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Posts posted by ongnoai

  1. Am I the only one who saw the episode of the X Files with the chupacabra. It wasn't that scarey but it made me think a little. Then I came back to reality. I doubt the chupacbra is real but it is a scary myth.


    Nope. I saw that X-Files episode too, only it was about a guy who went becoming slowly a chupacabra himself and bringing in a ton of problems to his unfortunate brother.


    Now, from the picture I saw, I'd say it looks more like a cheap Batman makeshift than anything else. Maybe a guy in the crew trying to make some quick side pocket money, hey? :D


    On second thought, has anybody around seen pictures of the Tasmanian Devil? The fellow on the picture looks a bit like that. Must be some Aussie hoax, after all, who knows... :D



  2. I love him but I HATE THIS!  I don't mean to sound cocky or anything but I'm sure there are other  guys out there that would appreciate me and treat me good but I can't let go.  Everyone I know tells me I should but I can't do it.  I hate being miserbale and I know I will be.  I just don't think he'll change.


    Hey there,


    Young Lady, what you tell above is basically that you're in love with this dude. Which means no advice will do, and I'm pretty serious 'bout that. Advises come from experience and living in a sensible, day-to-day world. Being in love with somebody means that you're not to be reached by sensible reasoning, outworldly so-to-speak, even when you can see the insanity of it all. ;)


    But I agree with the above that you shouldn't let yourself get stomped by this elephant of yours. You could set your cap to teach him some manners for a start. Showing him how to give you some respect wouldn't hurt either, and that depends on YOU. But whatever you can do to adjust him is doomed to failure, most likely, because people never basically change, be they 20 or 80 or whatever.


    I would simply suggest that you swap your line of thinking to some selfishness and self-preservation. According to the picture you give, he's not only self-centered, but you also spend your time thinking about and of him. That makes the two of you doing the same job, which is hardly productive, right? Start thinking about yourself again and try to invest some time in loving yourself, first thing. When this is done, you'll see, nobody dares standing on your toes again, or ever. ;)



  3. Since Xisto's CP provide the individual site's owner with goodies like MySql and PhpMyAdmin, chances are some will want to make use of them.

    Well, it's fine enough to get that on one's host (Gee! Thanks a lot, Xisto...) Knowing how the usual geek react, it might be expected that most people considering to make use of a database on their site will want to do most of the tedious job of developing and testing on their own local system before sending the wrapped-up result on their domain/subdomain.

    This involves four basic steps (sorry for the compuwizs, this tutorial is merely for beginners, and beginners on Windows 2000/XP at that):
    1. Install a local Apache server,
    2. Install a MySql local server,
    3. Install locally PhpMyAdmin,
    4. Install Php.

    Now, there is a way to do the *damn* 4-steps thing in one shot, and that's to use XAMPP, which you will find at:


    As far as I know, XAMPP does the job like a charm, but I didn't insist on going this way, so I can't tell for sure.

    I'm among those pig-geaded guys willing to keep control over things (as I'm sure many Xisto users also are), so I'd rather do the 4 steps myself just to make sure I understand what the *Hell* I'm doing. Those interested will find excellent pages about the whole installing process starting at :


    Those growing impatient can find something even shorter at:

    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (be patient, their server is sometimes a bit slow, it's near the end of the page you get).

    Now, this tutorial is meant to address what you get after the above installation process is completed. If you proceeded according to the guidelines reported above, you should have a php.ini files located in your c:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\directory. Wait! There comes the catch if you installed a Php 4.3.9 or 4.4.1 version (I dunno if this happens with Php V 5+).

    Testing the whole installation implies you open a page within your favorite browser and then type LOCALHOST/phpMyAdmin. Careful with the typing, browsers are very much case-oriented. That's precisely when you get a silly message telling you that it can't locate a "php_mbstring.dll" which is (according to what I know) some stuff related with displaying oriental characters using the Utf-8 coding. And unfortunately Utf-8 is the most widely accepted coding among developers and DB developments these days.

    If you don't want to spend hours on the Web trying to get a rather elusive info, here's what I suggest:

    1. Open the php.ini with your favorite editor (notepad, Wordpad, whatever), c:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\php.ini and find the line:
    extension_dir = "./" (there's only one line of this kind), and replace it with :
    extension_dir = "c:\php\extensions" exactly as written here,

    1.1 optionally. You might also want to uncomment (erasing the semicolon at the beginning of the line) the loading of php_mbstring.dll. For that, you have to fetch the line ;extension=php_mbstring.dll (windows extensions, near the end of the php.ini script) and uncomment it in the form extension=php_mbstring.dll. I'm not absolutely sure it's really necessary though, since I saw no influence of that on my PhpMyAdmin local testing and using.

    2. Stop the Apache server (Programs>Apache HTTP Server 2.0.52>Control Apache Server>Stop).

    3. Start again the Apache server (Programs>Apache HTTP Server 2.0.52>Control Apache Server>Start),

    4. Try again to get to LOCALHOST/phpMyAdmin/. It should work without an error message, now.

    Good luck ;)

  4. I just want to know is there any good free software out these which basically gives you real-time spyware protection. Something that will detect the spyware even before it enters you computer. And once it detects it will automatically remove it.


    Has anyone used Spyware Blaster. Is it any good?


    Hi there,


    I'm using Spyware Blaster on all PC's(all of that on XP SP2) I'm using and it works just fine with very little overhead for the system.


    Now, you might also want to try your hand at Ad-Aware :


    which is also quite good and has and Ad-Watch module that you can configure to start right when you switch on your PC. You can get Ad-Aware free of charge, and it's updated very frequently to keep up with the oncoming stream of malicious malware.


    Now, you should be aware that no SW is perfect. There'll always be a risk that you get caught by some adware depending upon the kind of sites you favor most visiting.



  5. I really dunno what to do this time  :P


    Hahahaha sonorama :D . And that's only the beginning about being confused with women, I guess...

    Well, I dunno 'bout you, friend, but I've found it handy up to now to love more women than reasonable at one time, when I could. Better love too many of them than not enough. Those who don't want to share will get out of your path eventually, anyway. They're quite good at that :P .


  6. but one thing i do agree on is corruption i choose not to vote cuz it doesn't mean anything, everyone knows that bush rigged the election but no one wants to say anything or they be branded like a terrorist and make a big deal over it.  or bush pays people off to be quiet.


    democracy was a dream at one time but now its just a word in boooks no one who has power wants it and they want to keep absolute rule over other people.


    Hi there, folks.


    Some might remember what Ole' Winston Churchill said about democracy : "The worst of all systems, exception taken of all the others" :P


    Now, I used to live until 17 in a "dictatorial democracy", meaning a dictature mocking up most ways of democracy. Believe it or not, it felt like having more elbow room than living today in a self-righteous, sanctimonious Western democracy. :P


    Also, it feels a bit sour-tasting that bush is by far not the first one to doctor elections, if that can be proven at all. We know by now that JFK' father, Joe, contributed the decisive ballots for his son on having mafiosi touring the retirement homes in Michigan to bring old people in limousines to vote for the bright young man. And was that the first time it occured? Dunno.


    What I'm sure of, though, is there are a lot of people who can't be fooled about the real taste of democracy. They just have got to stand their grounds, and keep insisting for the real *darned* thing to come. No more, no less. I hope that'll work in the long run. Otherwise, we're all as good as dead meat for politicians to play around with like mad hyenas would.


    Cheers, folks :D

  7. I don't know about you folks but for some reason I always thought a parsec was a fictional unit of distance.  I thought it was something like warp speed or 'stun mode' on a phaser.  I never knew that it is actually the oldest and most widely used unit to describe distances on astronomical scales.  The newspapers and popular magazines use the unit of a light year (the distance light travels in a year) because it is easier to understand what it is.  Astronomers use distance measurements in units of parsecs to calibrate other techniques, like red-shift.

    The closest star is about 4 light years away, a little more than a parsec!  :P


    Hi there,


    Nice to get to some basic topic, thanks Sandbox.


    Now, the parsec took over the light year unit, just because light year is a confusing unit. It mixes time and distance, you see : it's the distance that light travels during one year. Now, if you are to cross-check that distance from say, Sirius, how can you be sure your clock gives you the exact same time measurement as it would on say, Earth or Antares? Nobody could really swear it does. Parsec is much more reliable in that it implies only physical distances and angles, which are much more reliable and easier to verify.


    A good day to you.

  8. Ya. China is one of the worst offenders of human rights.  They throw people in jail for no good reason, don't give them a trial, and just leave them there indefinately.


    The chinese government is trying to "play nice" lately because they don't want to ruin their image for the up coming olympics (which was given to them for political reasons). 


    But rest assured, even though they are putting on the "we care about human rights" face right now, they are doing stuff "under the table" all the time.


    Money talks in china.  Not individual rights.


    Well, well, we're now talking about China which is way offshore both Canada and US, or Canadians Vs. Americans for all that. Can somebody tell me how we got there?


    Just for the record, whatever personal opinions about death penalty might be, it's worth mentioning that both China and US have a comfortable lead ahead of all the other countries in the world at large.


    Now, I'm not that sure that kidnapping people abroad and bringing them down in secret european jails (right-o xxbabygirlxx!) for the sake of fighting terrorism puts the US in the leading position to boast about protecting human rights. I'd feel much better if I could hear the person in charge make proof that all these guys are actually responsible of something wrong. Until then, I hate to say that China does exactly the same as the US do, and I'm not that happy 'bout it, folks. Plus I feel as queasy as the Governor of Michigan or Illinois, whatever, that all people sentenced to death penalty in his jails are guilty of what they're accused.


    And a good day to all. Cheers!

  9. well i ahvn't been seeing that lately or i might be missing it sometimes but actually not all americans agree about the war.


    Well, St-Michael, seen from a foreigner's viewpoint, I quite agree hat most americans in an eye-to-eye talk will act and talk as sensibly as you do. Now, taken as a whole community, the politically correct US attitude is seemingly to equate slight doubts with bitter criticism and mild criticism with an elaborate and devious form of terrorism. I'm referring ONLY to what I've seen and heard up to now about this uncanny war. I think it's a bit unfair to bite at Canadians just because they might not share the "public" US opinion about it, isn't it? I can remember a time when most americans had a way to exercize judgment and free-thinking. I'm sure it hasn't vanished, but had to go undercover.

  10. I am a canadian and i have been hearing all this bad stuff about canadians not joining the war in Iraq and then I seen a TV show making fun of canadians on Live Television.  The reason we didnt join the war was because we are not the country to start up stuff.  We are a Peace Keeping country.  Why did they ask us and not any other country like Europe to help.  The reason we didnt help was because this is not our war its the U.S. They have a big army which is 5 times the size of ours.  If we have went over there, we would of lost men.  We power the whole Eastern Side of the U.S so in that way we are helping.  They are helping us by giving us some of there cars.  I am not trying to make everybody mad here but why are we making such a big deal about this.  We should just stop and just forgot what happened cause that is now over.


    Canadian fellows, I'm not sure if a Swiss (i.e. neutral) opinion might do any good. What I think is this administration has quickly become an expert at diverting people's attention from the main subjects so that they keep their hands free to tackle what they consider the main matters. Item: having people mixed up about Al Qaeda and Sadam. Item: making Iraq and terrorism the same thing. And so on, and so forth. The problem, folks, is not they're right or wrong. What's really amazing and worrying is many, many americans are willing to comply to what they're told by the administration. And that's always very, very dangerous for freedom.


    So, I would say that for the moment, you Canadians will have to stand your ground in front of american criticism. What will happen is this topic will somehow sooner or later fade out to be replaced by another one that the administration fancies to toss to future voters.

  11. Aw right, I haven't been making an extensive search about that on the other topics or on the site's management tools :P , and I might be the umpteenth guy to ask.Is there a possibility to get SSI (Server Side Include) on a Xisto user domain, be it upon request? It is not NOT absolutely required for me, but it could come in handy, if it were available :P .Thanks in advance.

  12. Sorry to hear your complaint about your own Prime Minister. I thought Mr. John Howard is doing  a great job so far. It will be nice to know the reason why he is unhappy to be seen with one of his sons in public? Is his sons marriage not approved by his father? And what kind of marriage took place for his particular son whom he dislikes?


    You will get more support if you explain more detailly about your complaint against your own Prime Minister, will it not be a good idea to elect one of your rugby players or cricketers for the post of Prime minister?


    Dragonfly, I've got a sneaky feelin' Jesse has put *happy* in view of avoiding to use another equivalent adjective, say *joyful* for example. Or another one, who knows?


    By the way, I'm getting to looking forward to the next topic I'll get on The Vent coming from Jesse. Keep on the good work...

  13. But Im sure we all agree that it's not usefull to break our heads about it if we don't need it, but in a debate it won't hurt right??


    Look here, fellas, I'm at a loss to guess what everyone here mean by "end of the world".


    From what I can read, some seem to refer to the end of Earth, or the whole solar system, while on the other hand, some others seem to imply mankind self-destruction or disappearance due to nature's claim on Earth integrity.


    Just what the heck are we talking about? Well, from what I can see, Mr Santos' preaches succeed at least in bringing even more confusion than was prevailing before he started to talk his head out :) .

  14. To remove Windows Messenger manually, click Start, Run and enter the following command:

    If you have XP SP1 installed then you will get an error. Just Click okay and it will complete the uninstall. Once you restart windows messenger will be gone!


    Mmmhhh, the whole point of uninstalling Windows Messenger manually escapes me, when it is so awfully easy to have the Windows CP allowing you to do it safely. Ever cared to go in Windows CP, Add/remove programs, then on the left side of the window on Windows Components and there unchek Messenger or whatever else you want to remove... ?


    Now, don't get me wrong : I'm not naive up to the point of believing that you extract all and every Messenger's components, since it seems that Bill Gates' thugs are so keen about nosing all 'bout us chickens. But at least, by so doing, you'll get quietly on your business without unnecessary traffic associated with having Messenger awake, if passively, on your system ;) .


    And YES!, there's no telling what you might wind up with when you put dirty, sticky fingers in the Registry, God Forbid! :)

  15. Well, the generic stuff is cheaper, and when it comes to medicine, its is regulated so that it works perfectly, because it becomes an embassresment for the company involved with selling the medicine.


    Hey, folks, I live in Switzerland, a country where drug manufacturing belongs to the national heritage. Just thought to tell you all that we have one the world's highest price tags on medicines, and consequently our generics are often, and by far, much more expensive than other people's original brands, out there. That's why we stand a chance to live older than others, can't afford buying drugs any longer, ha! :)

  16. My name is Andrew.  I like long walks on the beach, flowers, and unicorns. ;) Actually.  I like art, both tradtional and digital, music (I play drums, guitar, bass, piano, and trumpet), computers, graphic design, photography (digital and film).  I'm 15 years old and I live in Maryland, USA with my parents and my brother.


    That's pretty much it. :)


    Hi Andrew, just thought I'd drop in and say welcome onboard. I share your taste for unicorns. Just make yourself at home and let us hear of you often.

  17. so then they go through everyone on my list and told them something like this: "Heh. You don't even know if everything I'm telling you is true or not. My age might not be real, all those stories I've told you. I don't even know why you bother wasting your time talking to me, because I don't care if I hurt you because you can't do anything about it"




    If someone told you that, wouldn't you still feel bad? Even if it's just on the internet? I can't belive those guys Y_Y now all my online friends don't trust me.


    Well, aren't you a bit too fast in calling people around friends ? I think the dude you talked to on the screen did you a big favor. He brought you back down to earth, and in time could become him/herself a real friend, 'cause he/she did tell you the truth.


    Brace yourself and hold the fort.

  18. i just cant stand it when people dont use proper grammer.

    well i mean Speaking.

    and is this even proper english?

    "excuse you"

    because alot of people have been saying this to me and i dont even know if it makes sense.

    and dont get me started on how people end there sentences with prepositions.

    for some reason it just annoys the heck out of me. alot.

    and when people spell things when typing like. "u" and "y?"

    it doesnt take much time to type out words. it just shows how lazy americans are.

    and that..ends my rant. xD


    I just chanced by this topic without any specific reason to it. Well, for one thing KazuWanna, your opening message does contain a few misspellings, but that's beside the point.


    I would give advice, should you know languages other than English, to go on foreign forums and see how they write and spell their native languages. As compared to the somewhat annoying mistakes you can read in English, there's a whole ocean of idiocy in French-written forums, for example.


    Far as I can tell, good communications have a price tag which is education, is all. Now, you may want to turn your accusing eyes toward teachers, who in turn will fall back onto government or administration, and these will blame the whole stuff on Al Qaeda's shoulders, etc. The point is comunicating is an individual responsibility. Garbage in, garbage out, as they say stateside :) .



  19. I dont know about any of you guys, but im really emotionally sensitive. I really don't like it when my so-called "friends" call me stupid and dumb. Case in point: I was in math class today when I accidentally answered a question wrong. My "friend" Ashley says to me "Michelle you're so stupid! How could you not get that question?! The answer is -3 not 5! (starts laughing)"

    I hate it when people do that. don't they know that what they think is a joke isnt a joke for some other people? What is wrong with some people??? I really really wish you could just think about what you're saying before you actually do, or feelings will be hurt. Has this ever happened to any of you peeps?


    Now, now, semeticsister, here's a trick I've been using with some success for some time. First, you've got to be convinced that most people around you (including "friends") don't really pay attention to what you say when it's okay. Second, you might venture to make a silly remark from time to time in front of them, just for the fun of their taking the bait. Third, when they react, you just placate them by saying with a large grin "How come you didn't care for the right things that were said just before?"


    As a rule of thumb, dudes never like to look foolish. When they do, they quit.

    Notice from jlhaslip:
    Edit to match repairs made to quoted text

  20. Gee, modstudioindia, what you wrote is great! Every time I have to write a HTML page, I usually spend unnecessary time to find back a number of these scripts in other pages or on the Web. Thanks for putting that under one roof, anyway.Now, I think the last catch to solve is a number of paranoid people de-activate Javascript on their browser. It's a shame to see how good pages show up on some screens when JS is not activated. Got a recipe to solve that one ?Cheers!

  21. also to add on the space travel due to the time differance if you call it that, it was said that if you where traveling for 50 years 25 from earth 25 back to earth everyone except you will be 50 years older, mind you I don't think this was ever tested but only in theory.


    I sort of believe it's been actually verified utilizing very precise clocks (quartz or atomic or whatever) aboard fast planes travelling over long distances. I think that point got verified St-Michael, according to theory and as advertised.

  22. Why would this happen?


    Speed of light Š is ~300.000km/s (c=300.000km/1s). If time "stops" then the speed would be ~300.000km/0s (0s since there is no time), and that is infinite. Infinite speed sounds bizarre to me.

    Looks like nothing is going to catch you.  :P

    (looks like I'm lost in tougths)


    Anyway, here is the question: If I'm aboard the spaceship traveling at the speed of light, and ship "fires" me in a capsule at the starting speed of 1000km/h, at which speed am I going to travel?




    Let's see. According to relativity, a material body travelling at speed light would necessarily have acquired the mass of the whole universe at the very moment it actually reaches that speed. So, since you have the mass of the whole universe, trying to add some speed to it is meaningless, because having the total mass available conceivably, you have acquired the total energy of the universe, but you have also spent all the energy available to reach light speed. You get bootstrapped in a paradox. I wouldn't recommend to anybody to try to reach actual light speed, because, first of all, I'm fond of my hide and I don't want that taken away from me by any fool reaching light speed :P .


    Now guys, the string theory is trying to put some order into that mess. I'd bet our grandchildren won't see the world the way we do.



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