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Posts posted by Glockmeister

  1. Actually, that happens all the time, with many virus. You see, most labs just don't have the capability to be able to analyze every virus to detail. There is just not enough stuff. This particularly happens with a small lab discovers a disease of sorts, but doesn't have the technology to analyze it.There are many safeguard to make sure it doesn't go wild. Lots of safeguards. The article also has it written that it does.

  2. hi guyes i  just bought a server and i want to add some .wav sound to my server i wanted to know if i can do it and how ....please.....same in misc sounds i joind alot of servers that had misc sounds when you right the name of it it plays it (so cool)

    if any one can help me with that il thank him so much :-)


    If memory serves me right, and I think it is, you need to install AMXX into the server. That means you also have to install Metamod as well, so that AMXX can work.


    The link is down here:




  3. There's no way you can have a LAN party, without any Counter-Strike. You pretty much have to play it at least once.More than likely, you will have a combination of Real Time Strategy, and First Person Shooters, to play during a party. You wouldn't see Runescape, or any other RPG game, because you have to log on to the internet to play.If there's an XBOX, then Halo will get played as well.

  4. Steam. Apparently it's a game download (for pay) application created by Valve. I'm interested in buying Source (from the store) but my friend says you need steam and you have to activate it for a one-time fee?  Is this true? And does steam come with CS:S?


    STEAM is basically a program that makes sure your CD-Key is legit. If you choose to buy the game of the shelf, you need to buy Half-Life 2. I don't know how exactly this would happen, but I think the box comes with STEAM. So you just install it, and make an account on STEAM.


    You can also use a credit card to buy games that you would normally get on a shelf, except it is cheaper. You do that by install STEAM, using the link below, do all your geeting accounts stuff, and then go right click > Games > Store. You can browse around for many types of games available.


    Hope this helps!

  5. AVG is a good Anti-virus system, however it does lag in updates and all the rest of the goddies, availible on other software package. I hope you are keeping your updates up. Not sure how good Sygate is, because I don't know it well. All the rest are good.I think, however, the biggest vulnerability is you, the human. Make sure you don't download attachments, files from MSN or internet, unless you know what you are clicking. Don't click on pop-up ads, or banners etc...My brother has a very good saying, 'You can not believe the collective power of idiots.' Don't be one.

  6. There are two types of medicines for the H151 Avian Infuenza, Tamiflu and Relenza. Both act the same way, as anti-viral medicine, they act against the structure of chemicals. They are also designed as a prophylaxis treatment, that is, as a preventative for infection.The fact is, that it could get worse then AIDS or ebola. Starting with the fact that if the virus mutates into something different, we would not have any vaccines, and will need to start research into finding it. Ebola is localised in Africa, and we know lots more about AIDS then we will of this disease.

  7. If your having major problems with trojans and the like, I'll start by recommending you have a look at your surfing habits. Do you go into site that may spread this things? Do you insure that you can trust what you can download?

    I ask those things because, I can wager, that most of the problems are usually because of the human and not the computer. If you keep downloading stuff you don't know about, or don't know about basic security on the 'net, then God bless you when that nex trojan comes in.

    As for software, I recommend you going out and buy a good one. But if your a cheapskate like me, I would recommend either AVG or avast. I personally prefer avast, even though I've only just used it.

    BTW: Here are the links
    https://www.avast.com/de-de/index - Thats avast, you need to register, but its free.
    http://www.avg.com/de-de/free-antivirus-download - The AVG one. This one doesn't get updated as often, but it's a pretty ok free one.


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