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About coolumflyers

  • Rank
    Newbie [Level 1]
  1. I prefer to use dreamweaver and photoshop, they are both very powerful programs that can do alot. I wouldn't recommend Frontpage if your onto your second website, because it only supports html and nothing else that I am aware of.But it is more or less a matter of opinion and level of skill.
  2. I have Used both Frontpage and Dreamweaver, I prefer dreamweaver. Frontpage uses them stupid extensions which, to me, don't fully make sense make sense when you look at the code. And frontpage also produces poor code. But Frontpage is good for beginners, i am still learning how to use Dreamweaver, I didn't understand alot on it at first, but i am getting there. This is a navigation bar out of frontpage: <!--webbot bot="Navigation" s-orientation="vertical" s-rendering="graphics" s-type="children" b-include-home="TRUE" b-include-up="FALSE" -->
  3. I use google. Im not sure which one, i ithnk it is in the 2002 buginess book of world records, google has the record for the most pages searched by a search engine. secondly I prefer to use ask jeeves.
  4. Im not sure about this, but i think you have to installsome more features.open up network connections, open the properties of which ever connections connects to the router.there will be a white box in the middle of the properties screen, it will have:-Client for Microsoft Networks-File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks-QoS Packet Schelduler-Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)Under that there will be 3 buttons, Install, Unistall and Properties.Click install, protocol and NWLink, Im not sure if that will fix it but it helped me.
  5. I dont know a great deal about wireless, I dont know how this would effect because it is in range. But maybe it is something 2 do with the frequencies (you bought the linsys adaptor in sinagpore, didn't). Other that or it could be a signal problem, even though you said it was above the router, there may possibly be a sheet of steel in between the stories on your house, which i think should completely reflect the signal.But im not saying this is the problem, i am just guessing.
  6. i would suggest you get a wired network, no offense but from reading your post you dont know much about LAN, and a wired network is plug n play. you can get a wireless game adaper for your xbox, im not sure how much they cost though. To prevent hacking, i have neard heard off such a deive, hence the creation of the firewall. I use sygate, it is free just look it up at http://www.tucows.com/
  7. well in my household we have a wired and unwired network running, we have 2 desktop pcs and at least 2 laptops on the network aswell, I have up to 6 pc running on the same network. really it depends on the situation.
  8. make sure1. all computers are allowed complete access to each other. (check your firewall settings)2. you have run the newtowrk wizard and all computers are on the same workgroup.3. Lol make sure all the cable are plugged in correctly.And thats about it, i would suggest you restart all your computers after running the wizard
  9. In australia, you can pick up a wireless access point off ebay for about $70 and then its about $30 per pc for the wireless adaptor
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