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  1. Ive not used the Gimp - it seems a shame about the errors you are reporting as I always believed it was a fairly widely used application - not usual with something that keeps crashing! Anyone else have this issue with the Gimp - think I will have to give it a trial and see.Dan
  2. Any idea how this product can reduce such large files so dramatically - without any obvious compromise on quality as you have reported - pardon my scepticism but it seems a little too good to be true. i will try it out however.Dan
  3. Im also a fan of PHP Designer 2005 - I used to use dreamweaver but found it cumbersome for writing the php code - i disliked it so much that i just stuck with notepad - after getting the initial design of the page done in DW. But PHP Designer 2005 is much easier to work with - probably because its designed with one job in mind, no offence to DW that has to support many different scripting languages! Dan
  4. yep its Moore alright - spreading the sarcasm on thick for dubyaa!
  5. I think we could see one massive web production product come out of this - a combo of Dreamweaver, photoshop, Flash , Fireworks, Freehand, Illustrator etc. Anything to do with making anything for a site would be covered.Dan
  6. Sounds like Flash is the one to go for - Swish as mentioned is good for creating a quick intro that focuses on moving and rotation text and shapes - but for more detailed results and better control - get to grips with Flash!dan
  7. Re: the half finished buildings - isnt there a strange kind of law there that demands a tax to be paid once a building has been completed - this is why buildings are often left functional yet unfinished. Has anyone else heard of this - or am I making it up??
  8. I bought a Phillips cd-RW about 2 years ago - It came with the then latest Nero - which didnt recognise the new burner - thought I didnt have it installed correctly - Found a thing called CD_Mate - which worked like a charm! Incidently Phillips tech support were about as usful as the Nero sowtware they sent me! But the Drive has been reliable since!! Dan
  9. Im a fan of MySQL - ive also used MicrosoftSQL server - and have had the misfortune to recently have to work with a technology called Foxpro - not sure if anyone else has used it - but it is not as friendly as the others ive mentioned - Id not even heard of it untill I started my latest job - the company is trying to move away from it but untill then Im stuck with it im afraid. Trying to use the more popular DBs with PHP and .NET etc is a dream but trying to get anything into and out of Foxpro is an ordeal - (IMHO) Dan
  10. Another way to get a movie clip into a cartoony style - (only suggesting this as the original suggestion was dealing with frame by frame method - and the finished swf will be quite large but anyway) - import the clip into Flash - to get them into the needed keyframes - then get each frame into Photoshop - apply a filter like cutout and - same settings for each frame. Save each jpeg - give them naming convention incrementing the name of each one so they can be imported put back in the correct order into Flash. Should give a nice 'toony effect - a lot less work than drawing on each frame, but fat file size - i only use on movies that are deliverd on disk - loading time can be a killer! Dan
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