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Everything posted by saneax

  1. Hi folks,DHT for short is used in decentralized archival of certain data, which can be accessed in a deentralized manner. say we have certain files we want to share. however, there is no central archival.. so what happens, is the files are hashed and stored internally and boradcasted request or searches from other clients are tallied with hash we store. I am looking for some good description on DHT and some free implementation to study for, as from above you can see its a partial understanding. regardssaneax
  2. Hi, I do it with having my linux box as a firewall, shared internet etc.. - Limit Users in used traffic amount iptables with --limits.. can limit the traffick for a IP, rather than users. - Control user's maximum speed limit QOS helps in controlling speed , this also you can only refer with client IP's rather than username - Logging + Would be good to have a integrated Proxy server. transparent squid cache + Would be good for it to have a integrated Anivirus to scann the passing traffic. squidguard to block of unwanted sites.. dansguard, to block unwated content..
  3. Hi folks,I am a newbie to Linux, and while reading howto's I have a big confusion, which I hope some of you can shed some light.PAM libraries and NSS libraries, whats the relation between them can I avoid PAM ? or is it a must on Linux Machines ?As from docs...NSS determines the order of lookups performed, when a certain piece of information is requestedPAM is an authentication mechanism, whereby, we can authenticate.But the bif question is When NSS says where to retrieve records, isnt it also saying here is the record ? or is it that it just redirects, Go here to look for what you want, Then The control goes to PAM for accessing the protocol that is specified in NSS.ThanksSanjay Upadhyay
  4. Hi All, Resons I am Here With a good feeling to host a personal web page I set on the course to find a free web hosting provider, and after months of hardships, with banner ads and low speed, I embarked upon this Site.. felt, like finding Peace at last. I want to make it perfect, so I will wait unless I have a proper domain name. My Interests Voice My Concerns about nearly everything... A Warm HI to every Body.. Salutes to the Admins here and moderators and wishing to contribute if called upon
  5. On Windows ... Bit Torrent is scarry there are many hacks possible which are there in open... So Wouldnt advise.. unless you have a very good controlled Firewall...On Linux.. selinux helps...but can be achieved with a firwall also....
  6. Yep, Vmware has a built in samba started with default, which enables you to share the host files into the gues operating system, hence samba wouldnt work at all... The workaround is to disable the VMWares samba, How ? run... the vmware-config.pl... and when it asks you should it do the host sharing of files, you say no!....cheers
  7. All I can say/recommend wish all heed/understand...1) All the Religious scriptures says is .. Love God..2) there are instances that a commonly understood as unholy man is more closer to God than many of the so called holy people3) God Is not standing there with a rod in his hand with a desire to punish us. He Loves Us4)As long as you dont hurt others, you can be assured that God has a heart for you..God Bles thee all
  8. LOL ) good work to tun out the porn viewers, but you can hardly shake there ardent desire to go and visit porn, By the way in India, watching Porn is an offense which can keep you behind bars for 7 years, if prooven guilty...) something like this is surely effecting the Indian Porn watchers... which is fast dwindling (I hope!)
  9. Your question is the wierdest... ;)Hope you are not as wierd
  10. I have been using picassa only for the reason to get my pictures on blog... and its as easy as it can get. Highly recommended for bloggers...just waiting when they will let my Mobile service provider let snap pictures and blog...
  11. Well I have a couple of WinXp's which were connectedto a Linux PDC, as soon as I loaded the SP2, the connectivity problem started, the roaming profiles were lost...I wouldnt recommend it at all...there is a registry setting which can help and which I have done.. to circumvent this problem..
  12. its the best secure web browser around, and I pity those webmasters who can only design a web page in frontpage.. wake up... get some books and just grow up.... Its the end users who decide... Democracy
  13. Man yThe Thumb Rules are :1) Do what you like.. Unless the house is falling on you2) In case you are not able to work in a place which you like, then... try to love your work... How? Go to Church they will teach you3) Work Hard...4) Work Even Harder5) Stay Honest but not rude...good luck
  14. Thanks, but too late man...will have to keep using the firefox, unless some of the fortunates can share there licences.. is it possible ?
  15. Guys,I am searching for a long time a CMS for my site...I have evaluated the following..1) Weblog2) mamboothers..none seem to be on perl. As I know perl and can hack into the code, if its GPL, I am inquisitive to know are there more options in Perl...?regards
  16. Theres no way you can confirm that the next hurricane wont be named 'Carey' ...be carefull..
  17. Hi tansqrx,If you want to just access the Windows 2003 Server and access some shares on that server.. you have a few options..1) you have to join your machine to the Win 2003 Server... (which is really complicated)2) you install the latest Samba (in case you need help in that post me back here and then... try this lets say on win2003 you want to access the D share.. assuming the win2003 IP is #>smbclient -L -U Administrator%password {This will list you the shares you can mount } now change to root #>smbmount // /path/to/mnt -username=Administrator -password=passwordThe #2 depends on the win 2003 Policies, in case the Win2003 is just a standalone server it will work, but if it is configured as a AD, it might not work, in that case #1 is the only option...Take a look at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, they have a cool UI solution to your problem...regards
  18. Yes the article is good...However it is bewildering that suddenly a lot of spam is being circulated from the Yahoo mails...Guess what my instinct says, whose behind ? GOOGLE!
  19. gmails good things are1) Faster2) attachements are sent with lightning speeds (tried with more than 5MB of Attachments worjks really fast)3) Mailing List support, so that mutiple mails under same subject are clubbed together4) Addresses pop up while composing mail...6) Filters are a breeze to set up, and you get your mails in custom labels7) a mamoth of features....Just grab it and in case some of you need I have plenty of invites.. just pass on the info ..regards
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