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Posts posted by M6NEN

  1. 33 minutes ago, yordan said:

    I don't either. However, if you click anywhere in any ap, Microsoft Edge starts. For instance if you click inside the your manufacturer support assistant it opens an edge-like windows and asks your name and password.

    That is VERY weird.

    You must have Edge as your default browser then.

    That is the only explanation I can think about.

    38 minutes ago, yordan said:

    And with Windows 10 the "programs" menu don't exist any more, so if you want to know if a software (like skype) is already installed on your system, yo have to ask cortana in order to obtain the icon or the software download menu, then you need to be able to use cortana, even if you don't find it useful outside this feature.

    Not sure I understand what you are saying here.

    What about this then?

    I assume this is what you mean by the "programs" menu?


  2. Well, you are quite right there, yordan.

    On 2/19/2019 at 1:58 PM, yordan said:

    an update should bring improvement, and not be felt as a regression

    And, unfortunately, the above is all too often the case with Microsoft.


    Now, we are all aware of the problems this update has been having, so has Microsoft, obviously, or they would not have withrawn the upgrade.

    However, I am going from one surprise to the next here.


    As I said in an earlier post, I did not experience the main problem in the beginning the update was available, ie. some of your files being wiped off your computer.

    However, I had some other (albeit minor) issues which made me roll back the upgrade.

    On 2/19/2019 at 11:15 AM, OpaQue said:

    The system performance is not good and I was hoping for a major speed improvement.

    That is true, the system performance could be better, so could the speed.

    I had hoped for a speed improvement (maybe not a major one, but still an improvement).

    On 2/19/2019 at 11:15 AM, OpaQue said:

    My realtek driver issue is not yet solved :(

    Could you elaborate on that a bit?

    I know that, lately, the co-operation between Windows and Realtek is lacking somewhat, especially when it comes to displaying Realtek's own Control Panel.

    Also, depending on what exactly the problem is, I might know a few solutions.

    On 2/20/2019 at 4:26 PM, yordan said:

    Ha-Ha, found a new bug! Also Microsoft Edge has keyboard problems after migrating to Windows 10 1809 !

    Wouldn't know about this, I never use Microsoft's rubbish browsers.

    On 2/28/2019 at 10:38 PM, yordan said:

    OK, there is a workaround for the keyboard problem.

    Manually start the " ctfmon.exe ", after the keyboard works again for Edge, for cortana and for Microsoft store. So, I simply restart it each time I really need to use edge or cortana.

    Fair enough, but the end user should not have to resort to measures like this.

    Things should be working "Out of the box".

    On 2/27/2019 at 10:01 PM, yordan said:

    Waiting for a supposed Windows update which could fix this problem. Let's see how much time I will wait.

    I guess not too long.

    If I can follow Microsoft's logic proper ly they bring an update out in autumn and spring, and spring is around the corner, so, let's see.


    When I read all the above, i think I am still one of the luck ones.

  3. What issue exactly do you have with Realtek?

    I know this can be a bit fiddly at times.

    Also, does your Android GPS system rely or depend on Windows in some way or other?

    A bit surprised to read about problems with an Android device in a Windows 10 topic, or do you mean it is no longer connecting to Windows applications?


  4. I am going from one surprise to the next here.

    Cortana, keyboard, mouse....

    Anything else while you're at it?

    What I'm going to ask is probably a stupid question, but have you tried clicking on the microphone next to "Type here to search" on the bottom left of your screen?

    That is where you get Cortana to speak and give her permission to operate.

    As i said, probably a stupid question and probably clutching at straws here, but you never know.

    Keep me posted, please.


  5. We all know that a dog, apart from being man's best friend, has also had other uses through the ages, for example:

    • Labradors used to help fishermen to get the nets out of the sea.
    • German (and other) shepherds, collies, certain terriers helped shepherds control their flocks.
    • Bouvier used to have the same function on the farms for the cows.
    • Retrievers helped the hunters get their animals they had caught.
    • Some dogs used to pull a milkma's cart

    And then later:

    • Guide dogs assisted the blind and the deaf.
    • Rescue dogs were used in the snow in the mountains.
    • Sniffer dogs used to help look for people.
    • Explosive dogs were used to find bombs.
    • Drug dogs were used to find narcotics.
    • Body dogs were used to find survivors under debris and rubble.

    These ar examples of the functions a dog can be useful for (I can't say that I agree with every single one of them, but there you go), and for the majority of these functions, dogs rely on their strongest feature: their smell.


    Now recently, I saw a new use they have found and they trained a dog for, and it seems to work wonderfully well.

    This function is a diabetes dog.

    Unlike a guide dog for the blind and the deaf, the diabetes dog is not constantly walking next to his owner in a harness, here is how I saw it on the news:

    It was a 9-year old diabetic girl, and, as dogs and children tend to do, her and the dog (a spaniel, see picture), were playing in the garden together.

    But as soon as something went wrong with the girl's sugar levels either way (whether they went up too high or sank too low), the dog barked.

    When the dog barked, the girl's mother came out, measured the girl's sugar levels and then did what had to be done, according to what was wrong with her daughter's sugars.

    The best one is: NOT ONCE had the dog been wrong.


    How exactle did that work, how did the dog spot the differences?

    Very simple, as explained before, the dog's most developed sense: his smell.

    They had trained the dog by letting the girl breathe into a special plastic bag under the different circumstances: a) with normal sugars b) with a hyper (sugar too high) c) with a hypo (sugar too low) and let the dog smell that air under all three circumstances and developed his smell recognition this way.


    I think that was really a wonderful idea  and many people could probably benefit from it.

    So, keep training the dogs, I would say.


  6. That's strange.

    About Cortana, did you set the use of Cortana to "on" during the setup screens?

    It is easy to click no by mistake.

    About the USB keyboard I am not so sure, that is a problem I did not come across while doing the update.

    What does the device manager show?

    (Hopefully you are able to get into it).

    This only goes to show that not two PCs/laptops are the same when it comes to installing or upgrading Windows.

    I did not have a single problem when doing the upgrade.


  7. oliebollen.jpg.6f6e0e3d0297feda372874f2b709a356.jpgoliebollenkraam.jpg.d957df3582b088ee03ba9cfbab4be9ee.jpg

    I am going to post a recipe here for the ones with a sweet tooth.

    I am also giving away some national secrets. :D

    It is rare because, the only two places, as far as I know, where you can get those are Flanders, and maybe some parts of the Netherlands.

    The fun element is because you will not find them in any shop, any bakery, any supermarket, the only place where you will find them is at the funfair.

    Now, as for the name, I have never found a translation for it, maybe because they are so regional. They are called "oliebollen", the only thing I could offer would be a literal translation, which would be "oil balls", which doesn't really has a nice ring to it, does it?


    Some people would say they are something like a doughnut, well, I would not really compare them to that, they are much more moist inside and crispy on the outside.

    The best thing is, they are not expensive to make, don't take a lot of time and there is not a lot that goes into them.

    Here we go:


    a sieve, an ice-cream scoop, a chip fryer


    25 gr of butter

    25 cl of milk

    15 gr of yeast

    200 gr of sieved flour

    1 egg


    icing sugar



    Make sure the milk, butter and egg are at room temperature.

    Weigh all ingredients carefully.

    Take a large mixing bowl and sieve the flour into it, this will avoid small lumps in your dough.

    Crumble the fresh yeast into a measuring cup and add the right amount of milk. (Important: If you use dried rather than fres yeast, use half of the amount of yeast).

    Stir the mix with a whisk, so the yeast dissolves into the milk.

    Put a little pan on a low fire and melt the butter.

    Pour the milk and yeast mix into the flour and mix thoroughly with a whisk.

    Break the egg and separate the egg and the yolk.

    Use a degreased mixing bowl and whisk the egg white to a firm foam.

    (If needed you can always degrease the bowl beforehand with a bit of lemon juice, but that should not be necessary with a clean bowl).

    Optional but funny: A good way to test if your egg white has been beaten sufficientle (especially recommended for bald men) is to hold the bowl upside-down over your head. If the foam stays where it is, WELL DONE! If you have to go to the bathroom to wash you hair/head, TOUGH! You' ve been unlucky. ?

    Stir the egg white into the dough.

    If the dough is too tight, you can add a little dash of milk.

    Put a pinch of salt in the dough and stir it in, if you like a sweeter dough, ad some sugar.

    (I personally would not recommend that, see the end)/

    Preheat the chip fryer to 180-190º.

    Take some of the dough into your ice-cream scoop and let it drop into the chip fryer in one go.

    Don't bake too many balls at once, so they don't stick together, the amount to do at once depends on the size of your chip fryer.

    Bake the balls golden brown and turn them over once during baking.

    Put a napkin or a piece of kitchen paper in a serving tray and let the balls drain for a little while.

    Sprinkle the bass with generous amounts of icing sugar (either with a sieve or one of those big salt pots).

    No, go grab them.


  8. 1 minute ago, yordan said:

    However, it's a good starting point for some newbies.

    Experienced cookers don't use any recipe, and some of them  cannot transmit their know-how, they simply say "I put the necessary sugar the I pour the flour and add milk".

    Well, you definitely have a poin there, yordan, because both my kitchen princess and me, when we cook, we rarely or never weigh our ingredients, we are used to our recipes and we know how much roughly to use of this and that so that we can do it "blindly", so to speak.

    Only liquids we measure sometimes.


    The BIG exception, however, is baking, both breadmaking and pastry baking ("pâtisserie", as you would call it), especially the last one, there everything has to be weighed carefully.

    This might sound contradictory in what I wrote earlier in the post about adjustments to the raisin bread, but, that was, once again, a matter of experience.

    And, i obviously didn't mean you could just whack 2 extra liters of milk into your dough. ?

    I think you might experience some very unpleasant surprises then.

    However, there is another one to come with a bit of a fun element.

    Watch this space.


  9. It really is well worth it.

    It takes a bit of work but leads to such a lovely end produce.

    Of course, as with all recipes, it takes a little bit of experimenting (according to one's taste), with regards to exactly how much milk or sugar to add.

    Everyone's palate is different, and some people like it a bit more moist or a bit sweeter, or less sweet, that is why giving a recipe is never an exact science.

    However, I am convinced that everyone who will try it will be pleasantly surprised and will be back for more.


  10. It definitely is.

    We bake one from time to time for breakfast on a Sunday.

    Very good with coffee or hot chocolate.

    And especially, spread on the fresh farm butter quite thick.

    It is really a pleasure to eat.

    Oh yes, one thing I forgot: totally optional, but you can add some cinnamon too if you wish.


    I would really advise you to give it  a try, it does require a bit of time and preparation, but the effort is well worth it and it is not difficult.

    If you do make one, let me know how you got on, please.


  11. Really?

    To be quite honest, it is the first time I have had a problem of this nature.

    Granted, UltraISO needs access to your CD/DVD drive and your USB stick if you are using one, but I have never had such a case of "usurpation".

    Even after upgrading to the latest Windows 10, I have installed certain programs which need access to some of the computer's hardware, but they have never taken over the way UltraISO has in this case.


    Anyway, I got it sorted by just removing the beast.

    Problem solved, me happy.



  12. I'll give you a recipe of something which people in Flanders love to eat for breakfast on a Sunday morning.

    Excellent to eat with a cup of strong coffee or even hot chocolate.

    Equipment needed:

    Kitchen scales, kitchen machine with whisk and kneading hook (you can do the beating and kneading by hand, but the machine makes it so much easier), a sieve, plastic foil, a kitchen brush and an oblong bread tin (about 25 centimetres in length).


    • 500 grammes of flour
    • 35 grammes of fresh yeast
    • 50 grammes of granulated sugar
    • 100 grammes of butter + an extra lump
    • 2 eggs + 1 to be kept apart for near the end
    • 20 centiliters of milk
    • 4 grammes of salt
    • 200 grammes of raisins.


    (Not strictly necessary): let the raisins soak for at least 30 minutes. (Some people do this in water, some in rhum).

    Weigh all ingredients thoroughly.

    Put the sugar in the bowl of the kitchen machine.

    Put the bowl in the machine, use the whisk as accessory and put on medium speed.

    Add the eggs and keep one to the side to glaze the dough later.

    Turn up the speed of the machine until you get a pale, airy mixture.

    Measure the milk, put in a small pan and heat until lukewarm.

    Crumble the yeast into the lukewarm milk and stir until the yeast is completely dissolved.

    Add the butter to the milk, lump by lump and let them melt slowly, keep one lump to the side to grease the bread tin later.

    Add the flower to the mixture of sugar and eggs, also add the salt.

    Put the bowl back into the kitchen machine, but now use the kneading hook to knead everything to a dough.

    While kneading, add the milk slowly and bit by bit.

    Let the machine knead until you get an equal and elastic dough. Meanwhile, put the soaked raisins in a sieve and let them leak out.

    Lower the speed of the machine and add the raisins to the dough.

    Stir the dough briefly so the raisins are equally divided through the dough and put it into a deep bowl, cover with a sheet of plastic foil. Make sure the bowl gives the dough enough space to rise.

    Let the dough rise in a plce without temperature changes for about 40 minutes. The volume will about double.

    Pre-heat the oven on 180ºC.

    Use a lump of soft butter to grease the inside of the bread tin.

    Put the dough in the bread tin and press lightly.

    Beat an egg yolk with a tiny dash of water, brush this onto the top of the dough.

    Bake the bread for about 30 to 35 minutes at 180ºC. Check regularly, as the exact baking time depends a lot on the oven.

    A trick: When you tap the bread and you hear a hollow sound, it means the bread is ready.

    Take the bread out of the tin and let it cool down.

    Eat spreaded with lovely fresh farm butter.

    PS. My apologies for using only European measurements here (that's all I'm familiar with), but you can easily find conversion tables via Google et al.







  13. Just now, yordan said:

    Ouch! Don't you think that the kitchen princess would also love having somebody cooking for her ?

    Maybe, maybe not, but she loves being in the kitchen and doing her cooking and looking after hubby.

    The thing is, kitchen princess is aware that I am no longer able to do it.

    As I mentioned before, I used to love cooking, but it is no longer possible.


    To be quite honest, I am not 100% sure if the missus would like to have someone cooking for her, as it is one of her favourite jobs, you can certainly taste that when you sit down at the table tasting her cooking.


    I try to spoil her in other ways then. :D 


  14. I love cooking, however, being married to a kitchen princess eliminates the need for cooking for me a great deal.

    Furthermore, my physical situatrion does not allow me to stand up for long now, so cooking has become a no-no for me now.

    That does not alter the fact, however, that I can still let you have some lovely recipes, and, like my other half does, in various styles and traditions, meaning, from various parts of Europe, a bit of Chines, Arabic, a few curries etc.

    I'll have a look for the right place to dump some of them and then let peoplewho want to have a bit of a feast.


    Oh, by the way, I almost forgot to mention, the recipes do not all involve main dishes, they can also be about desserts, baking, soups and other things.

    So, just watch other spaces and see them coming.



  15. OK then,

    Alea iacta est.

    (In plain English: "The die has been cast").

    It would have been a nice experience (and to some extent "experiment") to teach singing from a distance, a sort of a cyber singing course.

    I guess there are just not enough people around at the moment to probe for the interest in the course.

    A pity, really, ecause I had most of it worked out and planned.

    I knew exactly how to go about it.

    Oh well, the story of my life, I guess.

    Who knows, there might be a change when we have a more dense population here, just clutching at straws.

    Anyway, you folks know where I am.


  16. Oh well,

    what would have been the difference?

    Me in the funny farm (loony bin) and you in jail?

    (Me taken away by the men in white coats and you arrested by the Grammar Police).

    We could have kept up with some form of written correspondence then.

    And maybe we could have exchanged recipes for a cake or baguette with a file in it, so, I don't really see the problem.


  17. 1 minute ago, yordan said:

    Glad to know that the problem disappeared wne uninstaling UltraISO.

    And, yes, Rufus is great for that kind of work. 7zip also does part of the job.

    However, remember that Windows10 will mount any iso if you happen to double-click on it. However, if this occurs, you will only have to cope with eventual Windows bugs! :)

    Yes, I could kick myself for not thinking of that before. :ph34r:

    But I am glad it is solved before I ended up in a padded cell wearing a straitjacket. :D

    Yes, I know Windows10 will mount an ISO, but, I never use that feature, because, in the second sentence, tell me something I don't know.  :)

    I especially don't use it for the reason you mention, and I don't want to end up with my ISO leaving me with corrupted files (or rather Windows10 corrupting the files that are in the ISO).

    Anyway, culprit sentenced and punished now, and another lesson learned.




  18. 3 hours ago, yordan said:

    No problem with the migration to 1809. Didn't experience the data loss previously mentioned on some forums.

    No, that issue is gone now, after MS pulled the update offline and then put it back, although I never experienced that.

    I did have some other issues, though.


    I didn't even see the difference, except a noticeable slowdown, probably due to all the new features I don't use but which of course need cpu and network power.

    Even the slowdown I haven't had, or the increased CPU and network power increase, however, you are right, any OS update is always going to contain things you don't need or use.

    I did, however, notice a difference in a few apps that were added which were a godsend to me, like Your Phone eliminates the need and discomfort of using bluetooth for transferring pictures from your mobile phone to your PC/laptop quickly.

    At the moment I see no reason to go back to the previous version, so I am going to leave this update in place.


  19. Yes, yordan,

    that is all possible.

    I don't really remember how it happened, just as I seem to recall I noticed that extra drive when it was already too late.

    It is, at this moment, still treated as a CD drive (letter G:), but it has a blank icon.

    The funny thing is: when I double-click it it says "Please insert a disk into drive G:", so the machine effectively seems to think there is a physical drive there.

    But, then again, why did I not think about this sooner????

    I just uninstalled UltraISO, and....GONE IS THE BEAST!

    I will just stick to using Rufus from now on for handling ISOs.

    It is a small and free program which works flawless ly.

    Anyway, PHEW!!!!!

    Glad I solved that one.


  20. As I mentioned earlier, I installed it when it came out (October 2018 that was).

    However, I hadn't read the bug warnings yet, my PC automatically told me about a new update to the OS, so I got it in.

    Fortunately, I did not have any of the serious problems that seemed to exist, namely the "Fall Update" wiping big chunks of Windows 10 off your hard drive.

    I read about those when I rolled it back because of the very inetresting "Your Phone" app, which stopped anyone from phoning me on my mobile.


    However, that is working fine now, and I did some reading (I knew that Microsoft themselves had pulled the update off the net eventually), and then I saw the update was back and had been fixed.

    I am using it now, and have had no problems so far (Not even with Your Phone).

    Touch wood, I would say.

    OpaQue, let us know how you get on, please.


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