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Everything posted by affhotspot

  1. msn now has there own map feature like google maps, its better than googles, but it doesnt have all they cities that google has. this is just a way microsoft thinks they can beat google. google maps is still used more than msn crap. msn sucks i dont know why anyone will go near it.
  2. photoshop has million features. and used by a lot of professionals. photoshop has my vote. but it can be just too much for some people. paintshop pro is also very good. its easier to use. its good for beginners. if you want to do logo design and website graphics or touch up images, painshop pro is very good too.
  3. it can be done easily if you get the right program to do it for you. i dont think you want spend a lot of money on the flash mx program. there is a cheap one called flash fxp. do a google search for it. its supposed to be very good an easy to use. and just for the heck of it if you want to also make a flash navigation menu. there is a program called flash menu 1.3.2. hope this helps.
  4. if you actually really wanted to list all the problems with microsoft you will need to get a new server and put the whole list of microsoft problems.
  5. you need content. content is key. it raises page rank whic means more vistors. put some articles or something on the site. thats what people want , info.
  6. i just found this service. its very good. but right now they are not taking any more members. but theyll open again. hopefully.
  7. msn now has there own map feature like google maps, its better than googles, but it doesnt have all they cities that google has. this is just a way microsoft thinks they can beat google. google maps is still used more than msn crap. msn sucks i dont know why anyone will go near it.
  8. hahaif microsoft actually thinks they can beat google. they are on crack. google has built itself around its users. people like it too much. microsoft makes everything hard for its users. first their crapy windows, that is professionaly designed to destroy your computer. steve ballmer guy is crazy at all the microsoft conventions he goes nuts. he has major issues. i dont know why a smart guy like bill gates allows him to do this crap.
  9. just have more content on your site. like articles. articles are filled with usefull info that people want. they also are filled with lots of keywords. find articles that are related to the same them of your website. just search for "free content" and you should get a good list of articles that you can put of for free.
  10. make your computer run a little faster.You can shut off the animation displayed when you minimize and maximize Windows.1. Open RegEdit2. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control panel \Desktop\WindowMetrics3. Create a new string value "MinAnimate".4. Set the value data of 0 for Off or 1 for Onthis should put less stress on your graphics card if you have an older computer.
  11. that way works well. and a way to even increase it more. is to have less startup programs. becasue then when you shut down, less programs need to be closed down. there are lots of free programs that allow you to manage your startup programs. a populare and free one. microsofts antispyware has a feature that allows you to manage your startup programshope this helps
  12. i use suse. i think its the best one. i used ubuntu, but i was very disappointed. ububntu is just terrible. the hardware support is so bad. suse puts ubuntu into shame. i recommend suse, because its right up there with redhat. and red had is the elite distro.
  13. Suse is a great and now free distro of linux, it has great hardware support and have made it easy for a windows user to transfer to linux os. suse is completely open source, well at leas the open source version. Red hat on the other hand is very good and is used more for IT and big companies. NASA uses redhat so as dell and hp. but it is a commercial linux, and can get pretty expensive. its more for the engineer and IT pro. overall suse is best for the average user that wants an easy linux distro to get started with and never change.i personally recommend it my self.
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