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  1. 2091

    Java editor

    hi there! for java-programming i use the Eclipse - editor (http://www.eclipse.org/) it has a java-compiler on board and a console as well. you have workspaces and many team-editing-functions, version-functions etc. for other things (php, javaScript, html etc) i use the notepad++ editor cause syntaxhighlighting //german text: //Guten Abend! //Für die JAVA-Programmierung verwende ich den Eclipse - editor (http://www.eclipse.org/) //Er hat einen eigenen Compiler und sogar eine Console inkludiert //Man kann sich sog. "Workspaces" einrichten, und er bietet Team- und Versionsupdate-funktionen //für andere sachen (php, javascript, html etc.) verwende ich den notepad++ editor, weil er Syntax-Highlighting unterstützt cya //MFG maxx
  2. i can write this for you, but the only problem is, u'll need a smtp or pop3 server to send some email to the user i wrote such a script for a friend of mine and he said such as "good work". it will take a session with the user on logon, mails a new password witch is random, alphanumeric and should not be able to be cracked by a newbie (such as "a3VjJu8I".caseSensitive). user can change password by himself, but will not be able to change the mailaddress, so he can not use some illegal mailadress (such as "notExist@nodomain.fu") and the emailadress will be validated (user must login with an activation key) database is needed (mysql) and the sctipt is fully in php/java so, what will you need? have a nice day
  3. hi there! i'll use the java programming language since years, and i found something, witch everyone will love... never need to compile your java sourcecode via console, have a "code-expender" (press crtl + space, popup apears, choose method etc.) well, this program is called "eclipse" and you can get it from http://www.ecplipse.org/ direct me to the DL site if you don't use this app you need to compile the sourcefile by yourself, witch means you have to switch in a command - box, goto rootdir/programme/sun/java/bin (the bin directory of your java installation) and enter "javac sourcecodename" where the sourcecode name is without the extension (.java). this will compile your .java into a bytecode (.class file). next, you have to type "java sourcefile" in the same directory... with eclipse you may have up to 1000 workspaces, and it will be easy to compile your code... (simple press crtl + x, j and there it goes ) sorry, but my english isn't verry well cuz i'm a german user (not *BLEEP*ing germany, from austria ^^) have a nice day
  4. you have to work with styles like this: <html><body bgcolor=black text=#FFA500><style type=text/css>body{background:#000000;color:#FFA500;}.democlass{background:#FFA500;color:#000000;}.democlass2{background:#00A500;color:#FF0000;}#demotable {background:#FF0000;color:#F0F0F0;}</style><table id=demotable><tr><td class="democlass" id='demoWindow' onMouseover=java script:switcher(this.id) onMouseout=java script:switcher(this.id)>try me</td></tr></table><script language="JAVASCRIPT">function switcher(item){if(document.getElementById(item).className == "democlass2")document.getElementById(item).className = "democlass";else document.getElementById(item).className = "democlass2";}</script></body></html> -- -- -- sorry... i missunderstood... you want to change the text BETWEEN the bold tag.. simple write a funtion witch looks like that: <html><body>outter html <div id="innner" onmouseover=java script:switchtext(this.id)>inner html - mouse over</div><script language="JAVASCRIPT">function switchtext(item){ var newtext = document.createTextNode("this is the real thing"); document.getElementById(item).replaceChild(newtext, document.getElementById(item).firstChild);}</script></body></html>
  5. this means "cascade style sheet" (dunno how to spell) and defines the layout for your page like <html><body bgcolor=black text=#FFA500><style type=text/css>body{background:#000000;color:#FFA500;}.democlass{background:#FFA500;color:#000000;}.democlass2{background:#00A500;color:#FF0000;}#demotable {background:#FF0000;color:#F0F0F0;}</style><table id=demotable><tr><td class="democlass" id='demoWindow' onMouseover=java script:switcher(this.id) onMouseout=java script:switcher(this.id)>try me</td></tr></table><script language="JAVASCRIPT">function switcher(item){if(document.getElementById(item).className == "democlass2")document.getElementById(item).className = "democlass";else document.getElementById(item).className = "democlass2";}</script></body></html> you can write it directly in the html file or in a extra file... mfg
  6. this will be easy in java, but i dunno how to do in php. if you need some server (even mail, or a server, that is a stealth firewall), i can write this 4 you (just mail me to m_zell@rocketmail.com or if you from a german-language-state (switzerland, germany or austria (witch i came from)), you can write me some sms to +4369981165309 mfg maxx
  7. hi there there should be no problem by using different wireless routers, same by using different hubs and switches. for a crossconnect (heterogen network) the best choice is TCP/IP, but i never tryed to connect a powerbook an a windows or linux workstation. you can try to find some information on tomshardware.com, maybe they can help mfg maxx
  8. try to filter the color like here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  9. hi there!you've wrote a good and simple tutor, but, i've found a little error in your coding.on site 3 or 4<?echo "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Hello there!</HEAD><body>Hello there! How are you?</body></HTML>";?>the titletag is not closed ^^
  10. like in the topic, here is a description how to change the Backgroundcolor "On The Fly", by klicking on a button or radio-box first, we ned the html-and body-tags, create a new html-file on your desktop and write the following: browser interpretation: html - tag means "hey, browser, here comes HTML" in the body-tag you define the looking of your site. you can add things like "bgcolor" for the background, "text" for the textcolor and link / alink / hlink / vlink to define the linkcolor (<body bgcolor='#000000' text='#FFA500' link='#FFA500' vlink='#FFA500'>) the scripttag is the tag, we'll need now (sorry, but my english isn't very well) modify your file and type in the SCRIPT - TAG: function bgcsel(color){document.bgColor=color;}this is the function, witch will change the bgcolor. now we'll type the rest, to let the function go: write between the html tags <input type = radio onClick = java script:bgcsel('#FFA500')>switch to Orange<input type = radio onClick = java script:bgcsel('#FF0000')>switch to Red<input type = radio onClick = java script:bgcsel('#000000')>switch to Black now, when you look at the site andd klick on a radiobutton, the bgcolor will change BTW: try to replace the "onClick" by "onMouseover" the final file looks like this: <html><body><script language = "JAVASCRIPT">function bgcsel(color){document.bgColor=color;}</script></body></html> simple color changer
  11. hi there !!my computer configure isMainboard ASHROCK (throw-away-motherboard)CPU AMD Sempron 2000+ (overclocked, 2061 MHZ / 171 MHZ FSB)GPU POV - GeForce 6600GT (clocked at 1ghz / 571 mhz)RAM 512 mb samsungHDD Seagate 20GB (4MB cache, 5400 RPM, systemHDD), Maxtor 160GB (8mb cache, 7200RPM, datahdd)ROM LiteOn 16X DVD-Romthis pc is just a server for gaming :lol:i can play need for speed underground2 and most wanted with full details without laging / laming ^_^mfg maxx
  12. Hi there!i've got a problem with my computer. my motherboard died a few weeks ago, so i had to replace it.with my new A7N8X-XE i de- and reinstalled windows xp, installed the nvidia-driver and then direct x 9c.so, happy about my new mainboard and my new processor (amd athlon xp 2400+), i wanted to play a game, witch uses direct 3d from direct x. it says, that is recommanded using direct x 9.0 and i wonder.the ?games i tried are: NFS UG, NFS MW, "Der Industriegigant" and the direct 3d version of counterstrike.next i wanted to play videos such as AVI and my system crashed.i reinstalled my system abput 23 times a week and tried all drivers from nvidia and all direct x from 7.1 to 9.0c.what can it be?Forgot: graphigs adapter is a NVIDIA geforce 6600 GT
  13. how to make windows secure over REGEDIT have you ever questioned yourself, how to hide the complete desktop of a guestaccount? well, here is the way to get it; ---THE USER NEEDS ADMIN RIGHTS FOR A SHORT TIME--- logon with the user u wanna manipulate [guest account]. ---!!!--- click on start/run and type "regedit". the registryeditor [regedit32] should come up and you should see your computer registry with the hive-keys classes_root current_user local_machine etc. browse through "hkey_current_user" and go to "software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\policies\explorer" on the right-window-side rightclick your mouse, ->new->binary so... and there it goes. Name it like a keyword, and give it the value "10 10 10". keywords: "NoDesktop" hides ALL ICONS ON THE DESKTOP and DISABLES THE RIGHT MOUSEBUTTON "NoRun" the startmenu "run"[ausf?hren] will not be shown "NoFind" same as run. "NoAutoRun" NO DRIVE TYPE AUTORUN [nor cd or dvd, usbstick or else] find more at Microsoft registry information
  14. my favorite OS is MSDOS 6.22 and Windows 98SE 'cause windows xp has too many errors and service pack 2 will add about 20% more of them. at this time i'm using windows xp SP1, but it has many errors such as "Windows Starting ... Please wait"here in austria we use to say "es kann hochfahren und abst?rzten zugleich!" translated such as "it can boot and hang up at the same time!"so. lets get pro and contra bout win98 and xpWin98 ----------------------------- WinxpIf i press CRTL+ALT+DEL ------- The "taskmanager" will opentwice, your machine reboots ---- you must select "shutdown", but what, when your system hangs?does not care, if you open a ---- Connecting to Codec-Servermp3 file as an mpegAutomatic updates deactivated --find it under "Services" and deactivate itFULL DOS INCLUDED ------------ CMD-BoxFat32 can be readen by anyother system [linux/unix/solaris] try to mount a fully readable NTFS partitionand other problems... xp is the most attacked operating systemand many more
  15. i do well-know html, vb, turbo pascall, batch/windows, StucturedQueryLanguage and PHP.i'm the writer of the code 2 your grahpigs ^^
  16. hi there!i'm writing a chat, with the problem, [my english isn't very well #cause i'm from austria/vie] that the user must click on reload.chat looks like this:__________________________________|Username Text (in color of user) || || || textwindow || || || ||----------------------------------------------|| Messagebox send reload || ||__choosetextcolor__________________|and the upper window [chat_out.php] i need a page reloading system, so the user will see whats new in the mysql-databaseanyone can help me?
  17. if you just want to use PHP and want to parse the whole DB try something this: <?PHP$search="search";mysql_connect("localhost","root","yourpass");mysql_select_db("namelist")$res=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `Persons`");$i=mysql_num_rows($res);while($data=mysql_fetch_array($res)){if(!$data['FirstName']==$search){ ##if NOT firstname=search##echo "no";}else{echo $data['ID'];}}or you can let the string explode per space like this:(name = "This Name")$text=explode(" ",$name);for($i2="0";$i2<"2";$i2++) {echo $text['$i2'];} if you use a session, this will not be touched, 'cause the exploded text will be stored in the array named text i hope, this will help you Notice from jlhaslip: Code tags are required for these sample snippets. Thanks.
  18. good day! if you are searching for web-programs or else try https://sourceforge.net/ and get your codes have a nice day
  19. so, what i know is the recommanded configuration of your computersystem 1GB ram [i would say use 2GB]and an Intel 3GHZ CPU [use a amd-2,8 GHZ cpu, and your windows vista will fly] the harddrive of choice should be at least 200 GB if you use internet. have fun
  20. i think it qould be to slow to run a connect to my pc via wap/GPRSthe connection i need is minimum of 2Mb/sec because i have to work fast.i think 54mbit/s is ver< slow... do u think there would be gamers witch have a lanconnect from 10Mb/s?mfg maxx
  21. i would say for the realtime message-system u schould use a connector in php, cause php doesn't need much bandwidh.i have one question, before i can help u... what would u do with this server, or witch apps schould run on it?like to run a chat-system or only a message-bord?
  22. hi there! i would think that u can tune up your system by yourself...all you have to do is to read through your systemmanagement (systemconfiguration under the start-menu)...or try linux and it will run to its best ^^here are some tipps, how to tune up your system. dont try to find some tipps over some searchmechanism like google or altavista, yahoo or else cause 99,9 percent of them doesen't take effect...try to make the swap-file a litte bit smaller (about 150 - 500 mb for 512 mb ram) because ram is much faster than the harddisc, or try to disable the visual effects. theese two thinks will speed up your pc (assumate that you have a pc with 512 mb ram, a cpu running with 'bout 2ghz and a standard-graphigsadapter on agp) for 15-30 %...if u have questions, u can PM me ^^mfg maxx
  23. hi there! so... u think norton is better than McAffee? i say one of the best scanners comes from bitdefender. i do not recommand norton antivir 'cause the updateperiod is 'bout one or two weeks. [if there is a bad virus u have to wait 'bout 48 houres to get a signaturelist of it] mcaffee has a updateperiod of two days. bitdefender is the same. i had a problem with the worm "sasser" and norton couldn't fix the problem. [mcaffee and bitdefender will close automaticly if sasser is on your pc] so i had to delete the AVP32.exe and kill the virus by myself... virus scanner? what 4? there are many ways to make it impossiple 4 viruses to interact... i have to go now, so i'll write the way to deactivate programms tomorrow... cya
  24. i think solaris is the best os in the whole . world cause its more secure than "windows" and more powerful than unix. but if u want to play games and do not work with your computer i would say u should use windows... 4 gamers: there's a way to get a linux-firewall in your windows-system... go and get a virtual machine [like virtual workgroups] and install the linux-fw. "ip-cop". the only things u need is a fast pc [min. 512 mb ram, 1,7 ghz] and 2 networkadapters... forgott the adress of this cool programm: http://www.vmware.com/ have fun have phun Notice from wassie: Edited spelling and merged text
  25. hi there i'm interested to make systems not accessable by spyware or else. so i'm trying to make my system unable to response at requests commin' from outside and are not requested by my pc. so i'm hacking myself to find security-holes... i hate kiddie-scripters 'cause if i want to hack someone, i should know how a computer works [from bootup over startup etc.] i think its not good to let other people download my exploids 'cause it may cause extreme damage to every system. get the CIH-virus in mind.... cya
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