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Posts posted by ongnoai

  1. 1. You get 1 dollar

    2. Another person is using Firefox

    3. Bill Gates loses marketshare

    4. An angel gets their wings




    Using a product just for the sake of making Infamous Bill losing bucks and market shares seems to me a bit confusing. You just don't use a product against somebody's grip on the market. I know of no boycotting move that has convincingly been working in the past.


    Actually, I do prefer using Firefox, rather than IE, despite its little-known shortcomings (like using a lot of memory), but IE sits here to stay a while and I can use it without a qualm if it is necessary.


    The problem is not to build up a mob of Firefox or IE churchgoers, challenging each others. The real question is to get mature and safe products to do the job we want to do. It is a fact that Microsoft does not meet this expectation most of the time, but what's the alternative, right now? I'm not sure the solution is to be found in a particular brand, e.g. MS vs Mac or whatever. Rather, I find it most interesting that a lot of money is invested these days to challenge Microsoft's virtual monopoly on SW products, the kind of which you can find in the Open Source directions.


    For those of you who still don't know it, you can get a beautiful suite combining Open Source equivalents to Word, Excel and Power Point if you simply connect to "download Open Office" on Google. 99+% compatible with MS Office, licence-free, no cheating or pirating and the satisfaction to get products that are thoroughly tested before venting them out market side. And a clear project behind to follow up the *darn" thing in its progress.


    So, to me the point is not what churchgoers think about their divinities, rather get some efficiency in delivering usable and reliable products to the users' community. Should Infamous Bill win the hand, so be it, I don't care. I simply think there far too many smart people around to let this happen much longer. In other words, I'll grab any reliable product to do the job I have to do, but it would be so much simpler to get organized and exchange factual experiences about what everyone of us knows... That would probably be the only sensible way to put some common sense to evaluating the tools we use, right ?

  2. Well, well, still fail to grasp why and how people gave this man their support at election time. An inspired and original way of beating the bush, perhaps?This great nation has all-too-easily accepted to have political dynaties snugly brought up to run their lethal businesses. If the president's ways to run the country kinda worries you, you should try asking to Yale how many more of his like they still have in store for the next 50 years to come, friend. Fishes always start rotting head first.I used to know an engineer who said, knowingly : nothing's ever so bad that it can't become worse.

  3. 7minutes for the last one . .


    no point getting hung over.. nothing is going to change.. and chasing a girl back just demeans yourself (unless you know it's your fault..)


    Well, Cool_freaker, I'd usually tend to support your views. I've been a graceful breaker most of the time up to now. But there are occurences such as demeaning oneself in chasing back the person, while on the other hand you'd abase yourself in having your vis-a-vis making a sucker and a fool out of you. Most difficult to negociate the right composure in such instances, I should say.


    Anyway, nobody ever pretended human relationships were an easy business to run.

  4. Can we really make money online? by reading mails, <- snipped ->

    I don't think we can. I tried some times, but all failed...


    What's your experience?


    Hey. Well, I guess the question of getting money out the Net is almost as old as the Web itself. Come to think of it, chain letters and sloppy mlm type-things are even older than that. It all comes down to getting a number of people, most of them unwilling to follow your faked enthusiasm, to put their money in the oh-so-wonderful scheme somebody else has brewed for the next sucker at hand. My experience is you'll never get money worth the work you put in it, so long there's a guy sitting above you in a pyramid-like frameup. B)


    Now, I kinda like snlildude87's idea of having the Net resources help you to progressively pick up momentum, but that applies (in my view, that is) only to those having their own private goods and ideas to sell, as well as their own proprietary channels to do so. There ain't nothin' like being one's own man, in short. Takes time to build up, but it can be rewarding. I met a guy this type, couple of times. He was doing well, last time we talked. Took him three years gritting his teeth every day, but he made it eventually.


    How about putting that in a WYGIWYS (What You Get Is What You Sweat) form to make the long story shorter? B)


    Take care, all}}

  5. Hi all and everyone,A rather old newbie (I'm over 60) to this kind of forum. Living and working in Switzerland (no! you dare not tell me that crap about having a good friend in Sweden, so you're acquainted with Swiss Navy. Sweden and Switzerland are 1,500 miles apart, buddies).Got a very good he-dog friend with whom we laugh a lot about life in general and girls in particular. I do it for the mere pleasure of looking at a Golden Retriever giggling.Despite any threats of political un-correctedness on an already stained reputation, I still insist on smoking. My pipes are amongst my very best friends and I address them with due respect. Besides, a pipe proves to be usually more true than a girl, right?My specific trait is I'm quite fond of anything connected with Sustainable Development. It has to do with being a physicist, and I guess my curiosity will probably outlive me. So anybody willing to talk or exchange on this topic is welcome to get in touch.Now, you've got the whole pack wrapped up in front of you. Be seing you folks on the forums.

  6. Hi there,A newbie of sorts, and I need credits to get to free hosting. Nonetheless, I genuinely enjoy talking about this matter.I'd rather be supportive of calkid's assessment on how to face a stuation of forgetting a beloved person but for one critical point: there is no such thing as really knowing if the person whom you decorated with so many charms and qualities is actually the REAL thing, or rather a figment of your imagination.Now, I'm over 60. Tell you, it's quite enough time to fall in love with a girl or two, or more. I mean, REALLY be in love. Funny thing is I've never forgotten them, whatever I tried and tricked about that. Rather, what happened is time had a way to show me who the REAL person was and that never exactly duplicated what my imagination told me they were. Believe me, I'm not being pessimistic. On the contrary. Time is the only good healer. Besides, it feels real good to recall beautiful memories about persons who couldn't possibly match my expectations, but triggered them all the same. That's what counts, friend. It's the only thing religions and prejudices cannot claim upon your inner self: your liberty to enjoy someone's way of being. Pretty much prevents you from getting annoyingly self-centered, right?Aloha

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