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  1. I never really tried Gmail, but between hotmail and yahoo, id have to say hotmail. I choose hotmail not really just because of space,but just that i like how the website looks and just the feel to it. yep...pretty weird. anyways i dont really mind that much about too much space, because im probably not gonna use it all anyways.
  2. Anyone ever played the puzzle game Viridan Room or Crimson Room from the fasco-csc website? Its pretty cool i think, but its a mind killer. Took me awhile to beat both of them, but yet again im pretty slow sometimes on those type of games. It really creeped me out also at the same time. If you havent you should go try it.
  3. hmmm that would be something new that could be pretty cool. It can have like some make your way up to the top theme or something. Ionno how the controlling and stuff may work out but that might be pretty cool. haha id rent it if they made one.
  4. wow thats pretty expensive. Im just gonna wait for the prices to go down a bit. Or if ps3's prices are cheaper, ill prolly buy that. Ionno...maybe ill just get both haha.
  5. Personally Initial D is my favorite racing game. Its sorta animeish but then i like it like that kinda. I think it has a pretty realistic feel to it unlike some games. However, yea i dont like the prices for it at some places, but then there are local stores around my area that the games are only a quarter
  6. kaboom


    Haha wow...good luck on getting that job. hmmm i didnt think anyone would really reply. i guess ppl on this board must be nice :]
  7. Hmm...that would be pretty cool...and i think most likely will happen sometime in the future. I dont know if i'll have that gaming passion still by that time...but i bet it will be a major fad in the future. Haha and yea it does sound kinda like dot hack.
  8. Haha i remember this game. I played it for a while and i thought it was pretty fun. I stopped playing however because i moved on to a different game. Still pretty cool though...Definately a must try.
  9. wow...well...that was interesting. So erotic images on busy roadways is the other source of car accidents besides drinking and just being a bad driver? o_o. interesssting.
  10. Well congratulations to those astronomers that discovered that planet. Yet theres like an infinite space out there covered with planets all over...so there should be more to come.
  11. I dont believe there were dragons such as the ones you see in video games or gigantic huge ones that fly around the sky making towns cower in fear or something. It might be something that resembled it i guess...and from there they just over exaggerated some of its features but then causing the world to belive these creatures were real
  12. That Nintendo controller does seem pretty cool. It may be different and odd compared to the other platform consoles but its the first of its kind and is brand new. Im just wondering how big the variety of games theres going to be on it, seeing that it simple controls.
  13. wow thats pretty cool. im gonna try it out. haha i wonder what will google think of next.
  14. ive played several online games, and from my point of view, the best would be RagnarokOnline alll the way. its simple and fun...and the whole feeling to it is simple and fun.
  15. kaboom


    So, how's everyone doing?
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