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About mustra
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this effect is really cool and if you mess up with the setting and invert you can make lightning storms, i myght just do a tutorial about it, anyways, really liked the tutorial, you just made me break from my photoshop summer break and start creating something ;)cheers
Piracy Is Spreading - Is it a New Age Culture ? Is it a culture?
mustra replied to amitbhandari's topic in Software
this is not real, the guilt is all in the software makers has they dont respect the human rights, every human has the right to cultural acsess has equals, it is not fair or honorable to someone have acess to a book or cd because they earn 5,000$ a month, and another persons that wins 100$ a month should not have it ? what makes one better then another ? they where luckyer in life ? born rich ? get a job from a cousin ? its all about culture ! sociaty's fault, we should work on a donate base system, if you have lots of money, you donate, if you dont, you just give thanks for the creator of the software, book, whatever. for me, when i make a program to someone, a thank you is enough, if they pay me , then better ! juts think about it, you wanted to read x-men comic book, you have no money, another kid has one because theyre parents are rich, you ask him to let you read the book, and so he says: "SAVE MONEY, and buy the book, i cant borrow you this book because x-men publisher would loose money" if you where the bookless kid, how would you feel ? -
The Moon Landing - Real Or Fake
mustra replied to sandeep1405241520's topic in Science and Technology
there are 2 big paradoxe's here:1- why fake something like that ? whats the point ?2- why spend so much money to go to a place they had already probed and analised extensively, would be much cheaper to fake it.there are some real valide theories:1- sugestive manipulation, or what it is called, no one has the original broadband of the videos, the moon landign could have been some kind of brain manipulation when you see it on tv, where it be brain washing, massive manioulation or just spy triggering...i dunno.2-everyone was looking at the tv, that would have myght been of some militar or spionage advantage.3-i doubt they had the technology to go to moon there, the processors they used couldnt handle for sure the calculations necessary for the landing, of that im convinced but i cant back that up.4-there are many real things that many people dont know, its easier to believe in something that is not real then in something that is real, some time ago, 6 to 7 years ago, a russian tv station taped a crash landing of a so called "ovni" they where there, less then 2 meters form it, no one knew about it, some do know, some say its a big fake, but it is not, but do they had aliens inside ? i dont think so.and since we are talking about aliens, if you think that they are no such things like uf0's youre wrong, they exist, but there are no aliens,do you know that there are no aliens ??? do oyu know how will the human race look like in 5 million years from know ? i know !!! will look like the so called "aliens" , our brain is growing and our muscles and hair are falling, look at your smaller fingers, in the hands and in your feet's, theyre getting smaller and lossing mobility, on they theyll dissapear, you hears, your lossing your lobulos, its a recessive gean, just like tru blonds, theyre dissapearing, your hears will soon merge with your head, in some time from know, will look just like aliens.so what are they ? time travelers, einstein proved it was real, i think he has calculations hidden in the vatican, there are even rumours that some slavaged books from alexandria are in there, we can even speculate about magic, do you believe in "magical" powers? no ? d oyou know theyre are theorectical possbile ?you know, sience has moved forward in a way you consider dogmatic, but it isnt, we have the power of the atom, but what is the atom ? its just a theory, so does the way it works, a possiblity proved wrong before, yet it impulses the way sience goes forward, there are many laws of sience that are wrong, even our spectrum of waves and mobility is limeted, we do not have perception of what is around us, we dont even know how light does really work,many many many things out there......i wish i wasnt so laisy, i have some theories i would like to share with the world, theories that im afraid to reveal because i have them backup with facts, and i dont wish to have some sort of organisation wanting to intorragte me with the possibility of me hadding obtained industrial secrets...wich i have not.analyse this has you want. -
when im on the computer im online...so i guess about 8 to 10 hours a day,to much....
Is X-Men Possible With Genetic Engineering ?
mustra replied to Darkwolf11235's topic in Science and Technology
well, it could be very interesting to try to grow the wings of an eagle on your back, or color change like a cameleon, or become invisible like an octopus, or be really fast like a cheeta, or listen really well like a cat, the possiblitys are endless, i know theyre trying to do something with salamanders and sea stars, to grow back lost limbs of people. -
shockwave sounds . comi think its this
rubix cube, i think its typed that way, there are only 2 persons in the world that can complete the hole cube, my record stands in 4 faces, im still trying to beat it, how about you, how many faces do you do ?
pretty good tutorial, i think the border is fairly easy to do, just 1 pixel line around it (dark) and outer make it fill white, then color dodge it in layer mode.
is there any site where i can test what is my typing speed ? i think i go about 70-80 words per minute with 3 to 4 errors,but usually i dont really care about how much speed i have, mainly because im a programmer, and it doesnt helps to type really fast, i dont really think its an advantage to type really fast, so 70-80 is very good in my opinion
i knew of one that rated website of freeware games, and there was a a wiki about this to, but why do you want to know that ? besides right here in Xisto you can have reviews , have you tried google it ? i guess youre looking for a website directory service like this: http://404Checker.com/ hmm, if you tell me what is your site about it myght be easier to find something
Is Your Internet Speed Good Enough Vs. Cost ?
mustra replied to Cookiemonster1405241499's topic in Websites and Web Designing
i have a 2.0 adsl connection, i pay 35 euros per month, wich must go around 50 dollars i guess, and it sux because although they say its 200 kbps, i only get aroung 70 kbps, i called the guys and they say anything above 25 is "regular"this pisses me off, but then again i tell you all, do you think you have the speed you pay for ? try to download some utility programs scatered around the net that really tell you connection speed, youll be surprised how much you are being robbed. -
ok, there are ignorant people in this world, im one of them, but i have friends much more dumber then me : D, ok i was having a discussion with a friend and i told him there was a new processor smaller then an inch and with a thick of a milimiter that was 9x times faster then those dual core fancy stuff right now, but that processor was only for mobile hardware, (small stuff), i was also telling him that sun microsystems has built a new computer with a size of a credit card and that there are already computer screens with the dimensions (size, thickness and height) of a regular sheet of paper (A4), but they are not comercialized because they are really expensive, i also told him that they fold like a normal sheet of paper, then i even told him that americans have laser wepons projects and some prototypes, they have a laser that cuts 6 inches of steel in 1 millesium of a second,he asked me for proof....i searched google for an hour...i didnt found ANYTHING !google suxBUT these things are all reall, im not making them up !!! i swere !!!and then he says that he knows where bin laden is hidding, and that santa claus is chinese and that big foot was that guy from starwars that was spending some vacations in hearth and lost his "space ship", ("note: he did that thing with his voice when he said space ship")i know all this things are real, can someone back me up plz ?
hi, i subscrib some PTR(paid to read) websites, wich basicly are websites where you receive publicity emails (normally containing 1 link for another website), and in return of clicking that link you make money (0,25 cents usually), what i often see in those publicity are search sites, sites with a search engine, where if you make a serach in that search engine the webmaster receives money, how does that work ? how is it sustaineed ? how can i have a search site like that ?ive tried google it but i have found nothing, does anyone of you knows the awnser ? thanks
that video is 5stars !!but know this makes me thinking (before i go buy mentos nd coke, lol), this myght be a great advertising heist from coke and mentos, because everyone will run and buy mentos...and coke..lolnow really, that thing about pop rocks and coke, its an urban mith or its true ?