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Posts posted by Vicious_AD

  1. But thats something dating sims don't teach you, girls go for the "studs" not the "nerds" and therefor most of us are "**** out of luck" for getting the "hot girls"...


    no I have no clue why I used so many quotes there


    But yea, I assume dating sims in japan are like many other aspects between dif societies. Certain things just catch on and become more popular some places, and once something is popular that popularity often continues to grow. If it didn't catch on here at the beginning, they are doomed to lead a life of relative silence.


    I disagree. I have proof that girls dig nerds as much as they dig "studs" in the form of two pictures. This may seem irrelivant, but is proving a point, in my opinion:

    This, is my girlfriend;

    Posted Image

    Quite a babe, if I do say so myself B)

    This, however, is me:

    image is huge, so just look at it from here.

    see the difference? I'm a complete nerd, and not exactly a looker either, yet somehow managed to get a super hottie. In the dating sims, the girls that don't dig nerds are usually really hot but are also shallow and uninteresting, and usually not very intelligent. The same principle holds true to reality. Would you really want to go out with a chick that spoke and acted and dressed exactly like nearly every other media influenced girl in america? always yacking on their tiny phones, blaring total crap on their ticktack-box sized ipod, every once in a while waving their hand covered with fake nails and curly letters that say "I love (insert dump template jock here)" at anyone that looks remotely /not/ like a human sheep, so that they can shout unintelligible things like "u be trippin dawg. omgwtf. lyke wateva" with their shirts that say "gangsta ho" or "cutie" or something else equally ignorant yet obvious? I just described almost every girl in my high-school. Of course there are many many pretty girls that aren't complete idiots, I'm not saying they all are, but the sad truth is that pretty people are usually raised being given waht they want and treated nicely simply because of their looks, so they gain a since of arrogance and apathy, and they lose their hopes of ever developing a real personality or intellect, which most people need to survive socially in the world.

    I think that dating sims teach good skills. because eyecandy only lasts so long until the ants of annoyance chip away at it.

  2. HAHAHA! That's a real good one B). May God have mercy upon the souls of all the followers of Microsoft. They knoweth not what they are doing! ;)

    Hee hee. To tell the truth, I prefer windows simply because of the facts that I know absolutely nothing about linux, and because mac (which I also use) is uncompatable with almost everything in the known internet it seems (like games)

  3. Paper Mario was fun because it was more like the classic mario games. I'd buy another mario game like that. I was very disappointed with Sunshine, I thought it was pretty gay.

    I agree. I bought mario sunshine expecting something like paper mario but I got nothing but those pineapple dudes and a bunch of water. Lame. So lame. B)

  4. Friends of mineral town, definately. All of the Gamecube and or Ps2[i forget what they put them out on] are just..ugh, terrible. It's like it's not even in the harvest moon series, just a badly made fangame or something, i dunno, i just hated the non-topdown style of it all.


    I loved the graphics but hated how much they tried to change the gamecube version to make it non traditional. It was just a risky move that didn't work out because I guess they figured people would get tired of the same old thing. To me harvest moon sequels should just be like "beta harvest moon" and stuff like that because they should just add on to the origional, not change anything or take anything away.

  5. Eh, i never really liked mario. I found it immature even as a child. Some of the games are fun, but they're pretty much the same game over and over, even with basic, repeating storyline. I dunno, i just much preferref zelda over mario.

    Zelda and mario /both/ share a common repetitive storyline though. Zelda is just save the stupid princess (dumb blondes) from whoever captured her, and so is mario. I'm not a super fan of the sidescroller marios because I'm more of an rpg type of guy, so I prefer the layout of zelda, which is why I like how paper mario turns a classic game into an rpg. I think it's just nice that the mario world is innocent and dreamy. Even when they have catastrophes, it's just something silly like "bowser stoled all the growth mushrooms!" and stuff like that. I like the childishness of it because it's just a break from out already tainted world.

  6. The game Pirates of the Caribbean has a community-made mod out that allows you to woo and eventually marry a governor's daughter. Yeah, the logic behind it is kind of lame... You say a seduction line, go out and rest for a day, say another one, rest, repeat a dozen or so times, and ask her to marry you and you're done. I downloaded the demo for Singles when it first came out, and had the chick in bed in a half an hour (real time, I'm sure game time it took a little while longer haha). Then I had them go at it with no food, water, or sleep for about 3 game days, and uninstalled the game because I was bored.
    I agree, on the side, it adds something to a game's believability and fun, but by itself, it doesn't do much for me. I've recently met a very nice young lady I've been going out with and I must say, real life beats the pants off of video games B)

    Eh, reality is cool sometimes but often not.I'm a bit of an introvert, and the thing is, I'm also a teenager, which means that girl=whiny and obsessive and immature most of the time. so I don't pursue girls very much unless they're really really awesome

  7. Runescape is already too easy. It's just point and click. It takes no skill or brainpower whatsoever to get money. The fights aren't even hard. They're auto-hack and slash. The variables of the game does all the work for you. So anyone who actually needs a money guide for that also needs a guide for wiping their butt.

  8. I should probably start by asking, anyone here familiar with php and sql based MMORPG's such as Gaia Online, Neopets, Adventure Quest, and possible others like it? Well for some time now, I've been working with the PHPBB forums system and the various mods and hacks that go along with it. I realized, that I have the capability of making this sort of thing. I've experimented with various PHPBB mods, like various RPG styles, act, and I've finally come up with a concrete plan for one. I've got all of the coding down, most of the graphics down, the webspace and name and theme down, and now all I need to do is extend my idea with others that may be interested in the same thing. I usually don't do this sort of thing, the whole "wanna join up?" type thing, but I really like the Xisto forums and the people on them, and figured it's a trustworthy thing to do. So is anyone interested in teaming up in making a nonprofit MMORPG similar to Dark Cloud 2, Robotrek, and the mangas Shaman King and Hunter X Hunter? Sorry I haven't put much detail on the project here, but I'd really feel safer if I was first approached about it than just broadcast my idea for it to possible get stolen, because I'm really confident in it. So please PM me or Email me if you're interested, whatever your trade may be, be it graphics, administrating, coding, ideas, anything. Equal credit will of course be given to anyone that participates, I'm not just leeching. Remeber it's completely nonprofit in all aspects to everyone though since I'm using Xisto's web hosting service.

  9. Well it really depends on what you want to do with your life. If you like gaming alot, you could make them. If you want to work for a big company, you could use sql to maintain their databases, or you could just write up your own consumer software and sell it. For that you'd probably need alot of c++ and things like that. There are also ofher obscure ones for certain tasks like game design. You could also learn multimedia flash if you've got a sweet spot for art. Basically, anything you are good at you can adapt to computers, so you really should narrow that down a bit. or you could always be a freelance website and software maintenance and construction expert.

  10. I completely agree with you hatim. For some reason people always thing the best way to get their point across is with a gun or some other type of explosive. Isn't the islam religion's basis supposed to be peace and modesty? Extremists of religions just give the whole religion a bad name. If they fight about it they'll just be giving the publishers what they want, an uproar and publicity.

  11. This angers me very very much. That's extremely disrespectful. The islam aren't just being picky, in the islam region it is absolutely forbidden to visually depict Mohammed in any way. This was because when Mohammed founded the religion he demanded this so that if he had future followers they would not see him as a god nor as demigod, but instead as a normal human man. That is why he's known as "the prophet Mohammed" rather than "Mohammed the lord" like Jesus is referred to as. It's one thing to defy their religion, but to mock their lord is wrong as well. Not only this, but to refuse an apology? That's just ridiculous.They're just attacking a peaceful religion. The entire islam religion is based on peace and modesty, two of those things the french are attacking. They should be ashamed of themselves. As if the islam religion isn't already being badmouthed enough.

  12. Final fantasy 7RobotrekKingdom HeartsChrono TriggerFablePaper MarioDragon Quest (all of them pretty good)Final Fantasy 6 (not bad)Any of the amateur games at gamingw.netHarvest MoonBaton KaitosNaufrager Chrimson (amateur, but really well designed)Okage: Shadow King.hack//and the biggest mmorpg in existance, real life =D

  13. Well I still believe there's a difference between a noob and a newb. Everyone was once a newb, but only a select portion are noobs, which are derogatorily referred to as people of little intelligence and comprehension of life and the internet.So welcome, "newb", please don't become a "noob" =D

  14. Well it seems like racing games are all just so... cliche. You've got your cars, you've got your bikes, and you've got your space ships/pod racers and your snow mobiles and whatnot, but that's about it. Are there any games with anything else to race? Perhaps a beast of some sort where you are also able to attack the opponent racerss? That'd be cool. I doubt this exists, but a freestyle walking game would be great. For those of you that don't know what freestyle walking is, Here is a clip

    Now imagion a footrace like THAT. Wouldn't that be awesome? Those guys are like the modern day ninjas, and what's cooler than a real ninja is a modern day one. Anyone agree?

  15. Well I was recently playing through ff7for the second time, and in the slums near don cornello's mansion there is a little alley you can walk into, and the only thing in the alley is a huge wall with red letters graphitti'd on it, and I think they say "averlus" or "averjus" or something like that. Well I figured there must be some significance to that area, but I know that you don't have to go there because of the storyline and there are no items there, so what could that mean? The curiosity is just killing me. This is not a "I'm stuck" sort of thing, I've already gotten through the game but I need to know what that darn graphitti is for. A developer's name, maybe?

  16. yes, sunshine was very disappointing. It was so monotinous and dead, ya know? I expected it to be all lively like paper mario, but it really wasn't. Maybe it's because in paper mario there are so many different characters and places and stuff, but in mario sunshine you're stuck in one place with the pinapple dudes. Pretty lame.

  17. Well you're in luck, because I can say from experience that this one of the best free hosting plans, if not THE best I've ever seen. There really aren't any restrictions either. The forums are pretty great too. Although there are alot of members, It's still a happy little family so it's easy to post without feeling overwhelmed or thinking "What's the use? My opinion's probably been said by someone else."I hope you have a great time here. Just post a little bit every day and you'll never run out of credits =D

  18. Welcome aboard! The 30 credits at the beginning is really easy to get, and maintaining credits afterwards is pretty easy too. Remember to always keep at least 10 credits just in case you have to take an unexpected break from the computer! We hope to see your Xisto site up soon =D

  19. Privacy online is a myth, has always been one and privacy as a whole has not been as clearly defined as a lot of people think by SCOTUS.  There is no such right granted in the consitution, it has been granted as an extention interpreted by SCOTUS in the last century.  SCOTUS rulings can be over ruled at a later date: see Brown Vs. the Board of Education. 


    The bigger point is that Google DOES collect this data.  In this case the DOJ submitted a request and Google refused.  They are playing with fire because it won't take much to have a rider attached to someother bill that can change the rules.  However, if they were seeking information in a criminal investigation, a court ordered supena and Google has to comply.  In my experiences, if law enforcement wants information, they will usually ask nicely first.  If you want to save face in the eyes of particular clients, you can say "not with a court order".  So the next day they come in with a court order and we already have the info they were looking for onto disks and print outs.  Actually the few interactions with the FBI I've had on those type of topics has been pleasent.  They understood why we wouldn't just hand over information without a court order.  We knew they'd get their court order so it was really just a technicallity on everyone's part.  As our corporate attourny said: "If they come asking for it, say 'court order please' and then start getting what they want ready and have it nicely boxed so they just have to show you the document, load the boxes, and leave".


    However, in most terms of use, there are specific sections that say: we will comply with law enforcement agencies" as an execption to stated privacy policies.  I know all my website privacy statements carry that.  Most larger companies will comply with DOJ requests because it is much easier to comply than try to fight it.  Legal bills add up quickly because the first thing in house lawyers say are: hire specialists. 


    If the government wants the info, they'll go to a judge, or congress can supeana as well, and get what they want. 


    And Yes I am law student....


    Yea, you're right. Afterall, kids are doing it younger and younger these days, so if they don't have pornography to sedate their primal urges then I think that the little brain will win against the big brain, if you catch my drift. It'll be just doing more harm than good.
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