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Everything posted by Kardus

  1. Which one do you guys think is/will be the best? I'm banking on Wii. Why you ask? Because I feel that Nintendo stays true to gaming, and what makes games fun. Sure, graphics and features are nice, but it's a game console- not the be-all-and-end-all super device.With the 360, console flaws were apparent fromt he start with mass overheating of mostly all 1st edition consoles, although some of the games for 360 are actually very entertaining. With the PS3, first of all is the price. I honestly don't want to pay that load of money to get features I already have on other electronic devices in my house. It's big and bulky.All bias aside, I feel that Wii is the best choice (for me at least). It's innovative- it's doing something that hasn't been done before. True, the machine isn't as powerful as the 360 or PS3, but it's working as intended. The ability to obtain retro games also makes the target audience wider. One might say that most Nintendo games are "kiddy", but if rather play a "kiddy" game that keeps me entertained, instead of playing a bleeding-edge game with no substance at all. Not to mention facts that it actually gets you off your seat and "into" the game, as well as its the cheapest of all consoles. For me, it's the most promising. Discuss your opinions and vote on the poll
  2. Heh, this reminds me of my old IRC days when I got my first PC. Cool concept at first, but eventually gets annoying when kids use it today in videogames to harass others.
  3. A buddy of mine got less than 25 hours of sleep the week he found this site out. He wasn't experienced as I in these things, but it forced him to read up on html syntax and the like while trying to view code. To make a long story short, he now he professionally designs and codes websites/scripts for a living
  4. If you havn't many settings configured in Zonealarm, you might concider uninstalling and reinstalling it (also make sure teo delete the folder containing saved/backup info it it leaves one). It may help fix any initialization problems, or any settings which you may have accidentally misconfigured.
  5. Thanks man, appreciate it. This will definately help me when I need to move my forum to Xisto, or if I need to move my forum in the future.
  6. For me, Maya hands down. Used to use 3DS max, but never went back after touching Maya. It's a little less user friendly as 3DS, but great if you practise on it.
  7. MySql. Definately. Check out: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/tutorial.html For a few tutorials.
  8. Ah, the marvels of science. Was that "spot" on Jupiter not a hurricane, or is it another classification of storm?
  9. Thank you for the in-depth explanation. I'm busy with hobbies and studies at the moment, so posting regularly will prevent my account from locking. I was afraid that I'd had to post every day in order to keep the service.
  10. The first commercial game I ever purchased after I got my first computer was Command and Conquer: Red Alert. One of the best RTS games in my opinion. I also had a nice time with Generals when it came out, but Red Alert is a classic. I still remember the cut scenes scaring me as a kid.
  11. Not Pr0n is an online puzzle regarded as a web based puzzle game, where the player's objective is to get from one page to the next using hints and clues provided on the previous page. I have successfully done about half of it. It's EXTREMELY hard, and requires the basic use of HTML coding and logic, as well as the occasional use of outside applications, search engines, as well as research to complete. "Solving these online puzzles is often tricky. As the contests are online the puzzle writers assume that you have access to resources such as Wikipedia and Google and therefore they have completely free reign in the information they can expect you to be able to discover. Many techniques used in puzzles are codes, the phonetic alphabet, the periodic table, binary, braille, Morse code, semaphore, cryptic clues, riddles and logic puzzles." I know you want to try, so enough explanation- try it for yourself here: http://www.notpron.com/
  12. Yes, it's specifically under the "Profile tab". The last column should have merchant tools, and from there it's pretty straight forward. Should be something related to "buttons" listed there.
  13. Here are some of my favourite jazz artists: Trumpet: Miles Davis, Wynton Marsalis Piano: Art Tatum, Dave Brubeck, Chick Corea, Oscar Peterson, Thelonious Monk Sax: Sonny Rollins, Paul Desmond, Stan Getz, Wayne Shorter, John Coltrane Guitar: John McLaughlin, Pat Metheny, Wes Montgomery, Les Paul I love lots more, this is just a short list of people who come to mind. Check out https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jazz_musician for a list of jaz musicians by era/instrument. It my help you find something you like.
  14. Honestly, I prefer linux, but have been using Windows for most of my life. Why? I mostly game and do occasional graphics work (never had a mac), which Windows satisfies as it's the "norm" of all operating systems. If you're not into things that demand a windows environment, and you like computers, try to learn how to use linux. For a starter, it's challenging and takes a while to set up, but it's worth it. If you mostly use your computer for borwsing, word processing, etc. there's no reason why you can't use linux.
  15. I'd have to agree with webintern- Gentoo in my opinion requires the deepest understanding, but in my opinion is the best. I also like slackware. Try some live CD's of any of the distros you're interested in, I have yet to try Uuntu, but am hearing some nice things about it.
  16. I personally use Kaspersky, and I feel it's the best (although I use it for personal computer use). I'd reccommend AVG Free or NOD32 for your purposes, though.
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