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Posts posted by trinifawk

  1. What do you mean you have a few rapidshare premiums if anyone interested? Are they for free or do we have to pay? My friends use rapidshare premium and they get alot of cool stuff. I see them downloading movies n stuff all the time. I don't mind waiting the required download times for stuff that I don't have to pay to download anyways. If they need to send ads to make the download free, then so be it. There's no such thing as a free lunch =) I learned that the hard way.

  2. The only thing about the higher resolution cameraphones, like those that are 6mp and up would be the lack of a reliable zoom function. I can't imagine a cell phone having optical zoom. Digital zoom vastly reduces the image quality of your pictures. I heard that there are some camera phones with flash, which is quite awesome, so optical zoom is only a little while from now. I also think that there's no such thing as "people don't need" when it comes to having more advanced technology. The great advantage of having a camera with alot of megapixels is that you can zoom in and crop images on your computer without losing too much image quality when ordering your prints. As the resolution of camera phones raises, so will the included memory get lardre or memory card slots be necessary.

  3. It would be really cool if this kind of technology becomes more advanced within the next few years. This should be very advantageous to military and not to mention people who want to be like Harry Potter. =) Real invisability would make any gamer's dream come true.

  4. That's quite a lot of memory for a small flash drive!!!! I don't know about other people, but I had a one gigabyte flash drive when that kind of size was supposed to be huge, and it went bad after alot of wear and tear use. That thing was priced pretty steeply compared to the prices right now on those drives. I wonder how companies manufacturing 64gb flash drives at high prices will deal with people coming back for their $5000 back when the drive fails, or having to replace bad drives. I wouldn't want to put alot of data on a 64 gig drive because I might become dependent on it and then one day lose it... lol But I guess this paves the way for invention of 64 gig ipods or mp3/video players that run on flash memory! Probably for a price tag of around 10 grand? lol

  5. Do it! You will love Linux. The community is awesome, and guess what, it's free! Somehow I can't stay on Linux for a very long time though, because of the simplicity of running a Windows System. But if you get viruses all the time, then Linux is for you. Ubuntu maybe for the good GUI? I don't think that this new version of Windows is going to be out any time soon, and it will no doubt be surprising. Maybe one day MS will start using Unix to stop eating system resources.

  6. I've used Windows Vista in computer labs around campus, and I've got to say that it's a "good looking" OS. I can't say much about the functionality of it, except that it looks very much like a 'windows' version of MacOs. The little widgets bar is pretty nice, but again, what's the price you pay for all of this? You need to fork out lots of money to get the premium version of Windows Vista, or 'ultimate', then you need to have one monster of a computer to run everything on it. I still am not sure what I would need all the fancy tricks for, but it's worth giving a go once I have a computer that has the right system specs to not freeze up or run very slowly on vista. After all, some people get along just fine with a computer that's too slow to run Windows XP, and I can't do that. So maybe in a couple of years when XP computers are phased out, Vista will be the one left standing. I wonder how long it's gonna take before this technology gets to mobile devices.

  7. Wasn't Facebook sold to Yahoo recently? I think that this whole thing is all about money, and that facebook.com is an awesome website. Even though they turned it from being a college-only site to one that allows anyone to join, I still know people who go on it all the time. There's no way that facebook is going to lose this case. If there was better evidence to nail the company in court, it would have been done already.

  8. I love gmail, but I wouldn't like the whole name change. I haven't heard any news of such a change though, so we'll have to wait and see about that. If they DID have a change, I hope that all emails sent to my gmail would be redirected to googlemail. Google is rich enough to buy out any copyright though. It shouldn't be a problem for them.

  9. Well, I was at the apple store yesterday, and I decided to try out the new apple iPhone, which has been the talk of the town ever since it first came out. Then I wondered how the call quality was, so I called a US number from it, and it worked! Free calls to the US from within the Apple store! I'm not sure if it's intentional that calls were allowed to be made, but hey, it still was free. I tried a foreign number with it too, but I got no reply from the person whom I was calling. I'm not sure if it's because calls aren't alllowed from the Apple store, or if they werent' home. Anyways, just thought I'd share this with you all. Cheers! - Trinifawk

  10. Ahh... I think that this is going to be the beginning of the end for this old computer that I have. I've been in search of a good deal on dual core processor pc, so maybe this will motivate me to go ahead and buy one. Hopefully the 'elimination' of single core units will mean that they go dirt cheap! I mean, it wouldn't hurt having a few of those in computer labs that only really need programs such as office applications and web browsing applications. Hopefully this doesn't backfire on AMD, and I can't wait to see what intel does.

  11. In Gainesville, Fl, phones that use the GSM network barely get signal compared to the CDMA phones. I was a customer of Sprint for 2 years, and while the plans sucked, the call quality was great. My girlfriend is a Cingular customer, and she keeps getting dropped calls. We laugh at all those commercials that say Cingular has the fewest dropped calls, because for anyone attending the University of Florida, Cingular is the worst! Tmobile also uses GSM technology, and while the signal is a bit better than Cingular's, it still stinks compared to Verizon and Sprint in Gainesville. So, I chose CDMA for my part of town. If I'm traveling to another country, I always carry a quadband phone and pick up a sim card there.

  12. Wow! This thread was originally made in 2004. Search engines have changed since then. I used to use MSN search and Google search before I got the Google toolbar. Now I just use google alone. There are so many features in it. You can search the web, for pictures, video, news, products, products, do your research with cited resources through Google Scholar, all from the convenience of your web browser. Google is reliable, even though I check with other sources too, such as Yahoo search, just to make sure I don't miss anything. Alot of websites try their best to become the number 1 search on Google, and this probably would defeat the purpose of having a search engine to display pure results. But, yeah, google is the first choice for me!

  13. So, I'm guessing that they're fraternal twins, and that they probably won't look exactly alike, as they would if they were identical. Many siblings resemble each other, so this may not be the case. I wonder if the child will have any problems developmentally because of this procedure. The long term effects of this have not been fully tested. I wish the family the best. Science truly is a wonder! What will they think of next?

  14. My computer is on the internet 24/7, and I use the internet whenever I'm here. However, when I'm doing work, the only thing that I use the internet for is chatting or research, instead of generally browsing. I would say that the time I spend on my computer per day is about 6 hours. The correlation between boredom and computer usage is quite amazing.

  15. If you can fork out the cash, then by all means pay for a great hosting plan that may guarantee you professional support and features. I think that as long as you can afford to spend the time gaining 'credits' on Xisto, this solution would do the trick for a great hosting plan. Choosing a host is not that hard if you just make up your mind to choose one. I think that the hardest part of having a website is maintaining it. It's easy to let a few days lapse and next thing you know you're falling behind or someone hacked you.

  16. My girlfriend's dad is a photographer and he swears by Nikon. He recently upgraded from using traditional SLR cameras to the digital SLRs, and they are definitely worth the little bit of extra money. If you're aiming to spend a bit of money for a good product, you would have to consider getting some more lens to expand the functionality of your camera. I think that Canon are great, but I prefer Nikon cameras for the better quality photos when taken with varying contrasts. Nikons are also very good for battery life, and I can't speak for Canons. I would say definitely one of those two brands would be a good bet. I would go with Nikon if I was in the market for a digital SLR camera. Can't wait to save up enough dough to afford one. It's a potentially expensive hobby, but very rewarding =) Memories do afterall, last forever if recorded on the right media

  17. I don't know if this counts as me 'discovering' something today, but I was looking around for presents for my sig. other and I was searching for something along the lines of a digital picture frame or a locket. Well, guess what: some smart people decided to combine the two of them and came up with a digital photo locket. J&R has it for about $32 after shipping. I'm not too sure about the battery life though, but it seems like an interesting gift idea.

    The link can be found below:


    Well, that's what I found and I thought that I would share with the rest of you guys.

    - Trinifawk

  18. My little bro uses it through dial up and he loves it. The graphics might not be top notch, but I don't know if that's even the whole point of runescape. It's a legal alternative to downloading emulators and roms for games that you don't own. However, I don't think that it's worth the money. I would much rather have broadband internet and no runescape than having dial up and runescape. I'll give it a 4/5

  19. You can probably also log into the cpanel and go to the page redirect function on it. You can have the page forwarded so that whenever someone types the url of your home page into their browser and tries to navigate to the joomla main page, they will be forwarded to the "what we sell" type of page that you wanted them to see first. I'm not sure whether or not they would be able to click on the "home" button and be taken to the home page of your joomla site, or whether or not they'd be forwarded to the 'what we sell' page once more, but it might be worth a shot. Good luck with that, and I hope that it works. You can always undo it easily if it doesn't work out! - trinifawk

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