like wait 2 weeks for an answer. the program does not even pay well. nothing close to what google adsense can pay you. so if you want to do it, do it at your own risk. or maybe if you've been band from google adsense. so pretty much it sucks and i personally would not spend my time with it.
  3. i found this open source script that allows you to make a search engine similare to google but with your own logo and your own ads to make money. i uses google api and google indexing.go check it out at phpgoogle.com
  4. can we get more bandwith and disk space if we promote Xisto in our website. can we make deals with the administrator for this.
  5. i dont mean to offend you, but your website looks unprofessional, cheesy and cheap. i dont want to make you mad, but just for your own sake, i can tell you right that its not gonna sell. people wont really go their to buy histology stuff. it would not be their first spot. just saying this so you might get it to be good.
  6. hotscripts is good but there is also devx.com and dynamic dirve.com. the codgrrr thing was weird. and they took all their scripts off for security reasons. so right now go to hotscripts.
  7. his right the yahoo business has the cheapest domain registration. and its yahoo so you can trust them. the got some nice features that comes with every domain. its 2.99 for a domain. if you find a cheaper one please tell me.
  8. does any one how i can find out my webmail address. where am is supposed to go in the control panel to find out.
  9. question for the people that are currently being hosted by Xisto. how has the service been going for you guys. is there good uptime. list some benefits. and also list some negatives you think this hosting has. have you been happy with it so far?
  10. if some of you have not heard already, there is a linux for the ipod now. it allows you to a lot more with your ipod. you can play vidoes on any ipod. like the nano. you can even run the first person shooter called iDoom on it. linux does it again, putting commercial technology to shame. whats nice you can swich to the normal apple firmware anytime you want. if you got an ipod try this, its really easy to install. it will actually make your ipod worth for what you paid for it. just go to http://www.ipodlinux.org/ hope this interests some people
  11. do you guys know any good paid to surf programs tha actually pay you. one that works and it is fair to their surfers, if you can please explain why?lately somepeople have been posting programs, but like all the replys to it are saying its a scam. so please, post a good valid one.
  12. wow, im now scared to use adsense, because i wanted to sign up for it. but i dont think google would do it for money, i mean they already make a bunch, every second. but then agian, they might have a reason. do you guys think its safe to go apply for it?
  13. many people have been signing up for a banner/link exchange program called traffic zap. many people are doing it because it has a high page rank. they spam you, and they bring absolutly no traffic to you. but for all this trouble you have to put stupid advertisement on your site so you'll think there gonna bring traffic to your site. they are fake dont go near them.
  14. your right don't get dell, they rip you off. ibm thinkpad is very good but its more expensive than hp. but i read an article that said hp actually makes some of the best laptops around and they are at a good price. i think it be good to go with the hp.
  15. which one out of these companies makes the best laptops.i personaly like ibm, because they are better than all of them, and they have the best laptop, the thinkpad. i think sony will come next. which one do you prefer and why?
  16. the new hd-dvd technology is comming. it supposed to mind blowing. its said that you actually feel your in the movie. and hd tvs are becoming cheaper so hd-dvd and hd-tvs will go hand in hand to provide good quality. but most companies are not supporting it and are going with the blue ray technology wich is very expensive.
  17. thats cool. they also have a side robot for every soldier. its under develpement. every soldiers get thier own robot and robot gets to carry stuff and give gps location an other info back to the soldier. there commin with a lot of neat stuff these days.
  18. the new power make g5 was release. its like a super computer it has i terabyte hard drive, and 5gigs of ram, and high end graphics card. it has a quad processor. and its close to 10000 bucks with monitor but with it is close to 8000. it is very expensive. there is a review for it with pictures at pcmag.com
  19. i heard that go dadday.com has cheap domain names. they look like a professional company. and i think you can also get a coupon now and they got a sale now. its been recommended again and again. so go take a look at it you might like it.
  20. if your using a mac you can download text wrangler. its very good everything editor. you can edit html really effieciently withit. try it out you have to use it to see all the nice features, because ill be typing forever then.
  21. dreamweaver will never come out for linux especialy becuase adobe owns macromedia now.there is a program for linux called nvu, that might have come with your linux or you can download it free. it should suit all your website building needs.
  22. i have both dreamweaver and frontpage. and i can tell you right now to not get front page. front page is like ms word with 2 more features. get dreamweaver. its way better. way more features and you can build more perfissional software. plus its not microsoft.
  23. i mentioned in an earlier post about rapid weaver a website design software. well the same company makes a software called button builder. its very easy to use, you can literaly have a profession but in a second. literally. im not exageratting. go to realmacsoftware.com
  24. for all you mac people, there is a great software called rapidweaver. its built with your grandma in mind. its so easy to use. anyone can build a website with it. the best part it just doesnt make your everday ugly website. this makes nice clean glossy websites. its has its own ftp software built in. with form builder and blog builder and much more. its very cheap like 34 bucks its worth every penny. check it out realmacsoftware.com
  25. make your computer run a little faster.You can shut off the animation displayed when you minimize and maximize Windows.1. Open RegEdit2. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control panel \Desktop\WindowMetrics3. Create a new string value "MinAnimate".4. Set the value data of 0 for Off or 1 for Onthis should put less stress on your graphics card if you have an older computer.
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