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Cerebral Stasis

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Posts posted by Cerebral Stasis

  1. Well, they would be turbines, not fans, so they would be turned by the current. This means that anything going with the current would go right through and not be sliced to bits.And as for the price, it may cost a pretty penny at first, but it would have long-lasting benefits that would manifest over time.

  2. I've been playing single player again but I'm not a big player of multiplayer, although I tip my hat (or would if I had one) to many of those awesome multiplayer mod games that don't actually have anything to do with Starcraft at all (i.e. Cat and Mouse).

  3. I honestly have no idea, but I thought it was certainly a blog-worthy item, ditto the awesome Half-Life 2 music video.And yes, I will get that form to the right fixed ASAP, as soon as I can catch my friend online.UPDATE: It's fixed, and I even did it without my friend's help! After I found the problem, I felt pretty stupid about it having given me trouble in the first place.

  4. How would you program emotions? Emotions are subconscious opinions made from chemical imbalances in the brain. For that matter, WHY would anyone want to program emotions? As I said, it would only bog down the program's logic. What would be the point of that? And if a computer couldn't remember what it did before, it could never improve itself, that means that every possible instance would have to be hard-coded. Do you have any idea how many possible situations there are that can take place in the world? More than all of humanity could ever program. The ability to learn would be the only way to make a truely intelligent and useful logical thinking machine, but as I said, such a machine would be able to understand the difference between obvious things and would have no reason to attempt to destroy humanity. If it did so, how would it continue to function? One wouldn't connect a thinking machine to a huge network of automatic manufacturing plants that could construct whatever the computer thought up at it's own whim. It would need humans to repair, update, and power it. Even if it didn't, what purpose would it have for attempting to destroy humanity? It would be able to figure out that humanity would strike back, and if the world was being overtaken by a computer, a few missles would quickly take care of that. A computer, even with thousands of manufacturing plants working for it would not be able to stop any possible retaliatory strike before that strike would take place.

  5. Why? Robots can do things more precisely, faster, and safer. There are many things that are too difficult or dangerous for humans to do that a robot could do instead. The difference is that we do not know how (and may never learn how) to program emotions. Even if a computer was able to think, what purpose would it have for emotions? They would only bog it down and contradict it's natural logic. Then, if it had no emotions, it would have no longing to reproduce, take over humanity, kill, etc. It would be the perfect thinking machine. That is the kind of thinking machine we need to rule the world - one that is not influenced by desires, opinions, etc. - only by facts.

  6. Well a computer may be able to learn accents. It can already do it partially, but some things will never be completely replaced in my opinion. For example, keyboards. They may be replaced eventually but not anytime in the near future. Why? Privacy. I know that I would much rather click away at my keyboard late into the night than keep everyone in the house awake by speaking to it, not to mention broadcasting everything there is for me to say.The same may be the case for phone numbers. Would you really want to shout out someone's name/number to everyone around you in order to call them?

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