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  1. This is really creative! I've never seen anything like it. I didn't get the urge to click at all. Very nice site. I can only imagine the complex coding that goes into doing that. But wow! Talk about next generation!!
  2. Wow. I never knew of such a thing. I just hope I'm not targeted by someone like Jade! Honestly, I didn't think anybody could do such a thing from the safety of their home!
  3. Google. Fast, reliable, and I like it's ranking system. In my opinion, it gives the best results. I always get what I'm searching for in minutes or even seconds. It's one of the best search engines out there!
  4. lolThat is funny. I can't belive they'd advertise false thing. I think they may get into legal trouble if they continue showing that fake advertisement. But anyway, I've seen commercials/advertisements like that that say false stuff. But later on the producers figure it out and fix it so it's right.
  5. I voted for. Mainly because there's really no reason to say no. I mean, if we keep researching stem cells and find ways to improve them, we can find cures to most deadly of diseases, and also hopefully the cure to diseases that leave you disabled permanently. So, stem cells seem to bring hope to people who are seriously sick/or have an un-cureable disease.
  6. Wow. This thread helped me out as well! I've got nearly enough credits to get hosting! Anyway, thanks to all people here who posted links to useful programs!
  7. Woah. I think I used to have an account at 100webspace before, but that was ages go, so it's deleted by now. Anyway, they really went down the drain ever since they started their lying spree. 'No ads placed on your site' Oh right. So what might they call those advertisements on every page of your site? Hmm? They're a bunch of liars. And to tell the truth, their free hosting plans didn't really appeal to me. Sure I joined, but I never really focused on building the site. I left because I joined at about them time they started saying all this BS of no ads.
  8. I find your lack of NFSU2 disturbing. Anyway, I prefer Burnout 3, mainly because I love crashing and crashing games suit me best. I also like racing, though. Burnout 3 looks, and is awesome. I hope to get this game sometime in the future.
  9. nini: Look in the previous page. Someone posted on how to make it a POP account.
  10. Wow. Ticketing an old lady for $130 candian dollars for something that's not ever her fault? I feel like humanity is going downhill now. That's just unfair. Those traffic lights need to be fixed. I mean, if even highschool students can't make it running, then how do they expect an old lady to make it across walking? They need to repair that light and not charge that ticket. This is so uncivilized and unjust. They are seriously wrong here.
  11. You know, on these forums, you're supposed to use regular english, no internet slang like ya or stuff like that. You also need to use punctuation, correct spelling, and grammar.
  12. I don't think the URL is https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin?service=mail&passive=true&rm=false&continue= https://mail.google.com/mail/ . I think it's http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, I'm not sure. I'll have to check whenever I go to google. Anyway, if it is your browser, use FireFox if you're not already using it, or tweak the settings on 'Internet Options' in IE.
  13. Spell


    Thanks everyone! This site is cool! Free hosting merely by posting at message boards? Unbelieveable! Posting at message boards are like my specialty! And yes, I read the rules already.
  14. I've heard of runescape and all of the sites that have been mentioned in this topic, but I've never been to them or signed up for them. I usually play at pokemon rpgs or I go to freegameaccess.com and play some games there. But that's the most I do.
  15. I haven't bought the game or played it yet. But I honestly think it's a really good game. I've bought and played both NFSU and NFSU 2, and they were pretty good, too. But, I hope to get this game soon. It looks really fun, the grapchis look nice, and from what I've heard here and from gaming sites, it looks really nice. So, I plan to get it soon.
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