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Posts posted by Vicious_AD

  1. It seems that no matter how much I google it,, I cannot find a good free mmorpg for mac. Is it really that hard to port things to macs (really, is it? I know little of porting)? There's always runescape, but it's full of idiots that will call you a noob just for being a slightly lower level then them, and who wants that? There /was/ planeshift, but when they upgraded, it's like they forgot about the mac version or something. The forums on their site /says/ there's a mac version that runs now, but I can't get a hold of it, and the one in their downloads section is still the old one that doesn't work on their new servers. There is dofus, but really the only thing you can do on it is fight.so my questions are these:Does anyone know any good, free, mmorpgs for macs?Does anyone know what's up with planeshift?Thanks in advance.

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