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Posts posted by cyph3r

  1. ok so let me just get this fixed :


    1) I pop in the windows xp cd and install a new version by formatting from the cd itself ( like i always do ).


    2) after the installation is done on c: i can pop in the Linux cds that i would d'load and continue with the installation on c: its self ? If yes, then the root would be c: i assume and the home partition would have to be manually selected ?


    3) after the the Linux installation and last reboot, i would be supplied with dual boot options ? and both Os would work fine !


    any mistake in the above ? I know thats a little too vague, but since i havent see a linux installation i wouldent know the basics and parameters. ok well i'll get on to that later, as of now, the partition question is : would i get to choose root and home in the linux installation itself ? root, yes obvious , but what about home ?



    And about the Right version for me .. err lol now thats a hard choice sheesh. I would compare between:





    so if you guys would now help me choose one out of the 2, that would help, cause i have been going through the posts again and again like a million times now, and i could come up with 2 versions as of now.


    Thankx for all the help and hopefully i would get an option by tommorow and would start d'loading the selected distro tommorow right away :D


    cheers and thankx

  2. I hope there won't be anymore flames like this one. If you have to criticize, please do so constructively and not rudely.


    I do agree that this forum is far better than the ones that tell you to ask questions "worth" their time. And i wasent being rude :D, sorry if my way of explaining seemed that say, but i didnt mean to even criticize. Its just that I wanted to be frank about how any newbie with NO knowledge of the subject would have felt, the knowledge of everything you know shouldent be at a high heap when u talk with a newbie who dosent know anything about the subject.


    Alright f'get about the forums, how many of us do this is real life ? i accept i do it too, i aint the perfect cool dude, but i do realise the effect on the other person.


    And i dunt hope, I know that this wouldent happen here again, my case mite be 0.1 out of 100, but i do love to hang out here. Its a fun place and want it to stay this way :D


    Cheers .. n Sorry again abhiram, i didnt mean to be rude m8. :D

  3. Hmm, off the posts and topic is just started in the operating system section. Well i was just going tru some of my old posts, and while browsing i realised that some days ago, there was a tutorial posted, well i didnt know then because i had clicked on the recent posted links and got there. I saw that post again. It was a tutorial on Tweaking Nvidia Gfx.


    Well it was my mistake i didnt see that it was in the linux section and i went accouring to the tutorial, till i came again and posted a message that this wasent working, yeah "i am retarded" i know, i still didnt motice the tutorial was for linux. Anyhow, after the post another post was made below me.


    You are n00b....big n00b. No offense.


    Every Linux is based on command prompt ! You can't use Linux without using command prompt ( command prompt <=> bash <==> shell <=> Bourne again shell ). 90% things which you perform, you do right in the command prompt.

    Where the command prompt is? Press ctrl+alt+F2 and you'll see.

    Where to learn how to use it? read abs.


    Notice from Klass:

    I am a Supreme Elite Linux Guru. I like to make new linux users feel like they are dirt under my feet. Next time I make someone feel like that Klass will ban me.


    When i went there today i noticed the note made by klass, but just out of curiosity, not any forum in particular, how can you expect someone to know everything that exists ? When ur asked a dum question ( hoping it was a windows question and not seeing it was for linux ) would you rather tell the person the right answer or get sercastic ?


    Just a thought. No hard feelings from my side, but this message kinda got me into a fire start for learning linux, and hell m doing pretty much i can to get standing, atleast so that the next time sumone else does what i did in a forum not noticing the topic, i would rather guide him to the right source or just tell him what the topic is really for.


    I have seen people around in real life who do the same, and m pretty much shure all of you have seen too. People who know alot in a certain topic may or may not willingly help u at times, but atleast a certain amount of respect for feelings should be kept. Maybe at times u really do wish to help, and get frustrated with the questions ur asked with, but c'mon, the questions u know pretty well, the other person dosent have a clue.


    So just requesting you guys or for that matter any one who comes to this forum, please do not make a newbie feel like a newbie, there are ways to tell, much better ways to do that, just dont try thinking u r god in what u know :D atleast spare Xisto from the snobishness that other forums brag about.


    Cheers :D

  4. Are these versions of linux trustable ? I mean since i am totally new i have this weird question abot linux distributions. There are so many out there. And most you folks here use linux since like 2-3 or more years rite ? so which one is the most reliable version ? or let me rephrase that. Are the versions that i sumed up in the last post going to stay in the linux scene for a long time ? A name i have been hearing since like 4-5 years is the Mandrake ( correct my spelling please ) Will any version i woud choose stop its development and die off in 3-4 years?Cheers

  5. Hmm ok now i get what KDE and GNOME mean, thanks for clearning up my doubts m8's.


    (im still recomending slackware or gentoo IF you want to take the fast route crash course without too much hand holding)


    Now getting back to " WHich Linux " I guess i have short listed 3 versions as of now again:






    Any more versions would help me make a final decision. Ok, well I agree to what qwijibow said about " you dunt learn unless you break something and then fix it yourself " totally goes with my situation now. But could i go into being a "serious" Linux Dude. What i mean is that i would get into linux, because windows ( no offence ) is trying to be a pain in my @**, err. I mean hearing stuff from somany people about security issues and ease of use by a user, Linux HAS to be good for a reason. I want Windows to stay a secondary option in my life in future, call it an aim or call it a decision :D


    Get a good book on Unix/Linux commands and start learning how to use the console. Installing a program is a very big thing for a newbie.... I know, I've been there.

    Thankx for that tip abhiram bro, I got some docs on Linux commands, ( believe me i have NO idea of what these commands mean ) i just went through them once and m sending them to get it printed for future refrence. I asked a buddy of mine to get books of Linux commands from the library, but there are so many, its just hard to find the right one, Its like u need to learn sumthing in particular, but this is the hard way to go to it i guess. I dont know anyone here who has knowledge of Linux other than my college Admin who seems to be a snob :D Anyways, leme see how many books i get my hands on, Its Linux study time for me now :D


    (ohh, unless you acciently format the root partiton, then you need ot re-install.. lol)


    Your r scaring me. As per my windows knowledge, FORMAT means removal of the total system. So whats the root partition here. I hope its the primary one. and no ! lol i aint gona format the primary or root, infact it would be nice if u guys tell me some " DO NOT USE" codes when am pretty good to go with Linux.



    And thankx again for all ur help.

  6. ok, Well first of before i start anything i just realised that, even tho there would be many version names of linux comming my way i would be choosing one. I wish i could choose all at one go :D but i need to learn serious linux'ing from scratch. No offence to the folks that help me by giving names of distros but i would appriciate their help alot.


    Ok, so till now, i have sumed up these version in the posts till now:










    EDIT : I checked this site out --> HERE, and it gave me all versions of linux, new and old. This was the page hit rank:


    Rank Distribution Hits

    1 Ubuntu 2670

    2 Mandriva 1604

    3 Fedora 1320

    4 SUSE 1220

    5 MEPIS 1200


    Does this mean that higher the hits on a page, stable and secure and advanced is the linux version ?



    ok, now in all the posts i saw, in this one post i would like to clear out one of my questions for good ! Which Version Of LINUX ?? This one line that hit me real hard was this :

    Mandrake and SUSE are *newbie* distros.

    They hide the *REAL* linux behind auto configureation wizzards, and graphical interfaces.

    Great if your a newbie, but a pain for those who want to learn hard core Linux.

    Guys, i need to learn hardcore linux, and even if that means i have to start with an advanced version, i WILL do it. I want to. So could u guys suggest a "non-newbie" distro lol. sounds weird, but i need a distro that would work for me, cause since i am just at college and having my last lear on. After i get out of here i need to get into the corporate world with the knowledge of linux an Admin or a system analysist needs.


    Hope the "Which Version of Linux" Trauma ends soon cause if i find 2-3 people agreeing on 1 distro thats advanced, secure, and better in all ways, i would go for it, learning other distros like SuSE can come later when i am done learning the real stuff. dont u think ?


    Now comming to the point of dual installation. I have windows on c:\ and i f'got to mention that i AM ready to give up my present windows installation. So can i install linux on a 18.6 GB partition ? as in


    10GB ---> Windows XP

    8.6GB---> Linux

    Can this be done ? And yes i got the point of installing windows first and Linux after that so it creates a dual boot easily. I realise how annoying windows gets when it comes to dual boot ups. The reason y i am just stuck with this 1 drive is that the rest all drives are almost full with 1 gb max remaining in them. so i have the option of only my c:\ drive to install both OS. Do i need to "RE-Partition" the c:\ again ? or just plain install a new windows installation and pop the linux cd in and start with the linux installation selecting the same drive for dual boot.


    Many, frustrating questions and i am annoying u all as hell :D sorry again.


    EDIT 2 : what is "KDE and Gnome desktops" , Just curious.



  7. Heya guys,Ok well since my website forum problem was solved, here i m back again to learn new stuff and be a pain in the neck again to all you folks with the bunch of questions :DWell lets get started :I use a windows XP os as of now, and i have worked on a MAC quiet a few times so i am well versed with it. But now i want to learn the Linux Os, no not for the fun sake of it but since i am doing my Bachelors in IT i would need to know how to operate on linux for future prospects. Well i am totally new to linux as in i havent touched a Linux os in my life and its like a new toy i would be playiing with for a while to learn, so would request all your folks to please bare with me :DTo start off i have tried to make my self clear by points :1) Which version should i use ? i know there are like 30 - 40 versions out there, but what do u suggest i use. I have a pre made thought, its Suse. but i would like to know sum silent features of this compared to any good version u give me. I dont mind learning how hard it is, but i want to learn it for my future life work. So please suggest some version that would hold on for 5-6 years at the first position in everyones good books.2) In SuSE, i came accross suse linux by novell ? i was confused about the difference the latest is 10 beta 2 if i am not wrong. but please update me with the info and it would be nice if you guide me to the download link and documentation of SuSE and all possible links u feel would help be get the knowledge i would need to get from a n00b to an advanced user. i m ready to put in my effort.3) I want to make this a dual OS, because i "need" windows atleast till i get the hang of it, to browse, ask questions and stuff. So heres my status as of now:c:/ , d:/ , e:/ , f:/ ---> all 18.6 GB and i use c:\ for my OS ONLY so i guess i can install win and linux on c:\ with no problems ? how do i go about it nd what seps should i take first hand. Do i partition c:\ into 2 more parts or windows or linux does it for me ? Which one do i install first, windows or linux.4) A small definition or a few lines on why the professionals prefer linux to windows.Hope i get these answers without anyone screeming at me lol. but i would take interest and learn, that much i can tell. I am doing this the hard way ( askin on forums and getting answers not so instantly ) so please bare with me if i get annoying sometimes with loads of questions. Most of you folks take out time from your busy schedule and come here to have fun and to post, My apologies to the people i would be troubling with my load of questions. I hope to learn Linux and hope to learn it from you folks :Dthankx in advanceCheers.

  8. 1) DOWNLOAD.com


    2) TUCOWS.com


    3) ZDNET.com



    Some of the other widely used download sites other than majorgeeks :D there MAY be more, not sticking to this list. but i think these r the most reliable or rather fast to d'load with different server options. Relaible - umm, i dunt know if i found anyone reliable yet. all u have to do is upload ur file, no one checks it unless after 2 -3 days when 1000 people have d'loaded and reported it spyware or virus.

  9. Any one seen the trailer ? The movie looked "OK" not so good to me, would know for shure when it comes out. But i guess with rock in it, the movie gets a lift. and the Mars base doesnt quiet look the same as in the game :D wonder which planet was it. :DEDIT : Release date is 21 October 2005 on the trailer. :D

  10. Ahhh .. lol 4D is counted as Time, So i doubt they would come up with something :D but after all these years an imagination of a 3d display has finally come true, so maybe something related to 4Dwould be existant in my old age :D maybe a time travel sofa, or a record your memories on an MMC, lol weird ideas but someone watching over this site would take my idea :D .. just hope he gives me credits :D




  11. That's what we need in the channel - PEOPLE :D We need people to join us there regularly and have some fun :D


    ok well, most of the people that come on Xisto dont see "IRC" unless its on a post. I myself didnt see it till 2 days later after joining in. If we need people to join us there, we need a visible link to IRC on the website. almost 30% users are the beginners in computers so what link you give them they click there. rest 40% are the daily web surfers, time is imporatant to them. and the rest 30% are like me :D always on asta or on the net doing something or the other because of the holidays.


    It would be nice if you did something about IRC because apart from posting, I guess there should be some means of communication and fun between members. May it be just chat or games on IRC, either ways it helps keep people glued on.


    Cheers .. :D

  12. just out of curiosity, does this method really work in this day, with the latest media? I mean this holds true for a screen capture on a PC, even if he has to connect his TV with his PC, what i am guessing is that he needs " ALL " the movies in it including the cut scenes till the end. It Would be hard if he has to play the whole game again and record the scenes :D

  13. A little search on google found me this :

    I found alot of good info on how to extract the PS2 movie files. It only works for FFX and FF X-2, you can extract them but that's not the problem when I try to get the movie clip and the audio together is when I seem to get stuck cause it just won't work. You have to do things differently for every single game, there isn't a general tool for them all. Its a pain in the a**!! not every game has pss files so pssplex will only work on about 10% of the PS2 games outhere, there just has to be an easier way to do this like burning DVD movies.

    i dont play ps2 game so i wouldent know much, but i guess many others here would help u .. :D


  14. arrgg .. hate u people ! :D

    saw all the posts and you people cry for speed ? :D lol here i cry for the damn proxy. Living in an arab country makes it harder to get through a few search sites or technical related sites.

    Btw .. i am still on the good ol 512 ADSL, Dosent do much of a harm but i have to pay like 250 Dhs / mth. Thats a lot if u compare US or any other countries rates. Ofcourse we have only 1 ISP ! dont we rock ? ! @##$%$ :D

    We apologize the site you are attempting to visit has been blocked due to its content being inconsistent with the religious, cultural, political and moral values of the United Arab Emirates.
    If you think this site should not be blocked, please visit the Feedback Form available on our website.

    Even if its a forum site some of them are blocked, man .. talk about freedom of speech :D

    cheers ..

  15. Amazing :D.  That paper display sounds pretty frigging sweet to :D


    lol heres the news,


    Fujitsu has developed the worldâs 1st film substrate-based bendable color electronic paper with image memory function. This breakthrough electronic paper features vivid color images that are unaffected even when the screen is bent, and is capable of continuous display of the same image without the need for electricity.


    It uses very low power (1/100 to 1/10000 the energy of conventional display technology) to change screen images, thus making it ideal for displaying information in public areas as a type of new electronic media that can be handled as easily as paper.


    >> FULL STORY <<



    Cheers ..

  16. Dude, lol omg that was to the point man. nice dream tho, It reminds me of Halo + Sphere ( movie ) + Doom = cyborgxxi. Well u had a dream about urself, so as long as i have gone through written material, i think its good. Dreaming about yourself means that you are to head somwhere to a goal. You need to keep an eye for those other dreams u may have and then start analysing them.Dreams can say a lot about you u know, though some mite not care for it.

  17. Vista ? err .. kidding ? Fast ? reliable ? jeez man, its a disaster !It dosent install on a Geforce4It dosent install drivers without a signatureIt dosent go twice as fast as it is proposed to run on a 512 MB DDR compared to XPIt .... ( looooooong list )aww well " LongHorn " had it for me. Lets hope the versions i get after the Beta 1 arent slow, uninstallable and not so annoying. But i must say i had a blast of time telling M$ how i felt after the beta test :D. It opened new horizons to my dictionary of foul language. Well dunt look at me :D i was just furstrated over an install.

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