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Cerebral Stasis

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Posts posted by Cerebral Stasis

  1. I believe what facts can prove, and I don't believe what facts disprove. Facts disprove Christianity, Islam, and pretty much every other religion that involved an omnipotent God. Facts prove that their texts aren't the overall proof that they claim to be, and I believe the facts.Religion is crutch for the weak, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Everyone needs something to lean on, but it's when they start stomping that crutch on other peoples' feet that it becomes a problem. Religion should be allowed to remain, but those who misuse it or push it on others should be dealt with. And I don't mean just sharing it, but I mean harrassing with it, threatening people with it, and scaring people into submission witih it. If I forced someone to do something out of terror for their lives, it's called terrorism, but for some reason, forcing people to do something out of terror for their souls isn't, even though it is the same thing.Now, when religion is used for terror, those people should be dealt with using the full extent of the law, and there should be no reason to censor their beliefs from being made fun of (i.e. the censoring of any pictures of Muhammad).

  2. Oil is not almost gone, guys. The high prices are caused by the importing nations knowing they can demand whatever price they like from the World's Superpower (sic), the oil companies knowing they can raise their prices in accordance to supply and demand, and the government knowing they can tax the living **** out of the oil companies, knowing they will get a pretty penny and expecting, for some reason, that it will convince the oil companies to lower their prices.

  3. There is practically only one type of energy that we use - mechanical energy to electric energy. Nuclear power plants, coal power plants, natural gas plants, etc. all heat water that boils, releasing steam and then moving at turbine which then generates electricity. Wind power and water power have the turbine moved directly. One of the few exceptions is solar power, which converts the energy of photons into electric energy, although it is, in most cases, rather inefficient (the most efficient way is to use the sun to boil water which then evaporates and turns a turbine, as is the case with almost all power plants).And as for finding a new power source in the Earth, I wouldn't count on it. We pretty much know what's inside the Earth. The chances of finding a power source (as in a material that we can use for power - not thermal power) is highly unlikely.

  4. Machinima is also commonly used for music videos, as with this Half-Life 2 based music video (and a darn good one, at that). I purchased Half-Life 2 and it's expansion packs in order to attempt some of this Machinima work, but I'm a bit depressed to discover how limited it is and how difficult it is to work with (that, and XSI gets error when I try to install it on my computer, for some reason).


    I never found The Strangerhood to be near as amusing as Red vs Blue, although P.A.N.I.C.S. comes close (although it's only 5 episodes long).


    Other good Machinima examples can be found here.

  5. Coal to gasoline manufacturing processes would give us enough gasoline to last many decades. Half of all mined coal is thrown out because it is low-energy coal that cannot be used in power plants. Imagine - half of all the coal ever minded for power plants. That's a lot of chemical energy.And yes, conversion would be a nearly impossible process, unless the government forced it by either heavily taxing gasoline (like they're not already) or giving big tax benefits to those who own a converted vehicle.

  6. Yeh but youd need a re-build, so it can run on other fuels... just like u cant run and ultra hi premium on diesel, and the people that get oil will have to stop before the world completely runs out

    No, unless I'm greatly mistaken, this process would turn the "junk" coal into ordinary gasoline. If I am, please point me to an article mentioning that a different engine would be necessary, because so far I haven't been able to find one (although this article is interesting). And besides, one would have to re-build the internal combustion engine to switch to a different fuel besides gasoline, anyway. It's not an easy process.

  7. These aren't really signatures, but since I didn't see any forum for showing off just images in general, I figured this is the closest that there was.


    The first is based off of an oil-on-canvas artwork called "Scent of a Woman." I attempted to recreate a rough version of the original by painting over the top of said original using the paint tool in Photoshop.

    Posted Image


    The second one is a comedic spin-off of the silhouette iPod ads that Apple is so fond of using. In case you're wondering, the looming figure is Jason from Friday the 13th.

    Posted Image

  8. No, I'm trying to say that women seem to give symptoms of having more powerful orgasms, ones that give them pleasure every time, while after a certain point, male orgasms just become a release of pressure and not so much a pleasureful climax.And men CAN go on after their first orgasm, it just depends on, as you said, how tired they are and how physically tough they are (as far as their PC muscle is concerned, anyway).

  9. I think we SHOULD get rid of politics. What are they but attempts to cheat one's way into power? But that's not the issue, here. The issue is that religion causes many wars, including the constant middle eastern wars that are raging right now. Judaism vs Islam, and until one of those two religions is exterminated, the killing will not stop.As for the Bible, I thought it was supposedly first written by Noah or Moses or somesuch in like 2000+ B.C. In any case, cupcakes, a spinoff of cakes, wouldn't have been around so soon after the original's first discovery. For example, it took hundreds of years for chocolate to become a sweet snack.

  10. Lemon, there is still a lot of oil on the planet. We're not as close to the bottom of the well as it may sound, it's just that most wells have not yet been tapped. Futhermore, I recently read in a science magazine that about half of all mined coal is low-energy "junk" coal that is unable to be used in power plants and must be tossed out. However, though a new manufacturing process, this "junk coal" can be turned into gasoline.

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