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Posts posted by cyph3r

  1. ahhh .. hey guys .. long time huh .. i dont know if this is in the right place .. but if the moderators feel to move this topic .. plz do ..I was wondering if in IPB 2.0.4 .. while a user signs up for the forum access .. could i have a drop down menu that shows the users different groups they would like to be in ?For example m running a college forum .. and i have groups like students, faculty, other college etc .. i have these as groups and the respective users are added in that group manually .. could i have a menu in the sign up form itself where the user could choose the group and after sign up they could be added to that group ?Thankx guys ..Dhanesh ..

  2. If I had the Blue Screen Of Death only once a month, wow, that would be great!!!


    I NEVER have the blue screen of death .. :P wana know my secret :D .. lol nothing much .. just a clean format every 2 weeks .. hey m not kiddin .. i actually do that .. i am a little paranoid on keeping things in order around .. so i use the same with my PC and i torture it every 2 weeks ..


    and if u ask me how many times i formatted since 2 years .. err .. u do the math :P reduce umm 2 + 1 +1 = 4 mths and calculate .. :P


    Besides cyborgxxi's problem was the BIOS update and his game wasent working .. over all i really dunt think its the OS givin problems but some piece of hardware .. in his case the CPU fan needs a lil check :D ..


    Cheers ..

  3. * Cute FTP Pro * :Dughhh .. no one seems to be using that much eh ? .. well depends .. i like it cause m used to layout and options and besides its better for ppl like me behind a proxy lol .. i use to use WS_FTP but umm .. it used to get d/c even when i used the proxy settings in it .. but i still use BulletProof FTP Server if i have to use my Comp as a FTP Machine .. :P wonder why the proxy was made ! shut down the damn sites ! y take away precious user rights :P

  4. Try backing up the mySQL database in IPB.  Then delete and reinstall just to test it out by uploading/importing the MySQL database (you just saved) into cPanel->Backup->Restore Database.


    yeap .. i actually did that .. i backed up from the forum admin as well as from cpanel backup .. and the cpanel back up was more effective .. Well u said that i should restore to cPanel->Backup->Restore Database .. umm .. i installed the forums and deleted the SQL db it created .. all the tables and uploaded the forum back up i backedup from cpanel backup .. ( confusing :P ) .. lol .. and that worked .. is it a reliable to go to cPanel->Backup->Restore Database ? ..


    Thankx for the reply :D


  5. yes, everyone else can see it..may be the version of your browser that you're looking at...here's the links to the pictures:






    thankx christy ... err .. duno how to say this .. but yeah .. my ISP su**s .. i have a proxy on ur site .. jezz .. u shure thats a clean site rite :P .. j/k ..newayz i saw the sigs tru a proxy bypass .. well looks cool .. nice work i must say ..


    Just try making the writing a little bit more visible .. umm i suggest u use xenofx plugin .. or eyecandy .. therz a filter called " chrona " .. similar to the one i used in my sig .. it just gives a flare kinda glow to the text .. so u mite wana use a different color and make that text visible a bit .. or reduce the opacity of the image .. rest the sigs look amazing ..


    Keep up the good work .. post up the changes u make :D and plzz .. lol make shure just for me and the other middle east users .. the images r posted on image shack ..


    Cheers ..

  6. ooook .. i backed up the sql from the IPB forums Admincp as well as from the cpanel of the webhost ... i deleted the forums .. and reinstalled it again .. i went to cpanel .. deleted the sql db there and uploaded the one i saved from the forum admincp .. it showed me an error .. well i tried again .. but same error .. so i uploaded the backup made from the website host cpanel .. and it uploaded it perfectly ... The boards were back with what i did b4 i backed up .. and is fine .. is this all i need to do for a so called back up .. and restore .. or is there more in this for the working of the forum to go smooth .. pzl advice .. Thankx again to all who have helped :DDhanesh

  7. Woooopie .. thanks a million m8 .. if this forum has a kiss smiley i guess i would have used it .. tho m a guy and it would have looked odd .. LOL.. but damn ! .. ur a techie .. i spend almost 6-7 hrs on google and every site i could look tru .. i saw every post related to user back ups and stuff .. and all they kept saying was to back up the sql database n stuff .. jeez .. Newayz .. thankx again .. and god bless .. u really put me away from my misery lol ..Cheerz n have a nice day m8 :D

  8. There WAS actually a cartoon character named Mighty Mouse at some point. It would be kind of funny if Apple got sued for using the name.


    Muuhahaha ... >> CLICK ME !! << .. lol .. i dont know why i laughed .. but less sleep and more of monitor staring can do this to u .. advice : dunt stay awake for 2 day in a row !


    And btw .. apple has got permission to use the name :D


    Quote: Apple said that it was granted permission to use the Mighty Mouse name, but offered no other details. Mighty Mouse is a cartoon superhero that was produced by Terrytoons in 1942.



    Cheers :P

  9. If you want, give SimpleMachinesForum a try.  They have lots of MODS there also.  Tell us how you like it.


    lol back from my other post .. the sequel to this one ..


    Actually i tried out SMF .. i kinda had installation problems .. i used to get 2 boxes and inbetween them a " < " sign .. it was weird .. i gave up trying .. but all the stuff that i tried .. i had done it the way i am doing it right now .. i asked the forums and got help from them .. but sometimes its too annoying to answer to a person who dosent know " Anything " in that particular topic ...


    I didnt see that kind of an attitude here .. but i am always a bit careful lol .. i do a little pre homework b4 i try to reply to people who answer my questions .. but its fun .. i get to learn a lot more ..


    Aww .. sorry .. lol comming back to the forum topic ... i prefered IPB as u had seen in my other post .. and one reason being is .. i liked the Admin panel and the amount of options in it .. its quiet in detail and u can do loads of stuff in it .. i tried phpbb .. which is again an amazing free forum ... but not that much of a customizable options in it ..


    Thankx for helping again .. and hapy friendships day to everyone :D


    Have fun



  10. Wooooooooooooohooo ... a reply at last .. err :D sorry got carried away ..I had this window open since the time i posted it cause i really needed help in this .. ok newayz gettin back ... i kinda got what u told me to do .. and yes thankx a million for the help .. really appriciate it :P .. but i have a doubt here .. i mean u said it will back up the forums rite ? as in the tables and topics and user posts ? I also wanted to back up the user database i.e the users that are signed up with me .. ok leme put it in another way .. I needed to back up the user posts .. topics .. the tables and catagories i made and the signed up users database.umm .. its like suppose a file goes missing or an error comes up in maybe 3 mths time .. i would delete the entire contents of the root folder and put a fresh forum in ... ( i duno m paranoid about perfection .. lol ) .. ok if not a fresh forum .. i would atleast like to see a exact image of my old forum while i last backed up .. while i restore .. So again .. i neeed to know how to backup user database .. posts .. topics .. tables and sections that i create .. WeaponX .. u mentioned the file saved by IPB its self .. what all does it store ? .. do i really need to back up MySQL tru cpanel > phpmyadmin ? and if yes .. how do i do that with the right settings ..Thankx in advanceDhanesh .

  11. I have to say that it's really cool.



    lol yeah u can say that cause u can see it ! LOL .. I cant see any posted images .. jeezz .. no jokes man .. m serious guys .. this is all i can see ..


    nature...tell me whatcha think:


    user posted image



    Yeah, I know, not much, but I've always liked the cherry pic I used for my avatar, and wanted to try and make a sig from it...can't decide if I want just my name, or have something like this:


    user posted image



    Any ideas, criticism, comments?




    no i mean i literally can see just user posted image in simple englsih and font written .. but no image .. mzwebfreak .. did u post the images rite ? or is it just me and my broken PC .. plz upload it again if u can .. :D thankx ..


    Dhanesh ..

  12. Hello folks ..I started using IPB forums .. and i have a few queries i would like to ask .. Assume i have installed the forums with the database and its working now .. I have 50 users that have signed up .. now sumthing just comes up like reg problem ( happend recently with me and my previous installations got deleted ) well in that case the forum tables and catagories i have made plus the users that have signed up .. all these things i would like to back up .. Its like sumthing similar to a Norton Ghost Image .. lol .. i want to back up everything every month .. so that incase sumthing happens .. i cant just upload the folders and add the sql database needed and thats all .. gets back to the state it was b4 i backed up .. Could sumone please explain the steps to create a backup of an entire forum site and how to patch it back up to a clean server again .. Hope i could explain my self .. Thankx in advanceDhanesh ..

  13. lol casanova .. i was typing a reply saying that " No i havent gone tru it but when i do i'll check this out " fortunately while typing this .. the phenomenon started lol .. and i did what infamousflame said .. really that works :P .. ok well so now i dunt have to copy and past the whole stuff again and waste my time then .. Thankx alot infamousflame .. and all the other inputs that came in .. woow .. i feel saved .. and i learned sumthing new :DThankxDhanesh

  14. So does anyone around here get the developer's copy of Windows Vista (the new name, I'm still so used to calling it Longhorn) and can tell us more about it? We're all still just speculating aren't we?


    To be frank .. i had a copy of it and i tried installing ... " TRIED " .. lol .. well i couldent get to the desktop of Beta 1 .. y ? .. simply because my graphics card wasent supported .. ahh .. well after i reinstalled XP and got to a little google search spree .. i found info about my graphics card drivers not added to the systems code. Well i really duno much about programming .. but here is what i did ...


    My graphics card is a Nvidia GeForce4 MX 440 i guess thats pretty much enuf to run a computer and a few games. Well when the final installation got over .. My screen went blank .. as in my LED on the monitor started to blink .. thats all .. now this means that its not getting any inputs from my PC .. so i restart it and go into safe mode ... there i try installing the latest BETA test drivers Nvidia just came out with for the Vista Beta 1 .. i tried installing that .. and it gave me an error : The required drivers for your system cannot be found. Fine .. i mean my graphics card isnt that old. newayz .. i used my current installation of drivers that i use with XP .. because the WINHec version that came out had the same problem .. and i installed my XP drivers and it worked ..


    I tried the same trick here .. but after the installation and a loooong time to restart ... The LED kept blinking .. so well thats my sad story with a Vista OS .. here is a screen shot of my desktop when i had the WinHec version installed .. i removed the wallpaper cause it royally slowed my PC ..



  15. Windows Vista comes out by the end of 2006 .. that is the full public release of Windows 's new " next generation " operating system .. lol .. ok i really dunt know why am i so paranoid on this but since the OS comes out so late + with the beta 1 out with loads of nice little bugs around, i doubt Vista is going to make a mark next to Apple.Apple has been a leader in speed and options for quiet some time now .. and all i could see since the time i got my PC .. is that Microsoft has always had its ways to turn things over Apple, i mean apple was the first one to come out with those cool Icons .. and well XP uses them too .. next apple came with the dashboard .. and now Microsoft is making the side bar ! DAMN !How many times will microsoft not use its own ideas for a change ? If some of you people would have seen the longhorn tests since the time it was started .. i guess the 3rd or the 4rt beta version that came out .. i guess june or september 2004 dunt remember .. ( would welcome if someone corrects me ) this release was the last one to have a side bar .. microsoft stopped the development because of many reasons .. and one reason being ppl boycotting it cause of system slowdown. Jeez i mean c'mon we already have a watch in the taskbar .. why is there a need for a bigger clock on the side and reduce the work space ? Well thats all i can think right now .. because all this Apple Vs M$ is kinda bugging lol .. both have their strong and weak points .. but i think M$ should be a little more self innovative ..Cheers.

  16. Hello people ..I was starting a forum like community for my college and umm i came with 2 options of boards .. IPB and vBOut of the 2 could u please help me choose the best one for me .. as well as the best one in user compatibility and other stuff .. Its a student college portal so theer should be attachments and avatar .. and sum cool mods u can give me ideas on .. Thankx :DDhanesh

  17. Lol.. okk.. wait up fixing that.. :D that happened coz your account creation process was broken - you were alloted diskspace on the webhost but you weren't placed in the HOSTED group. When I did that manually you lost all your credits. Don't worry - it'll be fixed.


    lol .. micro .. thankx man .. i was a lil worried a bit there .. i mean i dunt mind gettin less credits .. but " Negative " ?? lol .. newayz thats not a bother now tho .. so all i have to do is wait a day ? .. and then i'll be allowed into the upgrade section cause if u would rollback then u woudl see that i have 40+ credits .. so i can apply for one eh ! .. cool :P


    Thankx for the help m8 .. appriciate it ... and sorry for being a pain like this lol ..

    Dhanesh ..


    Edit : If it helps .. u can just reset my credits .. remove the hosting .. and get everything as the first time i joined .. i wouldent mind starting again .. lol .. its more fun to post in forums and talk with ppl .. than to post just for credits .. :P

  18. *cough* GraphicsCard *cough* lolwell .. i see u have my post on ur screen .. cool .. i must say my posts look sweet when seen tru others screens .. mine is a sad old samsung samtron 15" arrgg .. soooooo .. all that overclocking was for ur BF2 game eh ? .. ok well i have sumthing for u .. but i cant get the name quick enuf .. its a graphics card emulator software .. uses pree installed graphic card ids or u can give it one .. and run the game to think its that hardware .. i'll keep an open eye for u .. and will let u know when i get that software .. But till then i suggest u take charge of cooling ur CPU / Graphicscard ..

  19. Nope.. the problem is that you haven't been placed in the HOSTED group - no wonder you are unable to post in the upgrade section. Anyways, that's fixed. :D Shouldn't be a problem anymore


    OUCH ! .. lol negative credit points ? .. whats that all about ?

    HOSTING CREDITS : (-)12960.20 (Negative)

    Your Hosting Credits have Expired. You will need atleast 4 credits to UN-SUSPENDED your hosting Account. Account is UN-suspended only when a user has more than 3 hosting credits. You get credits by making forum posts. After you make the required posts, your hosting account will be active automatically within a few hours.


    i have been regular and posting well .. but y is it negative ? .. and suddenly its reduced from 44.44 .. to this ? .. i was thinkin to upgrade .. but now ?? .. plz help me .. i am all confused here now ..




  20. lol i know what u mean .. m8 .. i go thru the same problem sumtimes .. but the only thing i do is either copy the whole thing i typed .. close notepad and restart notepad and paste and start typing again and its fine .. or .. if tat dosent work .. i just restart the PC .. and it works fine for me .. lol i havent gone into askin ppl y this is so .. but i like the effort u made .. hope u get ur answer soon .. it mite help me too :D ..Cheers

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