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Posts posted by M6NEN

  1. Good stuff, OpaQue.

    I didn't know (or didn't remember ?) Bandlab only runs on Google Chrome.

    But, yes, it is totally online, it is like a sort of Music Community, like I said, you can upload your work there, exchange ideas, download tracks and much more.

    And then comes the time to get your hands on Cakewalk, time to take the plunge for the heavy work.

    Maybe a lot to learn, but if you already have some experience with a MIDI/Audio sequencer, a lot of it will not really be new to you.

    Have lots of fun with it.


  2. To be quite honest,

    I doubt very much grandma had a remedy for that.

    However, she must have had a very secret remedy for keeping certain spirits away from her or something.

    You see, the thing is, how my grandma managed to reach the age she did is really beyond me.

    She always used to say "And I may drop dead here on the spot if what I am saying is not true".

    And when grandma said that, we knew she was lying through her teeth, and the times we heard her say that, weeeeelllllll........

    So, what her remedy for protecting her against that was, we've never found out. :D 

  3. Hi,

    I just had a strange experience in Windows 7 32-bit on an old laptop.

    I opened a command prompt as administrator and did

    sfc /scannow

    No problem there.

    But after that I entered

    Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth

    And in a few seconds the Command prompt replies with

    The scanhealth option is not recognised in this context

    That is something I have NEVER come across before.

    Has anyone ever experienced or seen this before or can anyone explain this to me?

    Thanks in advance.


  4. Yes, yordan, I assumed that.

    But like I said, I should have been a bit clearer, and, believe it or not, I could, for the life of me, not remember the usual "kitchen word" for "starch".

    Apparently, it happens from a certain age.

    I have read there are three main symptoms of getting old:

    1. Loss of memory
    2. eeeeeeeerrrrm...... I forgot

    But thanks to your reply (see, second time :( ) I noticed that I had forgotten to fill in the ingredient in the remedy for heartburn.

    Thanks again.



  5. You would be surprised, yordan.

    Starch does not only mean the powder you use to make the collars and cuffs of shirts hard and stiff.

    It is also used in the sense (since "starch" is a very general name) of what you find in the shops as "Cornflour" or sometimes "Maizena".

    Sorry about the confusion, I should indeed have been a bit clearer about that instead of using what is to some people seen as "archaic" language.

    Hope this reply cleared that up and showed you that probably every family still has it at home. ;)

  6. I want to explain a few things about home medicine, things our grandmothers used to use, and things that work.

    I certainly do not want to go back to the medicine of centuries ago, where the doctors used cow dung and spider webs to cure wounds and infections,  the dust of grinded pearls to cure pneumonia, leeches or a scalpel to let "some bad blood that caused an illness in a patient" out of the body or amputated a limb or drilled holes in the skull without any kind of anaesthetic or any awareness of hygiene and antiseptic or steriliesed instruments etc. but just naturlar remedies that are a quick help against little ailments and that can help you feel better almost immediately.


    Of course, what I am going to outline is by no means a substitute for real medicine, and if you are suffering from something with severe symptoms and/or severe pain, you obviously have to see your GP, or if something looks or feels really bad, go to your nearest A&E Department.

    Same thing, if the symptoms persist, seek help from a medical professional.


    • Diarrhoea
      Put a good spoonful of starch in a glass of water, stir well so the starch gets dissolved well and drink, and almost immediately, the symptoms will be gone. It does not taste all that pleasant, but it will definitely cure the symptoms.
    • Heartburn
      Dissolve a spoonful of bicarbonate of soda in about half to a glass of water, stir and drink it. You will do a deep burp, but your heatburn will be forgotten about. Some people like it, some don't, but it can even be bought in bottles known as "Vichy water", although what you make at home is just that little bit stronger and more effective.
    • Insomnia
      If you have trouble sleeping, just eat a few leaves of lettuce before you go to bed. Lettuce contains a substance called lactur carium which can help to promote sleep by sedating the nervous system. They don't come more naturally than that, do they?
    • Stopping small wounds from bleeding
      And I am talking SMALL WOUNDS here: just take a piece of cotton wool with a few drops of alcohol (methylated spirit) on it and it will close the wound in a few seconds. On top of that, the spirit is also good for sterilising, so the wound should be safe against becoming septic too.
    • Feeling under the weather
      If you are not feeling too well with cold and flu symptoms, the best thing is obviously rest and lots of fluids, as the docotors can not give you anything to cure those, since they are viral infections, and antibiotics only help against bacteria. However, a great help is, to take before bed, a big mug of boiling water, to whih you have added a few slices of lemon, a teaspoon of honey and about 1 dl. of whisky. Drink this as hot as possible before bed and feel the difference in the morning.
      A non-alcoholic version of this, and one you can drink throughout the day, and which fulfills the requirement for lots of fluids is this: Slice lemons and oranges (depending on how strong you want the remedy to be) and put them into a teapot, then pour boiling water on them, let them set for a while, add sugar according to taste, and drin k this as much and as often as you like. The vitamin C citrus fruits contain will do you the world of good.

    There you go, lots of helpful things, because they DO work, but, like I said, obviously no substitution for regular, professional medicine.

    Good luck with it and there is plenty more where that came from.

  7. The actual sequencing program is Cakewalk.

    But I am not sure you can install Cakewalk without signing up to Bandlab.

    But, don't worry, there is no harm in doing that, you don't get lots of emails or newsletters or anything, they leave you alone.

    And, as I said before, it is through Bandlab you can download and install lots of audio and MIDI loop packs, so, no problem there.


    Bandlab itself looks a bit like Adobe upgrader, a small oblong window that doesn't really bother you, and it is also Bandlab that lets yyou know when there is a Cakewalk update, and, believe you me, they happen regularly.

    When there is an update, there will be a green button at the bottom of Bandlab telling you this.


    A further advantage is, as a Bandlab member you can upload and promote your music and exchange ideas with others.

    Hope that helps.


  8. Something else just came to mind.

    Something I forgot to mention in the original post (My memory is a bit similar to a Swiss cheese, with big holes in it, that is, only Emmethal has holes that stop at the end. :D)


    The aforementioned prominent member of this forum let me hear some of his creations, and in that respect I think Cakewalk for Bandlab would be just the thing for him.

    What I forgot to talk about is that, apart from being a 100% competent and professional MIDI and AUDIO sequencer, it also gives you lots and lots of loops and samples, boths audio and MIDI, which you can get through the Bandlab Assistant.

    All that has to be done there is click on "Sounds" at the top and you will have access to lots and lots of loops, most of them free.


    Check these out and you will have a wealth there to start work with dragging and dropping.

    And in Cakewalk itself, there are loads of synthy sounds and drumpacks present in case you want to experiment yourself.


    I work in a different way with programs such as this (mostly live instrumental and vocal recording), but for the member here, it would be a great opportunity to start conjuring with the loops.





  9. Well,

    although there are about five days left before the poll closes, it looks like there is not going to be a lot of interest (if any) in the course.

    This is also not helped by the fact that this forum is very quiet and sparsely populated.

    A shame though, because I remember the days when tutorials attracte quite a bit of interest from other members, which you could tell by the questionsnthat were being asked and the comments and replies you received.


    Unfortunately, there is hardly any reply to even ordinary topics nowasays. A real shame.

    One can only live in hope that things will get better and the EO scripts will soon kick in, I will certainly do my best to spread the word as much as I can too.

    We used to have such a lively place here, where you got very quick and helpful answers to technical questions and where you could start a thread that went on for a good amount of pages and for a long time.

    A pity those things have gone now.

    We can only live in hope and all try to contribute to getting things up again.


  10. 1 hour ago, yordan said:

    OK, it's probably an iso file which has been accidentally mounted by windows10. You can right-click on the g: CD drive and choose "dismount", should be dismounted and not be seen until next mount.

    Yes, I assume that is what happened.

    The strange thing is, there is no "Unmount" possibility anywhere, and when I try "Eject" I am told "An error occurred while trying to eject drive G:\".

    Very odd indeed.


    Anyway, thank you for your suggestion.

    Kind regards.


  11. I thought I'd just take a moment to reflect on what happened in Malaga, Spain.

    Two weeks ago, two-year old Julen fell into a borehole, the well was more than 100 meters (330 ft) deep.

    The accident happened during a Sunday afternoon excursion in a hilly plantation near the village of Totalán.

    Ever since, rescue services have worked day and night to try and rescue the little boy, however, his lifeless body was found in the early hours of this morning.


    People had hoped for a miracle, but a two-year-old boy who had been at such a depth for two weeks, goodness knows at what temperature, with no food, nothing to drink and after a fall from such a height, that would have been highly unlikely.

    What makes it even worse, Julen's parents had already lost  thre-year old son, Oliver, due to a heart attck, less than two years ago, this must have ripped an old wound open completely again.


    Now a court in Málaga will attempt to determine the circumstances that saw Julen buried by rubble in a borehole that, according to local authorities, lacked the necessary permit - as do many thousands of others like it around the country.

    The farmer who had drilled the well has said in his statement to th Guardia Civil that he had closed off the entrance to the borehole with a stone (!), but it appears that, at the time of the accident, the hole was completely open.


    This case makes me think of the case of Jessica McClure in America, some years ago, a similar scenario in a well in her garden.

    Fortunately, the little girl survived.

    This story has even been made into a film, well worth watching, so, if anyone is interested, the film is called "Everybody's baby: the rescue of Jessica McClure".


    In the mean time, I want to spare a thought for the troubled family.

    Rest in peace, little angel.

  12. Even more weird now:

    After the laptop has been swithched off during the night, the "phantom" G;\ drive is still there, but now it shows up as a DVD/CD drive, no longer as a Network drive.

    I don't know whether that has anything to do with the fact that I switched my NAS on last night or the fact that the laptop has been off for several hours, or both, but, even if the fact that the drive being there has no harmful consequences (I don't know), it annoys me incredibly.


    I'll add another picture to show what it looks like now.

    By the way, I forgot to mention, the laptop in question is running Windows 10 Home 64-bit and my normal DVD drive is a USB one as my laptop came without one.


    If anyone knows more about a situation like this, or even better, knows a solution, I'd be very glad to hear it.

    Thank you in advance.



  13. Hi,

    Earlier today I was putting some ISO stuff onto a USB stick.

    All of a sudden I saw a DVD Drive called "G:" in my system, while my normal setup was supposed to be C:, ? and E: (Oops, D colon turned into a smiley).


    After some trouble and tribulations I all of a sudden noticed the following as in the attached picture: the culprit was a mapped network drive 192.168.XXX.XXX, part of the network, which already exists as "Linkstation".

    I have no idea how it got there, or how it took on the role of DVD/Virtual drive, but what I do know is that UltraISO stubbornly keeps seeing it as DVD drive and I cannot mount anything to my USB stick with it.

    I have already been looking in the settings and properties, but not found anything that could remove it, or stop it giving it a DVD/Virtual drive function or drive letter.

    I also have no idea what the letters "CDFS" are doing there.

    The best one is, my NAS drive with that IP address is not even switched on.

    Has anyone got any idea how I could fix that?

    Thank you in advance.




  14. Hi again.

    I want to share a little treasure room I found with everyone.

    It concerns a website crammed full with free software, and mostly good software.

    There is stuff on there that many (if not most) of you wil be familiar with already, but I have found things on there I had never heard of before and that have proved very useful to me.


    There is about any category you can think of: from FTP programs to Website editors over Word Processors or Image or Video Editing to even Health programs.

    You name it, and the caregory will most probably be there.


    There is one drawback, though (not for me, but it might be for others): the website is entirely in Dutch, but, fret not because:

    1. All the software on there has English as the root language (eg. AVG Virus scanner, VLC Media Player, to name but a few).
    2. When you right-click on the page (In Google Chrome anyway, don't know about other browsers), you get an option "Translate to English", which translates the site quite accurately, and once you have downloaded whatever you are after, English will take over anyway.

    For people interested, the site in question can be found here.

    Hope it can be of some use to someone.

    Have fun.


  15. Since a prominent member of this community is into music recording (as I found out yesterday), I thought I'd share this here:

    There is a music production program, caled Cakewalk, it also became known as Sonar, which used to sell for a lot of money.

    It is a professional sequencer with a 64-bit Mix Engine, VST and VST3 compatible, runs on all Windows platforms from Windows 7 onwards (64-bit only).

    The program comes with high quality studio effects, a range of instruments, and of course, you can add your own effects and instruments as you wish.


    It allows you to create an unlimited number of tracks (your PC allowing, of course), MIDI and Audio.

    In a nutshell, Cakewalk by Bandlab (more on this later) allows you to Compose (it has several creative songwriting tools, and, as mentioned before, instruments), Record (it is a sequencer, after all), Edit (fix your mistakes, manipulate pitch, time and the other bits of your recording), Mix (to achieve clear, professional studio quality recordingsand clear, dynamic mixes with the built-in advanced mixing tools), Master (polish your mixes with the brilliant mastering tools) and Share (This is one of the very interesting bits too).


    About the sharing bit: the full name of the program is Cakewalk by Bandlab, now, Bandlab is a Music Community where people can upload their music, exchange ideas, do FREE online mastering of their tracks, promote their tracks and so much more.

    Their is a special little desktop prgram that does all the uploading etc. for you and also shows you when there are updates to the Bandlab program itself or to Cakewalk.

    All this is completely and absolutely free!


    Bandlab can be found here: https://www.bandlab.com and Cakewalk here: https://www.bandlab.com/products/cakewalk

    Highly reccomended for composers, producers, etc. amateur and professional alike. Go check it out.


  16. Hi again.

    I am starting up this topic, as I would like to make this a regular step by step tutorial.

    There are some people who would pay good money for something like this, while I am willing to give it away completely free, no strings attached.

    Rest assured, it is not like you see on certain websites "Get this and that for free, but first become a member of that or subscribe to something else or enter your credit card details".

    No, nothing like that, this will just be a tutorial which I will post here regularly and which will be accessible to all and sundry (it is a forum, after all), so, everyone will be able to benefit from it, everyone will be able to ask me questions and advice, like I said, no strings attached, there will never be a charge, I am just doing this to keep myself occupied and to share some of my knowledge with others, nothing more, nothing less.

    Also, I will not send you through to any websites, all the tuition will happen here, free to read and follow for everyone.


    There is only one thing I need to know, however, and that is whether or not there will be some interest for the course, which is why I will add a poll to this post.

    I think it is only fair to ask if people would be interested, rather than me going through all that hard work and effort, looking up resources and all that comes with it and doing it all for nothing.

    So, my friends, let me know how you feel, and, if things work out well, learn a (new) skill or brush up on an old one and have a lot of fun in the process.


    Talk to you soon.


  17. Hello again,

    I was wondering if something has changed here since the old days.

    (Not that I remember how it was back then, but there you go, apparently this starts happening at a certain age ?).


    What made me think about this was a tutorial I read somewhere on here (quite a few years old) about how to make a signature for your forum posts.

    So I went and had a look at my profile, and as far as I can see there is no possibility there to make or add a signature to your posts, and I think I have not seen any signatures here underneath the posts by ordinary members.

    The only thing I completed in my profile that could look a bit like a signature is the "About me", which allows graphics files in it.


    Furthermore, in that aforementioned tutorial, the poster mentioned buttons which seem to be no longer availble on this forum.

    So, it looks like you can no longe add an automatic signature to your forum posts, or have I missed something?

    Thank you in advance.



  18. Well, OpaQue,

    Like I said: "Credit where credit is due", and in your case it is certainly more than due.

    Everything working flawlessly, especially since I have been throwing money away for a long time on a place where things wouldn't work properly.

    (Fortunately for them I won't name and shame).


    That's why I intend to spread the word, because quality must be advertised, and word of mouth can be a powerful (and cheap, if not free, medium).

    I will discuss a few things with you privately which I think might help to make this kind of advertising even go smoother, so watch the proper channels.


    Regards and respect to you.


  19. After what I posted here before in "Living on thin air, thanks DWP", it seems like they (the authorities) still haven't got enough.

    After they stopped my allowance, I was told to apply for Universal Credit, a new system which gets a lot of criticism all over the country, not only from John Public, but also from politicians.

    Anyway, wince there was no alternative at this time, we applied for it and had to go through a whole series of what I would normally call "formalities", but formalities which cost us a lot of money such as transport getting to the doctor for getting new fit notes about my condition, while everything is already on the system with the DWP, but no, the want you to do it all again, transport expenses to go to interviews and meetings at the DWP office, which they don't even reimburse you, as if you have money to burn.


    Then these people also want you to verify your residency, in other words, they want to see if you have enough rights to live in the UK.

    Come on!!!!! I have been in the country for 25 years this year, I have providedpeople with an education for many years, and once again, they have had all my details on record for all those years, there has never been a single problem, so why would ther be one now?

    Even the doctor was furious when he heard about it all when we went to him for our fit notes.


    Anyway, I went to my meeting, took all the required documents with me, they were all checked and then scanned to be put on their sys tem.

    I answered all the questions they asked me and gave them all the information they required.


    At the end of the interview (which took a hell of a long time), the lady said to me "That's all done, now this has to go to the decision maker who will then decide whether your claim is accepted or rejected.

    When I asked how long that was going to take the lady said "About two weeks".

    HELOOO-OOOO? We have been without income for eight weeks now, and now that we have handed in all the paperwork, proven our residence (my wife even holds a British passport and we have been married for nearly 33 years), we still have to wait before we can even ask them for an advanced payment.


    I don't even have any idea where we are going to get any help from at the moment, we will try Social Services.

    No wonder there are people with a perfect British accent living on the streets, while there are people hiding in a lorry in France or Belgium, and if they manage to make it into this country they get all the need, hardly any questions asked.

    Well, I am glad I got through that one without swearing.


  20. I want to start this post off by saying "Credit where credit is due", and it certainly is more than due, and also, VERY HEARTFELT congratulations, Xisto.

    I have started migrating some of my sites from my current hosting provider to Xisto (I will also upgrade my hosting plan in the next few days, as I am already running a bit low).

    Now, while I was transferring two of my MySQL databases, I was sat here having palpitations and holding my heart in the process to stop it from jumping out of my throat, the reason being, any time, with any hosting company, I have had trouble during database migrations, getting errors, having to redo it several times, having to work hours into the night, well, I guess some of you know the feeling.


    This time, however, for the very first time in my life, I got a green band on top of PHPMyAdmin saying "All tables were sucessfully imported", then I imported the second database, same feeling while waiting, result idem ditto.

    This is the first time ever it has ever worked smoothly and perfectly for me, and, believe me, they were both substantial databases.

    Well, proof enough now that Xisto is the place to be, I'll definitely help to spread the word.


  21. OK,

    I am surprised that I was so unclear in my question.

    I won't bother setting up a dual boot, as I will only need Internet Explorer occasionally on Linux.

    So, basically, yes, all I need is a little hand (if that is at all possible) to install that ie4linux (or if there is a better and newer version) on my antiX Linux machine.

    As I said, I will definitely stick to using Slimjet on Linux, but for some occasional testing I will need Internet Explorer.


    Sorry for the confusion I caused.

    Thanks in advance if you can help.

  22. I even had to laugh myself when I came to the conclusion which forced me to ask the following question:

    Is there some sort of Internet Explorer for antiX Linux (Which is based on Debian)?

    I am using Slimjet (a lightweight version of Chromium) at the moment, and I intend continuing to do so, but (before people her think, or effectively begin to ask me if I have gone off my rocker completely), I only need Internet Explorer for a certain purpose which particularly requires that browser.


    I do know some versions exist for Wine, but I don't know whether Debian (in particular antiX) and Wine are completely compatible, and I was also unsuccessful in installing a version earlier (although that might have been due to my lack of knowledge and experience with Linux).

    The version concerned was ie4linux-1.3.9.tar.gz.


    So, if anyone could be of assistance, I'd be very grateful.

    Thank you in advance.


  23. Many moons ago, a man wanted to make a high energy drink *like you have Red Bull and Irn Bru and others nowadays), although, given the time it happened in, I don't know whether it was medicinal or commercial. (I suspect it will have been the first one).


    One of the ingredients was obviously caffeine, which you still find in energy drinks and even pills that are supposed to perk you up nowadays.

    Another one was, believe it or not,  cocaine.

    In those days, addictions and dealing and drug wars and illegal drug sales were as much as unheard of, so that was not so much a problem.

    A further explanation about the cocaine: although cocaine is a narcotic, when administered in small doses, it becomes a stimulant. (Paradoxal as it may be, btu, don't take my word for it if you don't want to, ask any pharmacist or doctor).


    Anyway, things just did not work out the man had wanted, so, after a time of frustration he walked away and left his formula on the workbench and left it for what it was worth.


    Then, a man with chemical knowledge and business sense saw the formula, picked it up and started making some liquid from it which he sold as a drink.


    That liquid made him billions and made his company known all over the world, and going by one ingredient it contained, that company and drink were called Coca Cola.

    Obviously, the cocaine will be gone from it nowadays, the caffeine is still there, after all I am talking abou the year 1886 (going by what is on there cans).

    However, whatever they replaced the cocaine with, it must have been something legal and less harmful than the regular stuff, but i still have the impression that Coke has a sort of medicine taste to it.

    (Not much of a Coke drinker myself, although it does seem to get better when you add some Bacardi to it ?).


    No matter what, it just goes to show how someone can get filthy rich and world famous on someone else's misfortune.


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