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Everything posted by Miles

  1. It is possible. It all depends on your host, if they permit you to use their mySQL databases on a different website hosted outside of them, feel free to. Otherwise, do as vujsa says and use different table prefixes.
  2. Miles

    Emule V0.48a

    At first when seeing the topic title I thought "eMule? Sounds like a game console emulator". Then I noticed it was a p2p program. I'll have a try of it, sounds like a program with a very active team developing it.
  3. Assuming the poster of this topic is still here after nearly two years, the way of getting past an IP ban is typically disconnecting from the internet for 20-60 minutes, then reconnecting. Unless you have a static IP (in which case ask your ISP for a new IP) your ip will have changed.
  4. I'd say have to say fedora core, it's a good mid-range distro and is neither too hard nor too easy, and althought I found setting up NDISwrapper hard (my wireless network card isn't directly supported), it's still a good distro. I dual-boot it with windows XP.
  5. Mac OS is a good OS for beginners, but to be honest, it's TOO easy and unchallenging. It's not as popular as windows, nor linux I think. Windows is not a great OS, but it allows far more programming and isn't going to jump out with "Would like to know how to go to a program" or sorts. At least, not in XP or previous versions. Vista, I'm not sure about.
  6. I remember reading somewhere that microsoft did not wish to concentrate on passing the acid test. Seems they have changed their decision. Regardless, I shall not change to IE. Opera works far better for me.
  7. Miles

    I Came

    Hello, I'm Miles, a Vb and PHP programmer, also forum owner. I joined here because this seems a great choice for hosting. My previous host has been constantly ignoring my requests and, similiar to this forum, they base hosting on getting points by posting. Recently they decided to change and make it so points came from QUANTITY of posts, rather than far more imporatant, QUALITY. I could have made the amount of posts needed, but only on their lowest hosting. So, I'm here now, and I hope to have a good time and be here a lot longer than my previous hosts. Just for anyone interested, heres a timeline of my sites:My first forum was hosted on a very poor host, though not the one I was referring to above. It lasted from February this year to August. At the end of august it ran into a mysql error and my host wouldn't let me recover my username and password. It went bye-bye.My newest forum, which I intend to host here, has been running on it's current host since november.Finally, I close by saying that you may be shocked to know my age: 13. I hope it is okay despite my low age to be hosted here.Regards,Miles
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