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Everything posted by KnightEagle

  1. Man do I feel like a moron lets spell that with a cap M I figured it out. guess i forgot more than I thought back to html 101. i shouls of used this::: "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; thanks any way hope my goof can help some one else.
  2. most sites I know you can go< a herf="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; or with out the "" marks I'mnew to this inviroment tryed the same didnt work http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and try removing otherparts of the string. I know its right there in front of me but I'm drawing a blank. I know as soon as someone points it out to me I will just kick my self. Will try placing the gif in the same folder as the page tonight when I get home from work
  3. I got my handle from when I was Test car diver long ago. Gee been tweny + years now. Back to the point I drove expermentle cars and trucks at night. One night when I was leaving the coffe room heading back to the truck I was driving that night I saw a Eagle perched on the bed of the truck. I said wow a eagle out at night. So all night long I thought of that eagle. By morning it blured into nighteagle but for some strange reason when I got my first CB radio I started using it as my handle. I had it painted on the back window of my own truck and the guy that was doing the job missed spelled it as knighteagle he was so sorry he didnt charge me for the work but I paid anyway for I liked it better.
  4. Dud I feel for you atlest you live so close to town. We lived in a very small town and all internet connections would be long distance for us. Then about six years ago maybe more our phoone company started offering everyone internet but the cost was high. Like 40 dollers for 100 hrs. For us to connect we had a special number to Austin Texas. Was not to bad there were only about fifty people in town that use that number. Each town in the phone company had its own internet line to call to. talk about slow all we had at the time was a old 14.4 motem. I landed a job in town five years ago so we needto move and glad we did. Everything alot better. We now have a cable motem and the speed like from the write brothers plane to a saturn rocket. So hang in there guy.
  5. Glad that you finished your site will check it out at some point in time. But I just got started on mine. All I see is a mountain in front of me. How will I ever get to the top. I was very impressed with the project manager/ web master area. Well quess the first thing I need to do is start uploading items I already have then start to unpack the site and getting it organised for myself. Again con grats there.
  6. cant say for sure about her problem for i went there pulled up a football game out of random went to seating up came the popup and it almost filled my screen. Yet it was on the right side edge i had to drag it smaller to see behind it but it seemed normal to me. If it going off the screen the screen or nearly off. Check the screen resolution may be set to high or her fonts are too large would say look at her font size. anyone else have a better idea.
  7. Very true they need to place add projecters or grabers into their sofeware to make money. But out right spamming like at icq or with other messagers or email is in bad taste. Awile back i was getting adds from several companys some namebrand I complaned to them and they didnt even know that they were being addvertised in that maner i even sent them screen shots of their add and were they pissed or at least they implied they were. Yet not to long ago the Justice Department I belive had filed charges against the king of spam for creating most of the spam and pop ups just to sell his own software to block it so get rid of the pop blocker makers and most of the pop ups and adds will go away.
  8. 1) you would creat your own password on the registration page only you and I would know.2) proceed to login page where you enter your user name and password3) proceed to the pre login page from there enter the game area.Im working on four areas right now 1) the html part of the site 2) the graphics that will be used 3) the cgi finding the codes or modifing them for my needs. 4) the layout and what areas i want in there.As for cookies I understand the use and the need for them in this type of game and that falls in to the thrid step.So for those that want to help to just help I say thank you. Those that want to help and get payed sorry do have low pocks full of cash. All I can say is thank you for payment. I'm trying this just for fun the game may not ever get out of testing and design. Have a feeling it will be lame too most but hey I like it. And is that what counts. So help my friend or not the choice is all yours.
  9. P2P or not that is the question. Yes I've used it slap my hand and have them ready for the cuffs. I have downloaded copy right material. Most of the time found the stuff junk and deleted it. Was glad I didnt pay the 50-60 bucks or more for it. For once you buy and open the software you cant return it and get your money back. Most stores will let you exchange it only for other software. But that not always a good alteritive. Yet you cant always find the software in the stores. Alot of software is only found on the internet. and their is the problem. Came acrossed a piece of software in the last few days It not excatly what I needed but it helps a little was it worth the 75 dollers I say no. To me it was worth 20 bucks at the most. Their was a trial but for only 40 sessions. Which is up in no time and not anoff time to see if it real fits your needs forget about learning the program. So Im for the P2P's yet Use them for information use only. If you do pirate the program and do like it and it does what you want then go out and buy it. If it not what you need or not what you wanted then delete it. Generaly with in 30 days you should know if you want it or not. I place the blame for the need of P2P's on the makers of the music and programs. They should allow demos for a spell of thirty days. Lot of companys do not put their programs on demo for they know they are crap. There are lots of ways to kill the programs if the user keeps them after 30 days. So the man was wronge and should pay for his crimes for to tell everyone that it is ok to pirate songs and programs then he should be jailed. Its up to the end user to decided if they want to stay with the law or breck the law. For I posted in the thread ftp or something about I have a ws_ftp 5.0 but I dont know if i gave away a copy or two if it would be ilegal or not for I got it from them when it was free. now they want you to pay 38 dollers for 9.0 now. So is that priycy or not?
  10. This may anger the host gods but well they can just take it on the chin. Their maybe a place somewhere in the forum where this thread was posted once before. Maybe severaltimes but it is so easy to place a copy of another post and another. From what I see some of the topics could be removed after a time, Ive been peeking throught alot of the past post and this is the first time Ive seen this. It is neater to shut down than going to start and then close and then to restart or shut down. So they may take a point or two away I give you a five'r to replace it.
  11. Gad didnt realize how long Ive been useing the version of ws_ftp I have looked it up and found out it is version 5.0. Wonder if it is against copy rights if i gave this copy away for free??? to anyone that wanted a copy??? this was a free copy then. Need to contact Xisto first before i offer it out or for them to contact me first.
  12. Never played dune heard of it. Played warcraft mist lots more. Still have warcraft and eye of the beholder parts 1/2/3 can play all three from start to finish now in 5 hrs or less for I now all routes and where everything is. Can beat all levels but the last monster in the last set last level. Every now and then I go back and try again. the good games are for ever. the bad fade to the rubish heap and are forgotten.
  13. I really never got into msnmessager cant stand it thats one of the first Items I removed from this system. Tryed them all but they all were deleted. Only one I still have is ICQ and that one I keep for I love the download file system it has in it. When I go out of town I send files home by the way of ICQ and programs I find. My son knows where to save them so when I get back I can get at them easy. But I hate all the spammers out there now must get 10 or more aday on ICQ such as see my *BLEEP*.com and what ever.dotcom
  14. Jeigh where you get your little man at the one you use as your avator? I agree with most of what said in this thread about microsoft. But It apears we all have used or gotten a bad copy of xp at one time or other. But what ever is devoloped by microsoft or anyone else it can be hacked and will be hacked. the hard it is the more time the hackers will spend on it just to have the credit that they did it. My daughter was given a laptop at here collage with it was a cd with windows xp it was not the os that came with the computer but a special budle the collage got from the maker and microsoft. Well the laptop gone by the way of the rubish heap but I now have the sofeware. For the fun of it I found a program on the net and it makes a serial number for xp after you use it you run it again and it changs the code again. Then each time you restart the computer it changes again. I have my computer to auto update by itself from microdot. I have a legal copy even have the legal serial number just not useing it And I think that Microsoft and other companys are forgetting about the little guys out there. Not all of us have deep pockets like bill gates or Doanaled Trump. Some of us are collage kids working our way throught school to corperat Duds Im in there somewhere.
  15. thanks From what i read its exactly what I need for my project with that and game maker I have most of what I need now. It will give me the basic tools to construct my game. Now I need to fig my new page generator think thats its name.
  16. Yet the new windows Vista YUK what a name still will call it LongHorn waiting till it comes out next year. Already made a new splash screen for it. took a photo of a Texas LongHorn when it draging its hoof on the ground it look mean and then I hook a picture with Vista printed in it on one of its horns and mac on top of it. Im using that right now on this computer with xp
  17. Found the login script I can use now need the area to put it at. One day I will get that magic email telling me Ive been hosted. Can check the site out at custom-cgi.com they seem to have a lot of cool things for free.
  18. houdiniWell that was a bust. downloaded all parts and installed them. Knew i was in trouble when it said cant find port 80 and apache not installing due to cant find java. After that the system started locking up. had to do a system restore point to yesterday. Now computer ok again. Almost thought I was going to have to reinstall the entire operation system again. It was a good try.
  19. Seems like the mac guy and the linux guy missed was. One reason most people dont want to use macs is they have not much choice as to what hardware to use. Its either buy from mac or cant use it at all have seen lots of good vidio cards that put mac's cards to shame. They maybe more relable at times. Yet I've had 53 operations running at the same time on this PC I builted from scrap parts try that with a mac. Opps sorry everything part of the board I forgot at least most of the parts are. With a PC I can upgrade as log as I want to use the same motherboard and then change it also. With macs you throw them out to upgrade its cheaper. Also mac is trying to look more like windows from what ive been seeing. The bottom line is mac is too protieitarey and that will be their down fall in the long run. I do like the os that mac use's but seeing that their is a hack out there to run it on a pc. I may just have to look into it. But 99% of my programs are for windows only.
  20. I may not be a moderator. But it is small thinking like yours that causes people to in up fighting each other. Yet I dont care for chuck norris either in fact cant stand bruse lee either. But you do have the right to think how you want. But pleas leave it at home. Here we are ment to help each other and have fun their no room for small minds.
  21. Houdini: checked both out. From what I saw neither one php or MySQL appeared to be windows exe. The problem I have at this point I must run on a Windows base computer. do have a program called optipearl but they have a limited amount of examples. Need to remmber windows maybe a easy place to install programs on but suck at running unix or linux programs or even installing them. I do have the operating system redhat 9.0 but I can make heads or tals of it Can fig out the browser in it thats simple click and go.
  22. Have a format in mind and have a good idea how it works. So here what I need:step 1:::person must register: create handle // enter password // enter password // enter email : it then takes the person to acsepted page or reject per reason page.step 2::: login page: enter handle // enter password : takes them on it to the site of their control pages for each handle controls their own pages yet all pages interacts with the others. or bad password re login page.Have the page designed already have the script in html lang but one can create a password on the html page but it dont work even have the main login page same way. found a login scipt on the web was in three parts login page // password maker page // and log. I manage even get it in a cgi scipt. but when i loaded up on my last host they had limedted cgi allowed and keep getting either page can not display or rerouted me to some page to search at for it. Any scripts and help I could use thanks.
  23. Thanks thisthread was helpful to me explans what I was doing wronge on a few pages. was using ws-ftp to change the permissions was going to far. will check it out in a few days. thatns for the info you may of answered two people at one shot.
  24. To some have found the game lame. Yet it can be adictive. Object is to ascend your empire. But people have taken it to a deferent leval they sit at 83% and play king of the hill. You have to plan your own moves and tactics on taking out your opponients ships. their is no grafhics no fancy movements and you have to hit the refresh button to move the game. I held the top for three years till the server the game was on crashed with the most worse case that could happen. the servers hard drive burned out and the host had failed to back it up so all data was lost. so whos played it and why did you leave?
  25. Yet it still looks like XP. Even their new name for it is lame. Windows Vista they could of just left it LongHorn hey thats a Idea take a picture of a Longhorn and hook a windows logo on to one of its horns. But have a real pissed off bull their. As much as I hate windows I will be buying a copy of it. Need to run a server software on the computer I'm building. Since i'm not made of money the last items I still need to get is the motherboard and processers and memory. I know thats the computer but hey a person has to start somewhere. For once I would want a stae of the art computer for at least 5 min.
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