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Everything posted by tommy5x

  1. Yersh, those are incredibly annoying. i find that even when searching the most innocent of things I get tons of popups, that's why I use the google toolbar. Slow as hell but so damn uber.
  2. A quite good thing that I do that you actually get rewards from is test&vote. Just search for it on google.
  3. But that's naughty!!! Nothing at all like a small portable device that can inflict pain on random harmless people!
  4. It's useful now! An EMP detonation could easily bring Britain, the US and other developed countries to a standstill.
  5. Dude those sites are all frigging scams. I have completed aat least 3 and have I seen anything come of it? No, no I have not.
  6. Unintentional cheese ey? Well this site doesn't fit into that category yet I haven't decided yet if it is awesome or the saddest thing on the interweb! Linkeh!
  7. Euch, Habbo? I would recommend for gamers tribalwars.net or knightsdivine.com. As well as Uberarcade.com As a friendly, strictly moderated (no sex/rasicm etc.) forum I recommend cherubforums.com, I can vouch for this site because I help to moderate it.
  8. Failing that you can always use a proxy site. Schoolbuster.info
  9. I don't particularly belive in heaven or hell. Quite frankly the whole idea seems implausible and mediocore.
  10. But this train of thought then eventualy replicates the watchmaker argument.If you look at a watch, you can easily tell that it was designed and built by an intelligent watchmaker. Similarly, if you look at some natural phenomenon X (a particular organ or organism, the structure of the solar system, life, the entire universe) you can easily tell that it was designed and built by an intelligent creator/designer.
  11. That's quite a difficult one, I would have to say that I choose the laser watch. I would love to go around zapping random people
  12. Heat is the main product of laser effectiveness. The most powerful lasers don't use visible light, only infa-red.
  13. 7 milliamps acxross the heart is enough to kill, more than 50 amps through the legs however.
  14. A beta particle. A negatively charged rougue electron fired from an unstable radioactive nucleus.
  15. Though current evidence supports the possibility of the big bang, theoretically it is a certainty. Before the universe there was nothing? If there was nothingness, it had to be infinate, finite nothingness is not plausible. Infinity in turn must create infinate possibility of infinate things occuring therefore infinate things must have and must still be. If this is true and by all logic it has to be, a singularity did occur, yet at the same time, there is a god, a giant chicken did lay an egg containing the universe and Atlas was forced to hold up the heavans.
  16. I would say try for fewer boards. Though I like the scheme of clours and the bockground it seems quite daunting when you have such a small fanbase.
  17. Thanks for that. Scammers infuriate me, though I can understand why they would do it.
  18. I don't really see how it would prevent the label being reaffixed. As Osacar Wilde said "The day Microsoft make something that doesn;t suck is the day they make a vacuum cleaner."
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