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Posts posted by foolakadugie

  1. Yeah I haven't had any stability issues with firefox new or old, except for those caused by extensions. Yahoo search works for me. If you have extensions installed, maybe try uninstalling them, because sometimes they do cause problems, sometimes certain combinations of extensions cause problems, too. Back in the day I didn't really like opera. The UI and other little things about it bugged me. I do like the new one, but I still prefer firefox, because I use the extensions frequently for work. Also I like the global close tab button :P

  2. I've never heard of this AVAST or whatever. It seems interesting, and my Norton does take up a lot of ram with it. What's so special about avast though? Not that I hate it or anything, I just don't know XD
    Although I usually have something like Ad Aware and Norton on, I haven't had any viruses break in yet. Spyware is different though...When I try to scan it with Norton, it detects none. When I try with Ad Aware, I get about 10 each time, and everytime I shut down the computer and turn it back on, I scan it and 10 shows up again. Oh well...I'll try to fix it one of these days >_<

    I use Avast, too. I like it mainly because it is effective and FREE. To be honest, I like it much better than Norton , even though avast is free of charge. Avast requires less resources and seems to stay more up-to-date on virus definitions. Norton always slowed down my computer and it just seemed bloated to me.

  3. Well I am using the new beta and enjoying it but I can't say that I am very fond of the close buttons on every tab. I wish they kept the one red x to the right that can be used to close the tabs. Red buttons on all of them just seems sort of distracting and unneeded.

    Just in case anyone else cares and felt the same way about the individual close buttons on every tab, I found a way to change it back to using the global close button like in previous firefox releases. Go into the configuration screen (type about:config in the address bar) and go down to the browser.tabs.closeButtons entry and change the value to 3.

    I just really don't know why they would want to take up extra space on every tab with all those close buttons when you can get rid of the tab by clicking the middle/scroll button on the tab or by using ctrl+w or by the context menu. The global close button is also very nice for deleting multiple tabs since it is stationary. With the new default setting you have to move you mouse around all over the place to close all the tabs and it just makes things more difficult than they should be.

  4. I don't know of any applications off-hand that batch convert directly from m4p to m4a, but I am thinking that you could use winamp with some plugins. There are plugins to play m4p files on winamp and there are also plugins that will convert to m4a I believe that work in a similar fashion to the built-in diskwriter plugin(batch coverter). So maybe if you had the two plugins working together you might be able to do it in one step, but if not you could convert them all to mp3 and then convert them all to m4a (maybe while you are sleeping :P).

  5. Those are some cool ideas. My main email address never gets spam. I don't thing I have ever recieved one spam email in the 5 years that I have had it. That address I use for work, friends, personal stuff, family and anyone that I trust. I never give this address out ot people that I do not trust. I have a gmail account that I use to sign up for websites and stuff like that. I also use it for some other things. This has worked very nicely for me.

  6. The only thing preventing me from switching over from windows is that my work requires either windows or mac OS. I am a designer who needs industry standard software that is only available on a windows/mac os. I know that it is possible to emulate some of these programs but I need all the speed I can get with my limiited RAM.Right now I run a replacement shell for windows which gives me a little more control over my GUI and shell functionality/navigation, etc. The shell runs faster and more stable than the default explorer shell. I have been thinking about setting up a dual boot linux/windows system but I don't know when I would really use the linux since I am working off and on throughout the day and night on sort of a sparatic schedule. It's just easier to have everything in one place.

  7. I think that a good portrait is one that really defines someone as an indidual. It tells a story and reveals something about the subject's character, personality or life. So when taking a photographic portarait I think that you should think about what exactly makes them who they are and call attention to that. A portrait may not even require to have a person's face in focus as long as it tells something about them. Imagine a photograph focusing in on an elderly persons hands. The face might be completely blurred , but the old cracked hands might reveal that that person worked very hard, maybe on a farm his whole life. When you take a picture try framing/cropping it so that t really focuses on what the photois about.

    Let's use the following photo for an example:

    Posted Image


    What if you xoomed in on the action of the photograph and cropped it so that so the fist and the mouth took up the entire photo. By eliminating unneeded information for the picture I think that it makes the action and focus of the picture more clear. You don't need to show someones entire face for the viewer to know that someone is getting hity in the face.


    Regarding the broght colors, I think that I would refer to see somewhat more natural color or black and white.

    If there is a specific image that the unnatural color might help, then use it, but it seems like it is being used on many pictures without any real purpose.


    Those are my suggestions. :P

  8. I have been using the free Avast anitivirus and it seems to be working fine.Before I used Norton, but then it expired and I didn't want to pay the money to update it. Not only that, but norton was large and hogged my resources. I barely notice avast. It doesn't hog my memory and it seems to work just fine. It catches things before they are even downloaded much of the time. Also it does not have annoying notifications about buying their paid software. It's worked great. It has audio event notifications (updating, found virus, etc) that are a little annoying cheesy but that can easily be changed.Before I got avast I tried Avira and it went crazy! I would crash my computer upon loading windows. It flooded me with notifications continually until my computer crashed. So, I can't reccomend that one to anyone. It was a mess. It caused more problems than it solved.

  9. Hi, I am a Flash developer, and I awere of the invisibility of swf content for google bots.One Option is write the text and links in some sorte of meta comments.
    Is there any other option?

    When you publish the movie and the html file you will notice tags like this:
    <!--url's used in the movie-->
    <!--text used in the movie-->

    google spiders will look through those. ANother thing you may be able to do it dynamically import html/text files into flash, although I am not sure if that would help or not. There is also the option of designing an html site with flash elements included, but not fully flash.

  10. Thanks, man!
    I've been wondering about this sort of thing in the back of my mind, now here it is right in front of me!

    No more using grunge/distressed brushes that are canned and of poor quality! I'll just make my own.

    Yeah definitely. Free brush sets are nice, but they are over used and generic. It is always nice to make a custom set specifically for your individual projects.

  11. hmm :Pdoesn't work i already try'd that .
    now i can tolk but nobody hear me and mic folume are on max :S

    can fix this ?

    What kind of headset is it and through what service are you trying to talk to someone? Are you trying to use an instant messenger or service like skype? or are you calling someone through a phone line or using a cell phone as a modem?

  12. Hi everyone!
    I have Mozilla Thunderbird as my e-mail client, and it is yes, quite annoying.

    I am starting to get very annoyed by the fact that all sent mail is also put into my Folder.

    IS there any way, whatsoever I can change this, so I only see received messages in my Inbox!

    Mafamba Team

    I have never had this problem in thunderbird before. Sent messages should go into your sent folder and recieved mail should go into your inbox.

  13. ummm... try to find that Add/Remove Windows components under Multimedia. It should be there.

    Is it completely removed even from your Accessories/entertainment menu?
    Also alot of sound cards and have software bundled with the drivers that do that stuff,
    So maybe you could check to see if you might have one laying around on cd or it might be
    available on the soundcard maker's site.

  14. I don't want to make an image that is a tile kind, it wouldn't look right the way I am doing it. And as for the CSS and the scrolling, I was asking how to do something like that. Is that what I would need to make it look right in all browsers? I don't know if backrounds look different in different browsers so I don't know if there needs to be some sort of coding done. I wanted to know how to code it to make it look good.
    *Edit* Take a look at my website. You will understand why I am asking for help in making it viewable in all browsers. It doesnt come up right in my Firefox browser. My Webpage

    I looked at the image and these are might thoughts on the problem. If you scripted it to make it stretch the entire width and height no matter what screen resolution, it may become very distorted and pixelated. There are ways of detecting browsers and screen resolutions (which could send them to a specific page designed for that resolution) but that may be too much trouble.
    Personally my solutiom would be to put the entire webpage within a table with a fixed width of 800x600 and then behind that just give the page a background color, so that if someone views it at a larger resolution, it would start tiling the image and everything will stay in place. If you want to do a fixed background image that doesn't tile, you will still be left with a big border around the background image if viewed at a higher resolution.

    a scipt like this will do the fixed background image though:

    <style type="text/css">body {background-image: url('smiley.gif');background-repeat: no-repeat;background-attachment: fixed}</style>

  15. I'm using Photoshop 7 and I want to make my own background. I'm learning how to do some neat things with it now. My question is, once I open up a new file, what size do I make it so that every person who visits my site will be able to view it correctly? I know people don't all have the same screen resolution, so what do I do? I want to make a banner too and am having the same dilema. Do I just make it one size, like 800x600 then have to do some kind of code to make sure it looks good for everyone? If so, can someone please tell me how it goes?

    Wel lthere are a number o ways to solve those problems. As far as the background goes, sometimes it is best to have a seamless tiling image. That way no matter what resolution the viewers screen is set to it will fil lthe screen without looking badly. You can tile it vertically, horizontally or both. This speeds up loading time if you have a small image repeating. If you do use a large image without tiling it, you can use CSS to fix it in place so the back ground will not move when you scroll the page.

    Is the banner going to extend across the entire width of the page? Alot of people design the page to fit a minimum screen resolution depending on their audience. The standard use to be 800x600, but I think that now most of the population uses at least 1024x768. So if you design your page to one of those sizes and enclose the design in a fixed table so that it basically looks the same on other screen resolutioons, just with a little extra space on the sides.

  16. thanx :P i will try this right now!

    Its something like this quality i want, and this one is only 16kbps, and about 600kb..

    Always when im compressing with my software it comes an annoying 'whistle' sound in the background, maybe i got wrong settings?


    well I don't know where the whistling would come from unless it has something to do with the specific song that you are using. Also I forgot to tell you that if you use Audacity you will have to install the LAME encoder, available on the Audacity website (downlaods section) in order to export in the MP3 format.

  17. What is the best software to compress mp3s in 24/32kbps?I need it so i can play them on my phone
    I have tried some few but they give bad result when the mp3 is compressed..
    thanx in advance

    I use soundforge for converting my ringtones and most of my other audio editing needs, but Audacity is a freeware program that should be able to do what you need. You can lower the bass levels so you don't blow out the phone speaker, which may also prevent a crackling noise that sometimes happens wjen there is alot of base. Keep in mind that compressing to 24/32kbps is always going to result in a noticeable drop in quality. My phone's speaker isn't extremely clear anyway though so it doesn't really make a huge difference for me. You could try setting it at a higher bitrate if you are that worried about sound quality, but that will just result in a larger file. that may take up valuable space on the phone.

  18. I recommend you use Macromedia Dreamweaver, It's a WYSIWYG editor that lets you easily create style sheets and view it live. It will cost you however, unless you find a free CD key around there...

    Dreamweaver is a great application, but I think that he was looking for freeware.
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