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About justjoey
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I joined because of the no-ads promise, The idea of having this forum is great but there are al ot of topics that i cannot post in because i am not into that area. like somebody stated above, you could provide a small icon that could be added to the users "links" or an icon just saying that the webpage was hostied by astahot. I have not received any Hosting privelages yet but am hoping to do so.obviousy what you could offer as alternatives would not havre ot be forced, for example, the user could add the "hosted by asta host" icon anywhere in the page and make it moveable, or they could just lump it and use the forums
Zone Alarm is one of the best firewalls out there.. the one that comes with Windows is too weak and unchangeable, there arent as many alerts so you cant really control what you want o come in or out of your computer.. zone alarm gives you total control to allow or deny any inbound or outbound operations, there may thebe the occasional alert taht you may not need but obviously this is a nick they want to use as a spur for people yto buy the pro edition. the free edition works a gem though, no problems with it for half a year
I recommend this game http://www.x-kings.com/ it gets very addictive and player has to be quick even though it is text based. I love it, it is teasy to use yet ther a tension factor about it like no other text based game ive played.. The improvements overh te alst couple of ages are immense, the points system works well and real strategy is needed and brains.. 'vre played this game through three ages but i havent been able to reach the number 1 spot yet, stealing money really isnt that easy
I palyed AOE 2 and i was blwon away, it is by far the best astrategy game i have ever played.. even though i do not undersstand what diffeenrces the different races make other than the alnguage they speak.the atges work well and the incorporated tactics work a treat.. the graphics on my new AOE3 are way btr than AOE2 but thas a gibven, the graphics have improved immensely since the first AOE, but hi do not think the gameplay has changed that much. It has always been a pleasure to play and the enforcement pakcs are a must to buy...
Gmail, Yahoo! Mail, Hotmail Whos winning the battle?
justjoey replied to jcguy's topic in Websites and Web Designing
GMail all the way, Hotmail is good, the new junk folder works wonders but there are still bits taht seap throughb and its not nice.. i only got it recently though so there needs to be some rethink on hotmails part, i havent used yahoo! mail for a long long while!!! ... What hotmail falls down on is too many chain mails that are saying that MSn is gonna fall, and you have to do this and do that... it gets irritating.With Goolge set to make their own instantr messaging service, google will rule the internet, nad I'd like a job at hte googlePlex!! -
A very cool management game indeed. I just think after two season, they should swap the layout round again,. for the third they should have a new look, ansd more media coverage should be included, i have not had to answer any media questions since i played the game but i did in 05.. i think the media is a very imporatnat part of mangagement and is what makes managers what they are... i dont understand how they rate you in your profile though, mine is shockin!!!the team talks are great but we need some at te start of a match to get everybody fired up!! and a larger variety of talks are needed.. *BLEEP* the same things over and over again!!!
This game owns over Fifa, fifa has taken so many tircks from pro evo its unbelievable. . they even changed the default controls to be like PES... the ball is heavier in this PEs and it feels great, even though everything seems to be a bit slower and harder to move, its more realistic..one critisicm. the ref is harsh on the fouls, dosen t let the game flow and its shockingly dirupted... but once you get used to it you know what is a foul and what isnt..AI is alot more clver this time round, if your clear on the keepre 1on1 yo're sure to get fouled no doubt about it... quite annoying actually.. and MAster League... wel... cant top that in any version of the game can you!?!?!?
GT4 is the best, i know this post is a bit late but GTR 4 has the best visuals imagined... they may take another 3 years to bring out gt5 and slap it on the ps3 and make it uber beautiful if they can jump up from 4 to 5 like they did 3 to 4,.... best driving game ever, it has a challenge about it aswell.. nfs and other driving games are just so easy to drive.. a bit of gtrit from GT is what everybody needs, even though it does get people frustrated at times, its fun when playing with a bunch of friends.. very big thing in my family, even though i havent played it in such a long time becuase my brother has taken the ps2 to college.
Tekken 1-5 The changes of game engine and features.
justjoey replied to kenjvalip's topic in Computer Gaming
I started at Tekken 2.. Me and my broyther kept gawping t the articles in a magazine about the making and newest news on tekken 2 and gran turismo, they came at the same time and we were really amazed.. went to hong kong and we boutght both of them along with the ps1.. When we got home, we played like crazy, Tekken 2 was great and we've bought every tekken bar 4 from then. My favourite is tag becasuse of all the characters taht were £"dead" but i like the new chaacters in 5.. The storyline they have come up with for each character is great fun adn i like the wayt each character has their own ending, and they have rivals and all taht load... its a great game packed with great visuals and a story line.. shame about hte visuals in tekken 5 but he realism of the stages is getting better.. Likle virtua fighter, tekken five is better for backgrounfds than it is for characters. Tekken 3 was really the turning point of the game bring ining in Jin who is the main charracter thiese dayts, we stil dont know waht hes on about!!! -
What Are The Free Online Games/RPG You Play ? free online rpg
justjoey replied to JohnNitro's topic in Computer Gaming
i used to play conquer online and X-Kings ... X-kings is text based and conquer is an RPG... gi get bored from these though, not my favourite genre of game.. but quite cool for a bit of fun here and then... you have to keep playing though or ytour levels drop behind everyone else which i find is quite annoying, its likea pressure to play and i dont like that... i see gaming as a way out and not a way of life -
i really like this game, i havent playedit taht much though, i suck at games.. really.. and i dont have that much money to put into a machine!!! the drifting is really fun, i play in england with my couzsin ... and the kids just gawp at us coz we're thrashing he wheel so much, when they go on, they play like really fgentle and stuff.. andi dont know why we need to thrash at the wheel, maybe its just to get the drift in session, i liked th initial D movie released in Hong Kong.. very swish, cool people ion it hahahah.. do you giys watch the cartoon, coz thats pretty fun, its more fun watching it than playing it i think... but i always like to be like the main character so i drive the AE86
I would vote for Avast! teamed up with ZoneAlarm, I've been using the two since i last formatted the computer just asfter the summer, so ... september time.. and ive not had any virus hits since.. well ive had the virus in.. but avast! mops them up with alerts and all.. its very good. you may want to throw in Adaware that can get rid of a lot of adware... again, one scan every so often rids you of adware and yuor computer runs rather smoothly.. a scan dosent take long unless you have obscene amounts of files in your hdd
i have a 120 GB hard drive and taht was pretty huge backl in 2003, now we're into damning terrabytes.. I dont think i'd ever yuse a terrabyte, im having trouble filling my 120!!! i think new reporters could do with terrabytes of data, and maybe, sound manufacturers.. sound often takes alot of space and there are effects and stuff.. so video stuff could take a lot of space also. Why i said news was because theyd have loadss of photo input every day and theyd also have articles written every day in the bulk, over time this could reach terrabytes but im sure theyd just ensd it over to differnt hard drives.. i dont actaully think we need terrbyte drives...loadas differnet ones will do.. but then... uless we get terrabyte large files.. we wont need it
the kids need health and food and drink and shelter before they can use a laptop, what use is a laptop to a starving kid! The debts ned to be lifted, these coutnrie need to be agiven room to breath and room to deveop. If this laptop was bought forward when they had health and money, ok cool. But this is just jumping the gun abit.
I Hate Cell Phones Being unavailable rules
justjoey replied to Sarah81's topic in Science and Technology
I dont have a problem with cells. or as we call them in England, Mobiles. Text messages are just another way of communicating, like is MSN or AIM. the initial idea of it was to leave a bog standard message and many people still use it for that. What has caught on is the idea of not having to spekak. you can still have a converstion without anybody knowing what you are saying unless the nosy parkers steal your phone. Games on a cell for me is a good addition, as is the MP3. But as you said, why do we need MP3 on a phone when we have our own mp3 players. so why do we need games when we had gameboys and now DS and PSP etc? why do we need a camera on our phones? Its all the convenience factor, we live in a very fast moving world and we want everything instantly, ok there may be things you are willing to wait for, but when you have a device that can call message play games listen to and take pictures, its the star of the world! It is also a dream. Back in the days when these technologies were impossible, we had sci-fis where you could talk and look at people at the same time, humans latched onto that idea and we have that now in 3G mobile. We now have sci fis pon about robots etc, this will come to us...