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Posts posted by Vicious_AD

  1. I've seen them on newgrounds, played one for 2.375 seconds... they sound to me like something that would be a mini-game in a real game and that I just find annoying. I don't know, if you enjoy them I'm sure they're great but they just seem pointless to me. I'd rather go out and hit on real girls... but thats just me... I like that whole "they exist" thing...


    However, I'm sure googling for that sort of thing would be the quickest way to find them... if they are popular in japan I'm sure someone has translated some of them, cause thats just what people do.


    You'd think that they'd be popular in america too, and that googling would work, but you'd be wrong. That's what perplexes me. I don't really like the dating sims by themselves, but I like it when they are mini games. In truth, they do get boring as just plain games, but when added onto an rpg they're really fun, because it jsut seems to add more humanity to something generally nihilistic.

  2. ipods are really cool. i have the video one and its is just great. i can convert my dvds to mp4s and watch them on my ipod.


    That was really not in any way what I was talking about... If you're trying to get hosted, I'd suggest long thoughtful posts rather than short and off-topic ones. They go through and copunt them, so you'll get more credits if you make meaningful ones.

  3. OK I won't tell you to search Vicious_AD but from the error that I see you are simply not connecting to the database. You will need to check your config .php file in the root directory. The file will look similar to below;

    // phpBB 2.x auto-generated config file// Do not change anything in this file!$dbms = 'mysql'; // This is correct for Xisto$dbhost = 'localhost'; // This is correct for Xisto$dbname = 'vicious';  // Make this correct on Xisto is is usually your username$dbuser = 'xxxxx';     // This needs to be the same password as the cPanel$dbpasswd = '';$table_prefix = 'phpbb_';define('PHPBB_INSTALLED', true);?>
    You can go to the cPanel then to file manager and you will see that file (config.php) in your root or whichever subfolder you put the phpBB files into possibly metabbv4 the problem starts in the db folder which is basically trying to connect to the database server and here is the code that starts the error.


    function sql_db($sqlserver, $sqluser, $sqlpassword, $database, $persistency = true)	{  $this->persistency = $persistency;  $this->user = $sqluser;  $this->password = $sqlpassword;  $this->server = $sqlserver;  $this->dbname = $database;  $this->db_connect_id = ($this->persistency) ? mysql_pconnect($this->server, $this->user, $this->password) : mysql_connect($this->server, $this->user, $this->password);
    The other two lines are just the lines that tell you about the error. So go to the file manager and find the config.php file in the metabbv4 folder and there is an option to edit it, just fill in the proper values for the user and password then try it again and you should be good to go.


    Thank you, but I'm a little confused by what you mean by

    "proper values". Supposing my database is Vicious_forge, my user name vicious, and my password ***, how would I put that into the coding? I know little about php, so what's the proper way to do that?

  4. Well I've installed this same premodded phpbb before many times on many other servers, and it works fine. I know it wasn't the phpbb premodded board itself because of this; however, I keep getting this error whenever I try to install it on this server:

    Warning: mysql_connect(): Host 'gamma.xisto.com' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server in /home/vicious/public_html/metabbv4/db/mysql4.php on line 48Warning: mysql_error(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/vicious/public_html/metabbv4/db/mysql4.php on line 330Warning: mysql_errno(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/vicious/public_html/metabbv4/db/mysql4.php on line 331phpBB : Critical Error Could not connect to the database

    I better not get mobbed by some dumb "use the search button" group for this, ebcause I did search it and there was only one other case like this and noone helped him. Can somone tell me what to do?

  5. To be honest, I mostly agree with sarah81, that that will happen eventually, but I think that if that happens, that humanity will have hit a new low, because almost every form of media electronic originally promises no commercials (cable, dvds, ect) but lies and puts them on there after a few years anyway. I think the same will happen with ipod implants. With the hollywood rush for botox, bigger boobs, and more houses than the next celebratey, I don't think they'd rule out putting that inside of them. Afterall, the mp3 players are just getting smaller and smaller. so soon there will be little microchips in our brains that are constantly distracting us with horrrible pop music and screaming advertisements of penis enlargement and car insurance. I bet De Vinci never thought of that one first, right? lol

  6. Thanks for your responses. I figured it would probably not be possible in this time period, but I doubt anyone in the dark ages ever imagined a little box that sits in your home, through which you can access almost all the knowledge of your home (computer) either, did they? After-all, the human only uses about 15 percent of it's brain, right? Maybe it's possible to harness the other %85, and this is a perfect window into it. I just hope that we don't end up rewriting existence as we know it, because there's already enough uncertanties in life.

  7. I'm sure this question is posed alot, and I may even get mobbed by an idiotic "use the search button" crew for it, but I was wondering if anyone knew of any free multimedia flash authoring tools available for download. It's not that I'm cheap, but I really don't have enough money to buy the macromedia flash because it's insanely expensive. Are there any free alternatives out there for either mac of pc?

  8. I'm sure this question is posed alot, and I may even get mobbed by an idiotic "use the search button" crew for it, but I was wondering if anyone knew of any free multimedia flash authoring tools available for download. It's not that I'm cheap, but I really don't have enough money to buy the macromedia flash because it's insanely expensive. Are there any alternatives out there for either mac of pc?

  9. Story here

    I know this may be kinda old news, because it's from last years, but I just remembered an article I read a while back about a lab grown mouse brain that has been put hooked up to a computer to a flight simulator. My concerns are these:

    1) If it's that easily possible to do, then would it be possible/humane to hook up a comatose victim to a huge and extremely lifelike and extremely secure mmorpg? If that where possible, then would communication be possible with them between a huge master computer and a other comatose victims? I know that a flight simulator is much simpler than an mmorpg, but a rat brain is also much simpler than a human brain. I think that it would be possible if the brain was that of a young child,rather than an adult, because that may aid in their brain accepting it as a reality, because their brain is still in a developmental stage like that of the rat, who was grown for this purpose.

    2) If said theory is possible, would it also be possible after time to use this system to wake the patient from the coma, using computer-like prompts? Of course computers do not function the same as human brains, but while computers use binary, we could attempt to use a combination of electrical stimulations and subliminal images to try to wake the patient.

    3) If/when they woke up, how would they react to the change in reality? While the mmorpg would seem like a reality visually and aesthetically, it is very different to ours in terms of psychology. That all goes into the theory of nihilism though. What is reality if not what you perceive it to be?

    4) Is this all going too far?

  10. It seems that there really isn't a very big market for Bishoujo (pretty girl) dating sims in america. I don't understand why, when there are just as many lonely nerds here as there are in japan. I've played all of the dating sims on http://www.newgrounds.com/,'>http://www.newgrounds.com/, and it's just not cutting it. Does anyone know of any free dating sims available for download online? i think they're kinda fun.awe, noone? pity. Well maybe I should explain what they are to those of you who may not know just in case:You start out as a normal guy (seriously, they usually make your character as average and unimportant as possible, like a nerd with no real personality or something like that) and are going through the monotony of your life when you end up falling into some life changing event (i.e. you inherit a hotel full of pretty girls, you transfer to a school full of pretty girls, you move into a coed dorm with pretty girls, ect) and you have at least 3 characteristics to work on, which are usually something like strength, intelligence, and charm. Some guys like charming meat-heads, and some girls like brainiacks. It depends on the type of girl you're trying to persue (usually not more than 4 different girls, and they're all completely different) You do various things like go to the gyms and study to get characteristics up. You also have personality traits like playfulness and seriousness, similar to those of the sims). You meet the girls enough times and say the right things and have the right levels and give the right gifts and show up at the right places, ect until you get the girl(s) to like you, become your friend, and date you until (in the dirty versions) you get the "goods". I don't play the dirty ones, ebcause they're just all about the "goods" and not the things that make normal ones fun. Check 'e out. http://www.newgrounds.com/ has a few.

  11. I'd strongly suggest Fable. You've probably heard of it from a while back. It's kinda short, but the customizability of your character in every aspect is fantastic, and all the different things you can do really takes it outside of the rpg-box. I don't even have an x-box but I just had to borrow it from my friend multiple times. If there's any game you can play multiple times, it's fable. The story changes every time.

  12. That makes since. I'm just wondering though, how can it get clearer and better than mp3? I'm sure they'll find tons of things to put it on untill it's you can evil download them to your toothbrush, but what I mean is in about 2o years from now, what will they be using instead of mp3? Not just different file type, not just new things to put it on, not just better clarity, but something completely different and outside of the box. Who would have thought in the days of the phonograph that they'd be able to fit something like it in their pocket?

  13. First, there where the was the phonograph, then records, then (I don't know every little thing they had in between) but eventually they got to eight track, cassette, CD, and now MP3. There is an evolution of MP3 players, but frankly, I don't know what they'll do next. They've gotten smaller and smaller, ang gained more and more space, and they've even added video to the ipods now (which isn't a big deal to me, because palmpilots have done that for a long time now), so what I'm wondering is what will they do next? I don't mean how will they make it smaller and hold more, I mean what is the next whole new audio carrier in the evolution from phonograph to mp3? Does anyone have any ideas on the subject?

  14. I currently use a mac for internet use, (which I do not really like because of it's lack of internet gaming) and use a pc for other uses (since mac doesn't really run any good programs). I have many times considered just bearing the shi--silicon (:D) out of my pc and just sticking with this ma, but I'm sure we've all considered killing our comps. Have any of you actually gone through with it? What'd you do to it? what did it do to deserve it? did you have a backup comp to fall back on, or just freak out irrationally?

  15. Hmm. All this time I thought that Dink Smallwood was made using the RPGmaker2000 engine. but now that you mention that dink editor thing, I don't think it could be. I think I'll check it out though. It doesn't sound bad if the graphics are good. Are they? I think that with such a basic storyline the graphics must be great.

  16. I really liked Majora's Mask if it where not for this aspect: the save system. I really hate it's save system. What is the point in a save system where whenever you pick back up again and load, then all your data will be erased if you accidentally shut off or your power goes out before saving again? Even if you did save again, it makes you quit when you save. I'm sure there's some term for this type of system, and if there is feel free to quote me on it, but I hate it >=(. Other than that, I thought it took a nice new spin on zelda. I became a zelda fan when Ocarina of Time came out, because I'm too young to have had the coordination necessary to play any of the older ones when that came out. I still played them though and out of them all, I'd have to say that Majora's Mask was the most original.

  17. Well I would recommend it for the fact that it is free, has many features and many quests, and has great graphics considering the fact that it's java, but the only problem is this: the players.It seems that all of the players are complete douches. If you're even one level below them they'll call you a noob. Of course, like every mmorpg there are many nice people as well, but some rpgs have a greater ratio of "nicies to meanies" like everquest for example (never ran into a pker or a flamer the entire time I played EQ) but since runescape is mostly free, it is haunted by dumb kids that have just figured out the fact that they can't get beat up for the smack they talk online. If you want though, give it a try, just don't expect it to be a very loving world. It's very simple and can get boring if you don't do quests, but other than that, have at it.

  18. Here's what I know of the plot, because they haven't released a ton of info, and I don't wanna read a japanese spoiler:I know nothing of the link/princess or link/villian situation. but I do know that he becomes a wolf in it. There is apparently another realm, another dimension if you will, where when humans are pulled into it they can no longer retain their human forms, and take on the form of the animal most like them. Link's totem is a wolf. It's because it fits his personality best. He is the lone wolf warrior. Throughtout the game he switches between wolf and man, and can only be wolf in the "Twilight Realm" as it is called, and vise versa. When a wolf, he's not quite as fast as epona but almost there, and cannot use weapons for obvious reasons, but fights as the wolfies do. I think that the main problem is that the twilight realm, which is supposed to only be accessable at twilight is slowly bumping into the normal realm so he has to save both. the title will be "Twilight Princess". This isn't exactly new news anymore, but I hope I helped :D

  19. My binding of nerdiness doesn't permit me to answer anything other than Final Fantasy 7. It's just so deep. My friends complain about the graphics, but it is after all on a console from 2 gens ago. That would be followed by Dark Cloud 2, because the graphics /music delight me, and the gameplay is just so unique. The third would have to be fable, do to it's open-endidness. It's way too short though. I don't even own an xbox, and I almost beat it in a night at a friend's house.

  20. Ooh, I love this sort of explanation. Well when I was but a lad, I had a lot of problems with nihilism and depression (not emo, just a bit screwed up) and I was quite the emotionless sociopath (still kinda am). Well many of my friends started calling me "Vicious" in reference to the villain of the anime series Cowboy Bebop as a bit of an inside joke. I realized that the only thing separating me from being like the actual Vicious was the fact that he was a murder and the leader of a massive inter-galactic syndicate. As the years passed I got kinda suicidal and instead of offing myself, started getting really reckless, to which my parents' response was to put me on many antidepressants and anti-add medecines. The drugs messed with my head and before I knew it I was about to jump off of my balcony of my room to near-certain death, and my mom grabbed me, and after another year of rethinking humanity and rethinking existence as a whole and beginning to fancy it, I figured" heh, I'm much different now. It's like Vicious was reborn" so I adopted the handle of Vicious AD (Vicious after death) It'd take way too long to explain the psychology behind it, but afterall, I've rambled enough.

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