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Posts posted by trinifawk

  1. When I was about 7 or 8, my cousin and I built a treehouse. It was the most awesome thing ever! We built it on a mango tree, had a ladder and everything to climb up to the tree house. But, I guess we didn't think through it enough. We built it next to an electricity poll, and my dad and my aunt decided that we couldn't play in it anymore <_< . I Think that all kids should experience the joy of having their own tree house! I thought that it was amazing.

  2. These sites provide a free source of watching new releases and good oldies online. I don't know how legit these websites are, but it's a great resource for people like me who often get bored online or try to remember a show from way back and can't remember the lines. I recently got to watch "The Wonder Years", and it was a lot of fun. There's an anime website that's pretty cool too. The URL for it is http://www.animecorner.nl/ I usually check out Rurouni Kenshin and some other animes. If anyone else knows of some other sites, let me know.

  3. The best way to find a Wii for the $250 that it usually sells at (with only the bare essentials) is to go to a gaming store in the mall... They seem to have some in stock on some days, and other times they're totally out. Right now, if you're looking for a Wii, there's one at Buy.com selling for $451 after shipping, but that's for a bundle. I am very interested in exploring the capabilities of the 'modern' gaming systems, but the high price tag is turning me away. I wonder what the ps3 can do? hehe

  4. I also think it has something to do with reducing the file size of videos on youtube. I believe they limit the length of your videos too, but I'm not absolutely sure about that. One thought about why YouTube does this is so that the service can remain free. Millions upon millions of people upload videos on youtube, and alot of the users of youtube probably aren't on very fast connections. Maybe they should think about having a hi-fi and a low-fi option, but I don't see that happening either. I also think that the smaller the file size, the easier it is for them to stream it to you and the other thousand people that might be watching the video at the same time. Well, if anyone else has thoughts on it, I'd be glad to know!

  5. I started using Red Hat Linux in 2004 when my brother installed it on my computer. I couldn't understand anything and I did not know much about computers. I eventually just ended up using Windows XP all the time and not even going into the Linux partition on my hard drive. In 2006 (summer), someone told me that Xandros was awesome, and I decided to give it a go on my laptop. I didn't back up anything, and due to a problem during installation, my hard drive could not be read... I still don't know exactly what happened there. In early 2007, I decided again to give Linux a go and use Ubuntu. The GUI is awesome for a totally free OS, and I use it when I want a change from Windows XP or if I want to try to impress my friends... So I guess I can say that curiosity made me switch to Linux.

  6. I also have a lot of favorite free software that I love to use! GIMP- awesome freeware photoshop-like program that can do a whole lot of stuff, once you get used to it. I usually use it for small editing purposes (cropping, color change, adding text to pictures), and I love it! No need to spend hundreds on commercial products. Miranda IM- another amazing chat client, so that you don't have to use Yahoo, AIM, MSN and have them running all at the same time. As mentioned before, Primo PDF is great for creating pdf files. I use this when I want to make it hard for others to just copy and paste my work. Audacity: a freeware multi track recorder that is customizable. You can record your music if you're an amateur musician, and get some pretty good quality sound. Openoffice.org- very good word pressor/all in one office suite. AoA audio extractor: extract audio from video. Very useful if you're recording live music with a camcorder and you want to also make an audio copy. you can google and find the links to download those.

  7. wow that site is kind of annoying at first, but then again, if you're not interested, then just don't use it. It would be kind of hard to navigate around the web if all websites had this kind of 'technology'. But hey, props to a new idea! After a while, it felt as though I was losing control of my mouse, and the cursor started moving by itself! AND it works well on Firefox. Did anyone try the little 'maze'?

  8. Some of the applications on the Mac are amazing. The whole iLife suite is great, and Garage Band is the best software that I know of that is for the amateur musician. Even though I think that it might be kind of hard to customize a Mac, it is a lot easier to have fun. I don't really play too much of those video games on the computer, and I don't really have too much patience to deal with linux, so I'd have to go with the Mac. By the way, I have a mac, and a pc, and I run Ubuntu Linux. I use the windows box when I'm at home, and when I'm in class, I use my Mac. If price wasn't a factor, I'd go with mac all the way, and dual boot with linux.

  9. I have Ubuntu linux on my laptop and desktop PCs, and I dual boot with Windows XP Pro. Even though I love the fact that Ubuntu is free and will always remain free, I can't stop using windows. I don't know what about the windows OS that keeps me in it, but it seems like everything works on it. I think that if I had more patience and technical knowledge, I would be able to run linux for more than a few hours at a time.There are so many drivers available for Windows that aren't for linux, but I love the fact that I can't ever get a virus or never have to reinstall or spend hours upon hours trying to remove a virus or even reformatting... but yeah... windows is for me, for now.

  10. I'm a college student, and I much prefer running a desktop over a laptop. With the relatively old desktop I have inside of my room, I can still leave it on all night and day (electricity is included in my rent), and it has never died on me. I don't know if I would like to try that with my laptop. Desktop computers are a whole lot easier to maintain and fix (this was probably mentioned a thousand times already), but what the laptops lack in those departments, they make up for in portability. But overall, desktops can stand up to the test of time a whole lot better than laptops can, so for this reason, I voted desktop!

  11. I've had geocities before and it wasn't that bad. I couldn't handle all the ads though, but it was a good experience as a starter host. I used netfirms and it was pretty nice, but again, the ad on the top of the page. Those two above didn't let me use php script on it, and this limitation was a bit too much for me. I tried 12gbfree.com as a host, and it's been pretty good, giving 12 gigs of space, and allowing php, sql. But there are some limitations. You can't point your url to it, so that kind of stinks. Xisto seems to be a great hosting package for free, even though the amount of space is very limited. But, hey, it's free! So that's awesome. And ALOT of people have been saying great things about astahsot. I guess I'll just have to wait and see!

  12. Wow! I'm watching it right now! This is awesome!Does anyone know if this site is legit? I mean, I'm watching Pirates of the Caribbean 3 right now... Well, my friends and I had a discussion about what sort of trouble I could get in for viewing material that isn't meant to be seen for free (how else would the movie industry make money?), and I don't think that users of the website would get in any trouble. So yay!

  13. This sounds like a promising idea, even though I don't think I'll have plastic blood in my system. If this thing does come out, I'll wait to see what happens to people ten or 15 years down the road before I even consider this one of my options.Also, I wonder if insurance companies will start to pay for this? Only time will tell!

  14. Any type of research that can benefit the human race is, in my opinion, a good thing. I guess it really depends on your perspective. If you take anything and use it for a bad purpose, then it's going to be hard to make people believe that it's worth having around. But there are many positives associated with stem cell research, as well as some negatives. When I think about it and weigh both of them out, I will be all for it. However, the authorities have to keep a close eye and regulate what's going on.

  15. Hey everyone! I have a Nokia 6030 phone with Tmobile prepaid in the USA. The phone is pretty cool, with an fm radio and a pretty good battery life. The t-mobile service is also really nice, allowing me to go on espn.com and check the news using tzone. I always thought that for such a cool phone, there must be more that it can do. I see that there's a little USB-looking port at the bottom of the phone, but I heard that the only way to download ringtones is to buy them. Does anyone with a Nokia 6030 phone use that usb port at all? I have no idea what it's there for.

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