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Everything posted by Vaibhav1405241528

  1. Great Idea! Anyway my windows denfder works fine and gets updated intime and automatically! anyway I think that windows isnt that bad, with a loose administration in Linux world, I dont think that there would have been any standards in the industry without Microsoft! And let the Linux get as popular as MS and you will come to know how much holes are there in Linux...most of them come through the X-Window systems like KDE and ICE-WM
  2. well.... I agree over that! Google is going to HURT MIcrosoft...and Who knows after an year we will come to read an artiel over HOW google is going to LAUNCH its first official Linux and that too without getting people of its own working for it officially???Google is on its path of becoming the GOD of Internet! G for GOOGLE ....G FOR GOD!! I think thats what Larry Page and Sergey BRIN would have been thinking while making this company ....ar atleast now!
  3. Amazing....amzing and amzing... thats all I can say about this stuff! I cant eve imagine how they would have done this!! and so nicely and that too in DOS! Man! Thats really really awesome! I never watched a startwars Movie ( I never ;liked the theme itself) But the stuff was really great! I cant resist goin in for another one! Its just a lot of hard work!
  4. I completely agree with vortex. and BoozKer... I can't understand a reason your Windows behaves that way. And yeah. As far as my windows version and SP is concerned, I am running Windows XP - SP-2 updating my computer moment to moment and I tried it yet again dude, but nothing happened! Strange it works for you!
  5. Well I already assured that I wont allow those type of things which direct a USER tyowards commiting crime but certainly some deep knowledghe about TCP IP and also some internal knowledge about different type of attacks is to be discussed ... of course I am not going to tell anyone that what are those tools which are going to allow a USER to make such an ATTACK. That all. And I think you rpeople (and probably some administrator too ) understands my intentions.
  6. Well Arbitratry, All of us use the internet for surfing some ususal sites we are accustomed to. Say I get used to visiting Xisto. So the extension I want to develope will automatically See that the site is being visited regularly so some of the susal items on the page which are loaded everytime will not be loaded after visiting the first page....or might be that even the first page wobn't eat up the bandwidth! And only those things which change (such as the text) will need to be trasmitted. Much info about the page such as meta info and image targets will not be loaded. they will be "DEFINITELY" loaded from cache. Thats all! And if you use this for RSS feeds...can you imaginge how much bandwith we waste downloading the "LOOK AND FEEL" of our newpaer sites which we really are not concerned about but at the same time we can't ignore them!!!???However take me as a beginner and please hep me understand JAVA step by step. I just went through the online JAVA tutorial and I was able to do some small programs which added and multiplied variable. And would you tell if it is possible to make some INTERACTIVE programs in JAVA??? Because all the programs I made had their variables p[redefined in the code itself.
  7. I want to open up a hosting account for starting a website which solely contains articles and discussioins on security related topics. Since It is written in the Terms and COnditions that any site related to HACKING is not tolerated, I want to ask you some conditional questions:1. What are the exact topics not meant to be discussed in the website / forum hgosted by Xisto?2. I promise that I will try to control the useless posts PLUS those which directly guide people about how to create havoc with networks. However At the same time I admit that the forum will contain topics realtedto computer security, networks and other Intenals which are drooled upon by newbies. 3. Since the site is related to security, Most visitors will be asking questions upon hacking! But I promise that it will be made sure that noone with a malicious Idea is given an answer... Overall I want to say that even thought the site /forum will be related to security, I will allow only knowledge to flow through ... not the unwanted stuff on cracking into networks or computers.So Am I eligible for hosting? If yes then please reply me on this post. I am just goping to apply for the hosting.Thank you!
  8. well...I dont htink that AMD is BUYING ATI...they just buying some shares! And as far as the USERS are concerned, I think that the ComBO is going to ROCK the uSERS. Certainly they will improve their already good processor which rocks at the gaming end...The only hiccup with AMD I saw was in the area of ENCODING. it encodes and decodes Music and Video files VERY VERY slowly! But I think that ATI with thier expertise in the Video and audio arena can solve this and then AMD will beat Intel Hands down!!
  9. Both of you BoozKer and DemonHawk...all I can tell guys politely is that YOU PEOPLE HAVE GONE MAD! Firstly, to demonhawk...you dont boot into the safe mode by using the [f11] key but it is done by using the [f8] key. So make a note of it. Rest whatever you have written is cetainy true.As far as BoozKer is concerned...from where did you get that amazing idea that [f11] would do anything at all? I knew it was false...But I though that mikght be some BUG or an easter egg would have been left into windows...I rebooted 4-5 times totaling altogethjer 15 Mins just to cjeck that if what you told was OKAY!?? But sadly, I must tell you...nothing happened...[F11] doesnt work and the windows loads noramally!
  10. well....you said that you were unable to get a concrete reply on which you could rely upon. I must add a sentence my friend: you will never be able to decide...even from here you wont get a concrete reply to rely upon. The basic problem is not with us others or Linux. The basic problem is with you: You yourself dont know that your lInux is well protected or not.By the very design of Linux, it is well designed and protected in their Raw installation. But as far as the protection is concerned, I must say that even though there are a whole lot less number of both Bots like viruses and humans like hackers to target Linux but the number is certaily growing and who Knows that your computer might be the next target ? So its always better to get a better protection. And afterall you wont have the same number of programs in linux as in windows...so not many conections are required simultaneously. So why leave open ports ( read ports as holes)? Just close them... You surely need a Firewall ( yeah ...SURELY). Now its all I can suggest. At the end of the day the decision will always be yours... So If you are not concerned with that extra 3% usage of your procesor, just get a firewall!
  11. Well Mine is a decent one:Intel P4 2.93 Ghz256 mb ram17 inch color screen64 MB graphics memory onboard40 + 120 GB = 160 GB hard disk LiteOn DVD combo + Sony DVD writerThats it!No graphics card in my system also no extra sound card is added... just the onboard soundcard!
  12. Well Demonhawk...I never said that it aint a good thing....it certainly is...and since Linux is made by so many people around the world and crafted carefully by some of the most experienced programmers, it is not going to malfunction that easily. And if you know how to do things then it aint a very big task too! But all i was trying to point is that it still is risky. They in their warranty clearly indicate that they are not responsible for damages done by usign third party tools.
  13. Dear senior Members,I am a 18 year old boy. Just some months ago...I thought of an idea of developing an extension for mozilla firefox...one of the most popular web browsers out in the world. I wont disclose the complete Idea right here but the useful ness of the idea:The extensionm I thought about can be used to significantly reduce the bandwith for high speed connections and time for the slow connections given that the target person does use thw web for visiting mostly news sites, forums and check mails...so all in al a busy person sittin gon a slower connection or a surfing junkie sitting on a fast connection and worrying about the extra 32 KB that get wasted per page due to something he doesnt want on a page.I tried to get help from the MOZILLA site but I think the site is really very unorganised for a beginner like me. The only think I could know about was that I need to know JAVA in order to correctly make the EXECUTABLE part of my extension. I would like to get help from the seniors on the programming front in this forum specially in java.As far as my programming skills are concerned, I dont know much. I have learnt C++ and can create some very good programs for WINDOWS ( for DOS executable ONLY)...also I dont know socket programming in C++ ( one can say that I have no Idea of WinSock).So I want step by step help from my seniors to make me able to create java programs executable right from the DOS to the level it is required for creating my AWESOME concept of saving time and badwidth for an average surfer for MOZILA firefox.I expect a helping hand from this forum. I tried some other So called TECH forums and they just flasmed me off!Vaibhav (*_*)
  14. Man I like the BSD platform....days back around 1.5 years ago Yaho was using BSD ( exactly speaking free BSD ) to provide servioces so no comments about its atbility and reliability. Also, installation of external programs r4eally is much easier. But what I see in it is a bad installation interface. Again it is bulky and hardware compatibility is really BAD compared to others. Most MS hardware dont work with it. Upgrading is not easy and a thousand problems with it. I tried installing it on my PC and was killed with a completely bad hard disk...nothing was left...the installation corrupted my windows. ne of my friends was able to do so but the MUTE system is no on'e s choice so he too quit.
  15. I have a small warning for you borther! If anything goes wtrong with your iPod due to Linux, neither Apple not the Linux vendor will take resposibility of ity! you will lose your songs / videos and time and of course the most importatntly money...you will have to buy a new iPod. So better get another console for playing games...Mobiles are there ( if you know there are some smart phones to install games ansd apps on them LOL) So I wouldnt suggest you to get your iPod running on Linux!
  16. I support Firefox! Reasons??? There are so many...neither me nor you can count them and surely...most FireFozx fans will agree.FF is Open source ( do whatever you like to with its code)FF is lighter on memory ( remember FF is completely independent program)FF still protects you from ActiveX by giving out warningsFF can be made to do what you like by using extensionFF can change its looks by themeesFF loads faster than IE.FF can open 20 Tabs in one window and still work faster compared to the [kernel integrated IE]FF has got goole's support and IE has got MS's which one is bigger company???FF is more secure as it is not integrated into kernel.FF is cross platform including linux and BSD...IE aint ( except MAC)FF has a lot other usefult functions such as finding a particulr part of code from a part of webpage (just selct the text /part of webpage, right click and click on view selection source.FF in better coz you can add your own site'sd search engine in its place ... and easiler than IE.FF is just 5 MB and IE is 12.8 MB even though most of IE's functionality is integrated into windowshack some files in FF's profile folder and you can change the functionality...can you do the same with IE?FF has better RSS feed integration.Anyone needs more support and reasons for FF??I ask twice.
  17. well I agree that its a virus ( just a very limited extent) ...just that it is not a worm...virus is omething that corrupts your system and infects. since the file can potentially corrupt but nmot infect, it is a virus to some extent. Now another thing is tht. will it destroy or not. I agree that it wont destroy cus the windows folder is write protected and the command will not execute...atleast from a normal account.Another thing is that the file has an extension of CMD which is a batch file opened in special mode. and it doens t work on systems before win XP.
  18. well....I use the combination of three things and my computer doesnt get any of the rpoblems! 1. Never use IE for suspecting sites.2. use Avast personal edition!3. windows defender as antispyware..just scan the computer every 7 days!4. Sunbelt KErio firewal...the best free solution! really advanced!and I think that people using it will agree with me and those who dont use ...do use it! You will be very satisfied!And please dont flame me by telling that windows Defender is a bad program.Vaibhav (*_*)
  19. well....I get a 115 kbps ( kilo bits) data for exactly 2 USD. So that pretty cheap and the speed I get is decent enought for my work Vaibhav (*_*)
  20. well the service is good and I think that they have done this to stop Piracy!! coz there is no other reason why one will restrict the downloasd limit to 100 MB per moth! Or might be thast they were short of bandwidth!
  21. can't you have a better reason!! Personally speaking, I dont like opera! It has some memory leak...and that fills up all the memory and takes a lotta space on PAGEFILE too! and it has some sort of problems with images. I think version 9 has no such problem. I recommend you just remove all the previous versions of opera and install a new version 9! This should solve your problem!
  22. well guys..... I dont think you can call IE 7 as UGLY! It of course looks SEXY and I like the looks...those glassy buttons cool effects and all! But as far as working is concerned, I think nothing is crappier than this...RSS feeds dont work properly, there is no GOOGLE search and the on eavailable with it....windows live search completely sux. it just doent open at any cost. they say that the interface isw nexxt gen! HUH! even the last gen didn't have that crappy look. Levae Tabbed browsing! firefox has it from 2 year and opera from almost 3.5 now! RSS feeds suck as agianst firefox and thunderbird. You cant change the looks like we do with our fox! It is of no use! I usually opened IE6 around 10-20 percent of time in past but after installing IE7, I just never open it now!!Long live open source ( at least for browsers)!
  23. well guys I would like to tell you something personal : I am using a pirated windows copy. and all genuine check , WGA and microsoft website tell that the copy is genuine...I dont know why it happens...I got the copy preinstalled from my computer vendor....I asked the guy and told that I didnt want to get cought for a cheap act. and he told that the windows wil never be told as pirated because the copy was infact a general copy of pirated windows CD but the serial no. used was one used by an MNC in their cyber cafe chain. I searched the google and i got the info from other forums and groups tht the corporate editions with multiple volume licensing did not require registrtion so the wpa.bak and wpa.dll checksum are not required by MS...they just check the product key. and once they get the Product key...they find out whether it is home oem, professional oem, or normal versions along with editions. and if they find that the copy is one with a multiple volume license, they wont ask for the wpa.dll and wpa.bak checksum. Now since the multiple volume licenses are bought by organisations for use on multiple computers...not everycomputer will have same configuration anyway! So my copy is working fine till now...after 1 month of buying my computer! i dont rmember who said that but I rmember someone in this very thred told that the WINDOWS with 2 serial nos will not work at the same time. One of them will stop working. So let me see if my computer works for one more month or does it ask for the KEY. NOTE : Do not ask me for the KEY ...I am not going to give it to anyone! Vaibhav (*_*)
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