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About Dawid

  • Rank
    Super Member
  • Birthday 08/29/1983

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  • Location
    Townsville, Australia
  1. Here you need to actually define the term "learn". I remember as a youngster looking at some programming languages and thinking that it'll be cool to program a bit. now I'm at University, doing my second degree and have already studied how to do C++ thoroughly(and by the way many universities teach C after C++, like my university) and there is a great degree of maths and understanding that comes with a language as intense as C++ can prove to be. If by "learn", you mean create the odd small program, then yes, by all means it's very possible to know it at any reasonable age but to be able to program at a level where you are required to create massive projects from scratch in teams and produce 100's of pages of code... then I think a professional teacher is the way to go.
  2. PS2, XBOX and the more modern ROMS are very illegal. Your more older ROMS and emulation such as Nes and maybe even sNes, many are still illegal but for the most part not at all. I'm sure the gaming community and creators of those older games rather see those roms as a way of keeping those old classics going far beyond their consoles time.
  3. Web Accelerators cannot really boost the speed of your modem or connection but what they can do is make that connection more efficient and effective. Web Accelerators have been around for 10 years plus now, since the days of slow dial up, and I'm not talking about the dialup we have today, I'm talking about the 14400 dialup that I was using in the early 90's.
  4. You would be way better off in sticking with 98se. A lot of people say that ME is much worse than 98se and I am one of those people from my experience in using it several years ago. Apparently the Millenium Edition of Windows was made to boost funds for the advertising of Windows XP. I remember reading that in an article when XP was still in development.
  5. I'm not too sure. But we just started doing that module in Computer Graphics design here at university so I'll let you know once we have started the programming stuff.
  6. I have recently purchased the Sony Ericcsson K750i and have found it to be a great phone. It has a 2 mega pixel camera, video capability and an MP3 player. Another good phone is the Samsung D500, my one mate has it and I've played around with it a bit and it is very cool. It had a 1.3 mega pixel camera as well as MP3 capability. There is a wide range these days and people are no longer pushed towards buying nokia, so look at all the options, do a little research and you can buy a handy phone.
  7. I can promise you that school does not require that much focus that you can be distracted by feelings. I'm busy doing my second degree at University at the moment and one of the first things the University administration tells you is that statistics have shown a student with an active social life is more likely to do well than one's who just dedicate or "focus" everything on studying. If you go into everything in life looking at everything with a point of view that if it does not work the outcome is going to be disasterous then your life's experiences will be very limited. At University, most of your relationships arn't serious, then once in a while you get a little more serious for a while, until you find the one that works. It's the "dating game", most of it is a game, a game to be enjoyed and played for many years.
  8. That's pretty cool, just one comment though. You really don't need three exclamation marks.
  9. I got a warning a little while ago, needless to say I'm trying to be on my best behaviour.
  10. I'm a big rugby fan as well as cricket. I love rugby and play it here regularly at University. To not be involved with a team sport seems crazy and not even an option at this moment in my life. I hope to always be involved with team sport at some level. A good day is a day you don't have to sit in front of the computer and spend outside the whole day.
  11. I myself am a Christian, a strayed Christian but one who still believes in what the faith stands for. I personally try and prevent myself from getting involved with halloween on any level due to exactly what you said. It does basically involve worshiping the dead and hosts an all round evil theme which does go against everything taught in the Bible.I don't have anything against anybody who is involved on the occassion but as a Christian I think you can't get involved as it does go against what we are taught and I'm comfortable with not participating.
  12. Once you hit university the whole dating world thing goes out the window for a while... instead you go out, get incredibly drunk, wake up, look next to you and see the body of who-used-to-be your coolest friend-that's-a-girl, and that's about the last time you ever speak to her... Man I love university.
  13. Hey Xisto. I am having the address http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ host another site of mine at the moment and was wondering if I could get my account(username Dawid) back to the address off founders.trap17.com. Thanks a lot!
  14. Just because a sport isn't fast paced doesn't mean it's *BLEEP* mate. I'm a HUGE fan of Golf and a sport which you american's think is one of the most boring in the world, cricket. If you think baseball is too slow, I won't advise you to watch cricket, as a game of test cricket takes 5 days to finish, and I'm like a pig in *BLEEP* for those 5 days, loving life. Anybody who recently caught the ashes series will agree with me, a good game is cricket is awesome. Notice from KuBi: Bleepidity Bleep bleep, warning issued..
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