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Everything posted by xereo

  1. i don?t understand where in eurodns.com you can register .be free? i see that you have to pay 20 Euros for Buy the domain, somebody help me?And http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ how is? you need 200 point.. ok... but how? is thta this forum? pay to write?thanks very much
  2. I changed chmod to 777 in cpanel,afterwards i go to joomla´s site template and i go to edit html, now i see writeable the code is the following: <?phpdefined( '_VALID_MOS' ) or die( 'Restricted access' );// needed to seperate the ISO number from the language file constant _ISO$iso = explode( '=', _ISO );// xml prologecho '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="'. $iso[1] .'"?' .'>';?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ xmlns="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ mosShowHead(); ?><?phpif ( $my->id ) { initEditor();}?><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; <?php echo _ISO; ?>" /><link href="<?php echo $mosConfig_live_site;?>/templates/ddj002/css/template_css.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/></head><body><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="808" align="center"><tr><td class="outline"><table width="802" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td> <div id="buttons_outer"> <div id="buttons_inner"> <div id="buttons"> <?php mosLoadModules ( 'user3', -1); ?> </div> </div> </div> <div id="search_outer"> <div id="search_inner"> <?php mosLoadModules ( 'user4', -1 ); ?> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <div id="header_outer"> <div id="header"> <div id="pathway_text"> <?php mosPathWay(); ?> </div> </div> <div id="top_outer"> <div id="top_inner"> <?php if ( mosCountModules( 'top' ) ) { mosLoadModules ( 'top', -2 ); } else { ?> <span class="error">Top Module Empty</span> <?php } ?> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td id="main_area"> <table width="802" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td id="left_side"> <div id="left_outer"> <div id="left_inner"> <?php mosLoadModules ( 'left', -2 ); ?> </div> </div> </td> <td id="main_body"> <?php if ( mosCountModules ('banner') ) { ?> <div id="banner_inner"> <img src="<?php echo $mosConfig_live_site;?>/templates/ddj002/images/advertisement.png" alt="advertisement.png, 0 kB" title="advertisement" border="0" height="8" width="468"/><br /> <?php mosLoadModules( 'banner', -1 ); ?> </div> <?php } if ( mosCountModules( 'user1' ) && mosCountModules( 'user2' )) { include('user1_user2.php'); } ?> <div id="body_outer"> <?php mosMainBody(); ?> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </td> <?php if ( mosCountModules( 'right' ) and ( empty( $_REQUEST['task'] ) || $_REQUEST['task'] != 'edit' ) ) { ?> <td id="right_side"> <div id="right_outer"> <div id="right_inner"> <?php mosLoadModules ( 'right', -2 ); ?> </div> </div> </td> <?php } ?> </tr> </table> </td> </tr></table> </td> </tr> </table><div align="center" class="dd">joomla templates by <a href="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ include_once( $GLOBALS['mosConfig_absolute_path'] . '/includes/footer.php' ); ?><?php mosLoadModules( 'debug', -1 );?></body></html> Which is the line to have change for edit header banner and put my own header banner customizate?
  3. i want to customizate my own header banner.
  4. thanks for your answer, chmod is a module downloable?how i do to edit and where i install the module?.Thanks at all.
  5. How i do to change index.php of joomla sript if index.php is unwriteable?I want to put my own header. How i do? i heard for change the header web you have to change index.php(site.-->Template--->template site-->edit html=edit index.php and suddenly appears unwriteable)
  6. In the first place it seemed the general consensus after E3 last month was that Sony's PlayStation 3 would be slightly more powerful than the Xbox 360, but ATI says its GPU (Xenos) will have the advantage over rival Nvidia's RSX chip. The wider variety Sony will sponsor for games, the wider range of audiences they will attract.Although most of the industry right now would probably give the performance edge to the PlayStation 3, it's important to remember that neither console's graphics chip has reached its final form yet.but isn?t all xbox live is the only thing, next to the halo series (that uses xbox live) that is keeping it alive. sony's ps3 is going to labeled an "entertainment super computer", because it is 100% backward compatable, you can get a harddrive for it to run it as a desktop pc, plus still plays dvds w/o you having to buy a special remote for it to play them
  7. I installed xoop script from fantastico collection, but don?t like it, i want to erase but i don?t know.How to erase a xoop sript? thanks
  8. DreamCast doesn?t work now,dreamcast die, xbox is the future generationwith halo and more games,dreamcast is obsolet.xbox has more graphics I played it at Best Buy. They have a wide screen TV for it. It was *bleep*ing A!The demo that mostly impressed me was Call of Duty 2. It is no longer a run n' gun game and you actually need to be careful. Take cover, go around bunkers, etc...If you go through the level like rambo you will die. I found that to be a significant improvement to the previous Call of Duty games. I just hope its like that with all the levels.
  9. i have seen the other post but i don?t understand very well, i have joomla in fantastico and when i want to upload file i see: Invalid checksum for file " Upload language - Upload Failed for example.i upload with the ftp integrated in joomla online and see this anunncement.How i do?i upload the files when i unzipped files and upload from C directory.
  10. I would really like to see hydrogen cars and other types pick up and be standard. Would be nice to see as it would be way better on the environment. But if they arn't safe then it won't happen.I would much rather have a alchol powered car over hydrogen or propane. I keeps the combustion engine that everyone loves and makes gobs of power. Sure it requires alot more fuel vs gasoline but oh well.
  11. Resident Evil 4 is easily the lead contender so far for 2005's game of the year, an impressive feat considering its release date. The graphics are truly stunning and the locales and locals are eerily realistic. Capcom did a wonderful job in reviving this classic series and appealing to the masses with its new, innovative controls that far exceeded anything I expected given the series's past installments. the addition of the controversial action button truly won me over and kept me at the edge of my seat even during the cut-scenes when I came to expect the unexpected. This may well be the best game in the survival-horror genre ever, and I also highly recommend it to anyone of the ESRB 'mature' age.
  12. I loved age of empires 2. I just dont get into this AOE 3. I hate the build limits on buildings and troops. I hate the whole card dealing thing. But then again i have only played the skirmish not the campaign. The graphics arent all there cracked up to be even on high settings. Ground Control 2 and DA:Act of War look just as good if not better. And yes i have the DVD version. It hit Usenet a few days ago and always like to try before i buy and i wont be buying this one.
  13. I don't know what Xanga is, but.,Livejournal= Mostly Furry *BLEEP*sMySpace=Emo *BLEEP*s.I don't know what Xanga is. It sounds like tanga
  14. i only play to wow and age, are big videogames but i haven?t money and i don?t pay to play with wow and age.
  15. Ive heard that the oled screen is dim because they wanted to keep the battery life up. Hopefully there will be a firmware upgrade soon that will increase the brightness of the screen. Its a solid player but my first impression with a hands on was the same.
  16. console, PC games are just as good but with pc games theres too much messing around with installing the game ect. with a console you can just put the game in and play but As much as I would have fought for my PC's reputation I hardly think that the PC will be the future form of gameplaying machines. About 3 years ago I would have said differently, probably stating that I believed that computers would never be unseated from their current throne. Honestly some games are more fun to play on a computer while others are more fun on a console...think for example Tetris on a pc...WHY? but also think of a realtime strategy game on a console...somethings are just better where they are.I think the future of the console is guarenteed while the future of the computer is less secure. I just think it is cheaper to get a console solely for the purpose of gamming for both the consumer and the producers.
  17. xereo

    Best Download Site

    i haven?t favourite site i use google and i search the best site in this moment.i preferbuy these program that download.
  18. i Live in spain and my favourite tv show is operacion triunfo is a program similar to american idol but with the spanish idols that david bisbal.
  19. When speaking of a mouse as a computer control device, is the plural"mice" or "mouses"? I've been using "mouses" for, gawd, a couple yearsnow -- and just now, just this very minute, I got an edit replacing"mouses" with "mice".I didn't make a hard decision to use "mouses". I have seen it used thatway elsewhere, and liked the usage, so used it too.
  20. I would buy cameron diaz but i believe the "loved and lost" thing. I'm not so sure about the "rich" and "never been rich at all."Some people are going to be okay, regardless. Some will wallow in the "poor me" and be miserable. I think it's something someone has inside them, something they practice throughout life.Although I don't believe money buys happiness by any means!
  21. I still can't choose between Imagine and Let It Be. But seriously Kat, if I started, where would I stop? I love reading, I love poetry, my favourites are in the hundreds.Besides, a lot of the stuff I still like best is poetry I learned when I was a child, hiding away with one of my mother's poetry books in my secret place under the droopy bushes, where nobody could find me. Romantic poems written in beautiful old English about fairies and things. Hardly anybody knows about the Fairies any more. Much less the kind of language those things are written in. I fear the words that delight me are an anachronism.
  22. one of my passions is photography, since the digital photography cameras had been made that I choose this type of fotography to work.Two years ago I buy my first and "decent" digital camera, allthought this model is a bit old it continues making great photos. The reason for buying this model of camera is the macro that has. The lens of the objective are perfect to assemblage it to a microscope or a telescope and make photographs about microobjects or things very distants.I'm spacialist in makins macro photography about insects.I recommend you to discover this hobby
  23. very exciting but The life of a star depends only on how much mass the star has.fans money and support.is a feel almost obsesion, it?s a change in your live, you have much money and you are dear.i don?t have the necessary ingredients to be a star.only i knows you have to have affection.Once a star is born, it spends its active life somewhere on the main sequence. Its place on the main sequence is determined by its mass.when you haven?t people you are to finished.
  24. by google, i searched ag ood hosting and i thank that Xisto is the best hosting free.
  25. explicitit contains,images of war with blood,pop up the people who lies to reach something.
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