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Kid Saiyan

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Everything posted by Kid Saiyan

  1. Okay...Hi everyone...Umm...my MP3 Player has recently had/developed a new problem.The thing is, im a very,very, VERY clumsy person. I always drop things including my MP3 Player and my phone. Before the last time i dropped the MP3 Player, it was working fine. But ever since the accident, it has stopped giving me sound from one ear of my headphones. I am sure that my Headphones are alright as they work fine on other systems like my PC and my Walkman and CD Player. But..i need to know how to fix this problem. Often, the sound comes out of the other ear if i twist and turn the wires a little. But thats just a temporary fix. I need help...Any suggestions?
  2. Umm...need some tips and guidelines for photoshop.Im not very good because , mainly , i dont use brushes. I use only filters.All the brushes that i have are alright...but im interested in creating my own.I hope someone here can help me...can you? ANyone?My friend told me how to create brshes but that was for a different program.Im stuck.Oh yeah! The program i use is Adobe Photoshop 7.0 and i use Adobe Photoshop 9 CS2.If there is anything that anyone can do to help me, please help!
  3. Wow...so many different opinions everywhere!Well, recently, a friend of mine gave up his religion. And another person in my class keeps on questionning me about my religion trying to prove it wrong to me...he believes in Evolution all the way. Some things he said to me, made me think pretty hard. I came to question evolution and obviously, he didnt have any answers. I asked him questions like:1) How can a fiery meteor turn into apes?2) How come apes evolved into what we are now?3) How could the earths atmosphere be created from scratch?He had no clue. I was hoping, for his sake, if any of you could refresh my memory of evolution and answer me these questions?All i know for now is that there MUST be a GOD. Without God, nothing could exist. Read it and weep! Unless you are willing to challenge my way of thinking?!
  4. Once again, i disagree.IF the locals there have video clips of Nessie, no matter what the condition, and the lake in that video clip is the same as the Loch then how on earth could it have been made in China?!Also, whether the locals are living off tourism expenses or not, they wouldnt have made up such a thing as a dinosaur living in a lake. They could at least have had a little more imagination. No-one would make up such a tale if it involved having police raid the place and scientists taking DNA scans everywhere. So much money would have gone to waste and whether its big or small, it still exists. There is proof. You said at first that there is no proof and then you said that there are video clips. I think this discussion is just going round in loopholes. What evidence is there showing that Nessie doesnt exist?!
  5. lol!!I dont think it'll be that long...If Nessie actually does exist, i think it'll have to resurface soon. I think this because it was sighted a few years ago and hast been seen again ever since. This must mean that it needed air or something at that time. Although...isnt it possible that she (Nessie) could have escaped from the Lake?I mean, since it hasnt been seen for ages, it might have escaped into the Oceans and Seas and it may be the cause of the Tsunami...well...not the cause of it but it could have had something to do with the Asian Tsunami, could it not?How huge exactly is it, if any of you know?!
  6. O k a y...getting kinda off topic here....err...anyway!I think that Gd does exist since i am a religous person. Thats not the point here anyway..havent you noticed some flaws in the in theory of evolution lately?If we were apes in the beginning, then how did we lose all our abilities to jump from tree to tree in jungles and climb up trees so fast. And also, the apes had to be created in the first place as well for them to actually have evolved into us...Even if i ignore that, there is still the unexplained questions...How did people suddenly appear on the earth when it was created, no matter how it was created in the first place..Answert that...if you can!
  7. lol, Sarah!I had heard of that too but that was just a joke that some people had made making fun of the Loch Ness monster...That was a really funny one, though...How can you be sure that it doesnt exist if people have actually already seen it in real life...?
  8. What internet browser do you think is better? I have directed this question to myself many times and have always ended up falling asleep. Its too hard and i always become indesicive when it comes to it! So...what browser do you people think is better? Mozilla Firefox, or Internet Explorer? I have both and the ups and downs of both are stated below: Firefox: --------Good Points: ------------------------Its fast ------------------------Its reliable ------------------------Easy to use ------------------------Simple ------------------------and it looks cool! -------------Bad Points: ------------------------Messes up in forums and similar websites sometimes.. ------------------------Cannot provide good security IExplorer: -------Good Points: ------------------------Advanced ------------------------Default ------------Bad Points: ------------------------Complicated ------------------------Unreliable thats all i can come up with at the moment...any suggestions?
  9. The Legendary Lochness monster...Well...the first time i heard about this 'legendary' creature, was many years ago. I had only just recently seen the movie: 'Jurrasic Park Three'. When i saw a program on this monster, it was about how people claim it to be a dragon and things like that. I was yound and so obviously, i thought i knew it all!I thought that it was the dinosaur that lives in the sea! lol!But that isnt the case, is it?Is it real? And if so, what is it?As far as i know, a little girl drew a picture of it when she went fishing or something like that and this isnt really reliable information..So...did the Lochness monster really exist?If so, then how??? Is it scientifically possible?
  10. Okay...i know this may sound crazy but ive heard from my friend that lately, the government has started producing EMP - Electro-Magnetic Pulse weapons. I dont really believe this at the moment as those kind of weapons are usually only for use in stae of emergency... well...this might be an emergency but the weapons,as ive been told, are way too deadly. Apparently, these weapons can kill...O.othats all i know so far...any comments?
  11. Lol!i wish i owned one of those....but theyre probably for sale in US and im in UK so all hopes are lost but ive always dreamed of creating one of my own!Ever since i was a kid and i played a game with a hovering skateboard, i wanted to create one myself!and then develop it further to finally have a car of my own!!Id like to buy one but itll be too expensive.....i think that only BIL GATES can afford one....(Bill Gates owns Microsoft!)
  12. LOL!!unlucky, darkool...i think you should just go manuallly and delete all the files in ur sounds folder taht you dont like, or want and eventually, you'll find it!If you delete it by accident, ill send it to you again tomorrow but this time, REMEMBER TO KEEP THE FONE FLIPPY FLAPPY THINGY OPEN!!!!
  13. But ...well...you're quite right but i can still dream about them and believe in them all i want! :mellow:loli see your point but how can you be sure that the fossils didnt burn or anything??
  14. Well...i used to play Runescape a lot because it was fun, addictive, and i got to meet people but in time, it gets boring. And if you think about it, its a waste of time and life because what will you do if you get to say, level 100 and you're the strongest or something...huh?You'll want to sell your accoutn and that'll mean that you've sold a big part of your life and time. I quit while i could but man...you should all quit too!:blink:btw, how do i do the Romeo and Juliet Quest?>< XD
  15. O.oThat was a good suggestion. Also, i just got off the phone with my cousin and he says that you should try accessing your bluetooth recieved files. That should be where your recieved files should be by default...alright...i didnt talk to my cousin but thats another good suggestion!I hope it helps!
  16. Okay...just for everyone to know, it was me who sent him the song... >< okay...my opinion is that you should check through all of your sounds and find the song under a different name because on your phone, it renames Bluetooth items. Id say that you either do that or you just let me search through your phone!!XD
  17. But aall the rumours say that its a place for aliens...and if it was just a place for testing, then why is it meant to be so secret? And why so protected...with the fighter jets and all...?
  18. Oh Yes...Im so glad that this is a topic!lolI always wanted tyo know about The Lost City of Atlantis...I believe that It is an ancient city that was drowned down to the sea ages ago. In more detail, i believe that it is lost! lolI mean, it is somewhere in the Atlantic Sea but no-one has ever found it before. I saw a program once about Archeologists finding remains of it but i believe that it was all fake. As the archeologist only found rocks. I mean, sure the rocks were engraved but people said that the City of Atlantis had electricity before the electron was discovered. It apparently had more hygenic bathrooms and toilets than a five star hotel nowadays. Thats just too fake to believe...although i still believe in it...O_o
  19. I totally agree with Shadow X.How do we know that Dragons are unreal? There is no proof..To me, they're more logically realistic than Dinosaurs. How can we be made to believe in the existance of creatures such as dinosaurs and not Dragons?Well...apart from the evidence...Okay..i know im contradicting myself a lot in this post but the point im trying to make here is very simple. What proof is there showing that Dragons are unreal or never even existed in the first place? If they are unbelievable because of being common in Fairy Tales, then so be it. Thats a childish point of view, if i do say so myself, (no offense to anyone) and if they werent in Fairy Tales, would you, or would people, rather, believe in them?
  20. FELLOW?w00t!!!YEAH!!DAMN RIGHT!!!><sorry...i was just a litle hyper there....it happens!:Psorry... ><yupi like Dragonball! B)pleased to meet you!
  21. Okay..Well..heres my answers:1) Its a Dell Dimensions 5100 and its brand new! (I got it for my birthday and well...its pretty amazing!) B)2) Err....i dont really get this question to be honest.. >_< but if you mean as in what Intel Pentium Processor you use, then i use a Intel Pentium 4 Processor (with double memory! ) lol3) Well...i think i use Internet Explorer but i dont trust it that much anymore as it went ballistic on my mums computer and now we use Mozilla Firefox. I think ill get Mozilla Firefox on my new computer as well but i do have the choice of Netscape as well...(for all you Netscape users out there, is it any good?)4) I use Hotmail and MSN and Yahoo....It takes too long to set up my Outlook Express so i just forgot about it! lol5) I have a number of Programs...err..ill only name a few....i use...------WinnZip------Windows Media Player------Real Player------A number of DVD playing Programs------Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0 (does this go in Multimedia Category?)------Windows Movie Maker------Windows Messengerand a couple more...6) I simply use Microsoft Word Processor but i need to get it upgraded.7) At the moment, my trial for Norton Antivirus just expired but im bound to get that fixed and i heard of this new program...something with 'H' but i forgot. Apparently, its better than Norton Antivirus.8) I dont think i use any anti-spyware program(s) at the moment. But if anyone recommends me a good one, ill check it out!:blink:I hope those answers helped!
  22. But how can you be sure..I might be contradicting my own post a little bit here, but how are can yoube so certain on its existance and/or location. As far as i know, it has never been discovered and there is absolutely no proof of its existance. By the way, i also have a hunch that theres an Area 51 in the UK called area 52!B)lolit may sound ludacris, but thats my opinion!
  23. Okay.Thanks guys! B)THat really helped. Anyway, i asked my uncle yesterday (Hes a microsoft expert thingy...Shadow X knows about him) and he explained to me everything that i needed to know. And, now that you two have replied and made it clearer, thanks!
  24. Okay..I need a little help.The thing that hapenned last time was that i got a router and i wanted to have wireless connection through/around the house. My connection is Broadband and the Router wasnt compatible with the connection. Now, i have returned the router and refunded it but ive got a new one which is compatible with Broadband connections. Do i need 2 wireless connection Cards to be installed into the computers whichi want to connect, or can i just use one and connect the Router to the second computer and return and refund one of the Wireless Connection Cards?Please help...and thankyou in Advance, Everyone!
  25. Wow..i have been studying this topic in School in my LAtin lessons 2 years agoso...i think that it cannot happen againi never really got a reasoin for why the mountain errupted in the first place.. i alwas thought it was like a sudden reaction to pollution or something...similar to the way we peopl suddenly sneeze on occasions when tiny particles of dust are in the atmosphere around us. The point im tryint to make is that i dont think that the mountain Vesuvius will ever errupt again as in its last erruption, it let out everything it had building inside for years...so i think its safe to say that Pompeii- rather whats left of it - is safe for now.
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