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Cerebral Stasis

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Posts posted by Cerebral Stasis

  1. I really hate it when people think that The Matrix and The Terminator will be a reality simply because a movie shows so. There is a lot more to it than what the movies show. Even if robots did develop some kind of consciousness and such, what purpose would they have for getting rid of humans? There is a certain human aspect that, as far as we know, cannot be simulated.

  2. The story takes place in 250 years, so I'm assuming that the technology that would need to be created would be created by then. Besides, I kind of imagined that the "microphone" that detected the vibrations of the skull as one spoke would be amplified via a computer algorithm that cleared up noise in order to make the coversation as high-quality as possible.

  3. It's interesting how everyone claims that they would never let a robot do open heart or brain surgery on them because the procedure is so delicate and such, but that's exactly the reason why one SHOULD want a robot to perform these tasks. They aren't subject to humor error, confusion, sleepiness, nervousness, shaking hands, etc. They do things perfectly every time, so what is there to fear?

  4. yeah thats the only problem with it is the possibilty of a pipe breaking and leaking and shortcircuting your system....

    Not if you use distilled water. Pure water does NOT conduct electricity, so as long as the water is free of any minerals, it won't short out your computer. Besides, the chance of leaks is very small.

    I myself have a water-cooled computer, and it's great how quiet it is, but in the long run it really doesn't make much difference. In order to keep the water being pumped rather cool, the heat must be transferred to a cooler medium, in this case the air. So, the air must be cool for the water cooling to work. Unfortunately, my room heats up fast, so now I have an air conditioner in my room (even with it running 24/7 on full, my room's still a bit on the warm side) which keeps my computer from overheating, but the AC is quite noisy, so in the long run, it kind of defeats the purpose.

  5. And, of course, whoever came up with THAT statistic couldn't be lying.

    No, girls don't masturbate as frequently (both as a population and as a schedule) as men do on average, or at least so various studies tell us.

    Who knows the reason? If I had to guess, I'd say it's because men tend to be more physical and women (girls are often more about the emotion of sex than the act, so masturbation doesn't always interest them).

  6. In a story I'm writing, there is a phone that is placed behind one's ear and picks up/transfers sound through one's skull bones. So to hear, it sends the sound directly through one's skull to vibrate the inner ear bones and to speak, it would pick up the vibrations in one's skull as one spoke. It wouldn't be worn all the time, though, one must pick it up off a charger, click a button to turn it on, and place it behind one's ear.

  7. Not us as a generation, no. The fact is that we humans aren't powerful enough to destroy ourselves completely. There will always be survivors, no matter what weapon we use (excluding something completely fictionous like a planetary explosive, ozone decompiler, or terrestrial temperature modifier). However, radiation in space and the limits of speed in the physical world as we know it will pretty much restrict us to this solar system, of which this is the only inhabitable planet (and will remain as such for thousands if not millions of years). That means that either we as a race or our evolutionary descendants (if you believe in that stuff) will be destroyed either by a collision caused by a stellular body (either an asteroid or the moon crashing down on us), or the burning out of Sol (our solar system's star).To sum it up, we're screwed, but we're just screwed in a very predictable way and we won't be screwed soon enough to make worrying about it worthwhile.

  8. Well, if we're going to talk religious about this (I am very deeply anti-religion, by the way), pastors will often say that one can pray, but one must attempt to accomplish what they want themselves and that God will help (kind of like doing all the work and when you're finished, you think you had help). In any case, the point is that you won't accomplish what you want to accomplish by sitting around. What does it matter if the future is set or not, if every decision has been made for us already and we are just following a plan? Since this plan is obviously beyond our ability to comprehend, attempting to do so would be a waste of time, at least at the present (note I am saying this for debate's sake - I personally think that free will changes everything so rapidly that there is no way to predict the future accurately and there may well never be).

  9. ... and it never will be. Even things in space don't move indefinately (they could, in theory, but they don't). The pull of gravity from stars and planets can either slow down or speed up their movement, and objects in space (even just space dust) will slow it down. If there was a perfectly empty vacuum, however, then yes, said object in space would move indefinately.

  10. Everything in this world is related to genetics, Genes is our DNA, the only thing that makes us human and not no animal! Drugs impare the human body to react in an another way, mostyl because it kills your body! Your Genes are your body... So when a kid is born... the chance of them being different and slow or dumb is 50%. Not only that, In some caes the reaction in genes invovle evolution and the person becomes failry smarter than they should of been. This has happened many time sbut not enough. And not for the same reason as drugs. This would be considered a mistake! The human mind is a superior being of anyother and the human body harnesses it and uses its capabilities to do about anything. Genes is DNA. DNA is classified as blood, hair, skin, semen, nails, finger prints, almost your whole body is your genetic code. Thats why crime is so hard to get away with.

    Whoa, that's going a bit too far. True, a human has a greater ability to learn than other animals on Earth (in most cases), but if you let a human grow up on it's own away from other humans, society, etc., he (or she) would act like an animal, since we do still have built-in instinct. Enviroment DOES play a major part in shaping a person's mind, way of thinking, etc., but it isn't the only factor.

  11. Versital, there IS pleanty of research being put into hydrogen fuel cells. The problem is that the results don't look promising and the fuel cells made thus far just aren't efficient enough for a vehicle.Matto, that may work eventually, but right now batteries are heavy and they take too long to charge (and don't hold enough charge) to make solar powered vehicles truely efficient.

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